House prices

sameaswas wrote:monkeyboy wrote:Quite an interesting deep dive is available for immigration stats; like numbers (permanent migration v temporray visa), skills, countries.
Interesting stats there mb, could you try to find the financial threshold required for all these "skilled" migrants that are flooding our shores?
I read somewhere they MUST have a minimum of $2000,000 cash b4 even bothering to apply??
Nothing against migrants, one meself, however it seems to me the main reason is to prop up the banks houseing ponzi scam and all, harvey norman etc, oh i allso read there are pollies current and ex who own up to 200 investment properties???
Wonder if they are cashing in ther r.e. investment properties? and the cashed up foreigners are the buyers, cos locals can't.????
There's a challenge for someone with good comp skills to look into? good luck trying...ha!
I am pretty sure the points system doesnt have a financial requirement. Skilled migrants are quite alow percentage of the migrant intake - the higher percentage is temporary migrants who then become permanent. Most temp migrants appear to be people on work visas (employer sponsored) and kiwis.
That was my read anyway. Would need to dig more but to what end I have none; it is what it is and I work with plenty of "migrants" and they are awesome people who are very grateful to be here.

“It is what it is”.
Unless you want to try to change it.

monkeyboy wrote:sameaswas wrote:monkeyboy wrote:Quite an interesting deep dive is available for immigration stats; like numbers (permanent migration v temporray visa), skills, countries.
Thats the "old" system and still current for seasonal workers etc.
The "new" system is$200,000 cash and if islam access to interest free loans for r.e.Interesting stats there mb, could you try to find the financial threshold required for all these "skilled" migrants that are flooding our shores?
I read somewhere they MUST have a minimum of $2000,000 cash b4 even bothering to apply??
Nothing against migrants, one meself, however it seems to me the main reason is to prop up the banks houseing ponzi scam and all, harvey norman etc, oh i allso read there are pollies current and ex who own up to 200 investment properties???
Wonder if they are cashing in ther r.e. investment properties? and the cashed up foreigners are the buyers, cos locals can't.????
There's a challenge for someone with good comp skills to look into? good luck trying...ha!
I am pretty sure the points system doesnt have a financial requirement. Skilled migrants are quite alow percentage of the migrant intake - the higher percentage is temporary migrants who then become permanent. Most temp migrants appear to be people on work visas (employer sponsored) and kiwis.
That was my read anyway. Would need to dig more but to what end I have none; it is what it is and I work with plenty of "migrants" and they are awesome people who are very grateful to be here.
Thats the old system for seasonal workers etc, permanent is $200,000 cash and if islam access to interest free loans.

With inflation coming in hotter this week both here and in the US, the old 'no they won't, yes they will' game takes a familiar turn. Again.
"“The RBA’s strategy this cycle doesn’t seem to be working,” Mr Hogan said.
“They were hoping we could do less than the rest of the world because we were more exposed to the nominal channel of monetary policy through variable rate mortgages … We just need to now get up to the [cash rate] level that other countries are, at 5 per cent.” "
Meanwhile, reports from cafe ground zero:
That stainless sink & bench looks nice - could leave outside and lay glass panels on that.

In Melbourne, begun the yimbynimby wars have:

velocityjohnno wrote:In Melbourne, begun the yimbynimby wars have:
And who will build all these houses/apartments? At these insane, inflated costs?
Could it be? Is something being done about this at last?
"AUSTRAC estimates that, in 2020 alone, criminals linked to China laundered $1 billion through Australian real estate."

and more
"“One thing that a lot of economists are grappling with is how the 20-plus-year relationship with borrowing power and house prices has broken down. It leaves you with a situation where it’s not clear what the driver of property will be in the long term,” he said.
“You need to change your view that it’s based on what the average household … can afford. For an average income household in Australia today they cannot afford the median house any more."

