Next Federal Election

I haven’t done 1000’s of trees like guy, but I have planted hundreds and like to visit them in my travels…tall tallowoods , iron barks as I love the honey, lots of natives, fruit trees by the dozens that bless peoples lives.., bird feeders…..etc etc.
Regarding people like big Tony, you didnt have to like him, you can even believe that it’s a ploy to get out of renewables.
That’s all fine. The fact is if somebody proposes mass planting by the govt. you just run with it….the other stuff will follow by someone else but you DO NOT stand in the way of any productive venture…that’s politics before people.
This is something that bewilders me….
…especially stopping planting 60,000,000 trees which by the way needs two more zeros on it to be effective but it’s a start.
Imagine replanting the deserts which in turn will create their own rain to sustain the trees. Something for prisoners to do perhaps?..more fun than pumping weights.
Farmers are very much onboard at present with planting as they finally realise the benefits and not just to sell wood.
The developers on the other hand are a problem and need reeling in and shifting their lust to different quality land inland….they eat and run….make them build there and turn that into paradise.
My point is, run with any good idea, doesn’t matter who brings it. The rest will take care of itself eventually by somebody else and it will only add to a better world.

Optimist wrote:I haven’t done 1000’s of trees like guy, but I have planted hundreds and like to visit them in my travels…tall tallowoods , iron barks as I love the honey, lots of natives, fruit trees by the dozens that bless peoples lives.., bird feeders…..etc etc.
Regarding people like big Tony, you didnt have to like him, you can even believe that it’s a ploy to get out of renewables.
That’s all fine. The fact is if somebody proposes mass planting by the govt. you just run with it….the other stuff will follow by someone else but you DO NOT stand in the way of any productive venture…that’s politics before people.
This is something that bewilders me….
…especially stopping planting 60,000,000 trees which by the way needs two more zeros on it to be effective but it’s a start.
Imagine replanting the deserts which in turn will create their own rain to sustain the trees. Something for prisoners to do perhaps?..more fun than pumping weights.
Farmers are very much onboard at present with planting as they finally realise the benefits and not just to sell wood.
The developers on the other hand are a problem and need reeling in and shifting their lust to different quality land inland….they eat and run….make them build there and turn that into paradise.
My point is, run with any good idea, doesn’t matter who brings it. The rest will take care of itself eventually by somebody else and it will only add to a better world.
Optimist. I like some of your sentiments about tree planting.
I don’t like the continuous debate about planting out desert areas.
They are deserts for a reason, they don’t need to be interfered with, they support a vast array of biological organisms of all shape and size.
Full of life which is quite the contrary to most people’s logic.AW

AlboSLEAZY its a nice ride for a housO mate, 3 million bucks from May 22 till end of that year.Beats learning how to run a chook raffle though doesn't it.Ya lying thieving imposter, call the election and tell us about CHEEEEPA electricity and how the cost of living will come down.

Greens leader Adam Bandt billed the taxpayer $1,000,000 in travel , staff travel and printing last year including renting himself private jets.
Puzzling isn’t it… we have any politicians these days that aren’t complete frauds….I suspected he was a fraud but now a gas guzzling complete fraud.
Then we have every “big party “Albo under which life will be so much cheaper cough cough…
and then “Nuclear Pete”…….tough choices.
Might have to re read Pauline’s mission statement ha ha.

Optimist wrote:Greens leader Adam Bandt billed the taxpayer $1,000,000 in travel , staff travel and printing last year including renting himself private jets.
Puzzling isn’t it… we have any politicians these days that aren’t complete frauds….I suspected he was a fraud but now a gas guzzling complete fraud.
Then we have every “big party “Albo under which life will be so much cheaper cough cough…
and then “Nuclear Pete”…….tough choices.
Might have to re read Pauline’s mission statement ha ha.
No big fan of Adam Bandt, but calling bullshit on that, can you provide a reputable source?

It was all over the news this morning ….watch it tonight I suppose if you want.
$979,000 I think was the total….
Would have been better spent on trees.

