Next Federal Election

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno started the topic in Monday, 22 Jan 2024 at 2:15pm

Might as well put this up in the politics subforum, to spare the front page. It's 18 months away or so, but here we go.

This is how Dutton wins:

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Sunday, 3 Mar 2024 at 10:26am

Hey Smiley

I said above 2 Blackers , I got tangled in TBB Thread and had no idea .

Was not sure who even spoke English , so I was double Dutch , again .

Thanks for U help .

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Sunday, 3 Mar 2024 at 11:45am

Coulda shoulda just let the Vic crew draw their own conclusion!
Can see Vic smelt the rat sniffin' around where he ought need for Qldurrz dumbing it down.
Just thought as Goldie already got one of them Multi [L] Mayor hassles...lend some Local input!
Goldie are Happy for our southern cousins...
Toto : Get On the Beers.

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Sunday, 3 Mar 2024 at 1:36pm


At ALL times I appreciate and would like 2 encourage U , 2 keep making or trying to draw , your conclusions .

I am a terrible drawer , very stick figure like !

Love hearing what other think and believe .

Thats a Good Chat imho .

Please , keep up the good work , mate .

If there are any , I view a bit skewiff , I will give U my opinion , no worries !

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Sunday, 3 Mar 2024 at 1:41pm

No worries pops, I note your lil windmill buddy along with Dutton and their media sycophants have all gone to ground this morning, missing in action such is the lesson Albo got yesterday, as they say you can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Sunday, 3 Mar 2024 at 2:08pm

Hello Smiley

I hope everyone is getting some waves today and it was going off , on the West Coast this morning .

I probably would be better off , being MIA as well :)

Everyone gets the lessons they need , eventually .

We all learn them , at our own pace .

I am slowing up :) and don't have as much time for listening and reading , as I once had .

Getting selective hearing and seeing as well .

We ALL can pick and choose , what to listen 2 and read .

Having a smorgasbord 2 choose from , is a cool diet for this old bear , ATM !

Edit - Bears don't eat all the time .

Hibernation drums just fn started lol .

The Bear has hiatus planned .

Edit 2

TBB / Blackers , gosh , now U explain it , not fn surprised U had me thinking fn Double Dutch lol haha .

I never stood a chance ffs :)))

My WTF's were warranted for an Old Pop , 4 fn sure imho !

I still think a Lazy Susan is a fn Chair , 2 !

Is Pinky the fn Cat , involved in this fn Story , as well ???

I really have NFI :)

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Sunday, 3 Mar 2024 at 1:56pm

blackers : Sussan's Dog Whistle + tbb Pist Lib Punk Chick is not Punk enough!

Respectful Explanation for Pops and crew ...
Similar to Tania's fear of scary Dutto Voldemort.

blackers / tbb are respectfully referring to [L] Deputy Leader Punk Chick Sussan wearing Dog Collars!
She loves it...& tbb respects fellow punk Sussan for owning her Rebel Youth...[ Punk 4 PM ]
or ...
A Lazy Sussan...
A recovering Punk Rock Chick that respectfully rorts & swans Goldie Penthouse Timeshare Hovels.
Pissed [L] Deputy Leader : "Wot Punk Hovel Crisis?"

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Sunday, 3 Mar 2024 at 2:20pm


Just in case , please look up .

U and Blackers are Freaking me out so edited .

Your knowledge of Punk Rock Chicks dancing with Voldemort , Goldie Swans in Penthouse Hovels , Leached Pinky Cats and bits , sitting in a Lazy Susan's and how it affects Voting , is OFF the fn charts .

I feel like Don Quixote fighting Windmills again .

Please add all this important detail Stuff , with spaces , in your posts .

I will try and stop speaking Dutch , as a result :)

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Sunday, 3 Mar 2024 at 3:20pm


Out of respect for U I looked at the article U posted about SuSSan .

I am glad I read it , as now can start forming my own view , of this so far , impressive woman .

She was into Punk Rock as a kid and wore a collar .

Mate , WTF , has that got 2 do with the woman's character .

