Vaccinate or not

Here is my take on it. When this delta strain novel virus hit an unprotected population, it was like a wildfire on a catastrophic windy 40-degree day, some countries were turning parks into cemeteries as the bodies piled up in refrigerated trucks. Govts. panicked and erred on the side of caution in case things got much worse. Lockdowns, masks and social distancing slowed the spread here in Aust. saving many old and vulnerable souls and the hospital system from collapse. Now that most people have had covid and the jabs we have some degree of herd immunity, and it has weakened and is more like a slow backburn on a cool day. It will always be around and will still cause problems for the very old and weak just like the other flu strains, but the world has learned to live with it and life goes on. The crisis is over, but the effects of the pandemic are still evident in peoples attitudes and mental health, it caused many people to reassess their lives and live for today. Crime is up, road deaths up, cost of living crisis, wars, population explosion etc. etc. The world seems to have gone mad since the pandemic. The vaccines weren't the silver bullet some people had hoped for and like all medications can have serious side effects but as that world study of 99 million people showed you have more chance of winning lotto three times than having serious complications. 98% of people in the street have moved on and have never even heard of most of the absolute crap being regurgitated on these online antivax cult forums. Burls will have a field day with this post but I have better things to do than flog a dead horse and I'm loving life and couldn't give a shit. Cheers.

Hey Old Dog
Mate , I liked your post a lot and really hope , you are right ( not about Burls's :) !

Hmmm….sorry, Pop Down but comments like that and RK, Hiccups etc are real world examples of the thoughts held by the denizens of Plato’s cave. Not much more than a real time description of the shadows they’re watching dance across the wall.
All this talk about the world moving on, no one cares etc just reaffirm how much their thinking is proscribed by propoganda.
“Unaccountable” deaths above and beyond historical averages, amongst Australians alone has eclipsed the death toll from the war in Gaza. Yet the newspapers have told the population that the Gaza deaths are the ones to be concerned about so that’s what these meat puppets are outraged about.
Hiccups even assumed his usual offended-by-proxy position to say that Gaza is true genocide with its 30K deaths whilst blithely ignoring the 10.83 MILLION deaths worldwide which have occurred since the start of the “pandemic”.
Life hasn’t gone on as normal. People are dead, people are bereaved, people are homeless, destitute, bankrupt and broken as a result of the covid hysteria.
Geez…imagine being someone Roadkill had gotten gaoled for murder because you’d been unvaccinated and infected his mother. You’d still be rotting in prison. Thankfully the official and institutional agitation of the Meat Puppets was put on the back burner and the Brownshirts and Red Guard costumes were put away in the closet for a later date.

Prescribed, not proscribed.

The phrase "lest we forget" has deep meaning - a plea to avoid a repeat of war or ... future pandemic bungles. Not that successful a concept in the case of war which is controlled from on high. However, I think the people have more power to influence in the case of future pandemic policy. Or to just vote with their feet / not cooperate with poorly conceived mandates.
But as the covid cartel would deeply love a repeat of some new crisis after tasting the nectar of the single most profitable health event in history for a few "in favour" companies - irrespective of the many unintended consequences. And so, pondering over the mistakes has merit.
Sweeping it all under the carpet just leaves the door wide open for more rushed, not so safe and not so effective mandated vaccines and hugely damaging mass lockdowns.


Hello Slacky
Actually I wish I was that imaginary Pop up by myself ( probably a dog :) up near the Great Barrier Reef .
Then I could let go and not worry , about people 2 much .
I envy Old Dog .
Due 2 his fortunate circumstances , his life has not been that affected by Covid .
As I have said , things SEEMED 2 B getting back 2 normal here in Melbourne , Covid wise .
Our Footy is about 2 start FFS :)))
Sometimes , it would be nice 2 let go and NOT worry about this shit .
Good on him imho .
Unfortunately , with the numbers TBB has shown , Covid is still hitting us .
700 000 new Australians Popped In here , 2 live , last year .
The numbers are ALL increasing at rates that worry me .
These are URGENT Issues that require Strong , Clear Leadership from our PM .