Enough on the reporting - Australia is looking for solutions. I found an Ideas Man who has the solutions:

Pipe Dream gets flushed out by a dose of reality.
Just woke from a bizarre dream of streets of houses having their water meters removed.
Thought ...who would go to such drastic lengths to openly flog Water Meters...Bloody Stupid!
No! Not read...but in brazenly stolen as in rows of plague proportion.
Stupidly go online to check & sure the last week Water Meter Theft is off the charts...
Got to be kiddin' me...go back to bed & wake up properly...never saw nuthin' so stupid!
Just sayin' hot spot is nearby & tbb must have subliminally heard this in background chatter.
Coz hardly leave the house nor have car radio but do watch evening news...but not ever seen this!
Perhaps tbb is yer humble pipe dreaming water diviner from the golden age of municipal fountains.
Bring back the Fountains...
Water Meter Theft in the News
3 days ago...Stolen Water Meters cause havoc to Logan Businesses
Spate of Water meter thefts ...not the first time...
2022 Logan... a 49 y'o was charged for same fuck'd up mental hobby?
(Read this!) Motive for Stealing Water Meters remains Unclear! (Really?)
Oh look here...another Water Meter Collector...just doin' the rounds...caught red handed...WTF dude!
South African Capetown: reports 10 Water Meter thefts in last week.
White man is never charged & keeps being set free to re-offend...none know why? (Really!)
So serious they now...Run an undercover 252 Unit...(Freed Water Meter Addict back on the Job...)
July 2022 - May 2023 City replaced 2,255 Water Meters...(Once a habit but now a rampaging torrent!)
Philippines : Spate of Water Meter theft in Davao region! "Please secure yer water meters undercover!"
How did tbb dream up this shit...why ain't everyone just knocking off their neighbour's Water Meters?
Turns out almost all the crew had dreamt up this Fad when thinking about it! Huh! C'mon!
Ask! Why does yer neighbour never notice his hose mysteriously getting shorter by the month...WTF!
Crew : "Fucked if I know mate...yer not back on the Hoochie Coochie are ya!...(Cough...Cough!)"
Let's add this's the line of progression in yer local neighbourhood crime...
Neighbour's hose is shortened for next door's Drug Den
Basement Carpark Pipework is stolen > replaced > stolen again in same week > (For the Farmhouse!)
Water Meters are stolen to Fully Flush Multi Metered Farm House...Got it!
These Dreamers are hooking up yer City's off grid Hydro Scheme...while Nan get's Bill Shock!
{ Do not Disturb the Meter Man...working hard to keep the Great Australian Dream Alive }
Expert : 'Garden Hoses must be periodically cut shorter to adapt to shrinking Block sizes!'
'Strewth...don't they teach Gromz that at school no more!'
Said : "Don't come 'round here no more!"

Melt up is underway peops!!

I don’t think so don. Government spending around the globe is at record high. Only pullback in public spending could trigger a meltdown. And that will not happen.

flollo wrote:I don’t think so don. Government spending around the globe is at record high. Only pullback in public spending could trigger a meltdown. And that will not happen.
I said melt up.

Whats a melt up?

donweather wrote:flollo wrote:I don’t think so don. Government spending around the globe is at record high. Only pullback in public spending could trigger a meltdown. And that will not happen.
I said melt up.
Ah ok, I missed that.

A melt up is a shortbread like biscuit. Otherwise I'd understand it as a large move to the upside.
Any of you done a swing rule projection on the SPX? Or seen the spate of longer term consolidation patterns and breakouts (which can be projected with the swing rule) in the last couple of years, eg in PMs?
The value of our currency is being made dirt.

velocityjohnno wrote:The value of our currency is being made dirt.
This is why I also hold some USD.

Thanks VJ- is it an actual term?

Think so, have heard it mentioned over the years, I thought was related to work of Hyman Minsky, although a quick search only reveals a 'Minsky moment'. Ludwig Von Mises has a 'crack-up boom' in his theories:

donweather wrote:velocityjohnno wrote:The value of our currency is being made dirt.
This is why I also hold some USD.
Yep, it's been cleanest dirty shirt. For fun, track gold price in almost any currency.