She is a Pilot .

She got caught Cooking the Books as a MINISTER , 40k , as Expenses ffs !

Like ALL Pollies getting Freebies , denied it .

But Sussan had the BALLS to fn Resign !!! , over the fiasco , as She Should have done .

Not ALL Pollies do THAT , a BIG tick , from me ,

She will have learnt an Important lesson !

She has made a comeback , it seems , and U think I need to know about her being a Punk as a kid ffs .

How about we get serious ?

U could Leave out the shitty old Voldy scary shit , that just does NOT stick well , with me , but others , like Albo , like it , so keep it up .

U(do)n't work 4 him , do U ?

The Election yesterday shows me your Harry Potter Episode is keeping Australians entertained atm .

Let's see how Your Sequel plays out .

TBB , my guess is Australians will get LESS scared ( a natural immunity haha ) to your little horror tale .

We , as a group , are willing to listen to BOTH Sides Sell their STORY to be our Next Group of Leaders , to LEAD our country .

Voldy doesn't have to WIN the election .

The Voters will decide if ALBO is Scary .

We will C !

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Sunday, 3 Mar 2024 at 3:15pm

I just read a swellnet-politico-forum review,
posted 10 mins ago by an influencer..
'astonishingly earnest yet impenetrable' was all it said.

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Sunday, 3 Mar 2024 at 3:32pm
Pop Down wrote:

Hello Smiley

I hope everyone is getting some waves today and it was going off , on the West Coast this morning .

I probably would be better off , being MIA as well :)

Everyone gets the lessons they need , eventually .

We all learn them , at our own pace .

I am slowing up :) and don't have as much time for listening and reading , as I once had .

Getting selective hearing and seeing as well .

We ALL can pick and choose , what to listen 2 and read .

Having a smorgasbord 2 choose from , is a cool diet for this old bear , ATM !

Edit - Bears don't eat all the time .

Hibernation drums just fn started lol .

The Bear has hiatus planned .

Edit 2

TBB / Blackers , gosh , now U explain it , not fn surprised U had me thinking fn Double Dutch lol haha .

I never stood a chance ffs :)))

My WTF's were warranted for an Old Pop , 4 fn sure imho !

I still think a Lazy Susan is a fn Chair , 2 !

Is Pinky the fn Cat , involved in this fn Story , as well ???

I really have NFI :)

Pop On Down.

Hi mate, cheerios all around from your end, geez you make me laugh, your brain is going ‘ten the dozen’.

Correct, just returned home after two sessions, so nice to actually see lines and swell this morning, totally surfed out. Yew!!!! AW

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Sunday, 3 Mar 2024 at 3:36pm

Tribute to Lazy Punk Sussan...Deputy [L] Leader
The Punk thing is personal to tbb...part of one's Identity.
Share a very personal Song from Punk Sussan's tribal era...
Perhaps might explain tbb's acid tongue critique...Punk cred is all.

Punk Tirade penned & throttled by Goldie Punk Drummer tbb
Performed by Goldie Punk Party Band...(Yes! Punk Cassette rotz & gathers dust!)
End of Punk Era dutiful outing of Pyjama Punkz (No room for passengers!)

Punk Chix requested a Vicious Bitchy Punk Chick Ultimatum!
About new breed of upstarts infiltrating Goldie Punk Chix Cred / Identity.

1983 { Copy that Girl } Reads Cop That Girl!

Hello Deary haven't seen you before.
You look very similar to the girl next door
Are you sure yer not really her...
Exactly the same when Aye compare!

Count 1234 Tribal Drum Beat (Shout Chorus )
Listen! Girl! Live yer Own Life
Coz if ya don't, be in helluva Strife!
Why not Stop being a' Imposter!
Later on in Life it's gonna Cost Ya!

Wotz the reason why ya Copy Her?
Can't ya stay the way ya were.
Just coz she's into New Wave
To be like her is wot you crave!

She wears checkered pants that are red'n'blue
Go down to Sportsgirl and buy a pair too.
The Girl next door has got Pink Hair
You dye your's the same ...How debonaire!

1234 (Chorus!)
(Changes to Military Step sharp Chix Snare Drum Dance Beat/Crash)

Your friend next-door buys a Mag "Smash Hits"#
Racedown ' NewsAgents (None Left!) Gives You the Shits #
Because she has somethin' that you haven't got...(Parody Drum Build up!)
Yah get so Jealous Coz she's got the Lot! (Mock Boom / Tish!)

Yer friend next door isn't so great.
All her ideas are outta date.
Wot she's doin' is just a mime,
And you just follow on down the line...(Runnin' it down into...)

1234 Chorus > Big Deep Tribal Beat > Chaotic Boom Crash Ending.

Sure! tbb's song comes to mind when Lazy Punk Sussan hits the Telly!
She Lacks Punk Imposter = A Pyjama Punk...
Brings a spare Change Kit to switch before sneaking in her Bed Window!
Part of the Gang maybe...but not Punk at Heart.
See Ya!
Off to her Goldie Penthouse she Flies! (All say Aye!)
Full of Shit...she is...Not tbb's Punk PM!

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Sunday, 3 Mar 2024 at 3:53pm

Thanks TBB

Thats all very clear , I think .

Will factor that Punky Pink Heart stuff into my analysis of your analysis , okay ?

U are NOT living in a Hick Town , but a Punky Qld Place , am now thinking 2 .

Are U on the Goldy , near Dreamland or Wet and Wild , perhaps ?

Movie World , 4 fn sure , I think :))

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Sunday, 3 Mar 2024 at 4:16pm

If you can’t govern yourself you can’t govern the country …. or state, popcorn anyone?

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Sunday, 3 Mar 2024 at 4:38pm
GuySmiley wrote:

If you can’t govern yourself you can’t govern the country …. or state, popcorn anyone?

^^^^ Former Libs Federal candidate for Dunkley and now State Lib member for Mornington Chris Crewther and his faction of Christian RWNJs led by Moria Deeming seem to be running the show in Vic mostly but not entirely behind closed doors

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Sunday, 3 Mar 2024 at 6:05pm


Have never heard of Chris or Moria , or the RLBQWNJ's before .

Not sure where their doors are even located so a tad hard 4 me 2 open .

Not sure about them running Victoria politically ? , we don't even know the Leader of the State L's .

Melbourne , luckily , does it's own Running !

These people sound like nobodies , in Melbourne .

We are bigger than this Stuff .



I checked and they sure are fn nobodies .

It's John Something , 2 .

The Nobodies were Nobodies fn advisers , ffs lol haha .

His surname didn't sound Dutch at all , but John is nice and am expecting he speaks fluent English and is a Major (& former Punk ) guy .

TBB & Blackers will be all over Johnny Rotten !

Those 2 are smart and will now work out , why Nobody ( JR ) sacked the Nobodies , when , probably nobody else can ( Movie Stuff ? ) .

I sure fn can't , I got lost , not even sure when , 4 sure .

I must have turned Right at the Bear that looked like a fn Rock , again , fn F Troop !

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Sunday, 3 Mar 2024 at 8:15pm

Victoria will not have another Liberal Government in my lifetime .

Labor are just 2 good down here .

They are like a well oiled Machine that Can attract the best and brightest and give them a great career .

They train their future Stars in Law and send them to Work for the big Unions or within the Party .

Lots of grooming and smoozing !

Gillard is a great example .

Why would ANY talented Liberal , want 2 join their rabble and get Shit thrown over them ?

Much smarter to just work hard and have a family life .

Become and STAY , a Surgeon or Cancer Researcher at the Institute , a Lawyer then a Judge , a banker at the NAB or the ANZ , a Lecturer at Melb Uni , a Police Person , a Medic , a Government Bean Counter .

These are the People that make Melbourne RUN .

Why would they join the State Liberals in Melbourne and take on the shit that goes with it , when our Government doesn't Run Melbourne !

