What's what?

Blowin', why characterise your grandfather-in-law (is that a thing? I guess it is if you knew him and had a yarn and a beer etc etc) as "hard as nails"?
Enlisting after 1942 in the only war Australia has had any real existential reason to be involved in makes someone "hard as nails" and that point having to be made by grandsons by marriage?
BBs dad was "hard as nails" too, hey? He didn't say. Or feel the need.
Blowie, as someone who previously melted down after a melodramatic slapping incident in shitty surf (well, according to you), are you as "hard as nails"? I ask as a "weak cunt" (according to you)?
I guess when the Chinese or Indians or Muslims from wherever invade we'll find out, hey?
Or if there's an internal war, like the Spanish Civil War, say, we'll see who's who in the zoo. I'll be with the Republicans fighting the likes of you, hey?
Now go blow the froth off a couple. It's something you might actually be able to do,
Blow hard!

Is this a joke ?
Do I really have to defend a bloke who went to war twice from a guy who thinks he’s done it rough cause he watches music acts where the lead singer spits on the crowd ?
You admire the attitude of a guy who throws shit at his fawning audience at a rock show , but you call someone who literally fought for the freedoms you enjoy as “ dumb as a bag of hammers “ despite never having met him.
Strange old world.

The point of my telling you about his war record was to compliment the poems regarding the horrors of war.
Can you imagine fighting in Europe as a teenager , being gassed repeatedly in the trenches , assuming that you could be killed at any time . Seeing your mates die all around you. Then finally making it back home to sunny Australia.
The trauma you’d have to work out of your system. The mental and physical damage you had to overcome.
Then a couple of decades later . You’re older and far less recklessly courageous. You’ve started a family and believed that you’d maybe made it through the worst ......and then your very country and family is threatened.
So against every urge to remain with your loved ones you return to war. Only this time you know what’s coming. Surely that’s as brave as it gets ?
Fighting in the jungle this time against an enemy prepared to die in order to win. This isn’t swapping cigarettes with the other side during truces , this is cruel torture and merciless slaughter if you lose.
And your young daughter is a world away and her life depends on you succeeding.
Yes .....he’s hard as nails .
And for you to insult him is pretty fucked up. I’m not insulted personally, but you should really be embarrassed about your attitude.

Blowin, my dad was one of those blokes you describe in your 10.19 post. He also lied about his age, unbelievably he was 2 months short of his 16th birthday when the Army accepted him. Was in Darwin during the bombing but spent most of the war in PNG and surrounding islands. He was medically evacuated off Emirau Island, a speck in the Bismarck Sea, with malaria and dengue fever and spent months in an army hospital back home before being discharged at the end of the war. He didn't march on Anzac Day and was pretty critical of lots of things about the day itself and war in general that which is seen in a positive light these days. He just thought it was his duty to serve because he help defend our soil, unlike subsequent wars Australia had been involved in which he opposed.

The thing is most people who've been in a war or have seen conflict say pretty much the same thing. It's fucked, it's a pointless shitfight and it's not worth it.

The disrespect shown here for people that right or wrong risked/lost/sacrificed their life's is disgusting.
Especially mocking Blowin about his comment about Japanese invasion of Australia.
BTW Refereing to Sheep dog and Factoms comments...not recent two.

I don’t understand it either , Indo.
Governments have always been fucked . They’ve always started or entered wars unnecessarily, but that’s got zero do do with the people involved in the wars. They’re fighting for their lives.
Attack the politics by all means if appropriate, but allow the respect owed to those who risked their lives under our flag. They just doing what they’re told .

Shit, I forgot when the Indonesians invade! Which side will you be on, Indo Dreaming?
I know which one you'll be on in the Australian Civil War.
Clue: not the Republicans.
Your man ProMo, or his interchangeable proxy, will be your Franco!

Comments about Japan invading Australia is a massive story in itself. At the fall of Singapore to the invading Japanese the Australian continent was wide open and defenceless for months and months as the great bulk of our troops were in Europe and the Middle East fighting in defence of mother England. They eventually returned at the insistence of our prime minister but not without an argument with the British. All this puts the full significance of fighting on the Kokoda track into full light, our most important WW2 battle (arguably our most important war time battle ever) and something we should truly honour with a passion. Australians defending Australian soil.

Barnabubby and the Water Rorters
Well here we are entering the campaign proper and it is going to get ugly. As ugly as a bunch of rugby league players having a few drinks, as ugly as a Fraser Anning press conference, as ugly as a naked Donald Trump, no sorry that's too much, nothing is that ugly except maybe a naked Barnabubby, or oh god, a naked Clive Palmer But how did I get here? I start off aiming for a dispassionate, carefully structured, logical analysis of the election campaign and two sentences later it's a troupe of bloated fascists frolicking naked. Focus. Concentrate. Erase those images.
Water, it's all about water. Or maybe gross incompetence, stupidity and a mind boggling ability to ignore the bleeding obvious. Wilful ignorance is only the beginning. Deliberate stumblebumming. Selective obliviousness achieved by the power of mindfulness meditation while staring into the sun under the influence of a powerful anti-psychotic. How else explain the series of intricate, convoluted fuck ups that have led the COALition to this point?
This is something akin to synchronised swimming. Synchronised drowning maybe but with such delicacy of motion, such fine artistic touches. There they all are, Dutton, bald head glowing under the spotlights, Barnabubby, face an even more vivid shade of scarlet than usual, Abbott, Frydenberg, Cormann, the whole set of cereal box plastic figurines who have been passing themselves off as a government. All there, slowly sinking, right arms raised aloft making sweeping figure eight movements in unison, their heads all precisely tilted to the same angle, while Scomo at the centre, kicking furiously against the inevitability of the slow sinking, juggles a complete set of footy balls above his head, every code represented, until nothing is left above the surface but outstretched upward tilted arms, fingers aligned, as Tomorrow Belongs To Me plays over the PA and the footy balls, drift slowly apart mirroring the internal party processes that have brought them to this point.
As a spectacle the collapse of the COALition has had more episodes than the entire eight seasons of Game of Thrones. The seven kingdoms being represented by the various factions, the Sensible Centre, the Slightly Right of Centre, the Right, the Extreme Right, the Very Extreme Right, the Fascist Right and the Monster Raving Loony Wasn't Hitler Great, Over The Hill And Far Away Right. And yes, heads have been cut off, as well as a variety of other body parts, gratuitous violence has featured in every episode and there has been a huge amount of fucking, mostly of the environment, though the economy has also copped a decent rogering, as have truth, decency and the rule of law.
But water. Let's think about water. Just how stupid do you have to be to cause massive fish kills and run a major river dry just prior to an election campaign? Pretty fucking damn stupid since it violates an age old, tried and true, National Party strategy. You fuck the environment in your FIRST year in power, not your last. I mean no thinking was necessary just follow the usual script. And now EVERYONE is looking, EVERYONE is wondering where the water went. And they're asking questions. I mean important people are asking questions. Difficult questions. The type of questions that put politicians and their Cayman Island tax dodging mates in legal jeopardy with the real risk of doing porridge over certain lucrative deals in which the poor old bloody tax payer was rorted of $80 million for ZERO water. Millions of litres of non-water! No water there, not a bloody drop. Not enough to even slightly moisten the tip of a cotton bud.
And Mick Kelty is looking. Mick bloody Kelty the ex-AFP boss who just happens, thanks to that bloody commie Trumbull, to be the Northern Basin Commissioner for the Murray-Darling Basin, The Grand Poohbah of the epicentre of the rorting. And he's talking corruption, conflicts of interest and proceeds of crime legislation. Ace Lurk Enterprises are firmly in his sights, the gun is loaded and his finger is pressing on the trigger.
But, you know, they're in there with a chance, not much of a chance, but a better chance than a half drowned gaggle of rorters, liars, thieves and bandits should have. There's still a couple of worthless water rights that could be flogged off, lots of coal still in the ground, and there's room for another couple of hundred million in the Caymans so they will fight for their right to fire Mick Kelty and continue their generalised fuckery for three more years.

Hah! Perhaps your finest work BB.
A slight quibble. The use of the 'name' Scomo. Nobody can give themselves their own 'nickname'. Well, they can, obviously, and the subsequent ridicule should be relentless and neverending.

How would you respond if someone had written about female politician’s bodies in the same manner ?
You’d go full retard. Again.

"...allow the respect owed to those who risked their lives under our flag. They just doing what they’re told."
Here's a scenario. It actually played out in WWI quite a bit.
Village sweeps in Aghanistan or using white phosphorus in Iraq or air strikes in Syria.
Nup. Not doing it. Refusal. Strike action.
Or re: Vietnam conscription just doing a Wayne Lynch.
Heard of the Nuremberg defence?
Respect 'owed'? Maybe pity extended. Understanding. Empathy.
Mainly questions about 'why the fuck' are what's owed.
After WWI, 'Never Again' was the call. Lest we forget that political message.

Id expect when you sign up to become a solider part of the deal is to take orders and not question everything, pretty much a recipe for disaster questioning everything, thinking you are smarter than those in charge is a good way to get killed.
I don't blame Wayne Lynch and others for avoiding conscription i would have done the same, but i think there should still be respect for those that have gone off and fought and returned and respect for those that didn't return...

its been just another day here on Swillnet, just a bit more willing ....

Slow learners? All day dreamers? Life experience? Who needs education? Again.
"That's not true. What characterises Australia's experience of war is unpreparedness overcome at the expense of the soldiers."
An even bigger lesson that Australia has chosen not to learn? The Anzacs marched dutifully into a disastrous campaign designed by our great and powerful friend of the time, Britain. It was Churchill's project and it was an unmitigated failure.
It should have taught Australia and New Zealand to be much tougher-minded in signing up for strategies devised by others. Yet 88 years later Australia again marched its troops into a disastrous campaign designed by our great and powerful friend of the time, the US.
NZ did not send its soldiers to fight in George W. Bush's trumped-up, botched-up 2003 invasion of Iraq. Neither did Canada. But Australia did.
The Howard government was smart enough to minimise the risk of casualties. Yet it nonetheless suspended Australia's power of independent analysis in eagerness to please the great ally. Howard's aim was to support the US and uphold the alliance. Instead Australia gave succour to one of America's greatest errors.'
"...allow the respect owed to those who risked their lives under our flag. They just doing what they’re told."
'Guess what, I'm as tough as nails! Again! And!'
'Just shuddup and do as your told. Again.'
Yeth sthir!. Again. But. STHTEWY, HEEELLLWP! Again, and coold ya pweasthe mayke usth thum tuff asth nailwths sthayfteey buttonth!'

I happily confess to not reading the hectares of shit written on this forum but when I spy, on the last page, the naive, bloated, vomit-inducing, self-serving and deluded opinions of BB and facto a response is required.
BB loves pointing to the LNP's shortcomings. We have Bill (I'm a republican, but I'm married to the ex-GG's daughter), promising to have wages increase yet stop job creation schemes like Adani. The tool wants union reps on Boards of public companies! The manufacturing industry in OZ is dead thanks to unions and now service industry businesses are to be put at risk. WTF?
Facto (obviously a misnomer) says that we agreed to 'never again' following WW1. Unfortunately, other countries didn't agree to this philosophy and would have had us dead, enslaved or worse.
A shame that reality gets in the way boys! Wake up and smell the roses, your socialist utopia is, thankfully, a little way off just yet.

@D-Rex pretty well summed up.

Read on without reading.
Jurassic Park 10!
'However, that hasn't stopped some from imagining what or who produced it.'
'a "release of this length would indeed have been an eyebrow raiser," he wrote.'
Jurassic Park 10 The Prehistoric Hectare now playing. Again.
Its all for sale. To the very end. Because as this not too sharp poster bluntly says, in this very thread. Again.
'It all depends on how you measure success I suppose.
Quite a lot to be said for and against allowing humanity to expand its population exponentially as has western agricultural development, but expanded population and territory is basically the yardstick of any species success .'
Before he then screams,
'Kill awl vere farkin' immergrunts, boot em out, ban 'em, faaark 'em, veyre makyking uszz exxpand!'
Meanwhile, Indigenous Australians? Bad luck, its for your own good, just move on and over. Make room for the Anzacs. Shed a tear. Again.
PS, about the buttons. Stu, you're rippin! And its the best writing I've ever read, better than all them other cretins! And wow, beautiful boards! The best! And wow what a fish! And wow, labradoodles forever! Again! And wow again@!
And I don't care what they say! Kojak was so a sex symbol! Again!

D-Rex, when Indo is giving you props, let alone agreeing with you, well, there's the kiss of dumb/death right there.
"The naive, bloated, vomit-inducing, self-serving and deluded opinions..."
Right on all counts, ya dinosaur.
Psychological projection is a bugger, hey?

@ D-Rex, your abusive post passes the Swellnet forum criteria with flying colors, particularly given whats been served up by some over the past 4-6 months. However, you just left out one vital ingredient that lets you off the hook & makes any said abuse all ok, apparently. Just be sure to end your future abusive posts with:
“Hope your scoring some waves mate”...
Let’s not forget, It’s a surfing website after all....

Hope YOU'RE scoring some waves mate.

Actually, lest we forget the original existential wars fought on this soil against foreign invaders.
WWII after 1942 wasn't the only outlier.

"Comments about Japan invading Australia is a massive story in itself. At the fall of Singapore to the invading Japanese the Australian continent was wide open and defenceless for months and months as the great bulk of our troops were in Europe and the Middle East fighting in defence of mother England. They eventually returned at the insistence of our prime minister but not without an argument with the British. All this puts the full significance of fighting on the Kokoda track into full light, our most important WW2 battle (arguably our most important war time battle ever) and something we should truly honour with a passion. Australians defending Australian soil."
Top post, add to it the Solomons, Darwin, the wiping out of the ABDA command and the capital ships mother England sent to defend Singapore and the region, Burma, the Eastern Fleet surviving the Bay of Bengal raid .
Great Uncle was in the silent 7th Division (ie no one knows about it), saw action New Guinea on Kokoda being evacuated wounded and treated for malaria; he must have been reorganised into the Jungle Division as next stop was 3 months in the swamp on Bougainville, losing his hearing repeatedly firing a .303 waist deep in mud.
My old neigbour was on an AA battery defending Milne Bay when the Japanese went in. He put survival down to the fact they didn't see the AA and a motor launch came and picked them up before long.
The USN were the ones to stem the tide, using their vital fleet carriers to stop the previously unimpeded Japanese advance and amphibious landings. Yorktown raided Lae, Lexington was sunk in the Coral Sea stopping the advance, Wasp and Hornet were lost in the Eastern Solomons. The British then lent Victorious to the USN and it was her and Saratoga that guaranteed the line at sea until US industry kicked in and replacement carriers arrived. Australian ships were in action in the intense fighting in Ironbottom Sound near the amphibious landings and HMAS Canberra remains there. The 1st and 2nd US Marine Divisions held the major airfield, Henderson Field and in time the tide turned. The line between Brisbane and Pearl Harbour was kept open.
This was the real battle for Australia.

Yeah, nah...except for the real 'existential' battles, hey?

Honestly factotum, why don't you actually have a personal opinion on anything?
Even when a new poster calls you out, instead of challenging him/her about what they have said, all you do is criticise them even using someone else views (me) to mock them.
The best you ever do in challenging overs views is posting links, so even if people then challenge the view, it's not really your view they are challenging.
All you do is hate on other posters and their views or hate on politicians etc
But you NEVER put yourself out there, and say this is what you think.
Surely you must have a view?...thats not just cut and pasted from the Saturday paper?
Everyone has a view on things and normally everyone wants to share theirs, so why not you?
I can't figure it out, because you are obviously not scared of conflict...anyone a psychologist out there.

BTW...Agree with all velocityjohnno has said above, and its very rare for me to say this but yeah good post by Guy 100% agree.
Wonder if kids learn about it at school these days?
Didn't have much focus when i was at school and doesnt get the focus in Australia that it should seeing it's so close to home.

"The tool wants union reps on Boards of public companies!"
Maybe he got the idea from the coalition wanting to put for profit fund managers on industry fund boards?

It’s all about the foundation. Every endeavour.
The foundation of ‘Australia’?
Lies, mass murder, stealing, terrorism, rape, massacres, racism, genocide, extermination, cruelty, greed, inequality, ignorance, brutality.
All easily provable. But by using brute force, all easily enforced, dismissed and concealed.
Called Australian ‘history’? Concealing the above, dressing up the sess pit, concealing and plastering over the rotten, putrid ever sinking, never fixed foundation. Chasing the sale. Just get the thing sold.
Like a chronic alcoholic or gambler going down the mine. Never facing up to the foundation.
Fix the foundation. If you really want the best outcome.
Plenty of Indigenous Australians were involved in the japanese war, and went to Kakoda. It’s not pretty reading. It’s actually ugly shit. So it too is plastered over with another coat of shit.

All too true Prime.
Meanwhile for those who forget to whom they owe their current working conditions and who seem so keen to get back to a 60 hour week and life in a hovel.
There Is Power in a Union - Billy Bragg
There is power in a factory, power in the land
Power in the hands of a worker
But it all amounts to nothing if together we don't stand
There is power in a union
Now the lessons of the past were all learned with workers' blood
The mistakes of the bosses we must pay for
From the cities and the farmlands to trenches full of mud
War has always been the bosses' way, sir
The Union forever defending our rights
Down with the blackleg, all workers unite
With our brothers and our sisters from many far off lands
There is power in a union
Now I long for the morning that they realise
Brutality and unjust laws can not defeat us
But who'll defend the workers who cannot organise
When the bosses send their lackeys out to cheat us?
Money speaks for money, the Devil for his own
Who comes to speak for the skin and the bone
What a comfort to the widow, a light to the child
There is power in a union
The Union forever defending our rights
Down with the blackleg, all workers unite
With our brothers and our sisters from many far off lands
There is power in a union

About that Bali peace park thing (your post reposted below)I dont really see an issue.
It's been something like 17 years since the bombings, the land has just been sitting there doing nothing, owner at a loss every year, if there was to be a peace park or whatever it should have been done long ago.
Not to mention it's not like there is not a memorial, just across the road is the Bali Bombing memorial a really well done one actually with all the names etc of those who lost their lifes.
IMHO land should have been rebuilt on years ago as a part of the healing and not let the terrorist change how we go about our lifes.
Bali Peace Park.
Sari Club Bombing site was or is valued around $1-2m. (Basic car yard size)
A loose consortium of BPP / Oz Govt offered to match any reasonable price.
Sadly no official offer was ever made by any 'Oz + Govt + Bali Consortium'.
Nightclub Landowner always upped the price for purchase by Australians.
Entry level $4.8m > $7.2m > $26m even offering a 1/2 price $10m same day deal?
As it stands now...about $5m to lease top floor of his new Night Club?..(Rude!)
Understand owner would be pressured not to stain town with icon of guilt.
He basically needs enough to start a new life elsewhere...Damned either way!
Bali Govt could have compensated owner then gift land to Oz via land swap.
Thus absolving any guilt trip on Night Club owner or shame on Indonesia.
Again! Oz never batted for victims with decent diplomatic options for Peace Park.
Oz election bombsite Auction sees Labor vs Liberal bid $50m for a Peace cubicle.
[Latest News]

Totally agree Indo.

I do like that about you Blindboy, we don't agree on much, but if we do you are happy to say you do, i respect you for that.

So, Indigenous Australians had a magnificent foundation. To fall back on. Every different person, every different family, every different Cultural Group embraced a common, foundational ideal.
Nurture this planet our home as you would your own being, it is your Mother. Nurture her, respect her. Embrace her, love her. Learn about her. And her place in all Being. In all life, all around.
From that comes a feeling, a knowing of truly belonging. A knowledge of each child being a valuable part of the Whole. Ingenious in its very nature, an outlook of a massive, all encompassing freedom.
Then Reciprocate. Reciprocity. All that encompasses.
No place or need for the sale at all costs. No need for money at all. No waste, no ‘rubbish’ to deal with at all. Pollution? Unheard of. No such ideals as ‘work’.
As Indigenous Australians dealt with all the things it means to be human, they had that magnificent foundation to fall back on. So many different Cultures lived in one, prospering, nurtured land. For 60,000 years. Or more.
And despite having the obvious ability to traverse the planet, the oceans and land, Indigenous Australians never once, never, ever, felt the need to flee from their home, due to persecution. Or to look abroad seeking war and conquest, never seeking, needing more outside. Never having to sell a thing.
What a foundation.
Of course, you could willingly, knowingly undermine that foundation, break it down, even lay claim to destroying it. Revel in and celebrate doing that. Found that style of thinking. Make that your foundation, build on that. The results will come. The cracks will show. All of them in the end.

Great post, Prime. Dare I say primo.
Informed, well thought out and executed.
BB, re: worker representation, know much of codetermination in Germany?
Worth an investigation.

Oh no he is back, new handle but same BS.

Jeez, if only you would piss off, Indo. Or at least stop dribbling ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT 24 bloody 7 and get a real job.
Hey, at least you might put that whiny signature back, right champ?

Indo, I dont care what you say. You lost all credibility in my eyes in the week following the Christchurch massacre. You're a fine one to attack "disgusting comments".
Blowin. Get off your soap box. Wanker.
You know damn well why i had a dig at you. It was your idiotic statement. I'll repeat it for you.
" If Australia had been populated by weak bastards like yourself the Japanese would have killed every Aussie male then raped and enslaved every woman."
Absolute fairy tale garbage. "IF" is the biggest word in the dictionary.
Japan invaded Burma AND the Andaman Islands. Didn't kill all the darker skinned men. Id point out all the Asian countries Japan controlled, but I'm sure you'd say that the Japs wouldn't kill all the Asian men, hence I highlighted Burma and the andamans, where there's a darker race, where SE Asia meets Bangladesh..
So that's one part of your pathetic "IF" destroyed.
The Other part is the USA.
Please insert more emotional ranting below

Nailed it Sheepdog regarding Indo. I'd add his infamous 'creamy coffee' indigenous shit and the burqa bump fantasy.
Resemblance much? Sama sama but different.
As one of the real and funny Stooges used to say, "no respect!"

Yep same same....play the man but never the ball.
Im just really curious why you never have a proper personal opinion on anything?
Why are you so scared to put your views out there?
I just find it weird.
It's obvious you are not afraid to offend anyone, from all your hate and links etc you post, it's obvious you have strong rusted on views, so i just dont get it???
Come on have some balls and explain?
If you seriously were offended by me calling out the NZ pm, that's your issue, been things said here about politicians that are much much worse.
BTW. Since my post its all been said many times by others, social media was full of comments about her last week, asking if she was going to wear a cross or something after Sri Lanka, would have been pretty funny if she had, i reckon she would have earnt some respect with a lot of people just for taking the piss.

indo -dreaming - "BTW. Since my post its all been said many times by others, social media was full of comments about her last week, asking if she was going to wear a cross or something after Sri Lanka, would have been pretty funny if she had, i reckon she would have earnt some respect with a lot of people just for taking the piss."
Taking the piss out of hundreds of people dying?
Okayyyyyyy... In the words of Pottz, WOW!

No not at all, it wouldn't be taking the piss out of the deaths or events of Sri Lanka, silly to suggest that.
It would be taking the piss out of herself, she could have done it in a real subtle way, just a little gold cross.
But realistically i think it is silly people expecting her to wear a cross or whatever, obviously NZ is her country and Sri Lanka is not, so i dont think it's fair when people say she is being hypercritical, pretty much agree with this
Another meme that sums thing up perfectly https://imgur.com/a/ba0YDvt

Ah Indo, never the sharpest tool in the Swellnet shed and with the memory of a brain-damaged goldfish.
Go back to your 'creamy coffee' bigoted shit as one example in these threads and you'll see plenty of my opinion.
Or your burqa bump fantasy.
Etc, etc, etc...
And you now get the replies and derision you earned, deserve, and probably dig.
And you're not the only gronk on here or in the real world.
Just the boggiest of the bog-standard ones round these parts.
So as a specific specimen, you do serve a purpose of sorts I guess.

Indo writes....'''Another meme that sums thing up perfectly https://imgur.com/a/ba0YDvt"""
Stinkin rotten bait.

Give 'em enough rope...

So that's why you don't have a personal opinion on things?...
Because you fear people will latter misuse your words against you or attack you on your views?
Yeah i guess thats a safe way to play, but personally it's a much better read here when people give personally opinions, theories, share stories.
Much better than your lame snide remarks on people or politicians or anyone you dont agree with.

Carry on & keep digging your hole.


Pre polling has opened and I’ve cast my vote, let the avalanche begin .... didn’t see many LNP how to vote cards being grasped by the long line of waiting voters.

We've all heard of snake oil - our Prime Marketer ProMo is dripping with it - but is anyone buying the Palmer variety...again?