US Deficit - The federal deficit in 2023 was $1.7 trillion, equal to 6.3 percent of gross domestic product. That is more than the whole of Aus economy.
Also - In CBO’s projections, federal budget deficits total $20 trillion over the 2025–2034 period and federal debt held by the public reaches 116 percent of GDP. Economic growth slows to 1.5 percent in 2024 and then continues at a moderate pace.'s%20projections%2C%20federal%20budget,reaches%20116%20percent%20of%20GDP.
That is nearly the whole of US economy in the deficit alone.
High inflation and high interest rates are here to stay. We are in a new territory, to be honest.

flollo wrote:US Deficit - The federal deficit in 2023 was $1.7 trillion, equal to 6.3 percent of gross domestic product. That is more than the whole of Aus economy.
Also - In CBO’s projections, federal budget deficits total $20 trillion over the 2025–2034 period and federal debt held by the public reaches 116 percent of GDP. Economic growth slows to 1.5 percent in 2024 and then continues at a moderate pace.'s%20projections%2C%20federal%20budget,reaches%20116%20percent%20of%20GDP.
That is nearly the whole of US economy in the deficit alone.
High inflation and high interest rates are here to stay. We are in a new territory, to be honest.
There is an old trading saying "markets can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent" in other words the whole sheebang can move a lot further out than where its at now, thats until it cannot.
Clear :-)

Here's a great vid that may be of interest to Flollo and perhaps Stu as well:

velocityjohnno wrote:Here's a great vid that may be of interest to Flollo and perhaps Stu as well:
Cheers VJ, I'll watch it tonight.
I sometimes marvel how you come across these vids. I get into algo-ruts yet you find the good stuff - the algo-groove.

^^ got family living in London so I’m not going to watch that

velocityjohnno wrote:Here's a great vid that may be of interest to Flollo and perhaps Stu as well:
Good old Lendlease hey!!!

GuySmiley wrote:^^ got family living in London so I’m not going to watch that
My grandfather & grandmother lived in Croydon. From my childhood when I visited and it was wonderful, to noticing the changes in the 1990s, to visiting in the 2010s, felt like it had become blackhawk down.
If there's one thing to take from the vid, it's that when the council estates started, they were viewed as wonderful by the close-knit working class Londoner communities that had been living in the slums that were demolished to build it. Those communities have been scattered to the wind now.

stunet wrote:velocityjohnno wrote:Here's a great vid that may be of interest to Flollo and perhaps Stu as well:
Cheers VJ, I'll watch it tonight.
I sometimes marvel how you come across these vids. I get into algo-ruts yet you find the good stuff - the algo-groove.
I guess my mind is all over the place with interests, it's turbo charged and usually is operating on 2-3 levels at once, very hard to learn meditation, having to slow it down. I'll spare you the alchemical stuff (mind blowing). My Ms grew up isolated on a farm at the edge of the wheatbelt, silence in the mind is her default, so different. Stu I think the bit you might get from it is that when you have a coherent community, this kind of construction and improvement in amenities works. I had such debates with Dad (who was a town planner of that idealistic 1960s generation) after surveying what was left of such buildings and the inherent social rot in the 2000s. I can see he was right in this respect. I would argue that once you dilute or change the community, anomie and alienation are introduced, and these projects become nightmares.
Further to Croydon stuff above, I reckon I have seen the end game of the mass immigration into cities and it looks like this. For this reason I'd caution against it, but feel that parts of Melbourne and Sydney will go exactly the same way.
Edit: Don, yep Lendlease, it was Aussies profiting from it lmao! Is Lendlease the big union builder?