It makes NO sense , so , the Liberals are a Bygone Party down here and I can move on .

Sir John Monash was Ducts at Scotch .

They are all 2 Smart to join the Libs atm , a bit of a worry .

I will Pop Down about them .

It's obviously a problem for the Federal Liberals , 2 !

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Sunday, 3 Mar 2024 at 7:59pm
basesix wrote:

I just read a swellnet-politico-forum review,
posted 10 mins ago by an influencer..
'astonishingly earnest yet impenetrable' was all it said.

Anything posted by TBB or Pop is going to be impenetrable.

blackers's picture
blackers's picture
blackers Sunday, 3 Mar 2024 at 8:16pm
AndyM wrote:
basesix wrote:

I just read a swellnet-politico-forum review,
posted 10 mins ago by an influencer..
'astonishingly earnest yet impenetrable' was all it said.

Anything posted by TBB or Pop is going to be impenetrable.

You could/should add a few more to that list Andy.

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Sunday, 3 Mar 2024 at 10:43pm

All here agree more [L] Punk Chix is a good thing...All say Aye!
We're all on yer Team Pops! You do know that!
Punk Sussan Request...Penetration : Shout above the Noise

seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Sunday, 3 Mar 2024 at 11:08pm

From TBBs linked article from 2017.

She remains a pilot to this day, something that would later contribute to her downfall, when it emerged she billed taxpayers $13,000 to charter private jets in order to keep her flying hours up to maintain her pilot licence.


In the wake of the scandal, in which it also emerged Ms Ley charged taxpayers $40,000 in travel to the Gold Coast, including to attend two New Year’s Eve parties hosted by businesswoman Sarina Russo.

Just remember this is the contempt some politicians treat us with. And yet they’re still there. Getting promoted even.

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Monday, 4 Mar 2024 at 6:09am

U are unfortunately right , Seedy .

Way too much of this stuff still a normal part of many Politicians normal perks .

Albo just had honeymoon with Swifty .

Sussan resigned over the fiasco , she won't be as silly as last time .

Surely , MOST Politicians would be VERY careful ensuring their Books are Clean NOW , its surely , not work the fn RISK .

Maybe it's a lovely GREY area , where CERTAIN things can slip on either side of a Ledger with a simple Slip of the Pen .

In the USA , this Stuff is OFF the charts .

The ALP must kill the Libs with Funding , especially down here .

Who would donate money 2 the State Liberals who are a Rabble and who will NEVER lead .

The federal Liberals at least have a chance to win occasionally , so money , maybe , NOT thrown down the drain .

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Monday, 4 Mar 2024 at 3:11pm
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Monday, 4 Mar 2024 at 3:30pm
andy-mac wrote:

Off to see his boss....

Andy-Mac. Hi . How sickening, remind me of what year it is.

We are still parading around the Man From the Snowy River, how archaic and distasteful.

And folk on horseback wielding flags with company monikers, puke.

Reminds me of when Abbott was in Switzerland one year visiting their boss, he was asked about some big successful Australian companies, he reach into his man bag and pulled out a ‘ matchbox car type ‘ model of a Linfox semi-trailer truck, the looks on the faces of the Swiss congregation of dignitaries was gold.

Abbott, a total peanut.

We need an Abbott proof fence and one for Dutton also. AW

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Monday, 4 Mar 2024 at 4:40pm
AlfredWallace wrote:
andy-mac wrote:

Off to see his boss....

Andy-Mac. Hi . How sickening, remind me of what year it is.

We are still parading around the Man From the Snowy River, how archaic and distasteful.

And folk on horseback wielding flags with company monikers, puke.

Reminds me of when Abbott was in Switzerland one year visiting their boss, he was asked about some big successful Australian companies, he reach into his man bag and pulled out a ‘ matchbox car type ‘ model of a Linfox semi-trailer truck, the looks on the faces of the Swiss congregation of dignitaries was gold.

Abbott, a total peanut.