I wish Adam would spend more on travel , a lot more .
He could start by telling Canberra , Melbourne now has a FULL HOUSE sign , on the State !
Melbourne has now gone OVER the 5 million people mark .
85000 moved here last year .
Thats a fn almost , Full G ffs !
Sydney , must also be close 2 being FULL .
Tell Canberra , Adam , if U bring in ANY immigrants , they CAN'T Live in Melbourne .
Tell them ,that WE will now pick , who we need 2 live here .
Here is a list of 100 Skilled People we desperately need .
It's not cheap flying at the pointy end of a plane .
I looked at an upgrade to go o/s , f me , Business is a Rip off .
After The Chair resigned over a 14k , Plane adventure that was discovered .
All Parties would be extra careful , 2 ensure Travel Records are believable , sort of .
We have No Population Plan , Energy Plan or Housing Plan .
The Plan is 2 have No Plan and see what Happens Plan .

Ok! We did...
Toto's Dream Run
Voldemort's Nuke Howler
We got spun out by Lazy Sussan.
We did...d'd'ont you worry 'bout Qld [L] Autocrat's Tele-Gov.
Did we do the...
Wishy Washy ALP Preggo White Chick fed to the Tassie Devils
Starts Here...
1972 Tas ALP Premier serves 5 year Term
1976 Reduces to 4 year State Govt terms
2021 [L] Premier has Major [L]Chix hassles > only serves 3 years @ $1b dept/yr
Sept 2023 Tassie Devils AFL Launch in March 2024 (Tell Everyone!)
8th Feb 2024 Tassie Devils Launch Date 18th March 2024 (All got that!)
14th Feb Another [L] Premier also self diagnosed with Major [L] Chix hassles ...
Prescribes himself 402 sickies to Kick a Goal with the exact same $1b AF[L] Political Football.
2024 [L] Premier serves 2.89/4 yrs thus saving Tas $1b [L]Debt to offset $1b AFL stadium Reffo Rort.
[L] Premier : "My Tas Wide Re-election Festival Unites all candidates under my $1b AF[L] banner!"
Sure! Everyone else is free to change their $1b Itinerary by a Year of more...that includes the Devil/s!
ALP claim they never elected any Wishy Washy White Preggo Chick for Liberal Party Devil's Sacrifice.
[factcheck] True! ALP never once Voted for Tassie Devil's sacrificial AF[L] Lamb Chop.
Pretty sure we all took a step backward & the Wishy Washy Mum & Bub ended up in the Devil's Lair.
[ 2024 Sky Tassie Devil Lairy AF[L]air Reffo ]
[L] Devil's Advocates = Odds on Fav
Wishy Washy Preggo White chick'n' party remains 666/1
[ Mandatory Pleasantville Tape-loop Live-Feed Dub in 3-2-1...]
{ We're still Alive in the Quaddie : Guru Toto's Red Heels Click Pick! }
Toto : "I see a blood bath...a sea of Red!"

Voldy has a perfect opportunity 2 bring out a Puff the Magic Dragon Plan and Spin out the Election debate .
His Puff on Nuclear , worked a treat , opening terrible wounds , in our Energy No Plan .
Just say , as Labor have no Plan , on anything , that's working AND we Need a fn really BIG NEW Plan .
Vote me in , and THEN ,I will work my magic and try and fn work one out .
I will chat with the Future Fund and get them 2 change their Mandate AND Invest BIG in Public Housing .
Immigration levels need a Plan , I will work one out, BUT , it goes down Immediately to 400k , nearly a 50% drop .
Melbourne and Sydney are almost full , the rest of Australia is almost empty .
We need a New Energy Plan as Electricity is 2 expensive . shit , ok , I will spin one out .
Lets start with APPROVING Narrabri's Gas project , today .
All options , Except Nuclear , are on the table and available .
He is in Opposition and doesn't have to give ANY details .
He could also DROP ALL Co2 Commitments , as , Without this Plan , Australia's Can't , honestly , commit 2 any of this stuff , yet !
With most of this , there ARE no details , that's the fn problem .
Albo has plenty of Time , 2 get his plans going , B4 the Election , and Kill this Spell .

Optimist wrote:It was all over the news this morning ….watch it tonight I suppose if you want.
$979,000 I think was the total….
Would have been better spent on trees.
Agree with the tress comment, will check it.
Thanks for getting back to me.
It seems to be correct.... Geez.

Adam took a Private Plane 2 Fly on the Canberra and Brisbane Route , 2 attend his Own Party's Election Campaign Party lol , OMG !
The cost $15000 ( shit is that one way ? ) .
He probably got a Free Flying Lesson , included .
As a Minister , Sussan High Chair , resigned over a group of flying lessons that totalled , $14000 .
Adams total bill is bloody high for ONE guy , $600 000 plus ..
If he works 300 days in a year , it fn costs US , $2000 per day , to get the guy 2 and from bloody work .
Should he resign , as Leader of the Greens ?
Or just asked 2 Zoom more , from home ffs ?

