That’s weird, that’s queer, that’s crazy, that deserves a long hard look.

ashsam wrote:GuySmiley wrote:ashsam wrote:GuySmiley wrote:I guess you are correct; it is normal in some circles these days to get angry about nothing and especially so when it comes to such inconsequential issues like this, have a great day you normal dude you
So men dressing up in women’s underwear is normal for you, ok, lol
The more pertinent reason to laugh is people giving a toss how others get their rocks off surely
Okey dokey mr wokey
@ashshame has the nerve to follow others around on this site wetting himself at every opportunity to call them bullies.
Complete lack of self awareness.
Some kind of troll you are ashshame.

southernraw wrote:ashsam wrote:GuySmiley wrote:ashsam wrote:GuySmiley wrote:I guess you are correct; it is normal in some circles these days to get angry about nothing and especially so when it comes to such inconsequential issues like this, have a great day you normal dude you
So men dressing up in women’s underwear is normal for you, ok, lol
The more pertinent reason to laugh is people giving a toss how others get their rocks off surely
Okey dokey mr wokey
@ashshame has the nerve to follow others around on this site wetting himself at every opportunity to call them bullies.
Complete lack of self awareness.
Some kind of troll you are ashshame.
#sameaswas ?

Sign up to the cops today no worries no jab needed. Refused the jab 2 years ago no job for you.

seeds wrote:Bloody hell!
Absolutely amazing that they found each other through social media if in fact they are twins . Happy ending to a disturbing start in life .

Absolutely Supa
Also highlights(low) how shit humans can be.

velocityjohnno wrote:
Isn’t there a movie called “ the man with two brains “ ?

I think you'd technically have 3 in that instance!

Let's hope he has got two hands.


cow and chicken
hope our little feathered buddies in Oz remain uninfected by this one

Its a big relief that only "4,959 women and 7,797 children" have been slaughtered
But in updated data published two days later on May 8, the UN significantly reduced the figures to 4,959 women and 7,797 children among the 34,844 people reportedly killed in Gaza.

Roadkill wrote:quote=I focus]Its a big relief that only "4,959 women and 7,797 children" have been slaughtered…….
Exactly, best not to focus or acknowledge the lies told and the lies believed and the lies used as justification for actions and the lies regurgitated in horror and the lies never questioned.
Are those one sided or two sided lies Roadkill??

Roadkill wrote:What a surprise. You could probably cut it in half again.
how many argued and accepted the figure ?
This is from March but is also well worth a read, lot of info on the topic
"Don’t Fall for Hamas’ Numbers Game"
The realty is nobody really knows the figures they could be higher could be lower in both civilians and fighters.
And through different stages of the war you will see times when the percentage of civilian deaths to fighters is higher than other times, for instance when the war started lots of military target's were hit with air strikes, this is when you get civilian deaths, latter when most of the population was moved and the ground invasion came in the civilian death toll by percentage would be low and fighter death toll high.
Going into Rafa you would expect a similar pattern.
While Hamas is completely unreliable source IMHO the death toll figures are realistic especially once i started learning about other wars i was quite surprised at the overall death toll figures of other wars even if over much longer periods.
For instance the Ukraine war death toll is way over 300,000 some sources say half a million, and yes while being a very different war not contained to a small urban area civilian deaths are very small percentage of that figure but still thats a lot of life's lost because of war.
Same deal with Sudan civil war, while a very long war some sources claim the death toll is way over 1.9 million, that's insane, yet you hear nothing of these death tolls.

Roadkill wrote:garyg1412 wrote:Roadkill wrote:quote=I focus]Its a big relief that only "4,959 women and 7,797 children" have been slaughtered…….
Exactly, best not to focus or acknowledge the lies told and the lies believed and the lies used as justification for actions and the lies regurgitated in horror and the lies never questioned.
Are those one sided or two sided lies Roadkill??
Lies on both sides.
First casualty of war is the truth, as we know.
Pretty much. But those Hamas lies are so much worse because they overestimated by a few thousand kids extra. Someone should teach them how to count then we'll all be able to feel much better with the statistics.

haha Dill, you will acknowledge lies when it suits your bias. Typical bed wetter.
They didn't lie during covid, but they are 100% lying about death rate. LMAO
What do you think about Avi Yemini standing up to these Palestine protestors:


Roadkill wrote:quote=I focus]Its a big relief that only "4,959 women and 7,797 children" have been slaughtered…….
Exactly, best not to focus or acknowledge the lies told and the lies believed and the lies used as justification for actions and the lies regurgitated in horror and the lies never questioned.
The Israelis put up some numbers of Palestinian's killed some time ago I was surprised at how high they were (10K +) even somewhere between the two sides estimations the civilian deaths are extreme.

I focus wrote:Roadkill wrote:quote=I focus]Its a big relief that only "4,959 women and 7,797 children" have been slaughtered…….
Exactly, best not to focus or acknowledge the lies told and the lies believed and the lies used as justification for actions and the lies regurgitated in horror and the lies never questioned.
The Israelis put up some numbers of Palestinian's killed some time ago I was surprised at how high they were (10K +) even somewhere between the two sides estimations the civilian deaths are extreme.
And not to mention the bodies still under the rubble yet to be counted.

Even though it’s gone from thousands of rockets to just six lately, they are still firing them at Israel ….hostages not released yet either.
Also, Iran just fired over 300 missiles at them. Israel didn’t retaliate with anything but a warning…I think a war monger would have levelled Iran by now . He may be heavy handed but is probably just doing what a soldier does. War is hell especially when fighting animals like Hamas….
Hopefully the Arabs will sort Gaza out soon without Hamas involved….
Bit of history…Gaza used to be the land of the Philistines thousands of years ago.
Also often hassling Israel whose land was all the rest of Palestine.
Look up ancient land of Israel maps. You’ll see they have surrendered a lot of land these days to try and have peace. Wouldn’t matter how much they gave up the Islamists would want it all….hence the chant from the Jordan to the sea.


Ha ha well done…looks good…I like flat decks.

your sense of humour has been excellent @Opti, quite playful, good that you seem well : )
'...and they travelled for generations to reach the promised land, and the Lord said unto the first of his children to see Paradise, "Thou shalt have these lands as your own, none will have a right to usurp you or your descendants. Love the sky, land and the sea and live in harmony with your Divinely-allocated lands. I shall condemn any who try to make your lands theirs.. say they 6,000 years, 60,000 years or 4,000 years, these lands are your lands. Live well my children." And so they did. And they thrived.'

andy-mac wrote:I focus wrote:Roadkill wrote:quote=I focus]Its a big relief that only "4,959 women and 7,797 children" have been slaughtered…….
Exactly, best not to focus or acknowledge the lies told and the lies believed and the lies used as justification for actions and the lies regurgitated in horror and the lies never questioned.
The Israelis put up some numbers of Palestinian's killed some time ago I was surprised at how high they were (10K +) even somewhere between the two sides estimations the civilian deaths are extreme.
And not to mention the bodies still under the rubble yet to be counted.
This is silly and shows that the presenter has very little knowledge of things, it's not the gotcha moment he or you might think it is.
Hamas fighter death toll is worked out on two things
1. Airstrikes mostly at the beginning of the war, this estimate you would expect would not be easy to work out, but would be based on what the target was and intel on that target.
2. Ground fighting, which is based on intel of how many fighters are in each battalion and just on actual fighting and activity in an area and they have drones that are constantly keeping an eye on things.
It's silly to ask Israel/IDF what the civilian death toll is because most airstrikes and ground invasion happened after civilians were moved south.
Unlike fighter deaths there is nothing for them to provide an estimate on.
Hamas death toll figure on the other hand is suppose to be the exact toll number like 36,274 dead, but its complete BS, its also really just an estimate.
But it is likely an estimate based on things, like reports from families of those missing, bodies and those wounded who die latter.
The number might be close it might not, but its still really an estimate only made to appear as a true toll number.


indo-dreaming wrote:andy-mac wrote:I focus wrote:Roadkill wrote:quote=I focus]Its a big relief that only "4,959 women and 7,797 children" have been slaughtered…….
Exactly, best not to focus or acknowledge the lies told and the lies believed and the lies used as justification for actions and the lies regurgitated in horror and the lies never questioned.
The Israelis put up some numbers of Palestinian's killed some time ago I was surprised at how high they were (10K +) even somewhere between the two sides estimations the civilian deaths are extreme.
And not to mention the bodies still under the rubble yet to be counted.
This is silly and shows that the presenter has very little knowledge of things, it's not the gotcha moment he or you might think it is.
Hamas fighter death toll is worked out on two things
1. Airstrikes mostly at the beginning of the war, this estimate you would expect would not be easy to work out, but would be based on what the target was and intel on that target.
2. Ground fighting, which is based on intel of how many fighters are in each battalion and just on actual fighting and activity in an area and they have drones that are constantly keeping an eye on things.
It's silly to ask Israel/IDF what the civilian death toll is because most airstrikes and ground invasion happened after civilians were moved south.
Unlike fighter deaths there is nothing for them to provide an estimate on.
Hamas death toll figure on the other hand is suppose to be the exact toll number like 36,274 dead, but its complete BS, its also really just an estimate.
But it is likely an estimate based on things, like reports from families of those missing, bodies and those wounded who die latter.
The number might be close it might not, but its still really an estimate only made to appear as a true toll number.

andy-mac wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:andy-mac wrote:I focus wrote:Roadkill wrote:quote=I focus]Its a big relief that only "4,959 women and 7,797 children" have been slaughtered…….
Exactly, best not to focus or acknowledge the lies told and the lies believed and the lies used as justification for actions and the lies regurgitated in horror and the lies never questioned.
The Israelis put up some numbers of Palestinian's killed some time ago I was surprised at how high they were (10K +) even somewhere between the two sides estimations the civilian deaths are extreme.
And not to mention the bodies still under the rubble yet to be counted.
This is silly and shows that the presenter has very little knowledge of things, it's not the gotcha moment he or you might think it is.
Hamas fighter death toll is worked out on two things
1. Airstrikes mostly at the beginning of the war, this estimate you would expect would not be easy to work out, but would be based on what the target was and intel on that target.
2. Ground fighting, which is based on intel of how many fighters are in each battalion and just on actual fighting and activity in an area and they have drones that are constantly keeping an eye on things.
It's silly to ask Israel/IDF what the civilian death toll is because most airstrikes and ground invasion happened after civilians were moved south.
Unlike fighter deaths there is nothing for them to provide an estimate on.
Hamas death toll figure on the other hand is suppose to be the exact toll number like 36,274 dead, but its complete BS, its also really just an estimate.
But it is likely an estimate based on things, like reports from families of those missing, bodies and those wounded who die latter.
The number might be close it might not, but its still really an estimate only made to appear as a true toll number.
What a load of complete BS nobody would believe ISIS and nobody should believe a thing that Hamas says or their health department.
Remember this is the same health department that claimed back late last year that 471 people were killed by an IDF missile on al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza City, which turned out to be a misfired Palestine Islamic Jihad rocket that didn't even hit the hospital but landed in the carpark and we have no idea if it even killed one person because we dont know if anyone was in the area at the time, but it sure didnt kill 471 people.


BTW. Its pretty funny when you watch that UN video and all the claims on details, meanwhile Hamas dont even know how many hostages they still hold.

Standard stuff from the useful idiots here and elsewhere who hate Israel . Attack condemn and deny everything Israel says at every opportunity in accordance with Hamas social media propaganda. Remain silent when the evidence proves otherwise. Wash rinse repeat.


bonza wrote:Standard stuff from the useful idiots here and elsewhere who hate Israel . Attack condemn and deny everything Israel says at every opportunity in accordance with Hamas social media propaganda. Remain silent when the evidence proves otherwise. Wash rinse repeat.
The useful idiots here will be on right side of history mate.
You would have been calling Nelson Mandela a terrorist and encouraging them to nuke Vietnam.
Opposing genocide does not make you anti semitic, your failure to understand this simple point says more about you and your heartless mates....
Anyway I'm out... This attitude is sickening to me. Look at the footage coming out of Gaza and you are going on about figures of 1000's of people being butchered with no where they can go, journos and aid convoys being deliberately targeted, and famine already taking hold.
But hey it Hamas's fault.

andy-mac wrote:bonza wrote:Standard stuff from the useful idiots here and elsewhere who hate Israel . Attack condemn and deny everything Israel says at every opportunity in accordance with Hamas social media propaganda. Remain silent when the evidence proves otherwise. Wash rinse repeat.
The useful idiots here will be on right side of history mate.
You would have been calling Nelson Mandela a terrorist and encouraging them to nuke Vietnam.Opposing genocide does not make you anti semitic, your failure to understand this simple point says more about you and your heartless mates....
Anyway I'm out... This attitude is sickening to me. Look at the footage coming out of Gaza and you are going on about figures of 1000's of people being butchered with no where they can go, journos and aid convoys being deliberately targeted, and famine already taking hold.
But hey it Hamas's fault.
Right side of history what garbage.
If you had been around in 1930s you would have been saying stop the war too many people are dying, they cant go into Berlin, you would have allowed hitler and the nazis to survive and remain in power.
And that was a true genocide of nine million Jews in Europe SIX MILLION Jews alone were intentionally slaughtered.
Gaza is in no way a genocide.
1. Civilian's deaths are not intentional, if Israel could im sure they would only kill Hamas fighters, this would mean the world would have very little issue with the war, but its just not realistic and its made worse by how Hamas have imbedded themselves and military infrastructure all through the civilian population.
2. Israel has the capacity to wipe Gaza of the map in weeks it hasn't, there is even one water line still open from Israel to Gaza.
3. If Israel intention was to kill civilians it just would have gone in without any effort in getting civilians out of the war zone, but no military in the history of man kind has gone to the efforts Israel has to seperate population from fighters.
4. If we are generous and round things up to 40,000 deaths minus 15,000 fighter dead we get 25,000 dead out of a population of 2.4 million people so just over 1% of the population.
Its not a genocide because the intent clearly isn't there and its not a genocide based on figures/reailty either.
But yay we have one more English word that completely lost its meaning from constant miss use

indo-dreaming wrote:BTW. Its pretty funny when you watch that UN video and all the claims on details, meanwhile Hamas dont even know how many hostages they still hold.
This one is pretty low indo, even for you . Wake up to yourself

- it's the noinfo eggspurt show ;)

....noinfo, back on his hamster wheel
- feasting on his own fondue ;)
Influencer being an influencer.