We need an Abbott proof fence and one for Dutton also. AW

Hey AW,

That's being mean to peanuts! :)

harrycoopr's picture
harrycoopr's picture
harrycoopr Monday, 4 Mar 2024 at 4:54pm
andy-mac wrote:

Off to see his boss....

Hope he paid his own ticket the pathetic potato ...

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Monday, 4 Mar 2024 at 6:20pm
andy-mac wrote:

Off to see his boss....

Come (my) revolution she and Rupert would be first against the wall!

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Monday, 4 Mar 2024 at 11:19pm

Ok! It all makes sense & everything falls into Place!
Why Lazy Sussan get's her name & gets wot she wants...without retribution!
Not tbb's moniker...That's her in-house [L] need to hide that much!
If crew see Lazy Sussan elected [L] Leader unopposed...there is a reason for that!

Both tbb + Pops + crew are all right in whatever ya think about Sussan...Huh! How so!
Sussan is both least & most deserving to become PM...
OMG! Where is tbb going with this!

That Question is easiest to answer...

Punk tbb has no desire to further investigate why Sussan is untouchable...enjoy wot little freedom!
Same reason why all Fed Pollies + Costello + media prefer to let state secrets remain secret!

Lets just Say Sussan's Dad is Larger than Life in every aspect...(Nope tbb not going there!)
First up explanation : Sussan's Past & upbringing reads like a James Bond Movie...Exactly!
How her dad just keeps bumping into World's #1 Jobz...only if he so desires!
Crew can read about highest order dear ol' Dad for themselves...Another Girl Another Planet

Susan was gifted & fast tracked everything she wanted & didn't want...Huh!
tbb noted she hated school > so brand new Grade 11/12 school just appears + Heaps of Unis.

Susan's 'Captioned Punk Life' lasted all of one day (tbb did pick the Pyjama Punk...think that's the idea!)
Kinda like...everyone just focus on that real wild child to divert or explain Rebel Youth.
Like 2 sides of same Rebel Coin toss...each explains the other...if any wish to Ask...Oh! I see!
There is nothing to see as none can one never needs to know...just how it was! Just leave it out!

Possibly too much history is shared as a certain age / Timeline a lot happens all at once.
Nope! tbb prefers not to share as it's quite personal...No need to explain between grown ups!
Just check her Dads' Cred...not messin' with that...nor would any Punk.
Susan cut short certain Studies upon becoming Sussan...Blokes never question why in our era! Ok!
Can say this was common in tbb's close Family circle & for many for any reason...not ours to say!

Basic Numerology for quite a many Teen's not a shock!
Sussan is #1 advocate for certain Women's rights that [Lnp] Are not that thrilled about! (re: Below!)
Same time this Song becomes a blessing in disguise...tbb has this Flexi Disc on Blue Vinyl...
Also a Sussan Advocate...never Question a Women's Right to sing from the Sussan Songbook!

Prefer not to draw this out...
Can read Lazy Sussan worked for all 2000's [L] PMs & all protect Susan's past...for most obvious reason.
Lazy Sussan can't be exposed or sacked without retribution.

Wealthy Big [L] Players stack & mount runs for her safest ever seat...all Expelled...try reading about it.
Anything Sussan Wants...All present / past [L] PM's cue! All salute #1 Brit Officer's Precious Cargo!
As many as 3x PM's intervened to Override [L] pre-selections > even call off High flying Indies.
Costello Media censor her recent Private motion for expulsion of last NSW [L] executive challenger JH.

Yeah! As cool as ya like while off leash as [L] Attack Dog...Somethin' Special alright!
[L] Got sick of Kid Gloves > Let Sussan earn her keep...If she want's to step it up...let her!
Ask! Who in Oz has enough bottle to take it further...not tbb...that's for sure! Enough said...All say Aye!

Punk Chick transforming into Iron Maiden as Dutto clings to her Apron Strings!
[L] Punk is groomed as next [L] Iron Maiden (Only when Sussan decides to share her World!)