1988 = $36,000 for hill top block centre of Gold Coast > 3 months later declined 60,000 offer for land!
Borrowed $40,000 up to $60,000 @ 17% (For 70% Family designed & built home) + 30% trades
Later @ 13% transfer $40,000 Loan to in laws @ rate at 10% to cut repayments.
The idea being to pay the In laws a better interest return than bank to help them help us! Good Deal!
Family : Plans/Labour/Blockwork/Steel Fixing/Frame/Glass/Plaster/Fit-out/Taps/Paint/Tiles/Carpets/Fencing
$100,000 & get #1 Best Quality Home better than all Builders!
No joking...heaps better Quality than ALL 5,000+ homes tbb ever worked on...
Deluxe Classic Plastering these examples...well above Goldie Builders Quality!
Note tbb developed this modern Classic regency style 30 years ahead of today's exhibits.
Knowing it would never date the House....see below how much this unique gallery style is worth now.
We employed Standard Trades : Survey/Site Cut/Form-Pour/Trusses/Roof
Mates Rates for (2 storey Bricks-Eaves/Drains-Pipes-Wires).
Our Home /Land = $100,000 (vs) Similar Home/land/Retaining = $260,000 (Yes! Save over half!)
Few years on...most days after after Work + every week end ...moved in...a few renos along the way!
1993 Merrimac (Flood Plain Hill Top) @ Proposed Train Station / east of [M1]
Has 180* Breathtaking views of Storms / Sunsets with S/E < Mountain Range Panorama > N/W
Family Break Up > Home is For Sale...needed $450,000 to split 2 ways...for a new start
(Real Estate said we needed a Pool / Rendered finish to pull $400,000)
Buyers were stoked with Majestic Views / Block Retaining / #1 Quality Build
Buyers : 'Rendered Homes same age-price had Pools but shitty views / rotted rleepers / cracked up!'
All needed $50,000 just to get them half decent > Gladly paid us $425,000 move in > zero spend.
2007 : tbb bought a Townhouse further south closer to beach in cheapest Reedy Creek $235,000.
2009 : Reedy Creek Rail Hub Opened + Kids would still attend Robina High > all left home now!
Old neighbours informed tbb that mid 2023 our Family built home had sold again...
Merrimac Rail Hub opens in a few years & Our Family built Home just resold for $1,400,000
A home built by 2 Parents / 2 kids in 1993 for $100,000 just pulled in $1.4 Million in 2023
Lesson to are all worth much more than ya the hard yards & Dream is alive.
Sure! All say ya can't do that these days...drummed into us it is...none ever bother to question it
tbb's father in law is 91 yrs old...& just bucked the system to save $1,800 to win approval for Reno.
Just drew up Certified plans to pull out & move walls in his house.
Yes! Grifted around the red tape & will do it with least help from any for lowest cost...just watch him!
The old goat has spirit and would jump to draft Plans & build a new home for his Grand Kidz!
Hot Tip! tbb knows nothin' about these Great Grand Kids nor does tbb's Daughter? Try & tell him!
He reckons life is too tough for he'll build them a Quarters with Nursery / Kitchenette!
In fact that's what his reno is for...self contained Quarters for the Grand Kidz to raise a family.
Try & tell the stubborn ol' bugger the Dream is over...
He's built 7 homes & his plans are approved for his dream family home that he is soon re-Building...
He's not even asked for tbb's help...sure! tbb will help him do what exactly...No idea why or what for!
So does tbb now go around again to build this make believe abode for Grom'z troubled times ahead!
None of us are up for it but the oldest, most frail & wise is leadin' the charge...Livin' the dream! Crikey!
How is this even does it get to the stage that a 91 year old is keeping the dream alive!

Supply and demand.

Yep, that's pretty accurate. Astronomical costs to build and surging population? What would one expect? Renting is particularly hard, I know many people who moved to Aus recently and they need to rent which brings ridiculous competition to the marketplace.

velocityjohnno wrote:stunet wrote:velocityjohnno wrote:Here's a great vid that may be of interest to Flollo and perhaps Stu as well:
Cheers VJ, I'll watch it tonight.
I sometimes marvel how you come across these vids. I get into algo-ruts yet you find the good stuff - the algo-groove.
I guess my mind is all over the place with interests, it's turbo charged and usually is operating on 2-3 levels at once, very hard to learn meditation, having to slow it down. I'll spare you the alchemical stuff (mind blowing). My Ms grew up isolated on a farm at the edge of the wheatbelt, silence in the mind is her default, so different. Stu I think the bit you might get from it is that when you have a coherent community, this kind of construction and improvement in amenities works. I had such debates with Dad (who was a town planner of that idealistic 1960s generation) after surveying what was left of such buildings and the inherent social rot in the 2000s. I can see he was right in this respect. I would argue that once you dilute or change the community, anomie and alienation are introduced, and these projects become nightmares.
Further to Croydon stuff above, I reckon I have seen the end game of the mass immigration into cities and it looks like this. For this reason I'd caution against it, but feel that parts of Melbourne and Sydney will go exactly the same way.
Edit: Don, yep Lendlease, it was Aussies profiting from it lmao! Is Lendlease the big union builder?
VJ, that was a great video. Thanks for sharing, there's a lot to unpack here. I worked for Lendlease for 7 years. We did some good projects. It's a great company to work for.

flollo wrote:velocityjohnno wrote:stunet wrote:velocityjohnno wrote:Here's a great vid that may be of interest to Flollo and perhaps Stu as well:
Cheers VJ, I'll watch it tonight.
I sometimes marvel how you come across these vids. I get into algo-ruts yet you find the good stuff - the algo-groove.
I guess my mind is all over the place with interests, it's turbo charged and usually is operating on 2-3 levels at once, very hard to learn meditation, having to slow it down. I'll spare you the alchemical stuff (mind blowing). My Ms grew up isolated on a farm at the edge of the wheatbelt, silence in the mind is her default, so different. Stu I think the bit you might get from it is that when you have a coherent community, this kind of construction and improvement in amenities works. I had such debates with Dad (who was a town planner of that idealistic 1960s generation) after surveying what was left of such buildings and the inherent social rot in the 2000s. I can see he was right in this respect. I would argue that once you dilute or change the community, anomie and alienation are introduced, and these projects become nightmares.
Further to Croydon stuff above, I reckon I have seen the end game of the mass immigration into cities and it looks like this. For this reason I'd caution against it, but feel that parts of Melbourne and Sydney will go exactly the same way.
Edit: Don, yep Lendlease, it was Aussies profiting from it lmao! Is Lendlease the big union builder?
VJ, that was a great video. Thanks for sharing, there's a lot to unpack here. I worked for Lendlease for 7 years. We did some good projects. It's a great company to work for.
Like Flollo said, a lot to unpack.
The thing I kept reflecting on was the struggle to find a balance between the ills of both socialism and capitalism.
On the surface it appeared a good decision by Thatcher to introduce right to buy for social housing. Fits the stated aim of citizens caring more for personal property, things they've worked hard to buy, over the communal houses given to them.
Yet opened to the market, the forces of capitalism devoured the scheme; bought up en masse by wealthy syndicates.

Been runnin' some very interesting (Eye opening) Cross Data sets.
{Important!} Might wanna tag this swellnet exclusive...not seen anything like it!
Real Grubby piece of work...Dept of Youth Class Action!
Was actually unravelling Music Units by population...thought to cross check Minimum Wages!
Certainly got more than tbb bargained for...worked out why things are the way they are.
Ok! No one's gonna Flunk school of Rock > Ben's Drum Circle granted tbb an extension to sort this!
All Starts at end of War Govt mandated Bankrolled Baby Boom.
This orchestrates a core demographic that dictates each'n'every Govt Wage Index period...
Here's how this trick plays out...Simply follow the boom until Wave of Youth hit Employment Age!
We're talkin' bout 25% Population Wave of Youth...Ok! Shit Kickers we were called back then!
Govt see'n'smell it coming on fast...from 1972 Both sides of Govt are duty bound to reduce wages.
As this wave of "Youthful" Min Wage earners hit the work force > Govts run down min' wages..
Example 1972 > Soon Fraser's Razor Gang spiking rebellious Punks! > 1985.
Using this Tool box set at default Min Wage Index 2023 $887.90wk > 2024 $915.90wk
1972 MW $76/wk = (2023) $928.75 (Oz Peak min Wage) Best ever Youth Wages.
Boomer Youth wave comes on real thick, hard'n'fast (Now watch this dirty trick from Govt/Bosses.)
Govt/s run down Youth Wages from 1972 (2023) $928.75wk >13 years> 1985 (2023) $544.03wk
Correct! Almost halving Wages to Surf the 13 year long Boomer Youth Wave...Fuck all you Gromz!
1985 MW $ 152.17/wk = (2023) $544.03wk = Lowest Youth Wage > You dirty Fuckin' Bastards!
WR Boomer (15-24yrs) Wave passes & min wage starts rising as less youth come onto min wage!
Govt/s just headed off & fucked over Oz largest Youth Employment base on declining wage for 13 yrs.
Pause to think of #1 Massive 13 year Govt Dole/ Wage Savings > Pay for MEDICARE...PBS.
tbb confirms all us 70/80's Youth drove shit boxes & worked for shit wages & lived in tents & hovels...
Ok! Surely tbb is just a cry baby shit stirrer...Oz Govt's aren't likely to pull that slick stunt again...
Wanna Bet..(Check back to yer chart...let's run this Boomer program again...Get Ready to Surf!)
Only this time they're Pro Level Execs > more massaged to counter 4x Mega Events of the Era...
eg: Next Youth Wave min wage declines during this order ( Olympics > GST > WOT > GFC )
{See Charts}
Youth Wages keep rising with number of Youth falling until 1999...(Olympics / GST are planned ahead)
Now...check yer Charts > Youth Wave approaching min Wage Workforce...(Below > Step Down effect!)
Freeze & Step down Min Wage from 1999 Olympics > GST + WOT > Restocks (2010 Wave ends)
1999 $385.40wk (2023) $757.14wk
2000 $400.40wk (2023) $753.04wk
2001 $413.40wk (2023) $744.67wk
2002 $431.40wk (2023) $754.40wk
2003 Slowly Rises to massage min wage towards election/s
2007 Election $522.12wk (2023) $798.25
2007-8 Govt Change > Global Financial Crisis (see : Youth Wave still tails > 2010 ...Watch!)
2009 $543.78wk (2023) $782.84wk (Fair Work Act = Less min Pay...that's very clever!)
2010 $569.90wk (2023) $797.18wk (Note how min wage is frozen to bankroll School Halls)
2011 Youth Wave Passes > Min wage keeps rising with inflation until 2026
2026-2029 Next slight Youth Wave > 3 year min wage freeze without reduction.
All Crew can clearly see min Youth Wage is levered against itself to bankroll all Govt Crisis Levies.
[L]+ALP jointly share turns in balancing the budget off Youth Exploitation.
Youth were deprived their fair share to bankroll > Medicare > Olympics > GST > WOT > GFC...
All can clearly see Govt's wicked Game...
Boomer Bullies sucking blood from non voting voiceless enslaved youth.
Pretty Sure a half decent lawyer will demand Mass compensation for 22 years of Youth Exploitation.
Not sure if that means us or passing on compo for a min wage kitty to cover Youth Housing Start Ups.
Only by cross checking Youth Disposable income on Singles / LPs did tbb see this scam in plain sight.
Just adding Youth Wage is highest since 1972-73...coincidentally both mass single music Unit eras.
Singles as in disposable flippant random music samples...least invested regular music commitment.
Happy to share.

the numbers...
'housing no longer affordable in australia unless you own much more than average wage'
12 years to save a deposit!

It’s fkn disgusting.

A while back we were discussing the humble fibro shack. Find a cheap block somewhere and build a fibro shack…below is how.
It would be much cheaper and less stressful to travel a longer distance to the sea for a surf using the net resources like swellnet to pick your surf days rather than sell yourself to the banks for a life sentence.
I have discovered “ Foilboard”….not the wave riding kind but an insulation panel that you can attach to the outside of a standard pine frame then cover it with trusty cheap fibro.
This will give you a high ‘R’ value in your walls in an easy and cheap home…
Many house frame companies will sell you a complete package deal of all frames, trusses fascia, roof and gutters as well as all fixings ,plans ,roof blanket ,screws brackets etc etc.
So, ….do your owner builders course online…boring but quick.
Submit your humble plans to council…include nothing inside…no A/C…no fireplaces, no fans, no nothing and you will fly through the energy efficiency thing.
You just add that stuff later when finished…..put a 6.6 kw solar on your plan though.
Shop for your trades while waiting….concrete, frames package as above. Foilboard and fibro.
If you don’t know a carpenter to hire to stand your frames and trusses go around the project home sites and steal a crew for cash on the weekend.
A 150 sq metre homes complete frame will set you back around $4000 for a team to stand….and they do it quick like 1 day.
Then steal a roof crew to fit your colourbond roof gutters etc. I got a builder to do it for $140/ hour with his mate and it cost $3200 for a 150 sq metre roof.
Mine is double brick with timber internal frames but I would build a dulux acratex rendered fibro / Foilboard. home now if I had my time again….so cheap.
It’s all about the land now and if the govt would sell 100k blocks to the masses which they can do easily everyone could have a home.
In the meantime a country life in a country town ain’t so bad…..weekends and days off at the beach , camped or caravan and less debt stress…room to move.
Country folks country church country pub country events country jobs travelling through country landscapes to your chosen beach in a fuel efficient car.
Life is what you build it to be.

Why would anyone buy hardies products anymore?
Render coats over fibro/blue board etc doesn't work just cracks where it joins.
Source: Brother and nephew are renderers, and have seen it myself.
Also the fibro now is not tough like the old, very brittle.

Australian capital cities rank among world's least affordable markets to buy a home….. For the first time in the study's 20-year history, the authors added a new category for housing affordability: "impossibly unaffordable".
"The term 'impossible' was selected to convey the extreme difficulty faced by middle-income households in affording housing at a median multiple of 9.0.
"This level of unaffordability did not exist just over three decades ago."

NZ median market 8.2, only just behind Aus at 9.7. And houses in NZ are shit.

I understand the sentiment but these articles are deliberately misleading.
The ‘worlds’ most unaffordable..
But the research was only based in these countries:
‘The survey includes housing markets in Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Ireland, New Zealand, Singapore, United Kingdom and the United States.’
So it’s not the world. It’s within the markets in these countries.

@flollo , what other countries, that aren’t on this list , are experiencing similar housing affordability problems ?

Here is a list that looks at housing vs income. We are not topping the list, but up there.
The data shown:
"The ratio measures the development of housing affordability and is calculated by dividing nominal house price by nominal disposable income per head, with 2015 set as a base year when the index amounted to 100. "

stunet wrote:flollo wrote:velocityjohnno wrote:stunet wrote:velocityjohnno wrote:Here's a great vid that may be of interest to Flollo and perhaps Stu as well:
Cheers VJ, I'll watch it tonight.
I sometimes marvel how you come across these vids. I get into algo-ruts yet you find the good stuff - the algo-groove.
I guess my mind is all over the place with interests, it's turbo charged and usually is operating on 2-3 levels at once, very hard to learn meditation, having to slow it down. I'll spare you the alchemical stuff (mind blowing). My Ms grew up isolated on a farm at the edge of the wheatbelt, silence in the mind is her default, so different. Stu I think the bit you might get from it is that when you have a coherent community, this kind of construction and improvement in amenities works. I had such debates with Dad (who was a town planner of that idealistic 1960s generation) after surveying what was left of such buildings and the inherent social rot in the 2000s. I can see he was right in this respect. I would argue that once you dilute or change the community, anomie and alienation are introduced, and these projects become nightmares.
Further to Croydon stuff above, I reckon I have seen the end game of the mass immigration into cities and it looks like this. For this reason I'd caution against it, but feel that parts of Melbourne and Sydney will go exactly the same way.
Edit: Don, yep Lendlease, it was Aussies profiting from it lmao! Is Lendlease the big union builder?
VJ, that was a great video. Thanks for sharing, there's a lot to unpack here. I worked for Lendlease for 7 years. We did some good projects. It's a great company to work for.
Like Flollo said, a lot to unpack.
The thing I kept reflecting on was the struggle to find a balance between the ills of both socialism and capitalism.
On the surface it appeared a good decision by Thatcher to introduce right to buy for social housing. Fits the stated aim of citizens caring more for personal property, things they've worked hard to buy, over the communal houses given to them.
Yet opened to the market, the forces of capitalism devoured the scheme; bought up en masse by wealthy syndicates.
Yep it all went wrong in many ways. I got to see what it was vs what it became, can remember the bottled milk being delivered, empty bottles returned; and everything being high trust - and have seen what has happened. So we went to the cemetery to pay our respects, and the staff were quizzing us on how to get into Australia...
FWIW Dad's opinion as a planner was that the ideal urban size was about 750,000 people, above that and decay/anomie/alienation overtakes the benefits of services accumulating in one area.

blackers wrote:Here is a list that looks at housing vs income. We are not topping the list, but up there.
The data shown:
"The ratio measures the development of housing affordability and is calculated by dividing nominal house price by nominal disposable income per head, with 2015 set as a base year when the index amounted to 100. "
Yep, I agree to this. It’s more representative than the other article. I’m not trying to ignore the problem but I prefer a better representation of ‘worldwide’ comparisons.

flollo wrote:blackers wrote:Here is a list that looks at housing vs income. We are not topping the list, but up there.
The data shown:
"The ratio measures the development of housing affordability and is calculated by dividing nominal house price by nominal disposable income per head, with 2015 set as a base year when the index amounted to 100. "Yep, I agree to this. It’s more representative than the other article. I’m not trying to ignore the problem but I prefer a better representation of ‘worldwide’ comparisons.
Isn’t that list 2022 ? Be interesting to see how far we have climbed in the last 18 months.
House prices - going to go up , down or sideways ?
Opinions and anecdotal stories if you could.