Pop Down wrote:Adam took a Private Plane 2 Fly on the Canberra and Brisbane Route , 2 attend his Own Party's Election Campaign Party lol , OMG !
The cost $15000 ( shit is that one way ? ) .
He probably got a Free Flying Lesson , included .
As a Minister , Sussan High Chair , resigned over a group of flying lessons that totalled , $14000 .
Adams total bill is bloody high for ONE guy , $600 000 plus ..
If he works 300 days in a year , it fn costs US , $2000 per day , to get the guy 2 and from bloody work .
Should he resign , as Leader of the Greens ?
Or just asked 2 Zoom more , from home ffs ?
Reckon for transparency we should see the leaders of ALP (when in opposition) and LNP spent in a similar time frame.
If Bandt's is higher, yep reckon he should resign.
As far as I can tell this story is only being covered presently in Murdoch tabloids, so let's see how it pans out.

Brisbane 2 Canberra may take 2 hours .
If it's there and back , it's $3750 per hour , that Adam clocked up .
That will be hard 2 match 4 everyone , except the PM , surely !
Over $15000 , I don't think he will resign and will not hassle him , if he doesn't .
A Bar 2 high 4 him 2 meet , unfortunately .
That's not in his character imho .

“Reckon for transparency we should see the leaders of ALP (when in opposition) and LNP spent in a similar time frame.
If Bandt's is higher, yep reckon he should resign.
As far as I can tell this story is only being covered presently in Murdoch tabloids”
Zzzzzzzzz….Andy Mac’s slow burn ALP / Greens coalition propaganda gets so boring. He’s obviously shilling. No person could possibly present such a one-eyed interpretation of politics unless they had skin in the game. When you ask him directly whether he’s involved he will tell you he isn’t . Unfortunately someone who is involved in politics will routinely lie to your face.
In this instance Andy Mac is saying that the leader of the Greens party- upon which the entire premise of their existence is protecting the environment and the moderation of moral extremism- has been found shuttling his monstrous ego about the nation fuelled by Planet Destroying carbon and the wages of his hammer-and-sickle comrades.
But Andy said it’s all AOK if the other thieving politicians also have their noses in the trough to a similar degree. In which case it’s the media outlet reporting the blatant and outrageous misuse of public funds who is in the wrong.

Slackjawedyokel wrote:“Reckon for transparency we should see the leaders of ALP (when in opposition) and LNP spent in a similar time frame.
If Bandt's is higher, yep reckon he should resign.
As far as I can tell this story is only being covered presently in Murdoch tabloids”Zzzzzzzzz….Andy Mac’s slow burn ALP / Greens coalition propaganda gets so boring. He’s obviously shilling. No person could possibly present such a one-eyed interpretation of politics unless they had skin in the game. When you ask him directly whether he’s involved he will tell you he isn’t . Unfortunately someone who is involved in politics will routinely lie to your face.
In this instance Andy Mac is saying that the leader of the Greens party- upon which the entire premise of their existence is protecting the environment and the moderation of moral extremism- has been found shuttling his monstrous ego about the nation fuelled by Planet Destroying carbon and the wages of his hammer-and-sickle comrades.
But Andy said it’s all AOK if the other thieving politicians also have their noses in the trough to a similar degree. In which case it’s the media outlet reporting the blatant and outrageous misuse of public funds who is in the wrong.
Na mate, you misunderstood, I reckon there should be transparency as if they are all taking the piss it should be stopped.
Na not politically aligned in any way, but out of the top 3 will always put LNP after Labor and Greens, how about you? Believe me or not I don't really give a shit.
End of.
Don't know why you seem to be such an angry individual throwing insults and labelling people, aren't you presently in Indo getting shacked?
Lighten up and go get a Binny.

Optimist wrote:Greens leader Adam Bandt billed the taxpayer $1,000,000 in travel , staff travel and printing last year including renting himself private jets.
Puzzling isn’t it… we have any politicians these days that aren’t complete frauds….I suspected he was a fraud but now a gas guzzling complete fraud.
Then we have every “big party “Albo under which life will be so much cheaper cough cough…
and then “Nuclear Pete”…….tough choices.
Might have to re read Pauline’s mission statement ha ha.
OMG thats insane and even worse coming from a Greens leader.
"Climate-warrior and Greens leader Adam Bandt has been slugging taxpayers just short of a million dollars in expenses in a single year, including spending $204,000 on printing costs.
Also on his eyebrow-raising expenses were $23,000 on two private jet flights and another $12,000 on a government-provided vehicle and petrol allowance.
His annual expense bill for 2022 was an eye-watering $963,166, not including his $314,000 salary and the wages of his personal staff, according to the Department of Finance.
Each trip on a private jet is about the equivalent of a year’s worth of the average person’s carbon output."
And to think there was people dissing Jacinta Price over her " $76,509.19 for 76 business class flights between May, 2022 to July 2023" which kind of made some sense as it's quite literally cheaper to fly overseas than Alice spring even an economy flight is $500-$700 one way from or too Canberra.
BTW. Googling it Adam seems to live in Flemington Melbourne, so apart from Sydney he would be in one of the easiest and cheapest place to get to Canberra or elsewhere from

Andy Mac….I realise you think you come across as neutral and balanced, with a lean towards the ALP. In reality you appear to be ridiculously partisan. I’m not throwing insults, merely acknowledging that your repeated denials of ALP boosterism are refuted by your behaviour. You are 99% ALP shill with the 1% pulled back to retain credibility as impartial. I don’t believe it at all. I think you’ve got some kind of vested interest.
Whilst It matters not whether the entire political spectrum is behaving as badly as Bandt, the fact of Bandt’s behaviour is compounded that it’s normalised by his peers. . He should be made an example of for his obvious disregard for the sanctity of the tax dollar extracted from the population. Politicians should treat the public purse as sacrosanct. They are not ultra-talented celebrities. They are public servants and their current fantasy that they’re elite level talent and deserving of CEO style remuneration needs to be seriously discouraged. To the point of Bandt being put on unemployment benefits so that himself and his ilk realise they are non entities entitled to nothing beyond their base pay.
I truly believe it should be settled in a criminal court and he should be personally responsible for reimbursing the population for his opaque theft of public funds.
Make an example of him. The entire body politic needs a reality check.
PS ….I’m not angry. I guess I just use words more forcefully than most. I’d say it’s the passive aggressive personas are the ones who are kicking the dog. At least with me you know where you stand. I’m having a bintang right now. I’m chilled and relaxed. Chilled and relaxed doesn’t mean I’ve got to humour or indulge bullshit. Bandt is spending his employer’s money in a manner that would be considered criminal in almost all other industries.

""Andy Mac….I realise you think you come across as neutral and balanced, with a lean towards the ALP. In reality you appear to be ridiculously partisan."'
Maybe a fair point, but I reckon if you look through my posts, you will find I've posted stuff from Betoota, Juice media, Kangaroo Court etc which has been critical of the ALP.
If I am going to choose between the LNP since Howard and Labor, yep, I'll go Labor every day. So, if that is ridiculously partisan, so be it.
As for the rest of your post, I'm kind of in agreement.
However, reckon if Bandt is going to be made an example of he is at the back of a long queue from both the ALP and especially the LNP.
Edit: And yep I'm pretty pissed off that it seems NACC has so far has been a fizzer. Disappointing.

Slackjawedyokel wrote:Andy Mac….I realise you think you come across as neutral and balanced, with a lean towards the ALP. In reality you appear to be ridiculously partisan. I’m not throwing insults, merely acknowledging that your repeated denials of ALP boosterism are refuted by your behaviour. You are 99% ALP shill with the 1% pulled back to retain credibility as impartial. I don’t believe it at all. I think you’ve got some kind of vested interest.
Whilst It matters not whether the entire political spectrum is behaving as badly as Bandt, the fact of Bandt’s behaviour is compounded that it’s normalised by his peers. . He should be made an example of for his obvious disregard for the sanctity of the tax dollar extracted from the population. Politicians should treat the public purse as sacrosanct. They are not ultra-talented celebrities. They are public servants and their current fantasy that they’re elite level talent and deserving of CEO style remuneration needs to be seriously discouraged. To the point of Bandt being put on unemployment benefits so that himself and his ilk realise they are non entities entitled to nothing beyond their base pay.
I truly believe it should be settled in a criminal court and he should be personally responsible for reimbursing the population for his opaque theft of public funds.
Make an example of him. The entire body politic needs a reality check.
PS ….I’m not angry. I guess I just use words more forcefully than most. I’d say it’s the passive aggressive personas are the ones who are kicking the dog. At least with me you know where you stand. I’m having a bintang right now. I’m chilled and relaxed. Chilled and relaxed doesn’t mean I’ve got to humour or indulge bullshit. Bandt is spending his employer’s money in a manner that would be considered criminal in almost all other industries.
Enjoy the Binny!

