Next Federal Election

the thing is basesix, these feeble attempts at 'otherig' (irony alert there) ...have been going on for so long... people will - and do - just go...
'fuck it, I'll vote conservative then...'
a case of...
'if you tell someone something enough times, they'll believe it'
if you belittle, condemn, de-humanise (irony alert again), and / or ostracise someone enough times... they'll eventually go...
'well fuck you too!'
a massive problem for 'the left' over the last decade or two, and a large part of what you're describing above

the rest is just slurs, feeble attempts at belittling, and mis-labelling... good at some of that, tries to be smart and subtle..yet it is there.

you're no doubt correct @sypkan, you're catching up to what I said about what 'conservative' currently means in political circles. The left weirdos speak for themselves. All zealots are chewing themselves up from within.
Just pointless opinions, I have no affiliation, other than wanting to be left alone 80% of the time, and wanting to engage with an inclusive, respectful and functional society, where people have a little coin in their pocket and genuine choices, 20% of the time.
(I'll bow out now, I think 'othering' people is the biggest problem in our society, so apologies).
(sorry, again @RK, for that 'sic' a couple months ago)

basesix wrote:the people purporting to be Conservatives on here are fkn weird.. Conservatives are meant to have a bleak view of human nature, have faith in traditional and public institutions, and want centralised control over the wacky shit opportunistic humans try to do.
Lots of Liberal Reactionists here, very few conservatives.
Thats such a weird take on what being a conservative means.
Anyway im only a conservative because thats what many of my view's tend to align with but i have lots of views that aren't traditionally conservative even dare i say progressive.
But things have changed a lot in the area of censorship area, traditionally conservative's were pro censorship and progressives not, but these days its like things have completely flipped.

.....there's always one ;)

basesix wrote:you're no doubt correct @sypkan, you're catching up to what I said about what 'conservative' currently means in political circles. The left weirdos speak for themselves. All zealots are chewing themselves up from within.
Just pointless opinions, I have no affiliation, other than wanting to be left alone 80% of the time, and wanting to engage with an inclusive, respectful and functional society, where people have a little coin in their pocket and genuine choices, 20% of the time.
(I'll bow out now, I think 'othering' people is the biggest problem in our society, so apologies).
(sorry, again @RK, for that 'sic' a couple months ago)
There you go again, not so subtle this time…’s in your nature.
Love a good passive aggressive line.

back on topic...
1) Gimme some examples of what the censorship demands were?
like all statistics... they're selective, and deigned for impact, ...and also full of shit...
but Im sure you are well aware recent examples... and the absolute debacle that was covid...
and, more in relation to the graph above, the efforts to shut down a canadian poster, over posts about the debauchery of what was essentially a political appointee..
2) Why shouldn't social media be held to the same standard legacy media were?
well to paraphrase the recent elon musk don lemon interview...
"... its different... totally different... new york times and the like publish maybe 25 stories a day... twitter has 500 million posts a day to review..."
hardly the same thing
and, legacy media is 'legacy media' for a reason...
twitter is the internet... from it's inception to its format, to its growth, appeal, and dominance of a certain space...
the internet - with all it's faults - is an unwieldy beast, whose very appeal was its unleashing of unshackled power to the little playes... it's untethering from government and vested interests...
its ultimate 'democratisation' capacity
it's empowerment...
to give all that back to governments, that have so recently shown they cannot be trusted at all to discern what even 'truth' is, nevermind 'misinformation'...
no thanks
3) If you think social media should be censorship free then you're a naive fucking idiot.
Im a fucking idiot... but not naive...
I know there needs to be 'controls' in place... but I totally, and wholeheatedly, disagree with how this government is going about it...
and I will let people know so
on the internet!
(whilst I still can...)
this government is so full of shit they cannot be trusted to discern anything
it is so clear to see that their e-karen agenda is ideologically driven as much as anything...
it is just plain scary the door they are opening
and tbh, it's just so fucking wasteful the way they are going about it
hubris filled, ideologically driven, pie in the sky, jumping at shadows, populist, wasteful...

[quote=sypkan]I totally, and wholeheatedly, disagree with how this government is going about it...
and I will let people know[/quote]

e-karen agenda
Got to pay that one Syp.

e-karen agenda
I must disclose...
I stole it
but it's a classic hey...
captures so much

CharmLESS, nice pre election FUDG IT...FKN Imposter....Learnt your economics from the worlds worst treasurer, ha ha.
In just 2 years, this so called government has DOUBLED mortgage payments(consequently increasing rents by 50%)...Increased grocery prices by 50%(judging from what I buy, which is very basic)...Decreased my surfing trips due to increased fuel prices...
Wasted half a billion on a NO vote...poured zillions into the net zero DUMB ideology while our trading partner has a free reign at polluting( we contribute 1% ghGas, they give the world 50%)
Tip of the Iceberg...
Housing shortage on the back of immigration thats is beyond the ridiculous...homelessMess at record levels
Rampant Violence unchecked
The list goes on and on and on...
All this off the back a ThURD of the Dummy voters whose great matter should be flushed away...
Bring ON the wont be you ALBO SLEAZY..BOZO(go back to the green circus Koont) and JimBOB, theres a vacancy as PM of MickeyMouseClub(you already got the ears!).PennyWrong can have the diplomatic post on the moon(who let her on the earth in the first place?).
FOOK RIGHT OFF, lying cheating low lifes,boasting projected over a trillion in debts ...beyond belief.

Boating is BACK!

Jimbo’s wife too dumb to read the room..beyond stupid.
These clowns really are perfect.


AND just to top it off...
March 29 2020..
on his Facebook ...
Albanese says...
" Labor has been calling for a freeze on evictions for renters,Today the states and territories have done just that ,A good move_the right one"
This was during covid ,a time of uncertainty...
Today, in a worse time of uncertainty due to the economic shambles thrust upon Australia by a fookhead government...The news breaks of ALBOsleazzzzy EVICTING one of his tenants!
What ways the wind blowing Albo?...

Al boo boo Sleazy...Please explain?

Here we go, I was wondering where he was with this

Unification on Migration Cancellation.
So why at exactly this point of time do sworn enemies conspire to hang noose our golden goose?
Are they both reading from the very same last char-grilled Science Paper?
Post Vax Era...this week o's Covid infections just spiked 5% to a new record high 46.4% of Oz cases.
Meaning if not next week ...very soon... Govt will soon be treating o's [+] Patients ahead of Aussies.
Dopey media will eventually wake up to the fact & roast any govt for rushing o's record % Covid intake.
Govt are hellbent on kickin' over Covid headstones while our Frontline now speak a foreign language.
This week both ALP + [L] boarded the SS Pandemic Titanic [ No Vacancy ] Sorry, we're positively full!
World is infiltrating our Great Australian Dream Homes...while we mutate into perfect hosts!
Better make some room inside yer skin for the mass orchestrated foreign invasion...(Cough!) All in this Together!

So Voldy has waited until the Immigration Numbers are Out and screaming 2 Australians , The Flood is out if control and has NOW Placed his Mark on the Debate .
140 000 New Australians starting in 2025 .
As part of the Triumvirate that Stopped The Boats , Australians will mostly , Believe HE will Stop The Flood .
Immigration IS the TOP Election Issue and ONE Major Player has Made The Promise To Stop the Flood .
What will Labor/Greens duo ?

Will the Oligarchs power up Comrade Dutto?
Feeling frustrated...wanna power up yer cowardly leader on them hot topics...
Surely a [L] vote gives some rich fat bastard the right to have a say on Nuking someone else's town.
Wotz New!
Hot Tip...
Mystery Town is offering up a choice...
Do you prefer to be obliterated by Putin or Elon or Gates?
Very thoughtfully giving their people a choice of their preferred Dr No!
* Get wiped off the Map by a Nuke Meltdown
* Go out in a blaze of glory with a Battery Bank Inferno
* FLiRT with a new Booster
Wotz New! { How to Wipe yer town off the Map }
That's right...A mystery Dumbarse Town is sacrificing itself for Voldemort...."Please pick us Master!"
eHarmony Kommissar : "Can't say 'Town' anymore tbb!...that falsely implies 50% home ownership!"
{ Apology to Village Idiots }
Choose from Zaporizhia extension lead (vs) Jump start yer Tesla Battery (vs) FLiRT with new Booster
But Wait! There's more...
In true Unoztray'n spirit ...All of us lazy good for nuthin' battlers get to Nuke their Poll.
Well...Wot are ya waitin' for...we gotta 50/50 chance to House Reffos in an actual Contamination Zone!
Every Aussies dream home for Reffos...
No more fightin' over our PFAS leaching Asbestos Shacks
Apply Here...
or Here...
Can even Fasttrack to the End of The World ...[Very carefully Press this Button Here]
Warning [ End of the World Button ]...Must be pressed repeatedly for yer Vote to Count...well durr!
Just stand back a little when ya press Voting button for the 100th time...54321 X Starlink Express.
PS : Dutto : "Wed is yer deadline to blow up yer neighbour's hurry!"

Gosh U are abashing this Super Power Voldy Stuff !
Mixing Peter with Comrade Putin ( the US wants the war by the way ) , Gates ( so the WEF and Davos Crowd ) and Elon ( I like him ) , is great !
NFI about what Town or Country ( Oahu ? ) U are talking about getting Nuked , in Oz , but keep spinning , it';s so cool !
Dutton put His 140k Line in the Sand and U go Nuclear !
Keep it Up !

Pops knows that Nukes are beholden to Russia.
Putin runs the whole aging Nuke Show + 66% of supplies + 80% of all future contracts.
World knows any investing in Ancient Nukes are just Putin's slaves.
Any think Dutto is ahead of all 5 Eyes Nukes...then he should share it with Putin's playthings!
Western Nuke Powers peaked / died 20 years ago...
Feel free to check who's ordering Nukes...
Russia are building 40/57 (70%) of all future Nuke Plants
Russia's best customers are China 21 India 8 Russia 6 Turkey 4 (Likely a War deal for Sea Access)
Thinkin' Egypt / Bangladesh + Other Russian Backwaters...are thereabout spoon fed somewhere!
None are Queuing for Dutto's Latest Greatest Pie in the Sky...Where is that? Huh!
tbb actually feels sorry for fellow to sell a flaming turd!
Sad state of Nukes (Please check...ain't no Boutique Nukes that's a fuckin' joke = 2x failures!)
#1 US 93 plants peaked in 2007...been runnin' them down...leanin' on Oz to bury their shit!
Pathetic US exempts their 60% Russian + Nuke Fuel from War on Ukraine Sanctions...US die without it!
#2 France 56 plants are reduced to pre 1990 output (Plead with Putin to set them free!)
France owes Russia $3-4b / yr in Nuke Bills increases 3 fold each year...many plants sit idle!
Now ya know why Macron just box ticks Putin's Invasion...EU vomit over France's Nuke addiction...
Just dump yer Nuke Boyfriend already!
#3 China 54 plants ordered 21 plants from Russia...why wouldn't they!
#7 India 19 plants ordered 8 plants from Russia...bloody mad if they didn't!
#9 Ukraine All 15 Plants rely 100% on Russia to keep the lights on.
They did try US, but that's going backwards...same as everything that US touches.
#10 UK 12 Plants struggle to reach 25% Power + Loads of Waste in barrels > Oz to dispose of.
Rest of Europe binned the Shit....some even contracted Nuke Plants > Never used > let them Rot.
Germany binned & buried All 8 of their Nuke Shit Heaps.
UK / Canada / S Korea / Japan / Taiwan all starting to buy own mines or re-purpose own fuel.
None in any hurry to build more...just feed the beasts they got with whateva shit they can find!
None ever seem to buy more than 15-20% Oz uranium mix...not what they want.
(Dodgy African suppliers are now on the go...likely some Russian links there as well!)
+ Japan has that little problem with Poisoning the Pacific...and that Mass Grave Yard.
So What's Dutto's hang up with droolin' over Putin's Rusty Yesteryear Nuke Tech!
As said them Yuppie things are a joke! Not even real...the Dude is a tripper! Just Sellin' Newspapers!
NP Farmers hate them Giant Fans spoiling the scenery +
Bush Battery Banks are Blowing Up...(True! Oz are top 5 Battery Bangs > 3/5 Tesla Bush Bangs)
These burn for a day > Area shuts down & little town Fire Brigade can't deal with it?
Now > Residence / Battery Charger fire/day in NSW...this is a real & present fear!
So NP feed Dutto contrived Polls that twist Poll % into Young Greenies Love Nukes...(Tip! They Don't!)
Just like US sell Vax / War as cool...there not...but fear sells loads of newspapers...Nuke Poll = Kaching!
Nukes would sit in the Middle ground back towards Regions Poles / Wires to salvage NP Landscapes!
This is a real good article that reflects the current dodgy Nuke Poll/s...Ask for what Poll answer ya want!
There is that Aukus Nuke thing...tbb is now onto that & knows why that is...took a while...but got there!
It' not about Oz Nuke Power...more about backing up & prolonging a failing Dodgy Sub Fleet!
Oz worked out a way to keep US rust bucket Lemons rolling out & to reach their projected lifespan.
They were fading real fast & falling well behind...still are but Oz can help with that!
Without Oz...seriously! These Shitty Subs would sink 20-30 years sooner than Use By date!
That's why the big money is needed up front...
Oz Plan salvages the entire US Sub Fleet...simply by backing up as mates do!
Think at sea Assist Pit Crew with everything ya need + 3D tech to keep the A team on the Hunt.
Whateva ya want...we got it & can supply it 24/7 at / under sea...that's Us! That's Oz Pacific Role.
Nuke laws can't prevent Oz from Provisioning on hand like for like failing Nuke Sub Components...Got it!
Saves US going back to the Dock every week each time another cheap part fails...FFS! Piece of Shit!
Virginia Class has best ever Tech but it sadly don't hide the fact...that they're #1 US Lemon Subs!
China knows this & wanna plug up this 24/7 Nuke Sub 3D parts / breakdown repair & salvage crew!
We are them Guys...that's our Job & we're the best at rescuing mates in the Middle of Nowhere! True!
Trust an Aussie with yer life...Fuckin' Oath ya do...that's wot we're born to do! All say Aye! Easy Sell!

hey true blue
I don't C Petter Dutton glowing with nuclear energy on TV .
He did put it on the Agenda , but has Zeroed in on Immigration as the Main Issue to Fight an Election on .
It should B 2 , as the Issue is Changing governments all over the Globe !
Cheap Electricity is part of the Immigration debate , Cost of Living Stuff .
As I have said , Natural Gas is the Obvious Choice 4 Cheap Electricity in Australia , in most cases imho .
I think its Great we are getting Nuclear Sub's !!!
Just the fact WE have ordered THEM , puts US at the Nuclear Table .
They Might Work , one day lol , which is ALL it takes !
We could get a few Nuclear Bombs and Rockets , instead !
That would B a Courageous Decision , so unlikely , in my lifetime .

AliSleazys new book
Theppa Erectricity

alboSLEAZY...460 mill blown on referenDUMB
Now 450 million on a couple of private jets....
Best part of a billion that should be spent on housing the people who LIVE here.
Call an election now KOONT!
25 rebate from power after the cost has tripled in 2 years...KOONT!
35 a week after groceries are UP by 50%...Mortgage payments DOUBLED and everything else that flows on ...KOONT
So out of touch with reality that this period will go down the history as SleazysTales, times when Aussies did it tougher than the disaster of the worlds worst treasurer P Koonty KeetEGO.

Can I add build a nuclear power station next to quadzilla now.

I focus wrote:Can I add build a nuclear power station next to quadzilla now.

Quad might get his wish and have Dutts as PM with our msm...

andy-mac wrote:Quad might get his wish and have Dutts as PM with our msm...
And remember the figures used above are from the IMF, a notorious left wing commie organisation.

I focus wrote:Can I add build a nuclear power station next to quadzilla now.
Honestly id have no issue with a nuclear power station in my region i also dont have an issue with more and larger wind farms in my region, but i do think its crazy and brain dead LNP using nuclear as political strategy.

Thoughts on WA’s waste to energy generators that take landfill garbage which reeks of methane and burn it in super efficient furnaces to produce power.
Maybe this combined with our renewable program is a cheap temp fill in until we get the rest sorted.
Any CO2 from the furnace is probably temporarily better than the methane from the tip , plus the garbage is gone and cheap power produced.

It would be nice if the indo government got on board and switched strategies but the PLN doesn’t want competition, sad that they really dont give a fark .

andy-mac wrote:andy-mac wrote:Quad might get his wish and have Dutts as PM with our msm...
And remember the figures used above are from the IMF, a notorious left wing commie organisation.
The last 2 budgets were excellent. There should be no doubt about that. Financially, we are in a very good spot as a country.

I disagree , unfortunately Flollo .
Perhaps if compared to the Disastrous Balance Sheets of other Countries or here in Victoria , we Look ok .
The Mining Boon and now Agriculture are making our Books look good with Inflows of Cash in $US .
The Federal Outflows have , perhaps stopped hemorrhaging , but are sure Out of Control and Not giving Us a Bang 4 our Buck atm !
China will Stop Paying big bucks 4 our Iron Ore .
When these Inflows reduce , our Balance Sheet will B tested .
With ALL the Things going 4 Australia , WE should have NO debt !
That would B a Very Good Spot .
As I said , thanks 2 Dan , Vic's Finances are a fn Disaster !
We are a Big part of the Country !

a commodity price fluke
and a million++ migrants
a blind mute pokie addict with a heroin habit could've balanced the books...
and we're supposed to be grateful?

sypkan wrote:a commodity price fluke
and a million++ migrants
a blind mute pokie addict with a heroin habit could've balanced the books...
and we're supposed to be grateful?
Yeah , bring back the LNP #“ better money managers “

quadzilla wrote:alboSLEAZY...460 mill blown on referenDUMB
Now 450 million on a couple of private jets....
Best part of a billion that should be spent on housing the people who LIVE here.
Call an election now KOONT!
25 rebate from power after the cost has tripled in 2 years...KOONT!
35 a week after groceries are UP by 50%...Mortgage payments DOUBLED and everything else that flows on ...KOONT
So out of touch with reality that this period will go down the history as SleazysTales, times when Aussies did it tougher than the disaster of the worlds worst treasurer P Koonty KeetEGO.
Are you by any chance Rowan Dean in disguise. Well played if you are!!

garyg1412 wrote:quadzilla wrote:alboSLEAZY...460 mill blown on referenDUMB
Now 450 million on a couple of private jets....
Best part of a billion that should be spent on housing the people who LIVE here.
Call an election now KOONT!
25 rebate from power after the cost has tripled in 2 years...KOONT!
35 a week after groceries are UP by 50%...Mortgage payments DOUBLED and everything else that flows on ...KOONT
So out of touch with reality that this period will go down the history as SleazysTales, times when Aussies did it tougher than the disaster of the worlds worst treasurer P Koonty KeetEGO.
Are you by any chance Rowan Dean in disguise. Well played if you are!!