The only ones that want to sweep it under the carpet were the ones that screamed the loudest to get vaccinated (The Dill, Old-Flog, Stok etc)
i will never forget what happened.
Oh and old-flog, you said that "some countries were turning parks into cemeteries as the bodies piled up in refrigerated trucks"
you got any proof of this outrageous claim?

Have said before , my family were screaming at me 2 get vaxxed 2 and easy 2 forgive them all .
They were doing what everyone else was doing .
As Old Dog mentioned , he understands that others had difficulty coping with Covid and not all due to getting the disease or having the vaxxes .
I will share a personal experience , as it may help someone else .
While under lockdown , I developed an addiction to alcohol .
A dangerous drug that is great at removing pain , 4 a while .
It always will be .
A lot of things were happening back then , so who knows with this stuff .
I stopped drinking over 3 years ago .
Learnt a lot by stopping and letting some light back in my life .
I had one appointment with a lovely analyst :)
At the End of an hour she said , Pop , just don't have a Vino , tonight .
I said , after 1 hour with U , I feel more like a drink , than when I fn arrived .
Its all a personal journey 4 me and lots of laughs .
Still learning boys :)

And those like burleighkaren and pop down and slackidiot and jellybrain…are never going to forget and will keep THEM accountable by….post anonymously on a surf website? Ha ha..go for it. You lot certainly are showing THEM. (Without ever being able to say who THEM are/is.

- and meanwhile, down at the cafe ;);)

I always thought it'd be interesting if there was a country with little to no vaccine participation such as our closest neighbor PNG and compare the impact of pandemic vs Australia.

troppo dichotomy wrote:I always thought it'd be interesting if there was a country with little to no vaccine participation such as our closest neighbor PNG and compare the impact of pandemic vs Australia.

Sweden :
As of 20 April 2022, 87.1% of people (12 years and older) in Sweden have received at least one dose, with a total of 21,491,717 doses administered.

Sweden has a vaccination rate of about 75%. They chose not to mandate lockdowns but had high education rates and most people social distanced and limited travel and worked remotely. As the number of cases surged public events were limited to 50 and then down to 8 in 2020. Visits to nursing homes were banned and upper secondary schools closed. Swedes were not forced to act to stop the spread but did so anyway by isolating if they had symptoms and avoiding crowds and wearing masks etc. Sweden has a history of high trust in authorities and compliance with public health recommendations.
During spring 2020 Sweden's death rate from the first covid wave was among the worlds highest and neighboring countries that mandated rapid lockdowns were faring much better. However, in the long term it evened out and is now lower than many other countries. So, whether their lockdown strategy was successful is a very controversial subject.

udo wrote:Sweden :
As of 20 April 2022, 87.1% of people (12 years and older) in Sweden have received at least one dose, with a total of 21,491,717 doses administered.
Nocludo, straight from google hey. LMAO

old-dog wrote:Sweden has a vaccination rate of about 75%. They chose not to mandate lockdowns but had high education rates and most people social distanced and limited travel and worked remotely. As the number of cases surged public events were limited to 50 and then down to 8 in 2020. Visits to nursing homes were banned and upper secondary schools closed. Swedes were not forced to act to stop the spread but did so anyway by isolating if they had symptoms and avoiding crowds and wearing masks etc. Sweden has a history of high trust in authorities and compliance with public health recommendations.
During spring 2020 Sweden's death rate from the first covid wave was among the worlds highest and neighboring countries that mandated rapid lockdowns were faring much better. However, in the long term it evened out and is now lower than many other countries. So, whether their lockdown strategy was successful is a very controversial subject.
OldFlog, always announces his departure from the forum but is always back here. LMAO

Sweden followed its pre pandemic plan for dealing with pandemics and overall got good results
Sweden's plan was close to the same as that for most countries and the WHO.
Somehow the rest of the world threw out their long agreed approach to pandemic management with no debate or real justification in a panic and because China took the lockdown path.
Trust the experts but then panic when the time for calm heads arises and follow China down the unproven and damaging lockdown path. Weird.

@Supafreak, Sorry, I thought it was obvious. When this novel virus hit, our immune systems had never seen it and didn't recognize it and it took several weeks for it to kick in by which time the virus had taken over and caused severe symptoms and illness. The jabs may not have stopped all transmission, but they tipped off our immune systems to the coming threat causing a quicker response from our immune systems thus reducing the severity and viral load. This combined with the immunity from the population actually catching covid means it is no longer novel and the "herd" now has some protection from it sweeping through the population like a wildfire. Not my theory, but I believe the experts, not Karen on fakebook. Cheers.
Hope you are getting some good waves over there, I'm jealous, but I hope to be over that way in about June.

old-dog wrote:@Supafreak, Sorry, I thought it was obvious. When this novel virus hit, our immune systems had never seen it and didn't recognize it and it took several weeks for it to kick in by which time the virus had taken over and caused severe symptoms and illness. The jabs may not have stopped all transmission, but they tipped off our immune systems to the coming threat causing a quicker response from our immune systems thus reducing the severity and viral load. This combined with the immunity from the population actually catching covid means it is no longer novel and the "herd" now has some protection from it sweeping through the population like a wildfire. Not my theory, but I believe the experts, not Karen on fakebook. Cheers.
Hope you are getting some good waves over there, I'm jealous, but I hope to be over that way in about June.
Still waiting for clarification on this too:
"some countries were turning parks into cemeteries as the bodies piled up in refrigerated trucks"

udo wrote:
So the death toll must have increased during that period compared to previous years then?

As NYC can't even dispose of it's own rubbish , is definitely not a whole fn Country and have Leaders that have NFI , your clarification attempt , has just muddied the waters , again .
Are U enjoying Fauci getting torn apart by the Truth Lion ?
Great viewing the Lion dispose of this Old Stinking body that NYC thinks is Great .
They can put him in a Truck , if they want 2 waste time and DO nothing , again !!!
Do U(do) agree :)
Love 2 hear an option from U(do) , 1 day , maybe :)
Keep up the consistent work , U are good at it imho .

@ Superfreak, sounds feasible, perhaps a "form of herd immunity" is a bit much, "herd protection " maybe? Hope I get some waves in the desert next week, I'll be off grid.

Old dog
Going off grid , going into a desert and hunting for waves already sounds so much fun , good hunting mate and U will be rewarded for your efforts , 4 sure !
Would love 2 C some pictures 2 .
I can't say I will miss U much :)
The Human Herd always , somehow , FINDS protection .
The Truth Lion , is a very handy helper 2 !
Thats why we are the No 1 Species ATM .
It's OUR time to Shine on this Planet .
Go and find a spot and shine , mate .
Just take a fn generator !
U won't miss much here , either !

Slackjawedyokel wrote:Hmmm….sorry, Pop Down but comments like that and RK, Hiccups etc are real world examples of the thoughts held by the denizens of Plato’s cave. Not much more than a real time description of the shadows they’re watching dance across the wall.
All this talk about the world moving on, no one cares etc just reaffirm how much their thinking is proscribed by propoganda.
“Unaccountable” deaths above and beyond historical averages, amongst Australians alone has eclipsed the death toll from the war in Gaza. Yet the newspapers have told the population that the Gaza deaths are the ones to be concerned about so that’s what these meat puppets are outraged about.
Hiccups even assumed his usual offended-by-proxy position to say that Gaza is true genocide with its 30K deaths whilst blithely ignoring the 10.83 MILLION deaths worldwide which have occurred since the start of the “pandemic”.
Life hasn’t gone on as normal. People are dead, people are bereaved, people are homeless, destitute, bankrupt and broken as a result of the covid hysteria.
Geez…imagine being someone Roadkill had gotten gaoled for murder because you’d been unvaccinated and infected his mother. You’d still be rotting in prison. Thankfully the official and institutional agitation of the Meat Puppets was put on the back burner and the Brownshirts and Red Guard costumes were put away in the closet for a later date.
Blowin, your writing has always suggested that you are a not very bright man posing as a clever one. Obviously you are assured of you own believed genius, but writing pandemic in inverted commas in regards to covid, tells me all that I always suspected.

did someone say propaganda?
hard to believe there are people still sprouting this crap... this is one dude that really needs to get outa 'the cave'
my gawwwd the damage to some from covid is frightening...
The problem is:
— Melinda Richards 🇦🇺🇺🇸 (@goodfoodgal) March 5, 2024
There are still a significant number of people out there that have never moved on from this propaganda.

Ha he’s a wanker no matter the subject. Was it bandana washing day?

The Big Banana Bandana Boy and his Mrs L are no wankers , just show ponies who think they are ABOVE the Law .
Both are happy to smooze around the Sydney Harbour , on friends Super Yachts and Jets , helping out with Stuff and get Paid 2 bloody do it !
These 2 REALLY know how to get things done , 4 themselves .
I have had a Jab and can now point out to Voldy Mark II , he was bloody wrong and lied 2 .
Wonder how these 2 , are feeling NOW .
Maybe they can't stand 2 watch the Carnage the Truth Lion is creating 4 Fauci and the Whole dreadful affair that just keeps giving .
At least they can claim , like everyone else , they were duped !

Why Govt draws out & delays Antiviral Script Data.
Experts unite in declaring Govt Covid data censoring is not healthy & demand better.
WW + mandated PCR > Rats near obsolete @ 0.4% = Deleting Hospital # > ICU # > Deaths #
Aged care Testing was / is still the last partly reliable Gauge of Covid Waves for many reasons...
Up until 2024 Staff Tested to receive Compo packs > now Govt hand out Monthly Aged Care cheques.
Obviously to smooth over any fear of outbreaks as Testing is no longer "Mandated" for Staff / Providers.
Rats are obsolete apart from one fact > Age care must still test for AV scripts to slow their outbreaks!
Govt switched to Monthly AV script reporting to eliminate any trace of mass 2/3rd AV Expired Dosing.
But also as this wipes 5 wks or a whole Wave of Data until reported = No fear of the here & now.
Covid is Dead...(Coughing Fit!)
In other words the Monster is no longer under the bed but back in the cupboard with the Skeletons!
If Covid is dead then why is Govt happy to provide $2,240 per Vaxed [+] Aged Care patient treatment.
That's the Govt's preventative Covid handout to keep each Age care resident outta Hospital!
So if any think Covid is the Nation a fortune by informing the Govt Aged Care Minister!
This exclusive swellnet review will unravel 5wk old AV Data to arrive at Expert 20x Covid Data Claims.
tbb is trying to verify 20x Covid Claims by double checking 5% Peak Tests = 5% Peak AV scripts
Experts then formulate = Peak Test / AV scripts x 20 = Peak [+] Cases.
So! Can we check this...Yes! We can Measure this + Also the rate of infectiousness over time!
Bonus being tbb can share Flip Data on which Vax Groups are hooked on AV scripts & if AV works!
Obviously tbb is not gonna buy the Whole package of Brand vs Brand superiority...crew can if they like!
Just be mindful AV drugs were formulated for Unvaxed Patients...ya buy into that...that's your bag!
Obviously Govt bury effectiveness as well by constantly expanding criteria for Scripts...
So! Does that mean we need to check that also...No's their censorship rules!
tbb starts with obligatory Salute to Fed / Vic Health for sharing wot little data...better than none!
29th Feb 2024: tbb covered the AV basics...this review cuts thru to the heart to out our Covid Beastie!
Recap...Govt ordered 500K + 300K AV to treat unvaxed...
1st March 2022 (Start) AV for Hospitals
1st May PBS sneaks in first of Vaxed Criteria ( Despite AV never being tested on Vaxed )
Govt AV Med Stockpiles centralize supply from ACT / NSW / Vic > Outbound as Vax Rollout
26th June 2022 Review (AV scripts High > Low) = % of Infected [+] Population requiring AV Scripts
ACT 2.33% > Vic 1.8% > Oz 1.23% > Qld 0.57% > NT 0.14%
Other states n/a = Can assume 2nd in-line NSW was #2 Above Oz Average @ 2% (All say Aye!)
Breakdown of 3 States (Crew can fill in n/a Puzzle) Mostly % Factcheck.
Vic 1.8% = AV 18,571 / 1,029,855 [+]
Qld .57% = AV (n/a)..... / 890.626 [+]
WA (n/a) = 2,168 / (n/a)
Ok! We see that Govt are already Censoring AV Data
( However ) New ALP Health Minister shares enough Vital insight by slip of the tongue...
26th June > 6th July : M. Butler : "Doubled the Scripts!" This can the be measured by companion outbreak.
Qld Health : Translation > Minister Doubled the orders ( Individual Scripts are not counted > Orders!)
Minister Doubled the 'AV orders' in readiness for On the Shelves PBS Vaxed Expansion!
Minister implied Pfizer Paxlovid 6x orders = (Translation : Crushed & sprinkled over Aged Care Cereal!)
Paxlovid (2x drug Combo) : Less Risk Patient compliant but more effective at preventing Covid Death.
Die sooner from mixing Paxlovid Combo in with Aged multi Drug Combo...Sir! Breaky Time! Sir!
July : Butler: "Unvaxed are no longer a risk to PBS > Use their Drugz to slow our Mass Vax Outbreaks!"
11th July > 31st Oct 2022 Vic Health Review of (Men 43.5% / Women 56.5%)
Note crew will see that represents the same as Women Self reporting Rats @ Health Checks!
Covid Vaccinated Patients requiring AV (By order of Mandated Vax Compliance)
Govt Mandate = No Vax = No [+] risk = No PBS = No AV = Contraband Import Duty > Now Fuck off!
[+] AV Risk Patients = (tbb refuses to include multi agenda -contrived > Death Rates > Not healthy!)
Crew can access the study to see why it's not appropriate to push Drug (vs) Drug in contrived manner!
Hospital ward charts are included for long term #1 PBS Drug > #1 Risk patient Hospital Crisis relation.
Soon see why this needs addressing...(Kaboom!)
1/2 Vax doses + AV = Hospital 4.1% (1/2 Vax No AV= 8.3%)
3 Vax Doses +AV = Hospital 20.5% (3 Vax No AV= 31.3%)
4 Vax doses + AV = Hospital 75.3% (4 Vax No AV= 60.4%) Again note Highest Risk senior patients.
Vic data clearly shows why Govt raced to expand PBS to Lower Aged > Lower Vaxed
Noting the AV Trials were only ever tested on Unvaxed > Working best in Unvaxed Patients...durr!
Crew can clearly see better AV outcomes attributed to Lower > Least Vaxed > (Best for Unvaxed)
Repeating Govt know this yet mandated removing of Unvaxed access to their life saving AV drug!
Crew can debate why Govt deprived then highest risk unvaxed group from their #1 purposed drug!
[Factcheck] Current Data Vax = 15k/wk (vs) AV= 15k/wk (Big Pharma Comeback special Conspiracy?)
[Factcheck] Same Risk Vax Rollout = Same Vax Risk AV Scripts! (Mopping up 2x Mass Vax Crises)
(tbb apologizes for typically topical Mass Vax/AV factchecks > (tbb is a lousy Conspiracist...well durr!)
Our govt Mandated a Mass Vax GOF experiment to hook VIP addicts on $1,200 contraband elixir cure!
Recap...No Unvaxed were permitted to participate in unvaxed AV Drug > Review on Vic VIP Patients.
Doses Combo both drugs...either request or better to refer to study for separate Drugs Ok!
Damn them...Long goes!
[Effectiveness of Community -based oral antiviral treatments against severe Covid -19 outcomes in people 70 years and over in Victoria, Australia, 2022 : an observational study]
Day 1 - 76.9% + (oz) Starts high > Expansions stall supplies for Day 1 Doses
Day 2 - 19.7% + (oz) Expansions delay Day 1 Scripts > 95% Day 2 > by Sept 2022
Day 4 - 03.4%
Notes : Expansions further slow distribution to far States...
Crew will notice the States nearest the AV Stockpile will disproportionately spike higher!
Please don't Applaud Rollout or freak out if ya live in ACT / NSW / Vic that stash or deprive Oz drugz!
Factor in continued Expansions delaying Day1 > Day 2 > Higher Day 3 Doses further from AV Stash.
Age Care Data needs Branding as this is where Govt exploits Contractual Dosing
Age Care
97.3% Pfizer Paxlovid' > Hospital = 5.6% > Deaths 0.6%
80.7% Mulnupiravir > Hospital =3.5% > Deaths 1.7%
Paxlovid is not to be prescribed to Highest Risk / Drug Combo > So why Dose Risk Aged Care...
Each outbreak Prescribes Vax > (3wks later) Each Peak prescribes AV > Wearin' a bit thin...
Vic Hosp' 85+ rises > 65 > 69% AV Peak > both drop > 63% AV > slow rise > 64% Both holding high.
Seems likely that Govt have set a default risk Pax' Hosp' limit with 70+ Age Group...
Likely contractual terms > directed offset orders towards further expanded 50-69yrs criteria.
We know this as AV orders grew from 26% > 31% in 50-69yrs during same timeline.
Explains the constant rebound rise in Vic Hosp' in same age demographic...
Govt seem to have contracted AV's to stem spread of Vaxed Covid outbreaks > paying a heavy price!
Stuck between a rock & a hard place...all the while knowing AV works best on original Unvaxed.
The only market that Govt banned from their own AV doses...Ain't life a Bitch for a pack of bastards!
Summer 2022/2023 Dose price dropped from $1,200 > $1,100 ( Not Officially confirmed )
1st April 2023 : CMO Bizarre Statement
"160,000 Vaxed 60-69yr 1 Risk group expansion really need AV? (see next...)
April 2023 : CMO may have meant this next expansion...Age Care / Remote / Overweight / Diabetes.
Review of Effectiveness
Each Wave 1 > 4 reflects Dose Expansion ( % integrity maintained Lull > Peak )
It is possible to argue 1% higher usage of expanded 50-69yrs during Outbreak Peak
(70+) 65% > 69% > 63% (1st full cycle outs AV 2-3% threshold before Hospitalizations rise-peak!
(65-84) March '22 AV Start Vic Hospital 32% > Now 48% (CMO must be concerned 65-75yr Group!)
(50-69) 27% > 31% (CMO concerned! But rebound Hospital rise is more so > 65years up!)
This explains why Govt broadened criteria to Remote / Overwieght / Diabetes etc...spread it evenly!
(30-40) 6% > 6% This group should be able to sponge up more AV but less in need of it!
(18-29) 1% > 1% ( Note Kids / Mums can't touch the stuff )
Expansion reduces sudden AV Spikes to lock in longer rising addictive base level dosing!
*Check Victoria AV Use > Presents a Future desperate prophylactic Abuse of AV as a Covid Vax cure.
Crew can see this solid block pattern overlays Cases > Hospital Wards > ICU > Younger Deaths
All see that...It's frightening to think AV being Mass fed on tap like that...Wow!
That is the greatest sign of defeat right there...Dosing AV out like Weet Bix
Anyone reckons Vax worked & we got this > then please explain being spoon fed AV 3 meals a day!
Ask! Where does the Wave start > End > Clearly Vic is living waist deep in Covid every single day!
Please do check again > That warrants a whole new Focus just on Vic AV...(Fucking insane it is!)
Kinda like being entrapped in own 'cause & effect mass addiction'...we're smothering ourselves in.
Just Saying Vic is addicted to AV > Can't live without it...Well locked into Living with Covid groove!
Vaxed AV July 2022 > Jan 2024 > 1,246,204 doses x $1,200
Avg = 15,067 AV doses/wk
Jan 2024 = 17,898 x 1,100 AV doses wk = $20m/wk (Indicating base % AV dosing is rising!)
Summary of AV % to gauge [+] Case Numbers...(From Above)
* Govt Oz Avg = AV 1.23% of Cases but Minister Doubled these Doses = 2.46% of all [+]
* AV rollout expansion never really exceeds 5% variation within a year cross age groups.
Meaning our National AV Stockpile never exceeds 5% rise during Covid outbreaks!
We can assume AV% of [+] Cases = Min 1.23% > Peak Outbreak 4% Maxes out at 5%
Therefore Community Covid = 20x Fully expanded current Peak AV scripts
This verifies Expert Claims Peak 5% [+] Testing = 20x [+] Covid in Community.
Wastewater can prove similar but more by Volumetrics!
According to Fed Heath minister's AV % [+] Average Weekly Cases
Dec 2023 Wave (Not Max) "Should" represent [+] AV @ 4% of Peak Covid cases.
AV 89,342/mth x25 = [+] 558,387 cases wk Avg over Dec 2023 Oz wide (Peaking Higher)
Sits around equal or just under Oz record Peak > Vic Waste Water measures it as a chunky slab.
Earlier Record rising Spike Wave rapid drop off > now shapes as an equal solid longer lasting slab!
Jan 2024 Current cases = AV 17,898/mth x 25 = [+] 447,438/wk Avg @ sitting at record high lull >
Current warning signals...
This is exactly why Govt Dash boards delay AV / Age Care / WW data by 4/5 weeks.
All sharing 5 week old down trends as Easter Wave rises...Nothing to see! Book yer Holidays!
Delayed Vic Hospital high start spike is a real concern...seems too early? + JN 1 is #1 Bully
Last 2 days Ambo sirens start singing their 2nd week March Annual Easter outbreak a week early!
Noticing Qld / NSW / SA reports the exact same rise yesterday..
Up she goes again before it ever even came down...ya wouldn't read about it! Soaking in it!

“ I can’t understand why people have lost faith in the government and medical institutions?”….Said no one ever.

Slackjawedyokel wrote:“ I can’t understand why people have lost faith in the government and medical institutions?”….Said no one ever.
What the....... what does Stok think about this?

Sweden has the courage 2 Look at how they responded 2 Covid and C IF , they did it right .
They undertook a major study ( on Zero ) and found that , by the End of the Pandemic , overall morality rates were higher , in nearly ALL other countries .
As they didn't lock down their Economy , guess what , it didn't suffer , much .
THEN , they DIDN'T have to have Excessive Stimulus , 2 get their economy , going again .
This was a problem they wanted 2 avoid ( they were reducing Monetary Stimulus ) , as it could cause , INFLATION .
So , Sweden didn't fn panic .
They were sensible and honest with their citizens .
They chose the Right Path and should ALL B very proud of themselves , 4 sure !
They have , and still are , looking at how the World and they , Should respond 2 , the Shit Hitting the Fan .

burleigh wrote:Slackjawedyokel wrote:“ I can’t understand why people have lost faith in the government and medical institutions?”….Said no one ever.
What the....... what does Stok think about this?
"trust the science"

Genuine question - do you guys just immediately swallow everything far right commentators post on social media with no critical thought what so ever?

Hahah, utoob the new Britannica.

Stok wrote:Genuine question - do you guys just immediately swallow everything far right commentators post on social media with no critical thought what so ever?

Roadkill said on Thursday 9th September 2021 :
I would love Shorty and Blowin to be able to travel and go to restaurants..however their rights to do that should not come at the expense of others who have done the right thing and had the vaccine to protect themselves and protect others.
And if shorty and blowin decide to never get vaccinated..then yes,I want them locked out forever.

Roadkill THURSDAY, 9 SEP 2021 at 4:19PM
80% fully vaccinated for me. Those without a covid passport lose the right to attend bars and restaurants, sporting events, shopping centres, travel etc etc. Fuck em..if they can’t do the right thing they lose the right to be a part of society with the rest of us.
Anyone caught with a fake covid passport should be dealt with severly.

Vic Local wrote:So I’m a racist tyrant for thinking anti vaxxers should be held accountable for their lifestyle choices? Maybe I just want covid to be controlled and think VPs are a useful tool in the battle. But hey, if you want to portray me as a modern day hitler, and you consider yourself a modern day digger out of uniform fighting tyranny, good luck to you.
Yes, you were and are a modern day Hitler.

Go reread pages 85-90 of this thread to revisit the “critical thinking” of which Roadkill , Stok etc pride themselves on. They swallowed every single lie. Every single sliver of untruth and then regurgitated the propaganda wholesale across the internet. Then they further dragged themselves into the sewer by bemoaning the poor souls who hadn’t gulped diwn the obvious government bullshit and actually did think for themselves. The same people have been utterly vindicated whilst Roadkill and Stok etc are still failing to take a look in the mirror or a seconds pause to reflect on the fact that they ….were…the …enemy …of…the …community.
The Chinese would describe them as “running dogs”. Brownshirts, Red Guard, Useful Idiots ….there’s lots of terms to describe the clowns who turn on their innocent neighbours the second a tyrannical government tells them to do so.
Never forget.

But sure Roadkill….you keep telling us how you’re on top of things.
You wanted me ostracised from society you fanatical weirdo. If you hadn’t been the mindless puppet of institutionalised tyranny you would surely face some kind of punishment for that stuff. But you were. Of course you were.

People seriously need to read this thread to remind themselves how freakishly the population were TAUGHT to behave, It’s not even about the Wuflu. It’s about how our very own government, media and formerly revered institutions manufactured hatred and division amongst us. Roadkill is there saying he wishes the police had more rubber bullets and longer truncheons to punish the legitimate protests against illegal breaches of human rights.
It’s evil. It wasn’t by accident and it wasn’t due to the “fog of war” or some other incompetence. It was evil and 5he evil hasn’t gone away. This was just a beta test.
Either way it’s beyond the pale that the same lunatics can still front up here and bark their brainless rubbish. Roadkill , Stok…time to confront your guilt. Get some integrity

That was a long way to say 'yes I do swallow social media posts on face value'.

That is NOT what I read in Slackey's post , at ALL .
Quite shocking to read some History of comments on SN , re Covid .
My family were sure yelling at me , 2 get vaxxed .
They never wanted to throw me OUT of the family !
Never would ask me 2 bring a Covid Passport to get access to a family event .
Distressing to READ , any person RAMMING anything down anyones throat !!!
Unless these old views have changed , these people should try and keep quiet , 2 avoid looking foolish .
If they have followed the Lion telling the Truth , apologies are in order , 4 sure , imho .

Blowin, a genius at telling us what happened yesterday. Yawn.

blowin. wakes up every morning, opens the window, sniffs the air and screams “there gonna be a storm” months and months pass and eventually there is a storm
Blowin. See, I told you all, I knew there was ganna be a storm.
I was a little shocked at Alan Joyce (CEO Qantas) announcement that international travelers will be required to have a covid 19 vaccination in order to travel on Qantas flights . The government wanted to have mandatory vaccination but after the bumbling of its release ( it was painful to watch the delivery of that announcement ) they withdrew the mandatory part but it seems Qantas and other business may demand a vaccination in order to use their services. I’m not anti vaccine by any means I just don’t trust this government or a vaccine that has been rushed through. A jab followed by another jab followed by yearly jabs doesn’t sit well with me as I have never had a flu shot or the flu for more than 20 years. Plus I don’t want to give this shot to my healthy 4 year old daughter. She is up to date with all her vaccinations but this covid vaccine is new and not being around for decades like the others. Tuberculosis remains the number one as far diseases go and you don’t need proof of vaccination to travel so what is going on ?