Against Strident [LNP] Principles Punk Susan becomes Sussan [L] Minister for Women...(That's Punk!)
Centralist [L] Woman Leader is scorned by own Party as being something...something Wot?
None of our business...That's Wot! Just saying if ya think ya know not shout that about!

seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Monday, 4 Mar 2024 at 11:46pm

Quick skim read TBB
“ Prefer not to draw this out”
Hahaha you’re funny
I’ll have a more concentrated read soon

seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Tuesday, 5 Mar 2024 at 12:35am

Very astute it may seem punk nasty is. Her upbringing is fantastic, locations wise. Silver spoon whingeing a bit though in that one article. Woe is me a little. No idea of reality of the plebs (us taxpayers. Hey I pay tax too she decries) while charging us to keep her flying hours up. It’s really just a moral failure. Maybe if politicians were charged with a criminal offence, like the rest of would be, when they get a bit loose with the credit cards their morality would improve muchly.

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Tuesday, 5 Mar 2024 at 2:24am

Yeah! Can share more from the Goldie end...blow yer mind it will...
Was supposed to be wining & dining Big Pharma in Briz Vegas...takes a Goldie detour...
2013 on ...Them [L] Job rort Chix NYE Flights $655 a pop
18 trips worth $53,877 > 27 Tax funded trips all up.
March 2015 One Charter Flight = $12,365 (C'mon Barbie lets go Party!)
Buys that $800,000 unit off Big Qld [L] Donor + Buys Another..(Correct! 2 while on Working holiday!)
Penthouse Punk Sussan : "Goldie is for the [L] Chix!"

Penny : "She Should Resign!"
Nick X : "Turnbull stands her down waving a leaf of Wet Lettuce!"

Lazy Sussan's Laziest Lazy as all Fuck Quotes :

"Don't expect it'll be permanent!"
(Translation : Can't touch this! Daddy...You'll never Guess!)

"Very Confident No Rules were Broken! Wotsoeva!"
(Translation : [L] Party Travel Rort Index...Nope! Told Ya...It's not in here!")

"Not making My Diary Public!"
Translation : Send ya a {POSTCARD}

"Just a Distraction!"
(Translation : Will ya Hurry Up already...Yer Holdin' up me Flight to Noosa! FFS.)

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Tuesday, 5 Mar 2024 at 7:35am


Classic stuff about The Chair ( Lazy Sussan ) ( do U follow everyone this closely :) .

Your microscope is Cool but I do find my old eyes find things hard 2 spot , sometimes .

Had better check out this woman out myself .

The way U describe her , she may be really a Player on our Political Stage .

The Chair V Pleba ?

Thanks .

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Tuesday, 5 Mar 2024 at 10:18am

Unfortunately , Pleba has been demoted by Albo .

Thought she was Still his Deputy , BUT , Dicky M is Deputy Dick , PM .

Thought the Election Debates might B Albo V Voldy AND The Chair V Pleba .

I would like to C that .

Leaders and their Deputies all discussing the Issues we will use @ decide our PM and Deputy PM .

Dicky Knee , is Not even Treasurer .

Not sure What Labor have THIS guy doing , or how he will be used in the upcoming Election .

It's like they may have got a Dick , 2 put a condom , on a Pleba .

An Old Trick , but a good one .

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Tuesday, 5 Mar 2024 at 12:33pm

GS deep dive into the Liberal candidate for Dunkley Nathan Conroy can now be revealed …. as inspired by our esteemed insider TTB.

According to sources once close to former disgraced Lib member for Dunkley, Bruce Billson, Nathan Conroy was perhaps the perfect match for the Liberal Party (cough cough oxymoron) … publicly rude, abrasive … let’s call a spade a spade …misogynistic towards female Councillors and staff to the point where Lib party members/voters voted for the Labor candidate. Said sources dislike Conroy with such vigour moves are also afloat to topple him from his mayoral position and Council … says much about Lib merit principle in preselecting candidates when the bottom of the barrel scrapped up this spiv.

Slackjawedyokel's picture
Slackjawedyokel's picture
Slackjawedyokel Tuesday, 5 Mar 2024 at 12:50pm

Deep dive?

Basically reworded that old classic -“ He sent mean Tweets”.

True woman-haters are to be despised, but the current diminishing of the term Misogynist renders the term virtually meaningless. You can be accused of misogyny for noticing that a crooked female politician is crooked.

Meanwhile….our federal and state governments are consciously implemented policies that make our younger generations literally homeless.

Good to see you’re focussed on the priorities.

“Publicly abrasive”…..lololol

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Tuesday, 5 Mar 2024 at 3:20pm

Not my word slacko only repeating what this professional woman was saying about the view held within her circle but please carry on

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Tuesday, 5 Mar 2024 at 4:28pm

{Liberal Leadership Title Bouts}
Sharing some relevant [L] Leadership research to mark the big occasion!
Bookmarked a few from Lazy Sussan a shame not to share them!
Today's a better day than any for [L] Leadership Review Clippings!
Happy to Share!

Starts with Dutto's Parachute malfunction into tbb's electorate...[L] Chick Hassles

Karen felt guilty for defeating chosen one Dutto...once bitten twice shy...little woman backs down!

Punk Sussan forced to insist Razor Blades not for Dutto!

Game of Thrones

Lazy Sussan Says No to Everything

Factional Battles and Future Leadership on the Line

New [L] Front Bench

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Tuesday, 5 Mar 2024 at 9:48pm


Loved this instalment of Happy Harry Potter and Game of Thrones .

Really taken this VoldyScarey Stuff thing , to heart , which is great 2 C .

Only had a quick skim of your links and enough 2 C that Dutton was NOT like Morrison , but Still supported his important Chair Tanya .

Not a good look to loose A (The ) Chair , especially if SHE is 2 become YOUR Deputy Dog .

Could look careless loosing stuff like that :) and NOT women friendly !

Which brings me back to The Pleba !

WTF did SHE do , to get silenced by the New Deputy Dicky Marles ?

Not 4 calling Voldy , Voldy , surely .

Albo wouldn't get Dick , 2 stop a Pleba Spray , would he ?

Not the old Ansell Play , surely not ?

Thats too old !

What does the Deputy Dog actually DO ?

I see Pleba still on the Telly a bit , as the Media love her .

Surely Albo has someone in mind , 2 take ON The Chair in a debate ( Marles can't call The Chair nasty names :) .

Who would that B TBB ?

U know all this fun stuff !

The Chair , like Dutton , seems to grow ( not scared , perhaps U can take a peep at them haha ) with all the Post I C on SN .

Maybe heading to become a Throne of Chairs with Voldy calling the spells at Canberra .

Cauldron , Toil and trouble as well !

Find us a few hags , an Orc and a nasty Snake/Spider/MossieSlimyThingy and U have lots of fun stuff , 2 write about .

Looking forward 2 the next scene , it's the Year of the Dragon as well , this is great !!!

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Tuesday, 5 Mar 2024 at 9:52pm Peter Dutton was unable to clearly articulate the Opposition’s cost of living policy in the lead up to the Dunkley by-election, because he was talking with a mouth full of caviar.

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Wednesday, 6 Mar 2024 at 9:33am

Costa Soiree Crisis outbreak is infectiously articulating common as muck Party People.

ALP Valet : "Got the Keys to a $368 billion Cardboard Submarine...who's up for a spendthrift spindrift!"

Police Raid ALP Soiree : Toto's world domination plan foiled > Recycled Cardboard Bong Beads come unstuck!


frog's picture
frog's picture
frog Wednesday, 6 Mar 2024 at 10:02am

Immigration - benefits strongly determined by who comes - not just how many.

Dutch study found:

Those attracted by the welfare state and who tend not to integrate well add to the welfare burden.

- net cost of such large scale migrant influxes are high
- they do not help with the ageing population workforce problems
- add to crime and fracturing of society

Border control and selectivity matter. Not to Joe Biden in the USA obviously.

Probably not in Australia either given 500,000 (overwhelming any attempt to be selective by numbers) just arrived and being "inclusive" (where anybody is good and more challenging to integrate and support is even better) matters above all else these days.