Slackjawedyokel wrote:Andy Mac….I realise you think you come across as neutral and balanced, with a lean towards the ALP. In reality you appear to be ridiculously partisan. I’m not throwing insults, merely acknowledging that your repeated denials of ALP boosterism are refuted by your behaviour. You are 99% ALP shill with the 1% pulled back to retain credibility as impartial. I don’t believe it at all. I think you’ve got some kind of vested interest.
Whilst It matters not whether the entire political spectrum is behaving as badly as Bandt, the fact of Bandt’s behaviour is compounded that it’s normalised by his peers. . He should be made an example of for his obvious disregard for the sanctity of the tax dollar extracted from the population. Politicians should treat the public purse as sacrosanct. They are not ultra-talented celebrities. They are public servants and their current fantasy that they’re elite level talent and deserving of CEO style remuneration needs to be seriously discouraged. To the point of Bandt being put on unemployment benefits so that himself and his ilk realise they are non entities entitled to nothing beyond their base pay.
I truly believe it should be settled in a criminal court and he should be personally responsible for reimbursing the population for his opaque theft of public funds.
Make an example of him. The entire body politic needs a reality check.
PS ….I’m not angry. I guess I just use words more forcefully than most. I’d say it’s the passive aggressive personas are the ones who are kicking the dog. At least with me you know where you stand. I’m having a bintang right now. I’m chilled and relaxed. Chilled and relaxed doesn’t mean I’ve got to humour or indulge bullshit. Bandt is spending his employer’s money in a manner that would be considered criminal in almost all other industries.
SJY. I don’t disagree with the waywardly, irresponsible and unnecessary spending, but I’m certainly no taxpayer vigilante like many others on here are.
Well, if you’re gonna put Bandt up in front of a court, you are going to have one mother fucker long queue putting all the rest of them up there as well.
Politicians, present and past.
They should all be held accountable
Isn’t it about time they change these so called entitlements rules.AW

This Situation should never need to go to a Court, a waste of time and space imho .
An Expenses Review Committee can work out if Adam , has Stuffed up .
If he has stuffed up , money should , perhaps , be repaid ( doc his salary ) .
Adam can't be Forced 2 resign .
Sussan High Chair , chose to resign as a Personal Conscious Decision .
She was a Minister , she stuffed up , SHE thought , the Proper action , was 2 resign and learn a lesson .
When I read this , I said she got a big Tick from me , 4 resigning over the $14000 Fiasco .
Peoples True Character emerges when under extreme pressure .
I don't think Adam has the same character , as The Chair , and he will just keep working .
He will Win his Seat , regardless .

Albo just announced 4 billion dollars for 2700 aboriginal homes. 270 per year for 10 years.
Building aboriginal homes is a good thing,
1.4 million dollars each is a bit expensive. Surely there’s more to it….or not.
No wonder our budget struggles to cope.

2700 desperately need homes , takes 10 years 2 build , REALLY ?
To Cost $1400000 EACH !???
What are they building ???
I really HOPE there IS fn MORE , 2 this story !
At least the 4 BILLION number , will get him some news space .
I bloody struggle 2 cope with these numbers , really .

…. and we’re off and running in the daily Stupidity Stakes

Optimist wrote:Albo just announced 4 billion dollars for 2700 aboriginal homes. 270 per year for 10 years.
Building aboriginal homes is a good thing,
1.4 million dollars each is a bit expensive. Surely there’s more to it….or not.
No wonder our budget struggles to cope.
Optimist. Hi, hope you’re well.
No wonder our budget struggles when we keep agreeing to and signing up to the proliferation of more weapons, arms deals, submarine manufacturing, joining AUKUS etc.
You’ve gotta look at the whole bloody messy big picture fella. AW

The Whole Mess seems 2B getting bigger and Todays announcement that Albo is building 2700 $1.4 million outback Homes , is Today's mess which Opti , kindly pointed out .
We don't want to Step in All the shit at once , today :)
In Melbourne Land costs a bomb .
$1,400 000 buys a lovely Home in Inner Melbourne .
The Commonwealth Owns Land .
I have NFI how much it cost 2 build a home in the Outback .
Guessing that 1.4 gets U a really Big home , with ALL the Mod Con's .
Just dividing 4b by 2700 and getting 1400000 should have Set Alarms Bells Off .
It's Just ridiculous !

