Fishing tips

weekend mayhem on the north coast including dozens of anglers almost shoulder to shoulder at sunrise ( I turned around and went home)
An impatient (non swimmer) fisherman swept off the causeway late Sunday afternoon and had to be rescued
A couple of long tail tuna showed up just before dark yesterday within casting distance and I couldn’t resist sacrificing another lure as it was really slow fishing till then
Would 35lb Braid with a steel trace have a chance of holding up against tuna?

No need for steel trace for tuna.
35lb braid is fine.

It seems they keep biting through the 30lb mono leader

Not tuna.
No sharp teeth- must be breaking it, or tail scutes wearing it through.
All my long tails I catch on 30lb braid and 35lb mono leader.

Thanks sounds like it was the tail the
As it Didn’t really load up much pressure before the line went slack


Supafreak wrote:Ouch
Look closer supa haha.
Think you’ve been stooged mate

goofyfoot wrote:Supafreak wrote:Ouch
Look closer supa haha.
Think you’ve been stooged mate
Yes I know , had another look, they got me good , should have gone to specsavers

sidthefish wrote:A general rule of thumb, fish rising barometer.
Don't under rate Aussie salmon, bleed em and cut out the blood meat and they eat great.
Also have a crack at flatties in the still ish Beach gutters at low tide with plugs or plastics, not this I like plastics they a fiddly fuckers.
If you missus is menstrating, pinch a pair of her used knickers and rub your bait, lures with em. It's all about hormones and feramones vs testosterone.
could you dangle ya missus in the water as burley?

caught a bunch squid this morning on the Broadwater. A few around now.

What has the word “of” ever done to be treated with disdain??
I like the word.
Yeah, I actually dain it.

it's singular, @Andy, a 'bunch squid' is a particular species of squid...
(personally, I think 'of' has made too much of itself in recent decades, in some contexts.. displacing 'have', for one; if I'd been an English teacher, I might of made a difference..
'of' is the new 'got' ; )

A simple typo on an iPhone brings out the crew.
Carry on lads.
I think b6, the teachers pet, is reaching around from behind AndyM. Hopefully, AndyM is feeling satisfied and B6 is feeling elated with his hand work.

haha, for such a condescending sort, you're sure openly defensive and weird @RK.. who's the teacher in your little play? enlighten me. AndyM and I have shared glib little witticisms about Anglo/Americanisms and other things on many occasions..
How're you going to cook the squid?

Roadkill wrote:A simple typo on an iPhone brings out the crew.
Carry on lads.
I think b6, the teachers pet, is reaching around from behind AndyM. Hopefully, AndyM is feeling satisfied and B6 is feeling elated with his hand work.
Burls is so right . You elevate Ashsam to our ‘ bestie’. Fair dinkum. AW

AlfredWallace wrote:Roadkill wrote:A simple typo on an iPhone brings out the crew.
Carry on lads.
I think b6, the teachers pet, is reaching around from behind AndyM. Hopefully, AndyM is feeling satisfied and B6 is feeling elated with his hand work.
Burls is so right . You elevate Ashsam to our ‘ bestie’. Fair dinkum. AW
Oh, hi AW, hope you’re well, AW. Fair crack of the sav, AW
Lol. Fishing thread, AW…ya all jump in and contribute a pack. RK

How'd you cook the squid?
(it wasn't a criticism @RK)

Probably ate it raw lol ;)

Lately all my mates with boats are reporting no fish at all in the gulf here, but the squid are in plague proportions. One of them gave me a huge jar of pickled squid last week and every time I go to the fridge I can't help myself and grab the fork and get stuck in. Better than pickled occy as it's more tender.

@old-dog, if they aren't catching fish, it's probably because the fish are gorging themselves on the mass availability of the fresh squid.

Roadkill wrote:A simple typo on an iPhone brings out the crew.
Carry on lads.
I think b6, the teachers pet, is reaching around from behind AndyM. Hopefully, AndyM is feeling satisfied and B6 is feeling elated with his hand work.
Props to you Roady, don't fret.
I really wasn't trying to provoke a negative response, as Basesix said it was about pointing out a couple things about encroaching Americanisms.

Persnally, I like cleaning and then cutting fresh caught squid into rings, leave soaking in a bowl of milk overnight, drain, then with a light dusting of flour and shallow fry in super hot oil for 20 seconds. Serve fresh with a ice cold beer. Bloody delicious :)

@ fitzroy21, normally they would be bagging out on big Garfish and still be getting a few KG's this time of year, I doubt these species feed on live squid.

The best thing about squid is that unlike most seafood they are just as good if not better after being frozen. Love squid but to me the ultimate is a feed of blueys with ice cold beer.

fitzroy-21 wrote:Persnally, I like cleaning and then cutting fresh caught squid into rings, leave soaking in a bowl of milk overnight, drain, then with a light dusting of flour and shallow fry in super hot oil for 20 seconds. Serve fresh with a ice cold beer. Bloody delicious :)
Yep, it’s a good tip. Add a bit of salt to the milk also. A quick cook, cold beer and and good baguette.
As mentioned also great after being frozen. I use in fish pie and chowder.

old-dog wrote:@ fitzroy21, normally they would be bagging out on big Garfish and still be getting a few KG's this time of year, I doubt these species feed on live squid.
Fair call @old-dog. I assumed you may have been referring to the likes of snapper etc.

Northern/Southern Calamari or Arrow squid @ RK?
I only ask because I've never found the arrows a particularly good chew compared to the former, and usually only kept them for bait.
Others might disagree though.

Pumping surf over the weekend and a PB snapper off the rocks when it settled down.
First cast on the tide change.

Fucking awesome job off the stones Steve, well done! On a plastic? Sounds like you had a ripper few days.

1oz white bucktail with a 4 inch z-man swimmer added to it.

freeride76 wrote:1oz white bucktail with a 4 inch z-man swimmer added to it.
Holy Sparid Freeride! Congrats!

Roadkill wrote:fitzroy-21 wrote:Persnally, I like cleaning and then cutting fresh caught squid into rings, leave soaking in a bowl of milk overnight, drain, then with a light dusting of flour and shallow fry in super hot oil for 20 seconds. Serve fresh with a ice cold beer. Bloody delicious :)
Yep, it’s a good tip. Add a bit of salt to the milk also. A quick cook, cold beer and and good baguette.
As mentioned also great after being frozen. I use in fish pie and chowder.
Don't forget a squeeze of lemon

Thumping Snapper off the rocks, what a beauty!
Someones eating well tonight (or ate well last night).
Anyone ever see that Rex Hunt episode where this Kiwi bloke was landing huge Snapper off the rocks somewhere in NZ?

Well done , enjoy.

Nice one FR.
Snapper head soup,, perfect winter dish.

For sure mate.
Thanks heaps to the legend who padded over from the nearby surf break and helped me land it- paddled up onto a cunji ledge and passed it up to me.
Leader was shredded from where it bricked me two or three times and no way I would have landed it without his help.

freeride76 wrote:"... the nearby surf break..."
Minimal info, always.

Good man (the chap who helped out).

Great catch and great feed there FR.
@Zen - Regularly caught off the beach and rocks in NZ

Seafood in NZ in my experience was amazing.
Kiwis do fish'n'chips.
Amazing to land a fish like that off the rocks. That's a keeper.

Welcome by catch whilst targetting Jew Steve?

Pretty much. Although it's a spot I've always thought would hold big snapper after a big swell/blow.
Perfect habitat for them.
Thats the biggest one I've caught there, seen caught there or heard of caught there for at least 3 decades.

Now you'll go mad trying to get a bigger one.

First week school holidays on the sunny coast was pretty epic! 13kg nanny and could of shot 50 dolly's with my eyes closed they were that thick!

Nice fish mate- on a FAD?

Yeah mate mahi off a FAD

Cracking knobby FR especially land based in oz!
OK, so I want to try my hand at fishing. I have a couple of rods and reels, and an assortment of stuff in a shiny tackle box (Chrissy present from a few years back). I've got salt water and fresh water options close at hand (Narrabeen). But, I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing.
Can anyone offer me some pointers? I'd really like to impress the missus.