Next Federal Election

the thing is
labor just keep a rattling on about their paris renewables targets...
I reckon if you took a poll today amongst the public if this is a big priority...
you'd probably get a combination of chicken littles and party
faithfuls making a whopping big total of about 30%
then, ask the public if labor meeting their immigration reduction promise 'target' is a big priority...
I reckon it would come in at about 70%
meanwhile, it was reported last week that their recent weekly intake of migrants is running at 10 000 bodies!
...a week!
and even the abc ran an article saying they have little chance of meeting their reduction promise...
all this just feeds this feeling that they are totally out of touch
'it's the economy stupid'
if they want to get re-elected... they really really need to start listening...
their immigration stance is pure political suicide, yet they seem to have no desire to correct course...
I'm sure they'll come out with some 11th hour bullshit...
11.55-th hour bullshit by the looks of it, but no one will believe them / care / or be listening...


seeds wrote:
^ go axel! love a biologist who really gets behind his plants.

Holding skulls even. Whilst smiling. Weird cunt! I’d like to have a beer with someone like that. Interesting!

Fitzroy bump
I was supposed to say carrot cake

and, peter dutton is probably right about one thing...
when he says he won't commit to labor's 2030 targets because labor simply won't meet them
they won't...
for a host of reasons

ha, sculls, didn't notice that.. groovy cat, indeed. AW would get in on that beer too, I reckon.
(had a quick look at peter garrett's site after your post.. a 'Gaurdian' quote sits front and centre..?)

Also. From what I’ve read he was well pissed at Rudd for ignoring his concerns about the deaths in the ceiling batts scheme Rudd hatched up after the GFC.

Nice bit of rant dilution lads. Where are we meeting for that beer?

there's this cracking joint across from the vic markets that does beaut fried chicken and has bodriggy stout on tap...?

(@seeds is keen to fly in and try the tulla tub at its most cool-as rock-n-roll.. @JF showed him the way):
(wonder if 'SYSKILL' are coming to Aus any time soon?)

Should be called Spinalinjurykill. That looks painful.

yeh, never gets old, but horrific, good on him for laughing while doing the kneel-slide of shame..

Hello Base 6
Thank you for your posts about the evolution of Humans .
Seems so logical that Civilisation started here in Australia , probably Melbourne !
A Bloody True Blue , Aussie Lung Fish is SOOO right , 4 a Genesis of Humanity imho .
The other Post shows we didn't start with intelligence in Europe , no way .

basesix wrote:ha, sculls, didn't notice that.. groovy cat, indeed. AW would get in on that beer too, I reckon.
(had a quick look at peter garrett's site after your post.. a 'Gaurdian' quote sits front and centre..?)
Basesix. Affirmative. I’d ‘hop’ along for sure. My son lives right next to the place. AW
Edit. We know all about the Coelacanth, don’t we.

Devine Madness wrote:Hello Base 6
Thank you for your posts about the evolution of Humans .
Seems so logical that Civilisation started here in Australia , probably Melbourne !
A Bloody True Blue , Aussie Lung Fish is SOOO right , 4 a Genesis of Humanity imho .
The other Post shows we didn't start with intelligence in Europe , no way .
Devine Madness.
How’s things ?
Us Australians are the great biological/geological over achievers .
Stromatolites liberated the first bubbles of oxygen into to what is today’s atmosphere.
We have the oldest geological systems on earth.
The lungfish anatomy has just been proven as a precursor to modern day oxygen breathing.
All of the voices of songbirds in the world have their origins linked to our avian ancestors.
Full box of chocolates. AW

I tried 2 sign up as Devine Madman , AW :) .
Base 6 is such a bio+logical+geo Overachiever , like U2 .
The True Blue Lungy was , with hindsight , always the obvious Culprit 4 our creation !
You don't fuck with a Stromatolite .
Saw that Bloody Magpies also moved out and filled out .
Himalayan Magpies look big , tails especially .

Devine Madness wrote:I tried 2 sign up as Devine Madman , AW :) .
Base 6 is such a bio+logical+geo Overachiever , like U2 .
The True Blue Lungy was , with hindsight , always the obvious Culprit 4 our creation !
You don't fuck with a Stromatolite .
Saw that Bloody Magpies also moved out and filled out .
Himalayan Magpies look big , tails especially .
Devine Madman.
Get a photo of Himalayan Magpie, but not a Heralayan Magpie, thanks. AW

"Peter Dutton edges out Anthony Albanese as preferred prime minister
New polls have revealed Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has overtaken Prime Minister Anthony Albanese as the country’s preferred leader."

Oh My Stars Indo ?
Are U sure with your News ?
Albo more scary than a Nuclear Voldy ???
WTF did Albo DO , while I was Popping up , in Bhutan .
Take his Dog to visit the King , 4 HIS birthday , or something else ?
Some on SN wrote Voldy off , only a few Puffs of the Magic Thunder Dragon , ago .
A year out from an election , it's neck and neck .
It's like a fairytale , perhaps :)
Bonecrusher v Our Waverley Star type finish ?
Albo can either B an "ANZAC SeaBuscuit" and run away from Voldy , with well argued good policy .
Give us a Big Plan , with bloody detail !!!
He has All the Resources .
Or be a "Nice" Biscuit , that just gets soggy and drops off , when the Heat is On .

indo-dreaming wrote:"Peter Dutton edges out Anthony Albanese as preferred prime minister
New polls have revealed Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has overtaken Prime Minister Anthony Albanese as the country’s preferred leader."
Well the LNP are far better money managers than the current lot. Cost of living and Albo and co are unable to do anything as they have nfi how to manage an economy.
States no better, just look at Vic and QLD.

"It's like a fairytale , perhaps :)"
or a nightmare...
what a dire outlook for albo
picked at the post by the most unpalatable leader since...
maybe not since...
A more unpalatable leader than morrison and abbott...
my gawwwwds
he's got lots stacked against him, but the dude just doesn't come across well
mr genuine... seems anything but...
this article is a bit scathing of his capacity, but I believe the crux of the problem is he's just hiding too much
cannot let down his guard and show the true albo... his vision...
maybe there isn't one?

sypkan wrote:"It's like a fairytale , perhaps :)"
or a nightmare...
what a dire outlook for albo
picked at the post by the most unpalatable leader since...
maybe not since...
A more unpalatable leader than morrison and abbott...
my gawwwwds
he's got lots stacked against him, but the dude just doesn't come across well
mr genuine... seems anything but...
this article is a bit scathing of his capacity, but I believe the crux of the problem is he's just hiding too much
cannot let down his guard and show the true albo... his vision...
maybe there isn't one?

It is a Resolve Monitors poll, for a newspaper that had as its chairman the former liberal party Treasurer of 11 years. So …
Last week it had the 2 pp at 50/50, while the more reputable News Poll had Labor by 51:5 to 48.5.
Besides, at this stage polls are just polls, and the preferred Prime Minister poll has never been an indicator of anything, in spite of journalists always trying to talk it up.
But it does give some meat to the rabid. So, go crazy.

hey Batty
So U think 51.5 v 48.5 , is NOT Neck and Neck lol ?
Especially with the Margin closing .
I am a madman , but not going Crazy for BoneCrusher , yet .
Your Star looks like he hasn't got much in the Tank .
U need to cheer him on more !
He's floundering atm .

Oh @poop down learn nothing in Bhutan?

slice it anyway you want...
It's dire
we're talking about peter dutton here!
against peter dutton! ...and, possibly the most corrupt government in australia's history getting another run...
after only two years!
the most corrupt government ever that has been abandoned and gutted of anything resembling talent...
but the public are looking back there

51.5 to 48.5 are pretty good numbers, DM.
But no, the polling in between elections is just for news proprietors to write stories in support of their preferred candidate/party, which is always LNP. Greens and Labor are just whipping boys.
Dutton will need about 51 to 52% 2pp to get government, maybe more.
I think the days of the usefulness of 2 pp numbers are mostly behind us. If the independents make more inroads, which is quite likely, those 2pp figures are close to meaningless.
Most talk is that Dutton sees a path to victory without taking back those teal seats. That sounds like heroic thinking to me.
Labor have been ok on some things, terrible on many others, but it beggars belief that more people think the LNP are better economic managers than Labor. That flies in the face of reality for the last 40 years, but people will believe what they are told to believe, and will as tenderly be led by the nose, as asses are.
Too many tradies listening to Ray Hadley. Can’t believe that people who could listen to music all day while they work would rather hear Hadley or that other goose.

batfink wrote:51.5 to 48.5 are pretty good numbers, DM.
But no, the polling in between elections is just for news proprietors to write stories in support of their preferred candidate/party, which is always LNP. Greens and Labor are just whipping boys.
Dutton will need about 51 to 52% 2pp to get government, maybe more.
I think the days of the usefulness of 2 pp numbers are mostly behind us. If the independents make more inroads, which is quite likely, those 2pp figures are close to meaningless.
Most talk is that Dutton sees a path to victory without taking back those teal seats. That sounds like heroic thinking to me.
Labor have been ok on some things, terrible on many others, but it beggars belief that more people think the LNP are better economic managers than Labor. That flies in the face of reality for the last 40 years, but people will believe what they are told to believe, and will as tenderly be led by the nose, as asses are.
Too many tradies listening to Ray Hadley. Can’t believe that people who could listen to music all day while they work would rather hear Hadley or that other goose.
When even the so called left media are promoting the LNP, it's not surprising.

I agree Batfink , with most of what U say .
If 50.1 2PP doesn't win an Election , lets change IT !
The Worst Labor Governments , Dan , are MUCH worse Money Managers , 4 sure imho .
The Best Labor , Hawke , was best !
I don't follow polls either , but I chat 2 people and OurTradies listen to Music , not Ray .
There are Very important issues that require Urgent discussion .
I have always been Pro Immigration and have not been concerned about 500k+ per year , until now !
Cost of Living Stuff .

At least with Dutton you know what he is, Albo is fake manufactured PM. A douche trying to be likeable.
Both are unlikeable but only one is pretending not to be. Albo is a weak individual and Australia knows it. Dutton is Dutton and Australia knows what he is…and are starting to not care as he is a better character than Albo. And what he brings is far better than what we currently have.

dead right there
it's the sco-mo conundrum...
A horrible man, a compulsive liar, an ad man with no shame, an idiot that got promoted way above his capacity...
but you know who he is
A genuine fuckwit
people don't like frauds
whether albo is a fraud or not, he sure comes across as one...
his behaviour says fraud
'watch what they do not what they say'

@roadkill , what exactly does Dutton bring ?

Roadkill wrote:At least with Dutton you know what he is, Albo is fake manufactured PM. A douche trying to be likeable.
Both are unlikeable but only one is pretending not to be. Albo is a weak individual and Australia knows it. Dutton is Dutton and Australia knows what he is…and are starting to not care as he is a better character than Albo. And what he brings is far better than what we currently have.
Dutton’s a negative wrecking ball, and just like Abbot he’ll capitulate to capital interests over the population every day of the week. Albo’s unlikeable but I don’t think he’s an absolute cunt. You’d have to dig deep through the main players of the LNP to say the same.

soggydog wrote:Roadkill wrote:At least with Dutton you know what he is, Albo is fake manufactured PM. A douche trying to be likeable.
Both are unlikeable but only one is pretending not to be. Albo is a weak individual and Australia knows it. Dutton is Dutton and Australia knows what he is…and are starting to not care as he is a better character than Albo. And what he brings is far better than what we currently have.
Dutton’s a negative wrecking ball, and just like Abbot he’ll capitulate to capital interests over the population every day of the week. Albo’s unlikeable but I don’t think he’s an absolute cunt. You’d have to dig deep through the main players of the LNP to say the same.
What exactly has Albo done to be a bad person?
Flip flops yeah, but that is I reckon is trying to please everyone all the time. That is his main stuff up. Yes he has been a let down, but a bad person?
Media have been going hard on him and what exactly have they come up with? Nada.
Dutton on the other hand, just watch a couple of the Jordie vids to see what he is really like. And my guess is if it wasn't all true Dutton would have gone the defamation route all ready as he did with the refugee tweet which was much less damning.

I think people voted Scomo out and Albo in rather than voting Albo in as such and now they are noticing that he isnt up for the job and has no leadership qualities and what was promised like reducing energy prices something very measurable isnt happening and the exact opposite has happened.
Lie's= Been caught out lying time after time especially during the voice.
Flip flops= as we all know.
Public speaking= Very Biden like gets flustered and cracks under pressure even getting narky, its not what you want in a leader.
And just a lack of focus on the issues that are important, like the economy and living cost, the biggest thing he has done since being elected was the voice that wasn't important to most divided the country and failed dismally and just wasted our time and money.
Dutton as a PM is an unknown but LNP historically have proven themselves to be much better on things that people care about like the economy and security because thats their focus rather than side issues like the voice..
BTW. The recent poll doesn't mean LNP have any chance in the next election, its very unlikely we will have a change of government after only one term and it hasn't happened for about 100 years, but im personally happy with the poll results and hope the trend continues, and ideally Labor then lose the election after that.

''Dutton as a PM is an unknown but LNP historically have proven themselves to be much better on things that people care about like the economy and security because thats their focus rather than side issues like the voice..''
Dutton was great for security, especially if your name was Craig Thrupp and owned a company called Paladin!
Otherwise the rest of your comment is false, economically Labor has generally performed better using international and OECD comparisons of key economic indicators but hey, you believe what you wish.

Just a few references, not a huge difference. But overall, Labor are better economic managers, so that the Liberal Party are better economic mangers is a myth perpetrated by the media. A media made up companies owned by Billionaires who generally do better under Liberals, so yeah they will support them.

Sorry Andy but people base their views on real life circumstances, when Labor are in power people and small business struggle.
But its very hard to compare because of the last 30 years LNP have been in power for about 21 of them and then well before that we were in Labor's recession we had to have with 17% interest rates and crazy high unemployment.
BTW. It doesn't help peoples perception when you have the crazy debt Victoria has under Labor.

indo-dreaming wrote:Sorry Andy but people base their views on real life circumstances, when Labor are in power people and small business struggle.
But its very hard to compare because of the last 30 years LNP have been in power for about 21 of them and then well before that we were in Labor's recession we had to have with 17% interest rates and crazy high unemployment.
BTW. It doesn't help peoples perception when you have the crazy debt Victoria has under Labor.
So go with the vibe, not the reality??
That's the media setting the narrative, refer to attached references.
Feel free to reference anything that disputes what I have posted.

Why do you want Labor to lose the election Indo? Wouldn't you just want them to do better?
I cannot for the life of me understand why the Laura Tingles, Samantha Maidens, Chris Kennys these so called hard hitting political journalists won't even have a sniff at the obvious corruption and links to crims that the Friendly Jordies expose. I cannot for the life of me understand how an ex-cop, regardless of his business acumen can amass a $200 mil + fortune in less than 20 years. It's a miracle!

indo-dreaming wrote:I think people voted Scomo out and Albo in rather than voting Albo in as such and now they are noticing that he isnt up for the job and has no leadership qualities and what was promised like reducing energy prices something very measurable isnt happening and the exact opposite has happened.
Lie's= Been caught out lying time after time especially during the voice.
Flip flops= as we all know.
Public speaking= Very Biden like gets flustered and cracks under pressure even getting narky, its not what you want in a leader.
And just a lack of focus on the issues that are important, like the economy and living cost, the biggest thing he has done since being elected was the voice that wasn't important to most divided the country and failed dismally and just wasted our time and money.
Dutton as a PM is an unknown but LNP historically have proven themselves to be much better on things that people care about like the economy and security because thats their focus rather than side issues like the voice..
BTW. The recent poll doesn't mean LNP have any chance in the next election, its very unlikely we will have a change of government after only one term and it hasn't happened for about 100 years, but im personally happy with the poll results and hope the trend continues, and ideally Labor then lose the election after that.
Indo, looks like it’s time to refresh your memory again.
The Voice was produced by the LNP, the ALP simply supported it and committed to a referendum. No lies no bullshit. Flip flops, the LNP have it there: Produced the Voice and then completely disowned it and Wyatt; you can’t top that. And if you maintain the Voice divided the country, that has to be the LNP’s doing. As for not important to most people, that has to be the biggest FU to our FNP.
The LNP are better on the economy and security. Urban myth. Defecits from 2013 to 2022 increased, Abbott went and cut funding regardless of his commitment to “no cuts”. They paid $400 mill to the GBR, $750 mill to Dutto’s Mate for Manus Island. RoboDebt, etc and you think they’re better economic managers. And who can forget the Joyce-Taylor water rights transaction. Sure, they stopped the boats, but everyone came in via Qantas and just stayed. As for releasing criminals from detention, Dutton has a history there which explains why he’s gone quiet on the issue.
Despite our energy security being stuffed 50 years ago and both parties contributing to its current state, I point out any attempt by the ALP to get taxpayers a better deal in petroleum exports or to transition to renewable energy, was met with obstruction and frustration by the LNP to the point where the LNP would have us 30 years behind the rest of the world, and a lot poorer.
The ALP are far from perfect but history shows some major social and economic reforms, the Snowy Project, establishment of car manufacturing, Medicare, NBN, NDIS, and of course the major reforms of the Hawke-Keating era.
The LNP reforms are thin on the ground but they did introduce the GST, and Gay Marriage (if that’s important to you) but I struggle to find anything else. Don’t forget Howard and Costello changed home ownership from a purchase to an investment, and is largely responsible for the predicament we find ourselves in today. And under the LNP, Superannuation became a major tax avoidance system.
You typify the average LNP voter and ignore some basic cold hard facts to justify your position.
Shallow, unbelievably shallow.

It’s certainly going to be an ugly election , good luck Australia . ……….,"That's why this coming election will be the mother of all bipartisan scare campaigns and the most negative in memory.”
"The responses and voting behaviour of this cohort will decide the next election."

Hey Salty
Good that the Voice 4 reconciliation was proposed by the LNP , thanks !
All of Australia was behind it .
Then Albo and Labor politicalised a Ref .
It was then a Big No .
Abbott Stopped the Unstoppable Boats .
Manas Island was part of the complicated Solution .
Having Secure Borders , is great 4 Security .
Being too friendly 2 China , not so Secure .
Dutton HAS made Energy Policy a Major Issue , Finally a Realist Conservative View of Things imho . Both parties did get US into this Mess !

Devine Madness wrote:Hey Salty
Good that the Voice 4 reconciliation was proposed by the LNP , thanks !
All of Australia was behind it .
Then Albo and Labor politicalised a Ref .
It was then a Big No .
Abbott Stopped the Unstoppable Boats .
Manas Island was part of the complicated Solution .
Having Secure Borders , is great 4 Security .
Being too friendly 2 China , not so Secure .
Dutton HAS made Energy Policy a Major Issue , Finally a Realist Conservative View of Things imho . Both parties did get US into this Mess !
You must have memory fatigue DM.
It was the LNP who decided their "Voice" was "racist and divisive", not Albo or the ALP. It became politicised after that.
Abbott stopped the boats, but they then came in by air and never left. You missed the last bit.
He also awarded a knighthood to Prince Phillip.
Manus Island was immensely profitable for Duttons mates.
Being friendly with China doesn't seem to bother too many people, given the number of Chinese manufactured vehicles on our roads.
Duttons Energy Policy: there's no detail (remember that line??). But he'll tell us after the election: if you buy that you're a fool.
Anyway, can you give me a few more major LNP social and economic reforms since WW2. I've given two for starters: and finishers as well I'd say.
Here's the LNP theme song for the next election:

^^ Andrew Robb LNP trade minister who signed off on our free trade agreement with China, left parliament to take up a $400,000 pa job with some Chinese company but he couldn’t tell anyone what he did!!!
Darwin port leased to Chinese during LNP govt.

GuySmiley wrote:^^ Andrew Robb LNP trade minister who signed off on our free trade agreement with China, left parliament to take up a $400,000 pa job with some Chinese company but he couldn’t tell anyone what he did!!!
Not hard to figure out why = cost of living tanked under albo

ashsam wrote:
Not hard to figure out why = cost of living tanked under albo
Certainly not hard to figure out.
From :
"Almost all food categories have been hit, but many healthy foods appear to have increased in price at almost double the rate of discretionary (unhealthy) foods.
The COVID pandemic, climate events such as floods and bushfires, and international conflicts have all contributed, to varying degrees. These events have placed undue pressure on food supply chains through food shortages, increased fuel, energy and transport costs and a shortage of workers from farm to fork.
Big supermarkets have also been scrutinised recently. In Australia, supermarkets can set prices, with little transparency. This is against a backdrop of one of the most powerful and concentrated grocery sectors in the world, severely limiting competition.
Claims of supermarket price gouging have inspired public outrage, particularly given the two supermarket giants each pocketed more than A$1 billion in profits in 2022-2023."
So just how is Albo responsible for floods and international conflict for example, not to mention price gouging by supermarkets?
Might as well put this up in the politics subforum, to spare the front page. It's 18 months away or so, but here we go.
This is how Dutton wins: