The United States(!) of A

indo-dreaming wrote:AlfredWallace wrote:southernraw wrote:You been playing with your plastic soldiers again Indo?
SRaw. He just can’t let it go. Loves a battle on any front.
He’s Definitely the Leader of the Opposition, natural born shit stirrer. AWBoth of you have no interest in contributing to this topic you are just here to troll, even though SR X girlfriend just had 300 missiles and drones set towards her and if it wasn't for Israel and its alies, he could be getting the news that she is now dead, but the dumb fuck is now probably simping for Iran trying to claim they are victims.
And then AW the guy that lives in some alternative fantasy land has the gall to come in here adding nothing shit stirring while accusing others with an interest in major world affairs that actually affect the whole western world of shit stirring.
You cant make this shit up.
To our long running tight arse non-subscriber.
The shit from your mouth, couldn’t you get your point across, is nobody listening to little baby Indo, you had to go and post the same article on two different threads.
Admit it, you are definitely an attention seeker, we all know it.
Xenophobe and an Islamophobe , the latter by your own self admittance.
Beacause of ,,,, your own petty description of Islam, making its way into Aceh, then down through Sumatra proper and over into Java, Indo hides in Bali and the Telos, running scared and from Islamic people. Really. Are you that worried about them ?
And you want everyone to be nice, meh.
Your love of blood and killing is all laid out before you.
I’ve not forgotten your repulsive, disgusting statement wishing all Islamic soldiers horror and death during Ramadan when you suggested they’d by weakened by the lack of food during the Israel/ Palestinian conflict. Again highlighting your phobic nature.
Yeh, you can’t make that shit up pal, you think it and you breathe it and you know you do. Sick. AW

"NPR editor’s tell-all confirms what we already knew about the media"
"NPR in Turmoil After It Is Accused of Liberal Bias
...Mr. Berliner, a Peabody Award-winning journalist, castigated NPR for what he said was a litany of journalistic missteps around coverage of several major news events, including the origins of Covid-19 and the war in Gaza. He also said the internal culture at NPR had placed race and identity as “paramount in nearly every aspect of the workplace.”...

AlfredWallace wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:AlfredWallace wrote:southernraw wrote:You been playing with your plastic soldiers again Indo?
SRaw. He just can’t let it go. Loves a battle on any front.
He’s Definitely the Leader of the Opposition, natural born shit stirrer. AWBoth of you have no interest in contributing to this topic you are just here to troll, even though SR X girlfriend just had 300 missiles and drones set towards her and if it wasn't for Israel and its alies, he could be getting the news that she is now dead, but the dumb fuck is now probably simping for Iran trying to claim they are victims.
And then AW the guy that lives in some alternative fantasy land has the gall to come in here adding nothing shit stirring while accusing others with an interest in major world affairs that actually affect the whole western world of shit stirring.
You cant make this shit up.
To our long running tight arse non-subscriber.
The shit from your mouth, couldn’t you get your point across, is nobody listening to little baby Indo, you had to go and post the same article on two different threads.
Admit it, you are definitely an attention seeker, we all know it.
Xenophobe and an Islamophobe , the latter by your own self admittance.
Beacause of ,,,, your own petty description of Islam, making its way into Aceh, then down through Sumatra proper and over into Java, Indo hides in Bali and the Telos, running scared and from Islamic people. Really. Are you that worried about them ?
And you want everyone to be nice, meh.
Your love of blood and killing is all laid out before you.
I’ve not forgotten your repulsive, disgusting statement wishing all Islamic soldiers horror and death during Ramadan when you suggested they’d by weakened by the lack of food during the Israel/ Palestinian conflict. Again highlighting your phobic nature.
Yeh, you can’t make that shit up pal, you think it and you breathe it and you know you do. Sick. AW
Ha ha Islamphobia im so Islamphobic that i even have Ramamadan celebrations at my house with my muslim friends.

haha Indo lashing out after being busted playing with his toy soldiers again.
Do you make little machine gun and bomb sounds Indo.
The irony of you calling other people dumb fucks is next level hilarious.
As you were. I hear there's an invasion coming from the window sill. All hands on deck! You might need your pillow to fight this next onslaught!