Pop Down wrote:AW
The Whole Mess seems 2B getting bigger and Todays announcement that Albo is building 2700 $1.4 million outback Homes , is Today's mess which Opti , kindly pointed out .
We don't want to Step in All the shit at once , today :)
In Melbourne Land costs a bomb .
$1,400 000 buys a lovely Home in Inner Melbourne .
The Commonwealth Owns Land .
I have NFI how much it cost 2 build a home in the Outback .
Guessing that 1.4 gets U a really Big home , with ALL the Mod Con's .
Just dividing 4b by 2700 and getting 1400000 should have Set Alarms Bells Off .
It's Just ridiculous !
Pops. Morning. Lovely swell here still, not changed in five days.
Yeah you’re right, somethings not quite right, albeit if these builds are in remote areas I fully understand the costs. And they should be built.
Media is so quick to jump on an Aboriginal expenditure but fails to point out all of the other unheard of expenditures to things that people just seem to ignore.
This pointing the finger at Aboriginal expenditures is tiring and down right selfish, isn’t that right Ashsam - you knob as an example. Easy target that’s all I say.
Time for a second surf. Maniac in exile.AW

Doubling down on being stupid isn’t good Pops, why not do some research on what’s involved in this program before freaking out

You legend and U are so right .
I didn't C it as negative Aboriginal Expenditure, but I so C your point .
I view the $4 Billion 2B spent on FNP Housing 2B a Great announcement !!!!
I should have highlighted the Desperate Need 4 This !
I am just stunned by the number 1400000 .
We Need , maybe 200000 new homes , 2 be built in 10 Years, for Public Housing in Australia .
2700 in 10 years in Melbourne , shit , What would That Cost and what difference does it make when 85000 came here last fn year !!!????
The Numbers are OFF the fn Charts !
AW is right , ALL the numbers need 2B checked , it's ridiculous !
In May 1975 , I think , we had 7 straight days @ New Brighton ( were camping on the soccer field ) of Perfect 4-5 ft , off shores AND great banks .
As we were Groms , surf nearly ALL day .
My mates and I , still talk about it .
Keep surfing .

Hey Pop, are you paying by the letter?

No ? :)

IDK Y U do it.

@Pop, don't listen to Andy, if we do indeed speak 860,341,500 words in our lifetime, the more verbose of us are doomed to an early demise..
but UR gr8 @ U zing < us m8

(shit, see how bad I am at it? 'U zing' uses the same amount of letters as 'using' - plus this addendum, I probably only have a few years left)

Pop Down wrote:AW
The Whole Mess seems 2B getting bigger and Todays announcement that Albo is building 2700 $1.4 million outback Homes , is Today's mess which Opti , kindly pointed out .
We don't want to Step in All the shit at once , today :)
In Melbourne Land costs a bomb .
$1,400 000 buys a lovely Home in Inner Melbourne .
The Commonwealth Owns Land .
I have NFI how much it cost 2 build a home in the Outback .
Guessing that 1.4 gets U a really Big home , with ALL the Mod Con's .
Just dividing 4b by 2700 and getting 1400000 should have Set Alarms Bells Off .
It's Just ridiculous !
Yep let's concentrate on that!!

Hey 6'y
AW seems 2B scoring Big (Time ) 6909 ?? :)
Going 2 try 2 do this USB ( You Son of a B ??? ) , n words s..t m0r , JIC .
May B m0r like TBB .
B m0r a wokey bloke with abbrev .OK ?
Saves $ , 2 , 4 s..e imho !
SOS asap :)
C YA .

