House prices

Biko delivers the truth, harshly:

udo wrote:
imagine the commission the RE agent got for this sale for pretty much doing Fck all. Didn’t even have to show people through the house. Just email interested developers with aerial pic of land.
License to print money for them really wasn’t it.

Kind of wondered what happened to Lismore houses/property after the flood, pretty sad stuff, crazy how high that water got.

Starting to look like Detroit. But at least you can buy these blocks for $1k in Detroit.

"buy a house for the price of a VCR"

Funny, got a msg from an old mate. House that I built myself - even carried the whole thing up 106 steps - is for sale. NOT our style/furniture, but still makes me a bit proud almost 20 years later

Island Bay wrote:Funny, got a msg from an old mate. House that I built myself - even carried the whole thing up 106 steps - is for sale. NOT our style/furniture, but still makes me a bit proud almost 20 years later
Something to be proud of, should also post in AW's builder thread.

Island Bay wrote:Funny, got a msg from an old mate. House that I built myself - even carried the whole thing up 106 steps - is for sale. NOT our style/furniture, but still makes me a bit proud almost 20 years later
amazing house mate , great view

You've posted photos on here before @IB, I absolutely adore it. A mid-century design in terms of light, palette and proportions, and the honest use of 'modest' materials.. just beautiful; warm and cosy, but open and generous.

Thanks, fellas.
View was good :-)

Cracker of a place with a cracking view.
Great place to crack a post surf tinny.

Fk yeah i could live with that view, nice pad too.

Love it IB. Ply wood sheets are a great choice for internal lining.

Liberal Costello TV Channel 9 sorts out the Housing Crisis
[ Find My Beach Mansion ]
This is so funny...
That Dipsy 9 Blonde hooks up 3 Dream Homes for Sea-change Yuppies...
Only that in over half the episodes the couples were choosing their actual own house...
Kept Pretending this was the first time they'd seen their own home...for the 1000th time.
Neighbours were pissing themselves laughing...OMG My Neighbour is some loser Fake Reality TV Star.
The real deal is that they were selling their own Homes on 9 TV Real Estate or listing on Airbnb.
Later promoting their Mansions "As seen on that fuck'd up ~ Find My Beach Mansion"
Voted the most fuck'd up fake yuppie Oz nightmare housing crisis TV show


Island Bay wrote:Funny, got a msg from an old mate. House that I built myself - even carried the whole thing up 106 steps - is for sale. NOT our style/furniture, but still makes me a bit proud almost 20 years later
Very nice place!

From 14.5 million in 2002 to possibly 150 million last week .

Island Bay wrote:Funny, got a msg from an old mate. House that I built myself - even carried the whole thing up 106 steps - is for sale. NOT our style/furniture, but still makes me a bit proud almost 20 years later
Cool, that's a ripper.
And they named the suburb after you, local legend.

^ hahaha

basesix wrote:^ hahaha
Yes, a cracker.

andy-mac wrote:
pretty scathing rebuke of labor from someone who only can be described as a lefty - michael west

you can argue...
chicken, egg
conspiracy, cooperation
all you want...
disgraceful is what it is

sypkan wrote:you can argue...
chicken, egg
conspiracy, cooperation
all you want...
disgraceful is what it is

Weak as it is and only for a few years, at least the liberals want to stop foreign owners buying Australian property.
Labor on the other hand, are encouraging big players like vanguard and blackrock to own into our property market and then rent it out to Australians….and get tax concessions???
It seems Labor really are up to their necks in the Marxist great reset and the vision of the WEF…..or is it just bribery and corruption.
Duttons team need not only to win the election and block foreign ownership but on top of that , release hundreds of thousands of cheap blocks of land at the very same time….
….then and only then will average Australians be able to fix the housing crisis themselves.
Governments really have one main job…..get the people a home to live in ..…..whatever it takes….a simple problem to solve when you remove corruption and personal profiteering from the mix.

Optimist wrote:Weak as it is and only for a few years, at least the liberals want to stop foreign owners buying Australian property.
Labor on the other hand, are encouraging big players like vanguard and blackrock to own into our property market and then rent it out to Australians….and get tax concessions???
Jesus, mate. One week you say you're not partisan, the next posting horseshit like that. Both sides are beholden to the same economic interests. For instance, why didn't the LNP stop it during their ten years in power when 100 houses a week were being sold to Chinese and Indian interests?
An issue of this magnitude doesn't creep up on govt, they have to willingly ignore it for a long time, which is exactly what happened. To some people, the recent Help to Buy scheme may appear like a socialist nightmare, and it's not without its flaws integrating into a fragile economy, but it's the first material concession to younger buyers since the First Home Buyer's Grant - which was also flawed.
Also from what I can gather, Senator Bragg is being a bit sensationalist linking BlackRock to home buyers when their interest in Australia overwhelmingly lies in commercial, educational, and research real estate. Yeah they're getting tax concessions but it's a completely different argument as no-one's living in a supermarket or science laboratory.