"NPR editor’s tell-all confirms what we already knew about the media"New NPR CEO Katherine Maher has previously chastised Hilary Clinton for using the language "boy and girl".
She also sees herself as someone with "cis white mobility privilege".
And finds it hard to be mad at looters.
No bias or agenda that I can see.
Two legs good. Four legs bad.

Good recent article on Irans proxies
"Explained | Who are Iran's proxies & allies in the Middle East While the United Nations, European Union, US, Britain, France, Mexico, Czechia, Denmark, Canada, Japan, and the Netherlands all condemned Iran's attack, here we list Tehran's proxies and ...
Read more at:

Israel breaches untold UN sovereign violations by invading 4 nations to kill innocents from 43 nations.
Endless targeting'n'murdering of innocents in Food Vans to diplomats in Embassies of any Nation.
You or me or someone's Son or Mum are running outta places to run & hide!
No person of any nationality nor any innocent world haven is safe from US/Israel Mass Killing Machine!
Any innocent within strike range of Warmongering allies are now fair game by simply caring too much!
"Over here Sir...another bleeding heart...should I rip the fucker out or just blow it up!"
Oz : "Iran retaliated by giving 3 day warning of Show of Strength Southern Israel defence post strike!"
Airlines & Regional Air forces were given co-ord notices well in advance.
US claim they we're not informed > All Oz / US Mid East Bases were informed as others!
Already seen 2 in depth ABC Midday Military interviews detailing such & much more!
UK : "Any defensive miscalculation will lead to escalation!"
US : "This is a clear intentional escalation of miscalculation!"
Southern Israeli Defence post was the intended why inform the enemy?
Each of Iran's 300 drones cost $50,000 each but costs US $300m or $1m for each missile to intercept.
Iran / US knew each drone would be intercepted...that's the fast deplete US missile stocks!
Any diversion toward mass restocking of defence delays Israeli invasion of Rafah.
Each side wins...well don't they..."The War Dance!" Joe bankrolls more swing states for Patriotic Duty!
Joe must now ask for another $300m to restock missiles...that's getting harder to approve each day!
Now reexamine wot you think ya saw...A wasteful Shitshow or the fracturing of US- Israeli alliance!
Miscalculated Missile intercept shrapnel injured several unrecognized Bedouins along southern border.
Ian Broudie: "Misguided Missiles spin in space, feel like a sundial in the shade where flowers fade!"

What we saw was a modern day Marianas Turkey Shoot tbb
The systems work well, including against the ballistics. If you have enough ammo in theatre.

Not a turkey shoot. More a major geopolitical earthquake.
Nevatim air base, the most protected place on earth, with full coordinated efforts of USA and Israel of all their state of the art systems, was hit with multiple missiles ... even with lengthy advanced warning.
Cost of protection of this one attack was 6% of Israel's annual defence budget.
A proof of concept that the iron dome, and therefore any defence system on earth, can be dodged and / or overwhelmed with a large sustained mass attack of cheap drones plus sophisticated weapons with ability to dodge mid flight and deploy multiple decoy war heads.
99% take out could become 88% then perhaps even less success very quickly. The smartest most destructive missiles (hypersonics) with highest priority targets would be the ones that are set up to get through. Pawns sacrificed for the Queen to come though.
More bricks taken out of the wall of perceived and actual superiority and invulnerability for USA / NATO / Israel military might etc.
New realities need to be considered or some huge mistakes will be made in various tension points around the world.

Listened to a great analysis of the Iran attack yesterday on the Jimmy Dore podcast Frog. It was described as establishing Deterrent Supremacy. And was according to international law quite within their rights to respond to the Damascus attack.
Scott Ritter, former Iraqi weapons inspector, was giving analysis on what may come next. Worth a listen.

The west has hardly covered the Israel bombing of Irans embassy in damascus 2 weeks ago.
Its almost like....... They dont want you to know.......
"Iran vows revenge as it accuses Israel of deadly airstrike on Syria consulate in deepening Middle East crisis"

velocityjohnno's double Jeopardy bluff...
It defies a stretch to make sense of any end game!
Israel defies 1961 convention to pinpoint & take out a consulate in heavily populated innocent city.
All Neighbours return a barrage of 300 drones that our Starstruck A Team pluck outta the sky!
Was this the largest ever volley of drones where not one soul was harmed > has to be a first in warfare.
Did we see A Team shoot the eyes outta marshmellow pies...all saw one puny hole devesation?
If this were legitimate then War Machine wins all Olympic Gold Medals...why even bother competing?
Never in our lives has impossibly precise tit for tat war games been staged.
How are we not to suspect a higher order within both camps that call & direct each & every shot fired!
tbb can only think that each other's gamerz are embedded within...a war that promotes more war.
If that is the case then who is fighting this War...tbb admits to knowing less each day what we saw!
Reckon there is a trail but to serve what purpose other than ongoing War Games...not an answer is it!
Waited yesterday for inevitable World Domination Plot...
Oz defence minister mandates o's non citizens must funnel Oz weapons to start someone else's wars.
Oz mandated to fight every war on every distant planet because ET can phone home using our cables .
We must build an evil empire that can launch intergalactic missiles to pre-empt Rogue Mars Rovers
Because ET hacked into My Medicare and yours...don't laugh...this is a serious intergalactic cyber attack!
Each nation now fast tracks seasonal citizenship to 1,000's of 'elite Defence operatives'!
Newbie that builds, operates & funnels 1,000 bombs/week can vote their Family into the White House!
Global Warmongers Share Market...calling the shots!
Can't make a Family Car but can build a fleet of Intergalactic 4wds that can blow planets outta orbit.
No $2 Chinese knock off shop to undercut our Aussie weapons Stall in NATO's Killing Machine Mall!
GPI / Global Peace Index [ Peace loving Nations rank up to 20 ] Xx#*!* Dark Side War Mongers
Last 5 years Oz switched from Peace Loving Nation > (Global Average) > Dark Side (Warmongerz)
Oz 2010 #9 > 2014 #9 > 2018 #13 (Law'n'Order Line #20) Aukus Era Oz = 2022 #26 > 2023 #22
World now has a legitimate right to defend themselves against Darkside Aussie Warmongers
Interesting to see how Aukus punching bag Oz...suffers largest swing to win Darkside Bad Boys Award!
Starting to get the feeling we've been had...take the heat off Big Brother..."Go blame our loose unit Oz!"
Doin' the Devils bidding wins no friends...WTF up Oz...Dump the Creeps!

Frog, everything can be taken out with enough overkill of incoming missiles. Quantity has a quality all of it's own. Everyone is realising this and warfare is changing very fast. My interest is ships and we saw SM3's taking out ballistics, perhaps in the apex of their flight paths. It's a new world. New ship designs are requiring more and more launch silos, and other cheap ways of augmenting them are being considered eg Aussie drone ships.
Agree it shows a Deterrent Supremacy in that time and place. However, did any of you see the Russian Kinzhals (hypersonic/very fast) getting through to take out two Ukranian power stations on the same day? It's all about having layers of defence now, and enough.
In all the sims I've watched, each side fires until they are out of ammo and so often they cancel each other out. Can post links if you want to see this.
It's just like battleships in WW2. Japan combined 6 fleet carriers together (Genda was a genius) and suddenly had an almighty hammer. No battleship had enough AA in 1941. And so we got Taranto, Pearl Harbour, Prince of Wales/Repulse - and then allied forces through painful necessity discovered having air cover, sailing in box 'lozenge' formation and strapping as many AA guns as necessary. By 1944 they put up a fearsome barrage and you had things like the Marianas Turkey Shoot. Which is how this event looks, still.
I'm not au fait with all the Russian media sources these days, but I'd say it's a successful defence - but then it had the resources of Israel, US, UK, Jordan, Saudi and advance telegraphing of what and when. I can't see why the Iranians would do this, unless to de-escalate. I'm expecting that once the futures close on the weekend (always when futures close on the weekend...), we'll see the Israeli response, it'll hit a few things and sabres have been rattled while everyone collected a huge amount of data and tactics evolve. There would be a few defence coordinators hi-fiving after the last weekend.

Oh yeah tbb, taking out the consulate was horrid. Chinese consulate in Yugoslavia in the 90s comes to mind.
& agree, that's why I said pantomime in the ME thread before it happened, very telegraphed feel to it.

And this is a good - and very scary - article on the way warfare will probably evolve, if you are interested.
Drone Pearl Harbours in any country at any time a real possibility.

Hey VJ, this looks like it maybe of interest to you. It’s a link to the podcast I was listening to yesterday covering the recent missile strike.

thanks soggydog.
I'll include a simulation of a first strike on Taiwan if anyone is keen - maybe to show the sheer number of planes/missiles that would be involved:

Sheepdog wrote:The west has hardly covered the Israel bombing of Irans embassy in damascus 2 weeks ago.
Its almost like....... They dont want you to know......."Iran vows revenge as it accuses Israel of deadly airstrike on Syria consulate in deepening Middle East crisis"
This is why

indo-dreaming wrote:Sheepdog wrote:The west has hardly covered the Israel bombing of Irans embassy in damascus 2 weeks ago.
Its almost like....... They dont want you to know......."Iran vows revenge as it accuses Israel of deadly airstrike on Syria consulate in deepening Middle East crisis"
This is why
well that's a bit of a damning photo amidst conflicting reports...
as is now par for the course... opposite universe conflicting reports...

sypkan wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:Sheepdog wrote:The west has hardly covered the Israel bombing of Irans embassy in damascus 2 weeks ago.
Its almost like....... They dont want you to know......."Iran vows revenge as it accuses Israel of deadly airstrike on Syria consulate in deepening Middle East crisis"
This is why
well that's a bit of a damning photo amidst conflicting reports...
as is now par for the course... opposite universe conflicting reports...
Soooooooo Israel bombed a building in Damascus?

sypkan wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:Sheepdog wrote:The west has hardly covered the Israel bombing of Irans embassy in damascus 2 weeks ago.
Its almost like....... They dont want you to know......."Iran vows revenge as it accuses Israel of deadly airstrike on Syria consulate in deepening Middle East crisis"
This is why
well that's a bit of a damning photo amidst conflicting reports...
as is now par for the course... opposite universe conflicting reports...
So Israel is bombing Damascus?

If you listen to Scott ritter keep in mind these days that he is regarded by many as an anti USA shill he pretty much just says black when everyone else says white, no matter what conflict it is, its bizarre, every single time.
Not long ago he claimed USA wasn't ready for Iran drones, you know all the ones they just knocked out, and made all kinds of ridiculous claims for a number of conflicts.
Its weird because of his background but then again we also see this in other areas like during Covid with those high qualified medical expert's on Joe Rogan even creators of vaccines coming out with crazy shit, same deal with Climate change and the odd climate scientist.
Maybe he is now just going for a certain market because no proper media will touch him because of being a convicted pedophile twice even serving jail time.
By all means listen to him, but then ensure you go listen to a number of other military analysis ideally as neutral as possible in most case's you will find they say the exact opposite of what be says.
I listen to a few i think these guys are the best, yeah sure their is some bias in favour of USA, which is kind of expected, but its still much more balanced and not just produced for clicks.
Hosted by Bill Roggio and Tom Joscelyn both highly experienced and qualified, nit just random nobodies

seems all war is a bit performative now...
"...But to truly comprehend how demented our foreign policy has become, consider this: Iran reportedly informed Turkey in advance of its planned operation against Israel, and the U.S. told Iran through Ankara that the attack should be “within certain limits.” This is a longtime ally of the United States we’re talking about — and a foe that’s murdered and kidnapped Americans for decades.
It should be mind-boggling that Biden likely knew Iran was moving forward with its attack but still gave his goofy and impotent “don’t” when asked about it by the press.
Indeed, the Biden administration’s position seems to be that Israeli military and defense forces exist to allow Iran to have a hissy fit and save face. The Iranian attack is only “symbolic” because it failed. According to officials, the attack, indiscriminately aimed at civilian centers, was designed to cause “mass casualties.”
Just because you shoot at someone and miss doesn’t mean you’re not trying to kill them. Yes, the Iranians were embarrassed. But they almost surely view this as a win. And they also crossed a red line by firing on Israel from their own territory. Yet Israel is apparently the only nation on Earth that is permitted to fully defend itself only if its enemies succeed..."

well, it's not cool sheepdog...
but it's certainly not as not cool as bombing an embassy...
(such minor detail really should not be that hard to ascertain... yet here we are... half the world outraged by a bombed embassy that wasn't an embassy at all... (but was very likely M.C. for oct 7...))
choose your poison pup...

Some media did report it correctly like this Washing post article.
"What makes Monday’s strike “escalatory and unprecedented,” Azizi added, is that “the building where Zahedi and his colleagues were hit is owned by Iran, and it’s next to the embassy.” "

15th April Canada CJPME :
1st April 2024
Israel conducted an Illegal Airstrike on Iranian Embassy, Consulate Building and Canadian Embassy!
Canada has remained Silent about the Israeli Airstrike, despite clear breach of UN conventions, the damage to Canadian Consular Property, the lack of any warning and the risk the Airstrike posed to it's Staff.
It was reported that their caretaker Staff evacuated the same afternoon of Israeli Strike...(Not Confirmed)
Also noting Shockwaves rocked foundations & blew out windows of neighbouring Canadian & Iranian Embassies!
A clear attack & destruction on a block of several Embassies & Consulates in World recognized area of Peace.
Ask! Why has Canada "Owned" neighbouring Embassy for decades if it presents a risk.
Canada condemned their Neighbours retribution upon Israeli bombing their neighbours embassy.
C'mon! Neighbour...Lets go after these Mass murderers...
Instead Canada sucks on dummy, wets it's nappy & fully supports being repeatedly bombed by Israel.
Canada won't speak up for itself even when Israel Bombs & attacks their Embassy.
Stockholm Syndrome > Canada loves being Bombed by Israel...Hurts so Good!
Canada's day off shame...snivelling cowards just roll over & cop a beating by even bigger cowards.
World says enough of this...Shame on Democracy...surely the line is crossed here!

indo-dreaming wrote:@velocityjohnno
If you listen to Scott ritter keep in mind these days that he is regarded by many as an anti USA shill he pretty much just says black when everyone else says white, no matter what conflict it is, its bizarre, every single time.
Not long ago he claimed USA wasn't ready for Iran drones, you know all the ones they just knocked out, and made all kinds of ridiculous claims for a number of conflicts.
Its weird because of his background but then again we also see this in other areas like during Covid with those high qualified medical expert's on Joe Rogan even creators of vaccines coming out with crazy shit, same deal with Climate change and the odd climate scientist.
Maybe he is now just going for a certain market because no proper media will touch him because of being a convicted pedophile twice even serving jail time.
By all means listen to him, but then ensure you go listen to a number of other military analysis ideally as neutral as possible in most case's you will find they say the exact opposite of what be says.
I listen to a few i think these guys are the best, yeah sure their is some bias in favour of USA, which is kind of expected, but its still much more balanced and not just produced for clicks.
Hosted by Bill Roggio and Tom Joscelyn both highly experienced and qualified, nit just random nobodies
Hi Indo, I'll listen to it but it seems to contradict many of the articles I've read and the overall picture many of the X posts gave while it was unfolding. It looks like the missiles were swatted. There are stories of quite a few misfires too. There is precedent for almost all missiles taken out - when Trump did the Syria strike, over 90% of the Tomahawks didn't make their targets, so it happens to all sides. Also the air base was hit, but it was up operating the F35s again soon after.

truebluebasher wrote:Canada won't speak up for itself even when Israel Bombs & attacks their Embassy.
And there is good reason for that cause it's been closed since 2012, and it also wasn't an attack on the empty Canadian embassy building either, you can see from pic below and others that it still stands pretty much untouched. (on right of photo) just had a controlled demolition next door.
"After a bombing leveled the Iranian consular annex in Damascus, social media users claimed the nearby Canadian embassy was evacuated because it knew about the strike beforehand. This is false; the embassy suspended operations in Syria in 2012 -- and Global Affairs Canada told AFP there were no diplomats present at the time of the strike, which Iran has blamed on Israel."

This is worth thinking about:
"Like it or not, Russia’s wider war in Ukraine is part of a world war. A world war pitting a quartet of authoritarian states against the world’s democracies. It’s Russia and Russia’s allies – China, Iran and North Korea – against Ukraine and its allies. These are most of the Western democracies and, in fits and starts, the United States. The problem is that only the autocracies are acting like the war is what it is: global."
As globalism has ended, everyone is taking a side. At best, a new cold war. I agree with the premise, the 3rd global conflict is in play.

The Federalist article's viewpoint (above in Indos post) that the aim was to cause mass casualities does not add up.
Soon after the attack Iran made the following statement:
From CNN
"Iran says its attack on Israel is a response to Israel's strike on the Iranian consulate in Damascus, and "the matter can be deemed concluded." This was said very soon after the event clearly to calm things down. Bitcoin's plunge reversed soon after!
This, along with clear forewarning and moderate scale (compared to what is possible) fits with the intention of Iran wanting to show a demonstration of force - to draw a line in the sand saying that the times of Israel taking out Iranian facilities and leaders at will were over.
The expectation would be that, on the scale used with forewarning, virtually everything would be shot out of the sky.
The few missiles that did get through hit the critical airforce base. Even there they did not hit infrastructure. That could all be chance but is perhaps more likely to be that a key aim was to show that the iron dome and key military targets were vulnerable to carefully structured and targeted attacks.
The vulerabilities would be more so in a possible larger sustained attack. Imagine thousands of drones and large numbers of hypersonics. Imagine if Hezbollar joined in.
It was probably a wtf moment for Israel and the US because the new world of smaller non western players having capability to project power was no longer theory, it was real. I bet the pilots and defence operators finished the mission thinking that was skating on thin ice - like some crazy 10th level video game on the verge of chaos.
Decades of being able to act with genuine invulnerability in the ME are gone. Equally important is that it has further chipped away at the perception of superiority / invulnerability among friend and foe around the world. Friend, not so confident in the expensive hardware and assumed superiority. Foe not so intimidated and hindered by lack of access to expensive hardware.
Have a look at the Tawain attack simulation above posted by VJ and ponder whether any country is safe or whether those Aukus subs will be white elephants for us.
Maybe soft power, diplomacy and give and take needs a comeback.
Israel's off the shelf retaliation plans were put on hold. Cool heads realised the game has changed forever.

frog wrote:Have a look at the Tawain attack simulation above posted by VJ and ponder whether any country is safe or whether those Aukus subs will be white elephants for us.
They will absolutely be needed with the stakes being the existence of Australia as an independent nation. They will be extremely useful in the situation of an enemy carrier battle group (currently being built in numbers) being off our coasts and taking out the northern air defence infrastructure. The precedence for their effectiveness is HMS Conqueror and HMS Courageous sending the Argentine Navy back into port during the Falklands war. They were invisible and had the ability to sink the Argentine task forces, and work around them at higher speed. Submarines will operate independent of the air/missile/drone theatre - and perhaps even after submersible drones become widespread. These are not yet fully developed.

VJ - thinking of masses of underwater drones and super sneaky ones dormant on the sea floor hunting the big subs. How clever will they get in 10 years?

Really hard to say at present. Similar to air planning - F35 networking forward deployed drones as well as link into satellites and Aegis to provide a total battle picture? Could it be done underwater? I guess they will try. It would be a case of getting the drones where you think the big sub is?

The Government of Canada still owns their shell shocked Embassy destruction!
Firstly never heard of a CBD building being unoccupied for 13 years...
Consider windows are smashed but none can access this Embassy since being bombed.
Indicates someone is very much inside & they're preventing entry!
Hands up all who believe ya can freely enter Canada's Embassy thru any blown out window.
Armed caretaker would patrol inside & perimeter of Canada's Embassy!
Otherwise World Media would be beaming shots from within...well durr!
It's always ever wot ya don't see that screams the truth...sure, stick yer head in the window!
So not exactly unoccupied...otherwise City Emergency crews would inspect Structural Damage!
Canadian Diplomats and other personnel, including Royal Canadian Mounted Police officers.
All have entered Syria on several occasions since the Embassy was suspended.
It's not clear whether they used the Embassy as a base of Operations.
Global Affairs Official : "A locally engaged Staff Member who "Takes Care of the Building" while operations are suspended, was not present at the time of the Strike, which occurred in the late afternoon, and was not hurt."
All acknowledging that Canada still very much employ staff at Damascus Embassy.
tbb : Please don't stick yer head in the window & call for caretaker to access any damage!
News : Reports comin' in of yet another mysterious Embassy Casualty! OMG! WTFU!
SOMEONE IS IN THE BUILDING...Wallpapering like mad...otherwise you'd have yer scoop!
Canada { suspended operations / under maintenance } = Israel { 54321 Kaboom }
Gonna need a a slightly less singed, Flame Retardant Real Estate Brochure...It's still good!
[ 4 Sale ] Slightly dented open air Embassy with several fireplaces & Shocking Wallpaper!
Israel Embassy : "Decline to say if Canada was warned in Advance!"
Canada Foreign Affairs MP : "Canada was not warned in Advance!"
The Israel Strike/s (6 missiles) killed 16...including 2 innocent bystanders.
Global Affairs Officials Canada : "Canada's Embassy Building sustained Damage in the 1st of April Airstrike including the Destruction of at least some of it's windows...
Officials have not yet been able to assess the Building for Structural Damage!
The Blast that destroyed the Consular Annex next door would have sent a Powerful Shock-wave through the Foundations of Adjacent Structures!"
Canada's Foreign Affairs MP : "Indeed our Embassy has been Damaged!"
Canada's News...
None checked Canada's employees before Israel's shocking destruction of Canada's Embassy.
Part 2
Inside the Iran Consulate close member of murdered innocent families!
Iran's Consulate Building consisted of 4 floors...
2 Underground Floors : Used by Embassy
First Floor : Iranian Consulate connects to Embassy
(Lower floors are connected by Private Elevator)
2nd Floor : Occupied by Iranians (re: Ambassador said to reside here)
Exact family arrangements are not openly shared...
(Iran tried to rent/buy upper floors 3/4 from Syrian Families)
3rd Floor : Syrian Family refused to lease/sell to Iran
4th Floor : Syrian Family refused to lease/sell to Iran
Time of Air Bombings...
One of the 2 residing Syrian Families was outside...
The other was inside along with Elderly Grandma / Grandson all died.
Israel fired 6 missiles thru innocent Syrian family's top Floor Apartments.
Innocents stood strong against Iran's Bullies & were then Targeted & blasted by Israelis.
Another example of typically half arsed Israeli intel...fails to see obvious innocent targets.
Never once stop to care if innocents resided in either buildings...just blow all the fuckers up!
Exactly same way they hunt down & repeatedly target & blow up innocent Aussies...
UN never really cared to address innocent target...
Canada never sought Apology from Israel for Destruction to Embassy or employee's welfare!
Canada has yet to openly thank Damascus Emergency Crews for salvaging their Embassy.
Canada has yet to examine Building for window blasted internal spot fires or anything?
Israel never apologize for knowingly targeting & killing innocents.
Either that or apologize for world's most piss poor intel = Score 100/100 innocent strikes!
Canada : "Everybody please keep bombing whatever parts of Canada ya like!"
Israel : "So we're all good to carry on invading & bombing all innocents from every nation!"

Israel strikes Iran:

velocityjohnno wrote:Israel strikes Iran:
What could possibly go wrong...

Literally watched about 20 videos yesterday with all types of military experts and all said Israel must respond, from what i watched this arvo seems like Israel havent gone over the top, only used drones with precision strikes on military facilities.
So hopefully thats it.
But i think its a mistake that USA has allowed Iran to develop nuclear arms though.

Hey Frog, here's a bit more on submarine drones.
It seems they haven't really defined it's capabilities or role yet. Networked ahead of one of the AUKUS subs? Intelligence? Lying in wait? Surveillance? It's unlikely to be able to maintain 30kts underwater in a battle situation for days on end with great missile stores, but could be used to supplement? I have little idea of just what it could do. H I Sutton is the submarine man, he's a good source of knowledge on all this.

Robo shark drone:
?feature=sharedPatrolling choke points looking for big subs!
Or zooming past at Snapper on perfect days to thin the crowd
More detailed discussion on underwater stealth here.
Big high value targets. Not so safe.

Watched a lot of videos on analysing events but this one makes the most sense .
Although he doesn't touch on the political aspects and i think this guy nails the USA- Israel relations aspect.

From the “Irony so thick you could carve it with a knife.” Department.
How’s the headline in reference to the law fare attack on Biden’s political opponent which is intended to hopefully find him imprisoned on ludicrous charges which he would not be facing if he was not running for President. At the least the law fare is designed to have him labelled a felon, have voters reject him as a consideration due to his being charged with multitudinous crimes, and to tie up his campaign time and money with legal fees and court time.
All of which are themselves acts of election interference.
Crazy stuff

Trumpy bad
Biden good.
. .. Just a bit sniffy near certain humans and likes gifts a bit too much and seems overly obsessed by the Ukraine after visiting it way more than is usual for such a small and sort of "wild west anything goes country " over the years, and his former boss reckoned he tends to stuff things up, and the US streets are now paved with human poop, not gold, and, and, and ......
But, those are mere details.
Hunter, being the proverbial chip off the old block, shows us all what a good solid chap Joe must be.

It almost seems like the more they go after Trump the more popular he becomes though, its going to be an interesting year thats for sure

A very sobering analysis of the economic impact of either Biden or Trump winning the next US election:

indo-dreaming wrote:It almost seems like the more they go after Trump the more popular he becomes though, its going to be an interesting year thats for sure
well into the land of diminishing returns now...
but sadly, they've got nothing else
(except actually listening to people and having a functioning democracy of course...)
man, they're gonna go bunta with something extreme if trump comes out of these 'lawfare' attacks a free man...
which he will i imagine, but not unscathed...
they think smearing him with shit and some bullshit conviction will be enough to stem the tide or something...
I doubt it, it just highlights their corruption of process

speaking of lands of diminishing retuns...
look at those numbers!
society beholden
This graph illustrates the woke mind virus taking over legacy media.
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) April 24, 2024
Same happened with online media and the education system. Then it spread to other countries.
Infection rate almost 100%.
But now it will die.

"Look over there! "Tesla stock is down 40% since January. The only numbers that he should be aware of or care about.

I liked your first word @blackers, he's an absolute ball bag - the day we meekly suckle at the teat of plastic benevolent dictators hoping they'll fight imagined spectres and bequeath us our freedoms, is the day the self-interested megalomaniacs stick us, the planet and our kids' futures in their patented mincers.
(And 'woke' is SUCH a dinosaur concept. Everyone knows 'woke' was born in 1989 with KRS:1, Boogie Down Productions who were directly influenced by the Hertfordshire ghetto twixt Oxford, Cambridge and London.)

basesix wrote:I liked your first word @blackers, he's an absolute ball bag - the day we meekly suckle at the teat of plastic benevolent dictators hoping they'll fight imagined spectres and bequeath us our freedoms, is the day the self-interested megalomaniacs stick us, the planet and our kids' futures in their patented mincers. And 'woke' is SUCH a dinosaur concept. Everyone knows 'woke' was born in 1989 with KRS:1, Boogie Down Productions and, most poignantly, in the Hertfordshire ghetto twixt Oxford, Cambridge and London.
Cheers, thought I'd better keep the front page clean. "Fucktard" if anyone else gives.

basesix wrote:I liked your first word @blackers, he's an absolute ball bag - the day we meekly suckle at the teat of plastic benevolent dictators hoping they'll fight imagined spectres and bequeath us our freedoms, is the day the self-interested megalomaniacs stick us, the planet and our kids' futures in their patented mincers. And 'woke' is SUCH a dinosaur concept. Everyone knows 'woke' was born in 1989 with KRS:1, Boogie Down Productions and, most poignantly, in the Hertfordshire ghetto twixt Oxford, Cambridge and London.
Cheers B6, thought I'd better keep the front page clean. "Fucktard" if anyone else gives.
Septic Tanks are going to Septic Tank