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Wednesday, 6 Mar 2024 at 10:38am

From lobster dinners with mafia bosses to secret membership of the Freemasons this Liberal has always had a limited understanding of the term conflict of interest and people wonder why the Liberals are so on the nose here in Victoria …

Slackjawedyokel's picture
Slackjawedyokel's picture
Slackjawedyokel Wednesday, 6 Mar 2024 at 10:56am
GuySmiley wrote:

From lobster dinners with mafia bosses to secret membership of the Freemasons this Liberal has always had a limited understanding of the term conflict of interest and people wonder why the Liberals are so on the nose here in Victoria …

Imagine how upset you’d be if they’d obediently gone to kiss the ring of the dictator overseeing the largest communist nation on Earth like the Victorian ALP.

Seven times!

But….secret Masons!

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Wednesday, 6 Mar 2024 at 11:03am
Slackjawedyokel wrote:
GuySmiley wrote:

From lobster dinners with mafia bosses to secret membership of the Freemasons this Liberal has always had a limited understanding of the term conflict of interest and people wonder why the Liberals are so on the nose here in Victoria …

Imagine how upset you’d be if they’d obediently gone to kiss the ring of the dictator overseeing the largest communist nation on Earth like the Victorian ALP.

Seven times!

But….secret Masons!

Must be a Manchurian Candidate!!

Optimist's picture
Optimist's picture
Optimist Wednesday, 6 Mar 2024 at 11:51am

And many top labor members in the Fabian society… logo …a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Masons and Fabian’s …all feathering their own nests and inflicting their will while they say to us the people…” let them eat cake”.

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Wednesday, 6 Mar 2024 at 12:54pm

^^^ the issue was MGuy didn’t declare his membership not that he was a member FFS

Transparency is the issue, or in this case lack there of from this once infamously poor planning minister

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Wednesday, 6 Mar 2024 at 3:17pm
Slackjawedyokel wrote:
GuySmiley wrote:

From lobster dinners with mafia bosses to secret membership of the Freemasons this Liberal has always had a limited understanding of the term conflict of interest and people wonder why the Liberals are so on the nose here in Victoria …

Imagine how upset you’d be if they’d obediently gone to kiss the ring of the dictator overseeing the largest communist nation on Earth like the Victorian ALP.

Seven times!

But….secret Masons!

What a disgusting vile piece of trash he was, he should be in jail for what he put Victorian's through during covid not too mention the debt he left us with.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Wednesday, 6 Mar 2024 at 4:29pm

pretty funny seeing dutton get slammed for a mouthful of cavier at gina's shindig...

do these people think albo's eating meat pies and down with the peeps when he's dancing to katy perry at pratt's private party?

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Wednesday, 6 Mar 2024 at 4:32pm

"What a disgusting vile piece of trash he was, he should be in jail for what he put Victorian's through during covid not too mention the debt he left us with."

maybe in ten years time... when viccos are STILL paying for andrews china inspired covid response... they'll vote in a jeff kennett to come in and clean up the mess...


andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Wednesday, 6 Mar 2024 at 5:08pm
sypkan wrote:

pretty funny seeing dutton get slammed for a mouthful of cavier at gina's shindig...

do these people think albo's eating meat pies and down with the peeps when he's dancing to katy perry at pratt's private party?

Long way to go for 1 hour spent at a party! Must be best of maaaates.
Hope he stuffed himself with caviar and Champers!!

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Wednesday, 6 Mar 2024 at 5:56pm
andy-mac wrote:
sypkan wrote:

pretty funny seeing dutton get slammed for a mouthful of cavier at gina's shindig...

do these people think albo's eating meat pies and down with the peeps when he's dancing to katy perry at pratt's private party?

Long way to go for 1 hour spent at a party! Must be best of maaaates.
Hope he stuffed himself with caviar and Champers!!

All sides do this, presumably at the taxpayer’s expense, but is the taxpayer getting good value for their money? A resounding no so why do it?