A intersting take on the issue over the long term.
Both sides have had opportunity but lack the either the will, interest or guts to deal with it. However, as the man says, "Howard did more than anyone to make housing unaffordable..."
And the Grattan Institute's response:

I’m not interested on who did what a while ago.
I’m only interested in who’s promising to stop foreigners right now from turning Australian homes into a sure thing stock market with Australians having to not only complete with them , but pay their dividends when they miss out.
If Labor come up with a plan that’s the same or better like a 9 year ( three term freeze) and end the tax lurks I’ll vote for them.
It’s all about homes for me…a basic Australian right….I don’t care who does it… plan for outright home ownership gets my vote.

Optimist wrote:I’m not interested on who did what a while ago.
I’m only interested in who’s promising to stop foreigners right now from turning Australian homes into a sure thing stock market with Australians having to not only complete with them , but pay their dividends when they miss out.
If Labor come up with a plan that’s the same or better like a 9 year ( three term freeze) and end the tax lurks I’ll vote for them.
It’s all about homes for me…a basic Australian right….I don’t care who does it… plan for outright home ownership gets my vote.
Disingenuous horseshit.
I'll say it again...the LNP knew for ten years what was happening and they did nothing.
If you think they'll do anything now I've got a bridge to sell you.
Furthermore, foreign home sales make up between 1% - 5% of the market, if you think stopping that will change the overall ease of domestic ownership, well, I've got another bridge to sell you.
Basically, you just keep on with your barely-concealed partisan rants.

You are right about the past and may be right about the future, but I can only vote on what I see in front of me and who presents the best idea on the day.
I’m not keen on govt involved in part ownership. I am keen on them releasing land for people at a cheap price which is totally doable and blocking foreign ownership for a while at least.
Other than that I’ve got nothing.

The shift started around 2000 when Howard govt changed CGT.
Sure there are other factors at play but the underlying problem is the tax system and neg gearing as well as allowing foreign ownership.
Shorten tried to change things and went to an election with these changes that would have helped and we got Scomo.
A big chunk of population don't want it changed as they are doing very well out of it.
Many pollies on both sides in that group.

andy-mac wrote:The shift started around 2000 when Howard govt changed CGT.
Sure there are other factors at play but the underlying problem is the tax system and neg gearing as well as allowing foreign ownership.
Shorten tried to change things and went to an election with these changes that would have helped and we got Scomo.A big chunk of population don't want it changed as they are doing very well out of it.
Many pollies on both sides in that group.
True. That significant portion of the population who see housing as an investment opportunity have fought any moves to make changes. It is political suicide apparently. The correction will come eventually, and people will lose their homes and businesses as they have over extended. It's gonna be messy.
While it makes a good headline and dog whistles to the base to ban foreign purchases, it won't make much of a dent.

I like Alan Kohler the ABC financial journalist. The other night on the 730 Report I saw his story on housing. The big take outs were: PMs since Menzies have been concerned about housing affordability but it was Howard with his tax measures that escalated the rot and zoning/NIMBYs were stopping the required infill of existing suburbs near established infrastructure. While the story discussed housing developments at the fringes I don't remember lack of land being identified as an issue as @optimist ^^ suggests.

So who decided that a block of land should cost an Australian first home buyer $500,000.
There’s the corruption there.
I can buy an unused 100 acre farm or tract of land , change the zoning and produce 400 x 1/4 acre blocks for under 100k.
Past politicians like Howard as you say have stuffed it up but now we have new ones that can fix it back again.
You can’t build a house without land.

Optimist wrote:You are right about the past and may be right about the future, but I can only vote on what I see in front of me and who presents the best idea on the day.
I’m not keen on govt involved in part ownership. I am keen on them releasing land for people at a cheap price which is totally doable and blocking foreign ownership for a while at least.
Other than that I’ve got nothing.
See my posts from last week about the LNP's reactionary politics - they say what people want to hear then do nothing when in power. If you don't know this by now I've got nothing more to offer.
The sale of swathes of land for housing subdivisions, either released from Crown Land or by private land holders, is the job of state govts. As is the building of infrastructure to connect that housing to utilities and travel routes, though funding can also come from national govt. None of those things happen quickly. Near me the Gilead land release took over five years and the Appin land release will take the same. There are tens of similar land releases going on through Sydney's southwest but the greater problem is connecting those people to the rest of Sydney.
A good question might be why the releases didn't start earlier but that's all hindsight anyway.
The more urgent way to get young people into houses is by economic tools, which can be solely controlled by the Federals such as Help to Buy or First Home Buyer. The latter was shown to drive up prices, the former puts a % of housing stock in govt hands. Unless you think a housing crash is imminent I'm not sure why people would be ideologically opposed - though I also understand we live in an ideologically divided era. There are terms for how 'involved' the govt is in each house; the goal being for them to ultimately exit each purchase.
Far as I can see, in the last fifteen years, only one side of Fed govt has done anything to offer respite for housing. You may criticise its efficacy and fair enough. Dutton has said he will fix it but he hasn't even posted a policy, meaning we can only go on his track record - see above for that.

" ... LNP's reactionary politics ...". Says it all really
House prices - going to go up , down or sideways ?
Opinions and anecdotal stories if you could.