well, tbh, the thought of a dutton government repulses me...
but albo's government just gets worse by the day
the cunt should stand down now for the good of the party / country
the budget was pretty shit really...
seriously, a $300 voucher to combat a cost of living 'crisis'
it's a bloody insult given the lead up to this moment
I'm glad gina rhinehardt will get it too though... anything else, would just be unfair...
watched chalmers on qanda last night talking budget, was quite inpressive tbh how he handled the questions... from what was clearly a very hostile audience...
a hostile labor audience...
I'm sorry, I know some of you are wigging out at labor being so clearly on the ropes... and the prospect of a dutton government...
but to me, their little million++ migrants experiment is inexcusable. its jusr so damaging, in so many ways...
especially in the context that is was undertaken
it is plain reckless
defiant, dumb, and reckless

Getting rid of our Waste efficiently , Should B a priority 4 us all .
Most Councils are , unfortunately , unwilling 2 do IT .
U highlight a comment about Albo being Sleazy , then highlight a Link to a Michael West article saying Dutton is like Trump and can't B trusted .
Mate , Westy is a Lefty but should know MOST of what Trump SAID , turned out 2 B the TRUTH !
So , Dutton MAY win after all and will B trusted by Most Australians .
Fantastic , WE Need a Great Election !
A LOT of Stuff needs to B Urgently debated , decided and Acted Upon !

yep popd
this very tired 'trump' characterisation bullshit of everything, is just so lazy
and is just that...
dutton lies, and it's 'trumpian'
albo lies... a lot...
and there's barely a murmur
not even a murmur...
it's just politics as its always been in oz
framing everything as trumpian, is just plain pure bullshit
the only thing that is trumpian, is a polarised, ridiculously tribalised party faithful... running at 30% / 30% for the two majors...
and a floating, lost in the wilderness, feeling abandonned at sea 40%...
the traditional 'swingers'
this is the new dynamic the western world over
there's nothing trumpian about it
the major parties created this, they sold out to big money and lobby groups
and focus groups...
then they get all irrate and accusational when their traditional constituents don't fall into line
fuk em
fuck off
sort your own shit out!

velocityjohnno wrote:andy-mac wrote:Haha....
That's a fascinating idea. The problem with it is, even if correct, if appealing to those concerns has people perceiving Dutton as actually listening, he will get the votes. Go back to the first post in this thread, and this is how he wins.
(Labour - looks like - it is beginning to respond to the deluge of people and crush loading/displacement from housing and services this created including increase in homelessness... but after being elected they took the deluge and greatly increased it in the first place!)
Reason I posted article not so much about Trump, but how media report Labor v LNP as referred to in independent article.
It's a joke.
Dutton spoke BS and is not called out or held to the same account as Albo, or any other non LNP pollie.
@pop Michael Pascoe was writer, hardly left wing.
Ya want to be pissed at something in oz, then this is it. Both Shit and Shit Lite parties doing it.
Not a fan of this guys delivery, but you get the point.

"A LOT of Stuff needs to B Urgently debated , decided and Acted Upon !"
and labor still think they can just shut conversations down...
they're wrong
so so wrong
whether they facillitate it or not...
the public is having these conversations
being so mind-blowingly aloof and ignoring the public will, is not serving them well

My god you can bloviate.
Just make a point and let it stand FFS.

sypkan wrote:"A LOT of Stuff needs to B Urgently debated , decided and Acted Upon !"
and labor still think they can just shut conversations down...
they're wrong
so so wrong
whether they facillitate it or not...
the public is having these conversations
being so mind-blowingly aloof and ignoring the public will, is not serving them well
Yeah and dog whistling Dutton with his msm mates will be better. Fark most of the problems facing Australia have their roots in previous administration. By every measure Labor are outperforming previous govt. Yes they are not perfect, far from it, but wishing for alternative, ya got to be joking.
Labor not supporting McBride and dropping case is a disgrace...
Might as well put this up in the politics subforum, to spare the front page. It's 18 months away or so, but here we go.
This is how Dutton wins: