What's what?

Um, it's LABOR party.
And how's your job going, Indo?
Good to see you get out of the house. Bugger, about the PaTH 'pay', but?
Baby steps.

I'll give Bill a go, not because I think much of him, but because these liberal cunts have to go.
They had long enough.

Really? A cut and paste tragedy from a conservative cranksite.
Bill Shorten himself could come up with something wittier, and that's saying something.

Thank fuck Facto.
Labour?? FFS
With regards to voting, may I humbly suggest considering how to establish a block which holds the balance of power so as to get the two majors to negotiate and compromise.
But, yes, primary goal is to turf the LNP.

I'm up for that AndyM.
I'm just so sick to fucking death of seeing that shifty eyed fucking shyster happy clappy cunt on TV I'd vote for anything.

Be careful what you wish for FR, the Libs leadership is stacked with quality!
"if Morrison is strongly implicated in a Coalition loss, then Treasurer Josh Frydenberg, Peter Dutton and Tony Abbott would all have hopes to succeed him"

Interesting reading on the potential makeup of the Senate

can't it be a bit of all of the above?
I'm not spruiking LNP individualism or independence, I'm spruiking middle class welfare is an abortion that will send us all under if someone doesn't grow the balls to address it.
Pretty sure they weren't handing that out through the boomers boom years, so my 'feels' is good. There also wasn't NDIS, or first home buyers grants, or blowin's south american culture presevation society grants, or the hundreds of other grants that are now available. So yeh my 'feels' is real good actually...
Yes sheepdog the government should get the fuck out of our faces. Not just in media but also with all their nanny state bullshit, and their social engineering bullshit as well, that all costs money, and it has all developed to such a extent that it now just breeds resentment and divisiveness rather than the goal of cohesion and 'safety'. Stick your fucken programs they're expensive and now counter productive.
And yes andym privatisation is another abortion that hasn't delivered promised benefits. It's just made some people very rich and bills more expensive. It's quite hilarious that the LNP have had 6 years to fulfill their promise of cheaper electricity, and then this election they are printing money and handing it out as cash, because in 6 years they've failed to make energy cheaper! Fail! fail! fail!
Factobum you come from this school of thought that economics don't matter, that we can all have all we want and more, that we can sponsor chinese grandmothers, great grandmothers, aunts, uncles, their dogs, cats, friends, aquaintences, and enrich the rest of the world in the process, and we'll just keep on printing money to pay for it all...no problem...hmmmm?
All I'm proposing is that government SHOULD provide essential services like power, water, and health. Privatisation has been a major fail on all of these things. They should also provide children's services, social security services, basic infrastructure like toll roads, lands title offices, and a heap of other things that have been privatised only to become shittier and lose government revenue streams in the process. Superannuation is trumpeted as a labor success story, the dumb fucks should have kept some government control of things like this and developed a revenue stream in the process, a growing nest egg for all.
So nah, I'm not spruiking LNP individualism. I'm spruiking sandersite corbynesque take the power back. Yeh it's a dreamy wishlist, but if the 'left' of politics focussed on this shit rather than maintaining their third way neoliberal identity politics bullshit they'd win win win for many elections to come. And conservative neoliberal politics would be confined to the dustbin of history where it belongs for decades to come.
Health, education, environment and economy, that's what the left should concentrate on, triage, prioritise. And give up on their 'we can be all things to all (wo)men' lies, bullshit, and manipulations.
Yeh I'm kinda proposing a socialism of sorts, but that socialism needs to consider economy.
Socialism with numbers I'll call it, that's what we need. A 'fouth way' if you will.
re. corporate tax and offshore havens etc. They're all just a result of globalisation. A globalisation that's done and dusted. Neo liberalism is just the global freeing up international money markets and labour. A desperate last ditch effort to squeeze more time out of failing 'liberalism' lemon.
People know they've been taken for a ride, hence the current political situations. The flogged horse is dead. We need a new way.
But I'm not hearing much of substance from either side of politics, especially in australia!!!!

A short satirical summary of Scomo headlines from The Shovel.
Negative Gearing Is For The Average Everyday Battler With Multiple Houses, Morrison Says - February 19, 2016
Liberal Party Chooses Scott Morrison To Lose Next Election - August 24, 2018
Scott Morrison Gives Ministers Rupert Murdoch Pins To Remind Them Which Side They’re On - August 29, 2018
Scott Morrison Uses Question Time To Ask ‘WHO’S F*%KIN’ TONIGHT!?’- September 15, 2018
Morrison Says He’ll Keep Close Tabs On ABC To Ensure No Further Political Interference - October 1, 2018
Palestine To Move Embassy From Canberra To The Shire, Just To Fuck With Scott Morrison - November 1, 2018
“I’m Just A Regular, Fair Dinkum, Dinky Di, True Blue Aussie Bloke”: A Personal Message From Scott Morrison - November 8, 2018
Man Who Called Scott Morrison A ‘Fucking Muppet’ Fined $500 For Offending Muppets - November 19, 2018
Scott Morrison Blames Labor For Victorian Election Landslide - November 26, 2018
Scott Morrison Becomes Longest Serving Prime Minister Since Malcolm Turnbull
- December 13, 2018
Morrison Responds To Everyday Concerns Of Australians By Recognising West Jerusalem As Israel’s Capital - December 16, 2018
Santa Will Leave Lump Of Fair Dinkum Energy In Christmas Stocking If They Don’t Behave, Scott Morrison Warns Kids. - December 19, 2018
Australians Who Don’t Have Fun On Australia Day To Be Fined, Morrison Says. - January 13, 2019
Scott Morrison Finally Responds To Murray-Darling Crisis By Moving Israeli Embassy To Jerusalem - January 14, 2019
Most Of Scott Morrison’s 1.25 Million New Jobs Will Be In Short-Term Prime Ministerial Roles, Analysis Finds - January 29, 2019
Scott Morrison Gives Wife Gorgeous Lump Of Coal For Valentine’s Day
- February 14, 2019
New Government Ad Just 30-Second Clip Of Scott Morrison Burning Taxpayer Cash - April 9, 2019

Damn only two fish, where that big Blindboy fish?

Sypkan very good post. I got to work on quite a lot of the former PMG's telecommunications network a while back, and the way it was built was quite superb. Even if the technology could be criticised as old tech, the building environment was solid and widespread (and can house today's tech). Added to the fact, it was designed with redundancy, ie to work for some time after any potential disaster. That was one of the 'nation building' projects - we still have fibre to house to do!
Re: the vegans, well they made their point (of which I was nearly completely unaware), pissed off a lot of people, and with some introspection they are right. I'm off to slaughter some blueberries, raspberries, mango and coconut water now. Wait till the freshairians start taking up arms...

Syppo, sounds roughly like a centrist social democracy which rejects neoliberalism and moves away from some of the excesses of the left...
Imagine this country as one which said no to pork barrelling, said no to the majority of middle class welfare and corporate welfare, had big companies which paid tax, and made an honest attempt at reconciliation.

On a brighter note -
"Abbott's chances 'diabolically bad'"

"Imagine this country as one which said no to pork barrelling, said no to the majority of middle class welfare and corporate welfare, had big companies which paid tax, and made an honest attempt at reconciliation."
Vote 1 Libs and their independent surrogates?!

Speaking of which, those headlines are satire, Westie? Seriously, how hard is it to tell?!
Sypkan, TL: DR*
*Totes lightweight : dry retch

Geez you love your labels andym, not disputing them, but you must read a lot of politics and stuff to be so clear and confident with your definitions
I wouldn't say I'm centrist at all, I actually have quite radical beliefs on some issues. Possibly you could call me a fiscal conservative I guess, but really that's me just being a realist and compromising, because that's what politics is supposed to be...compromise. I wish someone would spread that word amongst some on the 'left'.
"Imagine this country as one which said no to pork barrelling, said no to the majority of middle class welfare and corporate welfare, had big companies which paid tax, and made an honest attempt at reconciliation."
Really? I'm dreaming?
It doesn't sound that fanciful to me.
I think most people would be on board if labor had the balls to give it a shot. But they don't, not with micronuts shorton charisma at the helm anyway...
For the record,I think labor will get in, and it's probably a good thing considering the liberals are currently so shit and scomo is self appointed boss. But wouldn't it be nice for once for a government to get in because they actually have a vision and the people's backing?
Rather than ANOTHER election deciding who's least shit!
Seriously how many times do we have to do this before some real change happens?
Vote 1 clive palmer, for an oz trump style disruption

(Too Biga Wanker : Don't Care*)
Because you're too big a wanker, so I don't care...

Haha facto I know.

(Too Biga Wanker : Don't Care*)
Because you're too big a wanker, so I don't care..."
Can y'all visualise this written in crayon, or is it just me?

Just you I'm guessing
That's definitely not your finest work

Hah! Your guessing is as reliable as, well, that other well known "fiscal conservative", Kevin Rudd. "Possibly", "I guess".
All over the place like a madwoman's shite.
Anyway, in the real world, and hot off the presses...

At least I'm willing to compromise to pay the bills. Your wish list is all over the place like a madwomans shite.
With no plan to pay the bills. Pity they don't teach you numbers in an arts degree...
Funny you mention kevin rudd, you remind me of him

"Funny you mention kevin rudd, you remind me of him"
The poison negative attacking mocking attitude is actually much much more like Tony Abbott though.

Valid point Indo... Only in Oz can you can you swear in a new PM in caretaker mode!

Sypkan's going Curly again. Never go full Curly.
As for ol' Howard-lite, Ruddy, the so-called 'fiscal conservative', the last link to the 3rd way bollocks, I forgot to add delusional to your similarities.
My "wish list"??
Where is it?
Or did you just make it up like this ripper statement?
"Factobum you come from this school of thought that economics don't matter..."
Hang about, here's a wish-list I found earlier:
"I'm spruiking sandersite corbynesque take the power back. Yeh it's a dreamy wishlist,"
"Fiscal conservative"?
"Socialism with numbers"?
"Vote 1 clive palmer, for an oz trump style disruption
Madwoman's shite.
"Geez you love your labels andym, not disputing them, but you must read a lot of politics and stuff to be so clear and confident with your definitions."
Never go full Curly.
Speaking of stooges, here's Indo AKA Larry, the "I'm not that politically savvy, but..." unknowing, blissfully unaware corporate media apparatchik.
Haha. If I'm Abbott, you're who? Fraser Anning? Nah, your man's ProMo, yeah?
He's Rupe's pick too!
When's Thanksgiving again, turkey?

In other 'breaking' news...

and you've gone all nasty woman again...
You've never quite gotten over hilary and you're shattered bossom have you?
So funny how someone gives a bit of shit back to you and you always go back trawling for quotes.
You really are lifto's lovechild

So Vegans are good eggs reducing battery power for Qld campaign launches.

Curly, lemme get this straight...
You put words into people's mouths in classic strawman style, then whinge when your own silly words are quoted back to you?
It's my fault you jump on here and spray all sorts of contradictory, ill informed, even totally uninformed balderdash?
Nasty woman?? What's all that about? Is that some kind of gender identity thing? Or just bog standard old school sexism a la Tones Abbott?
And like Tones with Julia, you seem obsessed with Hillary. Still!

The coalition loves utes so much, that when they got into power, they ended Labors auto subsidies and stopped making them in oz :p

I guess if an industry isn't viable without a subsidy it should be allowed to fail. Instead of subsidising an uneconomic car manufacturing industry we should use the money to fund scientific research in Australia and buy cheap cars from Asia.

There's something to be said for that, but I don't think it's the point SD is making.

well facto, one has to put words in your mouth because you are notorious on here for giving nothing of the self. All you do is make character assassinations and attack the source. You do not engage in debate, you just make aloof bitchy snide remarks from the shadows. A bit of a nasty women...like hilary...
I've said it before, you are the epitome of peak identity politics, where it has manifested into personality politics. No engagement, just dogma and opinion that doesn't allow for any alternative views. Conform or be belittled. Quite sad really. You're a classic 'no platformer'.... pathetic...
Sometimes I'm being silly, sometimes I'm stirring, sometimes I'm serious. You're smart enough to work it out, but you dont, just bitchiness from the shadows...nasty...
You're an open borders idealist who has no strategy to facilitate your dream. There's about 20 people left in the world who still believe in agenda 21, eighteen millionaires in davos, hilary, and you!
Engage my friend, tell us how you propose to fund your globalisation dream, without fucking over the working class of western nations?
A plan? A strategy? One that doesn't involve throwing the working class to the wolves. You can't, because that is the plan!!!

Another TL:DR*, Curls.
*transparent lies, don't register

"Light 'em up"
"Roger that, sir"
War what is it good for?
Absolutely nothing!

"Oh, yeah, look at those dead bastards.

another TBW:DC" fuktobum
A liar too hey? clearly you read them, you quote them!

Australian high 844,800 imigrants year to date...
asked blindboy ages ago ask why the government needs unemployment...
Food for thought.

that's absolutely mental, if the article is to be believed 844,800 arrived in prior 12 months to Feb, but net ended up being +299,190
so 545,610 Australians bailed in that time... that's incredible and a lot of London bartenders and BC ski resort staff...

crazy the emigration that is taking place velocityjohnno

This was in the comment section, maybe a factor?...
"This is misleading - these figures are from February, isn¿t this when most foreign students begin the academic year? I speak from experience, the road to residency is long, expensive and due to recent changes nearly impossible, most people that come will end up going home."

Always love the comments, a few more:
"When will this stop, Noah only took two, there is only so much room until the boat is loaded. We as a nation need to say enough, get infrastructure in place, plan for it , everything has its limits."
"This just proves both major parties are just plain stupid, why are people coming to Australia in those quantities, they leaving countries that are over populated, trying to find work, fleeing socialism and crime in their own country, so what the solution, over crowd Australia, drive up unemployment, which increases crime and then adopt socialism in our society, then in 50 years time our children flee Australia to find another dumb country to do the same thing to again"

Part of the IPA plan is to overwhelm the welfare system and have it dismantled. Nice little bonus from flooding the labour market. LNP mass immigration shills.
The ALP is aligned with the construction unions and the construction industry. More people = more houses = more work. The ALP is also cultivating voting blocs of seperate ethnic communities . ALP mass immigration shills.
Vote them both out at every opportunity !
Their short term careerist myopia is destroying our country.
PS Great post , Sypkan.

Great post, Blowie. Especially for the 'facts'.
Ain't it the CFMEU vs MBA?!
And Dutton, ProMo and the good ol' boys told us that a vote for Labor is a vote for...dun dun daaaah!....THE CFMEU!
As for The Daily Mail...self-deprecated! So shitful, it doesn't even pass Wikipedia's muster!
"The first source to be formally deprecated was the Daily Mail, which was determined by community consensus in a 2017 RfC to have a "reputation for poor fact checking, sensationalism, and flat-out fabrication". This RfC became a landmark decision, and new deprecation proposals are usually based on language from its closing summary."
Let the comedy continue...

Daily Mail, Daily Snail...Source cited in article from Australian Bureau of Statistics or check population growth of OEcD countries and our birth rate...we are not having that many babies.

That’s seriously disturbing shit. War at its purest.
“Well they shouldn’t bring their kids into a battle”
“That’s right”

Potatoe head going after disabled labor candidate. Diversion of focus much...

Sorry to be the one to pull the blindfold, Facto.
The ALP and the HIA are up to their nuts in each other.
How does a party faithful like yourself reconcile the fact that your working against your traditional representational support - the workers of Australia- to accomodate your donors and your new voting blocs amongst the divisive ethnic communities ?
Australian Labor Party- Working AGAINST the labour force of Australia by perpetuating the ruinous mass immigration policy.
Australia needs 50,000,000 population in the next 20 YEARS like it needs a punch in the face.
Oh , yeah .....let’s not forget that Bill Shorten pocketed $55K to have lunch with a Chinese spy and agent of foreign influence.
The same ALP who green lit the creation of a military grade airstrip on a sheep station to compliment the CCP owned deep water port and infrastructure in the heart of the Pilbara resource vein.
ALP/ LNP last !

Facto ....protest as hard as you want. The fact that the ALP retains the Big Australia policy is the very reason they need to be restrained from power.
It’s not like you’re rational in this discussion, mate .
You’re s compromised by your allegiance to “ The Party “ that you’re actually working contrary to the interests of the nation in order to propagate the future of the stinking ALP.

Every Car industry is viable until you apply a gst tax tagging 30% to end price .
Then your car industry is unfairly disadvantaged as rival imports move in for kill.
Provisional/Goods/Power/Labor/Parts /Storage/Trucking/ Sales/Service= 30% tax
Bit by bit every gst component was replaced with rival import untaxed process.
Little by little it became a complete 100% foreign car.(Like who would know that?)
School kid could calculate end date with all our pollies counting down to last car!
If oz $4b Car Racing & 16,000 jobs transferred to Car manufacture what then?
Could we make a go of it even with the gst pacman...The answer is positively Yes!
How could tbb know...(secret) Admittedly more local knowledge than Magic.
tbb's town runs 4 bus depots of 42 bus routes(2nd biggest in Oz)+3 charter depots
Network is never found in Govt Planning nor integrated with Govt Translink.
Our town of Reedy Creek never stopped building vehicles in fact expanded designs.
'Bustech' builds the grandest passenger vehicles our country has ever exported.
Reedy Creek has a window seat to the world because pollies never set foot here!
We all dread the day Pollies find us, as we all know they will kill our golden goose.