Freedom of speech

Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog started the topic in Thursday, 16 Jun 2016 at 4:00pm

What is freedom of speech?

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Saturday, 8 Jul 2017 at 12:35pm

Yes I generally agree, although i think some racial stereotypes can be true, and are often based on some truth, but often an outdated truth or view that may no longer be relevant.

I do hate it when people say you can't generalise though, i think there is times you can generalise about certain groups on certain things, but i think you have to be careful when you do generalise.

For example:

You could say Christians are generally more likely to be conservative in their views than liberal.

Or you could even say surfers are generally easy going and carefree. (but IMO getting less and less)

Or you could say these days muslims are more likely to blow themselves up than non religious people.

Or Jew are more likely to have big noses than small noses.

Or Asians are more likely be smaller in height than say African people.

You get the drift.

BTW. I think you might be implying i use racial stereo types about Aboriginal people or Muslims, i don't think thats fair if you re read my post i make it clear that Aboriginal people are varied in their views if i am talking about the problems they face its not based on my opinion its based on reliable news sources even Aboriginal websites.

And I've also made it clear in the muslim thread i often find myself protecting muslims in particular stereotypes aimed at them.

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Saturday, 8 Jul 2017 at 1:47pm

"Or you could say these days muslims are more likely to blow themselves up than non religious people."

"And I've also made it clear in the muslim thread i often find myself protecting muslims in particular stereotypes aimed at them."

Well done Champ, if you are going to contradict yourself try not to do it in the same post.

tonybarber's picture
tonybarber's picture
tonybarber Saturday, 8 Jul 2017 at 2:27pm

BB, you asked 'So tb, would you like to tell us the exact purpose of your post, if it is not to encourage, racist, quasi-racist and borderline racist comments?'
the fact that you seem to suggest 'to encourage racist comments' seems to indicate either that you are a legal expert in this area or have not followed some recent 'racist' issues which has been complex and difficult to understand to say the least. Regardless , even Dr Triggs has acknowledged this and has advised the government on possible changes.
Im sure you know of the Bill Leak cartoon and Ms Prior / QUT issue. If not, interesting reading on the term 'racist' as it applies today in Australian law.
Many here, have been throwing that term around, at each other, whatever.
Lets be truthful here, there is certainly no need for me 'to encourage' any such comments or quasi comments.
For me, its fact . It is complex and if a Supreme Court judge is required to make a ruling contrary to what our HRC commissioners then its fair to ask. What is the true meaning of 'racist' as it applies today in Aus. Good Luck.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Saturday, 8 Jul 2017 at 4:13pm

That's not a stereotype thats a fact.

How many non religious people in recent history would have blown themselves up on purpose?

It's not exactly a stat we can easy look up, but i think its fair to say this would be one of the most rare forms of suicide, there might not even be a case in recent years?

However we all know there is many many people who are muslims that have blown themselves up in recent history.

"The year 2016 was the deadliest in the history of suicide terrorism, an Israeli think tank said, with 469 suicide bombings carried out by 800 perpetrators in 28 countries, causing the deaths of about 5,650 people".

It was pretty hard, i googled quite a few different phrases and found something with non muslim suicide bombers, two of them

"One of the remaining two attacks was carried out by the Kurdish underground. The other was perpetrated by a woman supporter of a leftist group in Turkey"

2 vs 450?

tonybarber's picture
tonybarber's picture
tonybarber Saturday, 8 Jul 2017 at 4:25pm

Not sure, your question Fong. It seemed some people give a 'fig'. Especially on this chat. Land stolen ? Which land or lands are not stolen maybe an easier question ?

Herc's picture
Herc's picture
Herc Saturday, 8 Jul 2017 at 4:39pm

'Well done Champ, if you are going to contradict yourself try not to do it in the same post.'

Oh dear. Its just public bungle after bungle after bungle isn't is meindorippingcooorldude (although miles and miles too late). All rolling of the tongue so eloquently and civilized.

Amasing what a good ol shake of that good ol , tawdry, dusty, grimy, fake olive branch is turning up. If only it had been pushed a bit further under the rug!

And look who's dropped out now, tripping and bungling around clumsily on the screens!

'Indo, cheers for posting that Insight video, very interesting.'

'Cheers Andy'

Ahhh, that bright spark Andy/indyM is back! And what a team these two professional, bungling 'challengers' make!

And yes, right on queue meindorippingcoorldude, you confirm that so obvious pattern. But before we go there, you might think that you will do this and that, and blab this and that, if we met. No, I would save the time and quickly tell you that I have no time for racist rednecks, not remotely interested. Because, anyone that goes on a picnic with ivan milat has rocks in their head, no matter what anyone says.

That oh so obvious good 'ol pattern. Despite continually spieling and driveling otherwise, you've read everyone of my posts, and answered everyone of them, in the same, shallow, see through, as much substance as wet tissue, fashion. Lots of baseless IMO's too. Like this.

'and like most cultures people especially among the young they are not always so interested in tradition culture and are more interested in things outside their culture like music, technology, internet/computer games, movies, drugs, porn etc. (this problem is seen among many cultures for example traditional Mentawai people, were the children as they grow old enough want to move to a city and live a non traditional life)'

North Sentinel Islanders. The one Culture good 'ol uncle whitey didn't get to obliterate, or have an effect on. Guess what, you smugly dismiss them! And, guess what. They are not remotely interested. In anything you assert above. If only good 'ol uncle whitey could pull a peacemakin' missile on them and blast them fuckers! They've seen his 'work', his redneck, racist advice in action across the road. His disaster is polite. Total fuck up. Again. So, you in 'I AM A ROBOT' mode, that 'IMO I don't know what I am saying' pattern, downplay that, dodge it. To focus on the past and present 'IMO failings' of Indigenous Australians. To keep the good 'ol pattern, the 'balance'. 60,000 years of unrivaled Cultural success. Not IMO, fact. 600 diverse Cultural groups and different people living with the common goal of Spirituality, Oneness, reciprocity and all that encompasses. Not IMO fact. Unmatched 60,000 year success. Fact. But you focus on 'naaar... they weren't perfect aye mmmmaaaayyytee'. Always. Or that ludicrous, IMO 'it was a big, lucky country, that's all'! Like Africa? South America? With all the wars and slavery? Naarr, naaarr, IMO that don't matter but, aye mmmaaayyyyteee!

200 odd years. Our record. Unmatched pollution, unmatched crime, unmatched obesity, unmatched haves and have not's, unmatched depression, unmatched suicide, unmatched overflowing prisons, unmatched debt, unmatched obesity, unmatched numerous epidemics, etc, etc, etc, all increasing daily. Not IMO, in fact. Then the instigators and enablers of that, have the stupidity, or arrogance to say IMO, this is how Indigenous Australians should do things, corse IMO we know best? And, more like the truth, we got the guns, and we got all the spoils of our heinous, unmatched, genocidal, brutal, despicable crimes. We got a 'balanced life'. That 'good 'ol uncle whitey pattern. The mess maker.

But look, despite all of that, despite that evidence, that tip of the iceberg map, despite this,

“International scholars have found because massacres tend to be carried out in secret, it’s hard to get reliable information at the time it happens. Often the best information comes out later when people speak out when they know they’re not going to be killed for talking about it.

“In Srebrenica nobody could speak about it when it was going on as they were too scared. The real horror came out years later and now the perpetrators are being brought to justice.

“In Australia very few perpetrators were brought to justice. I’m a historian so it’s not my intention to bring people to justice with this map. However, we do know the impact of massacre reverberates across the generations. When I visit Aboriginal communities today the first thing they do is take you to the massacre site,” Professor Ryan said.'

'Many of the listings include extracts from colonial texts and first-person settler accounts, which bluntly describe the killings.

“They are absolutely callous and horrendous,” Ryan said, adding that she and other researchers often had to take a break from the work because could not read another account of slaughter.

“It is very traumatising, and you have to walk away from it … It’s probably another reason why it’s taking so long [to pull the map together],” she said.'

yes, despite all of the above, the ramifications of that, when it is shown that Indigenous Australian Cultures are shining on, alive and well, and never stopped, never surrendered, you, meandyindorippingcoorldude, running on that good ol pattern, shallowly downplay that. When it is shown as fact, that in the midst of the literal rubble, Indigenous Australian assess what is now the environment that they have left to work with, which in only such a short time we obliterated against the law and their will,and ensure their Cultures never die. How can they, they are based on the One thing that never does. So as that Spirit shines through, against all odds, you revert to ridiculing it again, asserting your good 'ol uncle whitey IMO. Sitting so smugly and smarmy and balanced with the spoils of horrific crimes and deceit.

Especially considering your, in context, ridiculously trivial story that you posted, where you were almost driven to suicide because you surfed around the country and indo (miles and miles to late though) and couldn't pay your rego. And you of all people, honestly can't appreciate, and celebrate in full, the amasing qualities of that, as you now describe it, 'just a hip hop, rape video', (that, your feeble response, is beyond piss weak) and deluxe website. Because Indigenous Australians are choosing to successfully express their Cultures with this new environment that they suddenly, so unmatched in human history had, brutally horrifically forced on them? Oh what a robotic, good 'ol uncle whitey feelin'!

for ten years after i left school i only worked part time or bummed around on the dole before i got a full time job, i lived out of a Kombi twice traveling up and down the east coast for six months each time and bummed around in Indonesia on and off for a total of a few tears of my life, even now although i have a mortgage to pay and married with a child, i have a work/life balance, i work for myself (not in an office, I'm a tradie) and most weeks i do about a 20-25 hour week, and still get to Indonesia for a minimum of 4 weeks a year.

On the flip side ive also experienced the negative aspect of not working where you lose purpose in your life you struggle and stress from not having money you do shit you wouldn't otherwise do to get money or just silly things that can be as simple as saying fuck it I'm not paying my rego and driving around without it then you get busted and then find things even harder because you have to pay a fine much bigger than what your rego would have been and you don't have the coin to do so, I've partied and drunk way to much for way too long that slowly puts you into a hole of depression, I've even been suicidal because of depression but thankfully i was too gutless to go through with it.

And you never did get around to addressing who pays for your 'work/life balance'. All the people getting screwed so that you have 'balance'. The sheer brilliance of that system. That 'how can we get the fuckers (globally now too), to work heaps more for heaps less', brilliant, 'balanced', advanced, dog eat dog, good 'ol uncle whitey mentality.

Have another, not so shallow, robotic look, meandyindorippingcooorldude, go much, much, much deeper. And if you looked deep enough you would see that Indigenous Culture is always there, it never died.Its taking time, understandably but look deluxe, shining on, getting seen more and more. The Truth. In the global spotlight now.
Don't get to red and flushed around your neck, don't choke now!

This is real. Deluxe. And just a glimpse.

People are very busy, change is in the air, deluxe! Self Determination.

'Now seems as good as any time as too shamelessly put up a free ad !

A indigenous surf and culture festival at Fingal head. Nsw.

11th and 13th August.

If you need any more info on surfing, whats there for families or setting up a market stall-

Rather than read / google about our shared history ...get out and meet ya orginal locals.

Worst thing that will happen is you have a great time and make some new mates and understand we are much more all the same than different !'

That's the Spirit. A real invitation to embrace and celebrate our real founders, and their family, and all that encompasses, and their one of a kind, 60,000 year rich Cultures.

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Saturday, 8 Jul 2017 at 5:31pm

And as usual, Herckeylift does an absolutely sterling job of winning people over to his side of the discussion by using clear, concise arguments, persuasive rhetoric and even good ol' fashioned manners!

Love ya work ya raw-boned stallion! Or maybe a tailor on the bite...

As well Turcules, Indo puts up a very interesting video featuring opinions of Indigenous crew of all descriptions from all over Australia and you mock it and ridicule it?

Now THAT'S "Uncle Whitey" in action right there, with arrogance bursting out of every pore - well played old chap!

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Saturday, 8 Jul 2017 at 5:32pm

Take a deep breath Herc.

Herc's picture
Herc's picture
Herc Saturday, 8 Jul 2017 at 5:48pm

Well dodged again meandyrippingcooorldude!

But remember, you said,

'sometimes i even feel the urge in frustration, but IMO it's really pointless and adds nothing to the discussion, just like silly videos posted to mock others.'

And now you've been caught out again, more flowing bullshitting! You didn't have to put the video on about your meltdown when you were surfing and couldn't pay your rego, you've already told us!

Another bullshit brainwave AndyindoM? Remember when you were so sure of yourself and so wrong ! Show me where I commented on and mocked that video? More bullshit.

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Saturday, 8 Jul 2017 at 5:47pm

While we're at it, this one's for you Herckeylift...

Herc's picture
Herc's picture
Herc Saturday, 8 Jul 2017 at 6:10pm

Oh Andy/indoM, ever the so sure, wise voice of reason. Except, you proved no, you aren't. You will never forget that public stuff up will you. You were so wise and certain. Yet so wrong... again. Blame me lil' AndyindoM, if it soothes you.