My nephew as a member of the Army’s Engineer Corps and then as a contractor built many houses and community buildings in remote NT over a period of 5 years. Nothing was easy or accessible from crane hire to those few bolts short. Bunnings isn’t down the road nor is a concrete plant. Throw in getting the tradies.
In short, comparing remote building costs to metro costs is an exercise for the feeble minded and/or wilfully ignorant and that’s even before consideration is given to the costs associated with the aboriginal training program also part of yesterday’s announcement

As I said , I am ignorant of building Costs in Outback Australia .
Am reasonably sure Land Costs are a LOT higher here , in Melbourne .
Also understand it must B hard 2 attract tradies Out there and they are expensive here and hard 2 get 2 .
As I said on my first comment , I hope there IS m0r 2 this story .
Training of FNP , 2 contribute 2 the Project will take time , 10 years 4 sure .
This all cost money .
I will check the Full detail now of the $4b announcement .
U seem able 2 compare the 2 different Cost Regimes .
I might also b , not 2 feeble minded :)

Ok , I was wrong and apologise again .
Read enough 2 C it is a Plan supported by the NT and has been going a fair while .
The aim is 2 build bedrooms for our FNP 2 sleep in .
Thats great , NO matter the cost imho !
$4b is great start .
If the Program works well , roll it out in the States , 2 .
Sorry 4 Popping Off without detail , again .
Good work , Albo , a big tick , from me !

They should pre fab tilt panel concrete houses in the city and transport them for onsite assembly. Plumbing and electrical installed..
Nice and cool inside, look good with a coat of acrylic render, strong fast and easy to build and assemble and you could build 7 nice big homes for 1.4 million instead of 1….
All you need is an experienced project manager….not a politician.

andy-mac wrote:Pop Down wrote:AW
The Whole Mess seems 2B getting bigger and Todays announcement that Albo is building 2700 $1.4 million outback Homes , is Today's mess which Opti , kindly pointed out .
We don't want to Step in All the shit at once , today :)
In Melbourne Land costs a bomb .
$1,400 000 buys a lovely Home in Inner Melbourne .
The Commonwealth Owns Land .
I have NFI how much it cost 2 build a home in the Outback .
Guessing that 1.4 gets U a really Big home , with ALL the Mod Con's .
Just dividing 4b by 2700 and getting 1400000 should have Set Alarms Bells Off .
It's Just ridiculous !
Yep let's concentrate on that!!
Andy-Mac. Hi. Hope you’re well.
Thanks for that post regarding the subs.
Can you imagine if we had a fleet of ABBOTT and MORRISON Class submarines cruising in Australian waters., what a goof of a machine they’d be.
They’d have a conning tower that’d resemble a cross, they’d also be lacking proper steering, hence they’d go around and around in circles, just like their political pursuits.
This proposed submarine project would be a classic example of REALLY wasting money, and not Aboriginal housing.
Why do we need so many submarines? Who is going to attempt to overthrow our nation ?
First hint of anything and US FORCES will give the nod. AW

AlfredWallace wrote:andy-mac wrote:Pop Down wrote:AW
The Whole Mess seems 2B getting bigger and Todays announcement that Albo is building 2700 $1.4 million outback Homes , is Today's mess which Opti , kindly pointed out .
We don't want to Step in All the shit at once , today :)
In Melbourne Land costs a bomb .
$1,400 000 buys a lovely Home in Inner Melbourne .
The Commonwealth Owns Land .
I have NFI how much it cost 2 build a home in the Outback .
Guessing that 1.4 gets U a really Big home , with ALL the Mod Con's .
Just dividing 4b by 2700 and getting 1400000 should have Set Alarms Bells Off .
It's Just ridiculous !
Yep let's concentrate on that!!
Andy-Mac. Hi. Hope you’re well.
Thanks for that post regarding the subs.
Can you imagine if we had a fleet of ABBOTT and MORRISON Class submarines cruising in Australian waters., what a goof of a machine they’d be.
They’d have a conning tower that’d resemble a cross, they’d also be lacking proper steering, hence they’d go around and around in circles, just like their political pursuits.
This proposed submarine project would be a classic example of REALLY wasting money, and not Aboriginal housing.Why do we need so many submarines? Who is going to attempt to overthrow our nation ?
First hint of anything and US FORCES will give the nod. AW
Haha, AUKUS what a fiasco!
US Forces probably won't give the nod to get these subs... Great deal Scomo and carried on by Albo. :/

Every country , even Switzerland , has 2 be able 2 defend ITSELF , AW .
No other options , though out History .
Terrific Tony , IF given the chance , would have had a sub with the ( Southern ) Cross but could also be used as a fn Ice Beaker !
We will never know :)
Morisson , îs an idiot , Worst PM EVER !
I like the New subs , they sound scarier , so a deterrent , 4 sure .
Our Pilots are first class , get them a Fleet of the F 35's , eventually ( 20 years :) .
Just order ( don't have 2 pay , things can change eg subs ) the stuff .
The Fact we are getting them , is enough .
Everyone will know , we will get THEM , if they do anything , eventually .
A , Don't F With Australia , Sign .

Nothing like whitefellas telling FNP what’s good for them ah opti, now that hasn’t worked in the past has it so let’s keep on trying it for another 200+ years

Delete the god bothering and we may have gotten somewhere.

Pop Down wrote:Every country , even Switzerland , has 2 be able 2 defend ITSELF , AW .
No other options , though out History .
Terrific Tony , IF given the chance , would have had a sub with the ( Southern ) Cross but could also be used as a fn Ice Beaker !
We will never know :)
Morisson , îs an idiot , Worst PM EVER !
I like the New subs , they sound scarier , so a deterrent , 4 sure .
Our Pilots are first class , get them a Fleet of the F 35's , eventually ( 20 years :) .
Just order ( don't have 2 pay , things can change eg subs ) the stuff .
The Fact we are getting them , is enough .
Everyone will know , we will get THEM , if they do anything , eventually .
A , Don't F With Australia , Sign .
Yeah if we are lucky by 2040 we may have a sub!!! Chances are they or it will be over budget and not arrive then, but hey cool n normal.
There are a lot of more effective and cost-effective ways to prepare Australia's defence capabilities...
This is about containing China as a USA lacky in the South China Sea and propping up their (US) ship building industry.

Slackjawedyokel wrote:Andy Mac….I realise you think you come across as neutral and balanced, with a lean towards the ALP. In reality you appear to be ridiculously partisan. I’m not throwing insults, merely acknowledging that your repeated denials of ALP boosterism are refuted by your behaviour. You are 99% ALP shill with the 1% pulled back to retain credibility as impartial. I don’t believe it at all. I think you’ve got some kind of vested interest.
Whilst It matters not whether the entire political spectrum is behaving as badly as Bandt, the fact of Bandt’s behaviour is compounded that it’s normalised by his peers. . He should be made an example of for his obvious disregard for the sanctity of the tax dollar extracted from the population. Politicians should treat the public purse as sacrosanct. They are not ultra-talented celebrities. They are public servants and their current fantasy that they’re elite level talent and deserving of CEO style remuneration needs to be seriously discouraged. To the point of Bandt being put on unemployment benefits so that himself and his ilk realise they are non entities entitled to nothing beyond their base pay.
I truly believe it should be settled in a criminal court and he should be personally responsible for reimbursing the population for his opaque theft of public funds.
Make an example of him. The entire body politic needs a reality check.
PS ….I’m not angry. I guess I just use words more forcefully than most. I’d say it’s the passive aggressive personas are the ones who are kicking the dog. At least with me you know where you stand. I’m having a bintang right now. I’m chilled and relaxed. Chilled and relaxed doesn’t mean I’ve got to humour or indulge bullshit. Bandt is spending his employer’s money in a manner that would be considered criminal in almost all other industries.
Few others to include......

Pop Down wrote:Every country , even Switzerland , has 2 be able 2 defend ITSELF , AW .
No other options , though out History .
Terrific Tony , IF given the chance , would have had a sub with the ( Southern ) Cross but could also be used as a fn Ice Beaker !
We will never know :)
Morisson , îs an idiot , Worst PM EVER !
I like the New subs , they sound scarier , so a deterrent , 4 sure .
Our Pilots are first class , get them a Fleet of the F 35's , eventually ( 20 years :) .
Just order ( don't have 2 pay , things can change eg subs ) the stuff .
The Fact we are getting them , is enough .
Everyone will know , we will get THEM , if they do anything , eventually .
A , Don't F With Australia , Sign .
I’m going to have to a different view from you on that point ‘Self Defence’ , that’s ok, we are genial fellows.
Pops, why do we need to protect ourselves, and from who and what threat?
It’s a case of the old keep em scared and everyone will tow the line (Howard Factor)
It won’t be long, once Indo reads this, he’ll be shuffling his plastic soldiers around on his bedroom floor and putting on his best Militaria outfit then drop into a full mental vacuum and rapidly devise a plan to defend his country from a perceived threat.
‘He will fight them on the seas and oceans, he will fight them on the beaches , he will fight them on the landing grounds , he will never surrender.’
I wonder who said that. AW
Might as well put this up in the politics subforum, to spare the front page. It's 18 months away or so, but here we go.
This is how Dutton wins: