
^^^ Incredible. At first I was suspicious that it was later music dubbed to an earlier clip but that vid has 13K comments and none confirm my skepticism. Amazing to think that while Hendrix and Morrison were alive, German kids were discovering this.


Cant say im really into rockabilly but these guys had a couple of banger tunes



Anyone going to the Sydney/WoyWoy/Vic gigs, just a heads up, Mad Macka was delightfully woeful, haha. 3 of the crew I was with left to go play pool. Their loss but, being in a room of 30-40 kindred crusties, up close to a solo Psycho.. he could have just stood there and farted and I would have enjoyed it (I think he did at one point). Pat Todd was glorious, what a voice and songwriter. Authentic as they come. Stories are getting around of his Geelong River Rocks gig: the whole crowd spellbound, many tattooed punks getting teary.. I can see why. Cheers again, @GreenJam



Sunday laughs

Bump. Won’t we all have a laugh now.

I got a kick out of it @seeds.
I admit I was very taken by them doing Blackeyed Blonde in the '86 movie, Thrashin' - but lay a heap of blame at their feet for being part of the US 'alternative' mega-machine that beguiled a generation.

Shit! I gots to do some research now.

haha, interesting dub
"la mia adolescenza!"

Forgets that. Thought referring to
ps never saw that movie

haha ; )
(Thrashin is a romeo and juliet skate movie, cheesy fluff like North Shore ('87) is)

Cooool! I’ll check it out. If I can find it. Wonder how I missed it being the big skater dude, not, that I was in Darwin back then.

pps. I did own Freaky Styley CD in early nineties. Song names goes over head like most things these days. Dill with a patchy memory

Isle of Wight duo 'Wet Leg' 2021 debut
(hump-day earworm in celebration of a certain forum topic dropping off the home page)

That was grouse!






Yes good still good still like

For those on the countdown like me. One for the older feckers.

Tracking down origins of Sex,Drugs,Rock'n'roll as in punk sound.
Talking bout 1930's > 40's
Quite a lot of wild songs about Sex & Drugs but few with punk ethic...
Some tunes have lyric that would be banned on radio still today...hardly surprises!
However if you put in the hours there are a few tracks that fill the Alternate Punk void...
Songs that went the extra yard to turn their back on establishment to stamp true punk sound...
This took some research but when ya find these belters...well worth the hunt....
Most start off part wild to hide the fact that soon enough they're headed off the rails...
This first track is a Reefer Song but it strays from Jazz'n'Blues into a chaotic alt off beat
See wot ya think...has a real wayward wild beat...tune holds up real well as a prog belter!
1937 The Stuff is Here by Georgia White
This tune is just plain raw...can't find a more punk tune from the era...ticks all the boxes!
1943 Dispossessed Blues by Lynn Albritton
This whole performance is laid back like a loose Talking Heads quirkiness.
Kinda gotta view as all these cats trippin' out but still manage to bring it together as if they care!
1945 Half Past Jump Time by Mabel Lee


My neighbour is driving up to Olympic Park to watch the Foo Fighters this arvo. It's currently 42 degrees up there.
Was gonna trawl the FF's back catalogue for some ironic song title but it's too hot to even do that.

… this’ll do ;)

Debut self titled has a song called 'good grief'.



"Nick Cave to play four solo shows in Australia in April - Double J"

"Nick Cave to play four solo shows in Australia in April - Double J"

udo wrote:"Nick Cave to play four solo shows in Australia in April - Double J"
Saw him at the Opera House this time last year. Great performance.

happy christmas, swellnutters. and fellow earthlings.


Hiya Rob
Pass on the BOC
That Thin Lizzy was great. Heavy for them
Random movie clip. Don’t think I’ve ever seen my cousin Vinny. Will now. I want to see the rest of the scene
Never heard of Discharge. I loved that. I was getting MOC Degenerate Boy vibes
Mississippi Fred McDowell was the best. Awesome
Merry Xmas

Bit of a shakey edit.
Joe Pesci has many a classic as you may know. Not his best but a natural for those roles. I think he actually got sick of playing that style, pigeon holed . casino and raging bull etc. classics of the genre.
Been some good surfing to end the year.

Hey Rob here’s a modern version. I’ve posted SF before, hope it wasn’t this song

If ya like picking slide guitar check this. Modern version of one of my favourite old blues guys. These ladies rock. Turn it up a bit the sounds a bit low

They do they’re own also

I’m popping up again. No chubby even though it may seem that way.
?feature=sharedI’ll poppycock down now. Oohhh that sounds rude

hey basesix - thanks for the review of the mad macca and Pat Todd gig. I agree, macca was a bit mediocre, but still enjoyed it, particularly his solo version of 'fuckwit city', gave me a good laugh after dealing with such a type at work that day... But then yes, Pat Todd was excellent - some great tunes in amongst his set. Very cool venue and vibe at the Sunny Coast gig - was a late change to Maroochydore after initially advertised for Coolum.
seeds - I see one of your favourites boing boing are playing Solbar next Saturday night (23rd). I may make it. But then the Cosmics and Zeke at the Solbar on January 5th. Already got my ticket for that one - havent seen the Cosmics in many years so that will be good, and Zeke will no doubt rock it out hard and loud and fast.

Yes GJ we have our tickets for Saturday night

This is interesting, more so because a few days ago Bradleys son Jakob Nowell also played with Sublime and the reaction seemed pretty good.
Surely it means he is now stepping into his late dads shoes.
Alright, time for some discussion on what yr all listening too. My iTunes inventory is getting a little stale so I'm up for some inspiration.
Currently loving The Drones' album "Havilah".. incredible songwriting and some of the best recorded guitars and drum I've heard in a long time. I'm a little late to the party with this album but it's on high rotation at the moment and will probably stay there a while. I've seen these guys live once (Fowlers, Adelaide) and fortunately they're incredible on stage too. Can't wait to see them again.