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Saturday, 8 Jul 2017 at 6:36pm

"And look who's dropped out now, tripping and bungling around clumsily on the screens!

'Indo, cheers for posting that Insight video, very interesting.'

'Cheers Andy'

Ahhh, that bright spark Andy/indyM is back! And what a team these two professional, bungling 'challengers' make!"

It's ok big fella we all let out true selves shine through sometimes, it's just that after all your drivel, who'd have imagined you mocking such a video?

Poor form.

Herc's picture
Herc's picture
Herc Saturday, 8 Jul 2017 at 6:52pm

Poor Andy, yeh as you show I mocked you. Again. About when you had that so sure, but so wrong brainwave. Didn't mention any video. But if you weren't so shallow, such a bullshitter, you would see I did many times before. But, really I understand lil' AndyindoM, you'll never forget that ever so sure, reasoned, brilliant investigative work... but oh so wrong, bungle. Again, blame me, if it soothes you.

'Here's some news for you ibinindotomesoripcooooorl, Tradtional Indigenous Australians already had numerous different Cultures and different people living in relative harmony, working together for the common good, for 60,000 years, before the british sleazily, manically ran amuck. 60,000 years. You know? Shit hang on, let me break that down so you at least have a shot at it. 1(you know, one) x 6 (you know six) = 6. So then 6 (you know, six) x 10 (you know ten)... ahh fuck it, now you are probably 'feeling' light headed. Why don't you just get all your 'good 'ol uncle whitey clan boyz together and see if you can google what 60,000 means?'

happyasS's picture
happyasS's picture
happyasS Saturday, 8 Jul 2017 at 8:58pm

"i think there is a difference between being Aboriginal and having some Aboriginal heritage, IMO they are different things."

so what if they are different things indo. why is it important to understand the degree of aboriginal heritage in the context of treaty?

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Saturday, 8 Jul 2017 at 10:26pm


tonybarber's picture
tonybarber's picture
tonybarber Sunday, 9 Jul 2017 at 11:29am

Do any of you blokes surf ?
You sure ?

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Sunday, 9 Jul 2017 at 2:39pm

Great question Tonybarber, been wondering that myself about a certain regular correspondent here.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Sunday, 9 Jul 2017 at 2:55pm

Who do you think is the landlubber amongst us ?

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Sunday, 9 Jul 2017 at 3:01pm

You talking to me or TB?
I'm not thinking you Blowie

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Sunday, 9 Jul 2017 at 3:08pm

I am just curious.

Let's have a name. Or at least a hint so obvious I can't miss.

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Sunday, 9 Jul 2017 at 4:39pm


indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Sunday, 9 Jul 2017 at 5:07pm

If your talking about me, i have to admit i haven't been in the water much of late, I'm either working or when I'm not working i have to look after my daughter as my wife works too.

Not that i should have to justify how much time i spend in the water or how much i don't, i don't surf for anyone else but myself.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Sunday, 9 Jul 2017 at 5:32pm


I think there is many reasons, how can you even have a treaty with people whom you don't really have a proper definition of who they are?

Or have have a treaty between non aboriginal Australians with people who are more non Aboriginal than Aboriginal?

Makes no sense at all.

If i take these points from this page

I could see where it could be problematic.

Land rights, Shared Power, Representation, Statutory entitlements.

If it's going to be done at least do it properly so it benefits and gives a voice and power to true Aboriginal people not old uncle whitey who has some Aboriginal heritage.

BTW. I think in that ABC Video discussion someone touched on this kind of thing.

PS. I wish you hadn't asked that question, i really just wanted to give this topic a rest and talk about something else, now I'm going to have to read another rant of Hercs. (that I'm not going to reply too, as i said he is back on ignore, pointless interacting with him)

Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog Sunday, 9 Jul 2017 at 5:53pm

Guy smiley.
Yeah you busted me... I don't surf... Never have.... I wouldn't know a wax comb from a moon doggy. I just like to find web pages that have political threads, and then cause havoc...

But if you think things get heated here, head over to my other favorite hangout sport chat page, "We love the cock" ( Badminton international).... Maaaan do they get feral.

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Sunday, 9 Jul 2017 at 6:01pm

nah wasn't you either sheepdog, have you figured as that guy you find surfing an isolated reef by himself after trudging through the bush for an hour either side of Bass Strait. Cheers, reckon Bill Shortbread is gunna be the Steven Bradbury of AU politics?

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Sunday, 9 Jul 2017 at 6:27pm

Thank you for the laughs this Sunday evening , Sheepy.

Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog Sunday, 9 Jul 2017 at 6:32pm

Guy bahahahahaha....... That was me about 10 years ago.... Now I'm the cranky old unfit has been with fucked knees and shoulders, that may luck the occasional splash when the work/wife/aching bones stars all align.
At least i have memories till the dementia sets in lol

And that's where even though "the lift" may be a major pin head, I do respect how he keeps his fitness and his knowledge on rehab.
Still a goose though. bahahaha

Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog Sunday, 9 Jul 2017 at 6:36pm

As far as Bilge Shortbread goes, if that's what it has come to, taking relief in the fact that you get bowl of urine soup instead of a shit pie, then may god spare us all.

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Sunday, 9 Jul 2017 at 7:19pm

yeah sheepdog, yeah as we all get on its all about dry land exercise & rehab to keep us in the surf, uplift is spot on that way, i aim to keep my eyebrows salty,
urine soup or shit pie .....mmmm, I'm going vegan hahaha

Herc's picture
Herc's picture
Herc Sunday, 9 Jul 2017 at 10:06pm

Fuck, I can't even begin to imagine what it would be like not having a clue how to look after yourself? Not being super fit. Why would anyone have injuries... I mean, what's your point(s)?

'But weese knows how to fix evewyfing else but!!!!'

'Hey, no worries, sounds real good... shit is that the time! I'll be in touch for sure... mmmmmaaaayyyttteee...'

“Why even in the process of thinking and not using our body, it is a matter of common knowledge that grave mistakes may often be traced to bad health. And because the body is in a bad condition loss of memory, depression and discontent often attack the mind so violently as to drive out whatever knowledge it contains”

Socrates said that whoever is in great shape is likely to experience the opposite of these negative effects. They will experience improved memory, less depression and a happier life. He says;

“Surely a person of sense would submit to anything, like exercise, so as to obtain a well functioning mind and a pleasant, happy life”

Socrates concludes by saying;

“It is a disgrace to grow old through sheer carelessness before seeing what manner of person you may become by developing your bodily strength and beauty to their highest limit”

Swillnut smashed crab yogis! Lights out! Swillnuts down! Again!

'Didn't really want to get involved in this fake clickbait crap thread. But obviously something heavy has gone down, which was Blowins real intention.'

Oh dear. Here we go again. No, dawg, his real intention, now that mummy's blown his knowthz, and wiped his wittle eythes dwy, and taken him down to the police station... again... is this, this public, beyond ludicrous, fucking sickening debacle and gathering of swillnuttin' smashed crab yogis. The show goes on!


Oh, oh, now they're all getting damn red misty on me!

'Why the fuck are you back here?

Anyway, for what it's worth, I agree with your statement.'

Aye? Twins! Twinnies! Ohhhh noooo! Stuie! Swillstabbers rule!!!

Anyway crabs, heading off again! Shit even older now, over 60 in these, but, yeh, gotta stay fit, surely? And yeh, yeh, I know, swillnuts, but, then again, I never did look to me right, or left for that matter, and see any of yous limestone shredders and chargers at blax, never, not one of yas! Not one, all them years! Not even the mighty twinnie drubber stuie, that dun real time! Jeeeze yas went hard on the net but! Until all them injareesze! And this is bit heavier than that, comes outa real deep water, and I won't be seeing any of yas there either! No doubt you youngin's will go 'ard but... again... orn the net! Aye, what yas pulling in ya deadies nowadays boyz!
Aaaaaahhhh dear! Its enough to make you laugh ya fuckin' head off... again... and again...

Now now! Just a bitta kumbaya funnin' with yaz! Not that YAZ! Jeeze, whata farkin 'floggin' that was!

'Ayyyee??? Too low ya reckon? Too shallow? Too sharp? Too quick? Too close to the rocks? Rocks... fuckin rocks? Nah, spent me whole life doing that, she'll be right mate! And stop takin' farkin' foters orv me aaayyyeeeee! Anyone would think I bogged and drowned me fourby, or left me leggie home, or seen a fish, or dun a gutsuck side pose, or sumthin' special like that!
Aaaaaahhhh dear! Bloody surfees!

Remember what Socrates said now, smashed crab yogis. Well, to be concise, to cut to the chase, he basically said you're all a pack of useless, lazy, fuckin' drongos! Carry 'orn swillnuttin! Catch up in 2030 aye boyz!

Aaaaaahhhh dear! Its enough to make you laugh ya fuckin' head off... again... and again...

Aaaaaahhhh dear! Bloody surfees!

Herc's picture
Herc's picture
Herc Sunday, 9 Jul 2017 at 9:47pm


Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog Monday, 10 Jul 2017 at 12:11am

Herc.... Not everyone can run gyms, do "fitness" as a job. Imagine if the whole world just "worked out".... No janitors, no computer programmers making sites where people can wank on like yourself, no one cooking food, doing research in labs 9 hours a day, answering phones.

"Anyway, for what it's worth, I agree with your statement.'".................. Yeah..... About our indigenous brothers??? I agree with you..... Like Alan Jones..... 95% of what he says is shit.... But every now and then, he's right... And on this one, I agree with you....

"'Why the fuck are you back here?"................ Well???? You said you were never coming back.... But here you are...

As for the pics, yeah nice little right hander... Dunno about pulling into a tube that not a tube..... Shoulda knocked the top off it.... Suppose it's hard with a board that big.

Herc's picture
Herc's picture
Herc Monday, 10 Jul 2017 at 1:24am

Soft cock, piss weak, slack arse cop out dog. I've been a cleaner, grave digger, disabled carer, wardsman, worked with nungas, run caravan parks, draftsman, and, always trained. Always. Always trained and helped other people. All that time. Over 45 years. Plenty who wouldn't be surfing, or even working for that matter. Always learning about it. Now I just fix people, heaps, everyday. Some, well, plenty for nothing if I can. Always have. Training this guy now dog, making some real good progress. Gotta keep him up, keep him strong, keep everything working. keep him on the buggie. Everyday is a mission, a lottery. He never makes any fucking soft cock excuses. Fuck he trains hard.

I knew you'd go hard on here son. You wouldn't go near that wave dog. Heaps heavier than blacks. Ain't the fucking east coast! Or fuckin chis! Or the fucking SE. Aaaah jeeze. Put it on the list, if there's room, another one you'd kill it at, on that list! Plenty of time left, especially at your young age. Yeh, that board's way too big for your little fucked body dawg. Too much for you. What are you pulling in ya deadies these days son. At your young age, should be a decent weight aye! What are throwing on ya back? You know what they say, basically, actually, hang on, fucked up fitness, knees, shoulders, what the fuck for. Socrates is right, nah, nah you don't have a fuckin' clue! And ya don't even know it! Fuck, that's funny, that's life membership in the swillnuttin kumbaya club! Hey check out Robbie down there. Now ya a local! Sarge. Don't make out ya can surf better than ya can though. Ya gotta earn ya way back on the boat son. You kumbaya, swillnuttin bad boy!

Aaaaaahhhh dear! Its enough to make you laugh ya fuckin' head off... again... and again...

Aaaaaahhhh dear! Bloody surfees!

tonybarber's picture
tonybarber's picture
tonybarber Monday, 10 Jul 2017 at 8:17am

Ahhh, now its clearer.
I am sure there is no such requirement as being a 'surfer'. As far as I know.
So it's not clear why Stu has such a blog. Some were possibly under the impression SN was hoping for a chat. But it's more like a couple of dogs barking at each other with a fence separating them.
That's a different approach and as SD said just 'havoc'.
For those that don't surf - well, good luck. Learn about Alpha, Beta waves ....

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Monday, 10 Jul 2017 at 8:27am

"So it's not clear why Stu has such a blog"

Who? Where?

zenagain's picture
zenagain's picture
zenagain Monday, 10 Jul 2017 at 8:43am

C'mon Stu, we're not fooled that easily.

davetherave's picture
davetherave's picture
davetherave Monday, 10 Jul 2017 at 8:54am

tb, actually learning about brainwave entrainment would help your surfing. As would non attachment to your opinions. Having to be right at the expense of personal peace is insanity. Don't take the ego seriously. It only thinks it knows. But......

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Monday, 10 Jul 2017 at 9:03am

surf the cosmic waves ........

tonybarber's picture
tonybarber's picture
tonybarber Monday, 10 Jul 2017 at 9:13am

Dave, why the 'attachment to your opinions' ? Yes, your right, the brainwave environment. That why I asked the question. Not concerned about the ego, more about the intention.

Gaz1799's picture
Gaz1799's picture
Gaz1799 Monday, 10 Jul 2017 at 12:17pm

Edit comment: Herc I only know of one or two waves in the area as heavy as you say with any consistency and no ones banging the lip if they can see where the photographers standing, at least for one of them. Lip probably not thick enough to be that one though, but a nice wave all the same.

You're right, you probably wouldn't see many of us paddling out at blacks but I can guarantee you that if we lived a bit closer and got to have it as our local that might not be the case!

davetherave's picture
davetherave's picture
davetherave Monday, 10 Jul 2017 at 11:55am

tb, when you are too attached to your opinions you may feel the need to defend them. This shows that you may not be fully sure about them. My post is about the fact the ego will try to always defend its opinion cause it is a limited tool. Argument over opinion is just wasting your energy when you're intention and focus could be on things that really help you realize your full potential. I will be the broken record on this issue as it's part of my job description to keep people on track to being happily peaceful and prosperous.

tonybarber's picture
tonybarber's picture
tonybarber Monday, 10 Jul 2017 at 12:16pm

Gotya Dave, but I'm aiming for fact / truth. Opinion is not relevant . One needs to seperate the two - fact or opinion.

tonybarber's picture
tonybarber's picture
tonybarber Monday, 10 Jul 2017 at 12:16pm

Gotya Dave, but I'm aiming for fact / truth. Opinion is not relevant . One needs to seperate the two - fact or opinion.

Herc's picture
Herc's picture
Herc Monday, 10 Jul 2017 at 12:49pm

Ha, Gaz, yeh. Now I'm editing. You changed that a fair bit aye! Now you're out there! I think you are in the wrong country. Its heavier than blax, even less entry.

Which leads to intention. TB asks who even surfs. I don't care. Blowie's picked up a chance for a feed, starts buzzing, can't get through the screen, and despite this:

'Didn't really want to get involved in this fake clickbait crap thread. But obviously something heavy has gone down, which was Blowin's real intention.'

The dog starts yappin' and, minding my own business, I'm suddenly part of the answer?

'a major pin head, I do respect how he keeps his fitness and his knowledge on rehab.
Still a goose though. bahahaha'

Intention clear. Swillnut club.

I am seriously passionate about health. Well being. Some call it 'fitness'. Passionate like Socrates.

“Why even in the process of thinking and not using our body, it is a matter of common knowledge that grave mistakes may often be traced to bad health. And because the body is in a bad condition loss of memory, depression and discontent often attack the mind so violently as to drive out whatever knowledge it contains”

Socrates said that whoever is in great shape is likely to experience the opposite of these negative effects. They will experience improved memory, less depression and a happier life. He says;

“Surely a person of sense would submit to anything, like exercise, so as to obtain a well functioning mind and a pleasant, happy life”

Socrates concludes by saying;

“It is a disgrace to grow old through sheer carelessness before seeing what manner of person you may become by developing your bodily strength and beauty to their highest limit”

And at over 60, I've done far better than most in the field. And have ample evidence to back it. If you were egotistical, you would see that simple fact as something else. Its just a fact. I implore all my clients, anyone I talk to in the subject of health, learn to look after yourself, its imperative. I was on a board that had to meet with the various government health bodies. You are a fool if you believe that your welfare is truly important to them. Or your prime minister, or premier, or boss. Dollars are all important, productivity at less pay, that's all. So you had better figure out how to look after yourself really well. You owe it to your Self. Respect your Self. Nutrition too. I talked about eggs.... because according to the swillnuts I was trying to murder the wife of one with them, plus I was trying to kill the planet as well. I know what you are thinking, but, if you look deeply, you'll see what I am saying is actually fucking true! It is FFS! How can you not roll around the floor laughing when you hear shit like that...

Aaaaaahhhh dear! Its enough to make you laugh ya fuckin' head off... again... and again...

Aaaaaahhhh dear! Bloody surfees! Who needs the Simpsons!

Which leads to TB and dave's brainwaves. And Socrates points. Ever seen someone trying to contemplate anything with a genuinely fucked back? Or knees, or neck, or shoulders, or heart, or liver, or kidneys, stomach ulcer, fucked spleen, often all of that, etc, etc. Maybe Buddha could. Respect your self. We have no idea why, but we have been blessed with brains and bodies. A car to make the journey. From a genuine Mate. We can say thanks Mate, show respect, and wisdom, and genuinely care for it, so that we can truly enjoy the journey, and get to the destination. Or we can say, fanks mmmmaaaayyyteeee, (up yours!) and just trash the thing. Then carry on like fucking idiots wondering why its fucked.

Minds and conditioning. Brain waves. And the Source. Intention. Rule one, Truth. Its like fitness though. So much rubbish to sift through. Advertising and sales. Not hard though. Firstly, if you want deluxe back, knees, shoulders, necks etc, don't listen to someone who has fucked back, knees, shoulders, necks etc. Even if someone has deluxe back, knees, shoulders, necks etc, can they show they can fix fucked back, knees, shoulders, necks etc. Intention. Truth. Change your mind, change your life. Change your body, change your life. Who is it that is deciding to change them. Its like fitness. You have to do it to get the result.

I put that video of Rob up, because he is a classic. In many ways so 'normal'. But he's super stubborn, super determined, and very driven. And a smart guy. He made, adapted all those wheelchair contraptions to get around in. He came to see because his body was crumbling, especially shoulders and back, and I was recommended by people he trusts. His condition is radical, what happens to signals trying to get from his brain to his body. So with his friend he came, with his sack truck of shit. And he got really mad when I chucked it on the floor. He wanted me to understand his 'workouts'. The results of them were painfully obvious. It pisses me off, the money he'd spent on exercise specialists over years and years. That led to 'his body was crumbling, especially shoulders and back'. Anyway its too long of a story. He's a smart guy, studied how computers work. That made it easier, patterns, programs, conditioning, unconscious behaviour. And ridiculous imbalance. So, he's stoked. They said he couldn't train his legs. They are powering. He is getting so strong. His shoulders. Again, ego would see what it wants in this. Its just what is.

We have no excuses not to be in deluxe health. Just a few hours a week is all it takes if you are smart. Nutrition is always though. Holidays? I hammer my clients when they drivvle that shit. What, you want a holiday from feeling deluxe, so you can start feeling bad, while you 'enjoy' your holiday, you fucking idiot! Rob. I have exercised in the middle of the jungle for months, there is always a way. No soft cock, whining, dumb arse excuses.

So I posted. And back at the dog. The Simpsons, , no, no, its a 'new' episode.

Now the dog starts gnashing, biting as well as yapping.

Intention. Indigenous Australians taught me their Cultures and asked me to tell about it if I could. I know I learned it well, I am really passionate about it, and can back that up. The hardest part they had to teach me, was that they taught me so that I could understand where they were coming from, and support them, not so that I could figure out for them what to do. It took a while to understand the depth of that final, naive, well meaning, but oh so insulting and degrading boot in the guts. Lucky they were so patient with me. 60,000 years. 200 odd years. Self Determination, because its the only honorable thing. Truth. The first rule of Spirituality. Without that, its choosing the opposite. Indigenous Australians deserve Self determination, its their right. And God knows they've more than earned it.

Gaz1799's picture
Gaz1799's picture
Gaz1799 Monday, 10 Jul 2017 at 12:58pm

Yeh sorry about the edit I looked back through some old pics and realised it wasn't the spot I was thinking of. Lip didn't look intimidating enough but you probably know the spot I'm thinking of. Could still be tho on a slightly diff swell? I'm only factoring in the position of the photographer, depth I can see in the first pic and rocks nice and close. Thought I might be able to sneak it through before I got a reply!

davetherave's picture
davetherave's picture
davetherave Monday, 10 Jul 2017 at 1:03pm

What is truth? Isn't the truth that everyone and everything's has its own truth? That's the truth,the whole truth,and nuttin but the truth which is god.

davetherave's picture
davetherave's picture
davetherave Monday, 10 Jul 2017 at 1:04pm

What is truth? Isn't the truth that everyone and everything's has its own truth? That's the truth,the whole truth,and nuttin but the truth which is god.

Herc's picture
Herc's picture
Herc Monday, 10 Jul 2017 at 1:11pm

No, all roads/paths eventually lead to the one Truth. Are supported by 'That' If the Source of all differences is the true focus, the truthful intention. You can't fool your 'Self'. 'That', or not that? What are the qualities of 'That'. Its 'That" simple. Remove all the differences, dreams as you say, what's left? 'That Truth.

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Monday, 10 Jul 2017 at 1:44pm

Dave, thought you were going to talk about the Four Noble Truths. You touched on one this morning.

davetherave's picture
davetherave's picture
davetherave Monday, 10 Jul 2017 at 2:06pm

Each act is truth Herc. Truth is not a destination only,it is an always,allways. Even an untruth reveals a truth. Life is, therefore truth is.