House prices

Reading directly from [LNP] Federal / State Election Pamphlets { Housing Policy }
Have them both right here so non voter tbb feels obliged to share with keen voting crew.
Only fair that crew are given equal ample time & opportunity to examine [L] Housing Policy.
Aug : [LNP] Dutto's Pamphlet (Get Australia Back on Track)
Sept : [LNP] Davy's Pamphlet (The Right Priorities) From The Right Plan Scrolls.
If Elected PM Dutto promises to...
Ease the Cost of Living by reducing pressure on Housing by...
2 Year Ban on foreign / temp investors on purchases of Existing Homes
Reduce permanent migration from 185,000 > 145,000 in first 2 years
Working with State / Local Govts to deliver Greater Housing Supply.
Ok! So it impossibly contradicts itself that only any idiot would vote for it!
Still don't see it thru a few times...
Tip : Only Voldemort is stupid enough to conjure up Greater Supply for Reduced New Buyers!
If elected Premier Davey promises to...
Deliver Housing Solutions to help Families to get into secure Accommodation.
Take pressure off Rents by working with Councils to "Approve More Homes and Build Better Communities", and (Abolishing Stamp Duty for First Home Buyers Purchasing A New House!)
Again all see how impossibly stupid...still don't see this one thru who gets wot!
Big Clue...It's Not us! Fark!
Devious [L] plot deprives and mandates poor Australians to bankroll Whiteshoe foreign VIP enclaves
1. Dutto will mandate States /Councils to provide more new homes to 40,000 fewer foreign Buyers!
2. Meaning Govts / Councils save a fortune by funding less for fewer o/s buyers each year.
3. Dutto deprives services to run down Aussies to prioritize new wasteful frivolous foreign fairways.
4. Davy abolishes Tax on new secure Foreign Family Accommodation by Taxing Dutto's deprived Aussies.
And that there crew is what we Qldurrz call a Portaloo [L] Whiteshoe Rort...coz it stinks!
Are there still enough brain dead Aussies stupid enough to vote for a typical [L] Whiteshoe Rort.
Are you seriously telling tbb that an Aussie is that thick not to see this bog standard [L] paperbag Rort!
Anyhow...Dutto's Polls still skyrocket coz none ever bother to read a Dodgy Whiteshoe [L] Pamphlet.
Fark! Can see why...tbb don't blame gotta offer an apology for sharing that hunk of shit...
Honestly thought it would be kinder than sharing [L] Kill the Kidz policy! Turns out tbb was wrong!
Recapping...That's the honest word 4 word Whiteshoe Scam these Lib's have got cookin'.
Get plenty of Premium Whiteshoe Donors with that wasteful VIP Premium Foreign Housing Policy.
Sell out us Aussies to Lick Foreigners Bums! Typical pack of traitorous cowardly [L] bastards!

Cheers Udo's the background on Greedy Goldie Green Heart "Floodplain City"
You've just dug up another Goldie / Qldurr ya get rewarded to wot that might be...
Mayor awarded Green Heart Title to tbb/wife was community rep on Merrimac Floodplain Committee.
tbb come up with the name "Greenheart" & won the GCCC comp...won a free trip to Couran Cove!
Still got the 1997-99 Award winning groundbreaking Guragunbah "Flood Plain Structure Plans" all turned to shit as Greedy Fuckers LNP trashed our years of hard work...[SOLD OUT]
1998 LNP sold off the Southern Floodplain & Mudgeeraba Creek to South Koreans for a Shark Park.
LNP Premier Borbidge / GC Bully Front Page > tbb's family are Qld public enemy #1...(No shit!)
For simply protecting central East Coast Creek lifeblood from Hinterland to Sea.
tbb was gutted as crew paddled down the creek in homemade canoes & got bashed & arrested by Cops!
Qld LNP Whiteshoe Premier served up our heads on a platter & [Sold] GC Creek to Dong Ah Mobsters.
2001 Whiteshoe Bob's Mobsters were declared Bankrupt...tbb awaits for Zero to Hero medal...Huh!
Ok! tbb's Greenheart suffered a coronary bypass but it still has a Heartbeat & Vision
Pollies / Community Media embraced our ailing Green Heart Vision but it's an endless battle...
Whiteshoe brigade Greenheart attack is relentless ...ONEOFUS! All LNP Readymix Robots!
2013 Another Developer bankrollin' a new LNP Whiteshoe Mobster...another Greenheart Attack.
Premier Newman sacked 10,000's of Qldurrz local made Civic / Services & imported Cheap Asian crap.
Qld Rail are still stripping back his Fleet of Non Compliant / Non safe twisted foreign muck Rail Stock.
If ya haven't caught on yet > LNP despise Qldurrz & first thing they do is sell Qld to Asians...[SOLD]
But also let Oz State Corps to freely dump their nasties on Newman's Nappy mountain border range.
Why! Fuck Recycling ...Newman invites everyone to freely dump yer toxic shit on Qld Doorstep!
Upzones donor Walker to cram 8 story Cities on Ramsar Moreton Bay Dugongs & Goldie Greenheart
Wanna See That...same Megalomaniac LNP Shitfuckery to fuck over Floodplain or Bay ( Burp / Shit!)
Moreton Bay RAMSAR (Override) 8 story city = Toondah Harbour
4 Aug 2017 Walker got LNP Josh Frydenberg to bully Qld Govt Miles to de-list M Bay RAMSAR.
9 April 2024 ALP Fed Govt reject Toondah Harbour
All think ALP won that battle over LNP Whiteshoes...( Recall Walker dealt with Miles?)
But tbb thinks Miles offered Compo to Walker to back off.
Outta nowhere we see Walker's Flood plain development rise skyhigh as 1st SFD Fasttrack City
Goldie Greenheart (Override) 8 story city = Lakesview
(Behind is off limits Mudgeeraba Creek running thru Foreign national Greg Norman Golf Course),q_glossy,ret_img,w_860,h_574/...
Ok! It never started out as Mental as that...all in good time little by little...
We'll just touch on the Coded upgrades that keep exempting a Mass floodplain overbuild.
You'll read how in fill centralization is prioritized over Logistics and environment.
Qld Rail Line / Stations are bankrolled by Whiteshoe Upzones...
Every next Station is the next Mandated infilled Flooded Skyscraper City.
But sadly also the next Grid Locked over crowded Traffic / Hospital / Education Crisis Hellhole!
Developers never donate a Tap / Toilet / Drain / Car Park / Bus Stop / Classroom / Hospital Ward
2013 Newman's 8 storey Upzone Directive
July 2017 See the height increase little by little
Recap / 1998 Committee visited his northern Neighbour ...Bloke said it's His Flood Land > Fuck Off...
2018 Sage development was deep underwater with residents trapped & rescued (GCCC Enough!)
May 2021 Again...height is increasing from last increase...still keeps rising...
31 Oct 2023 Walker writes to State Govt to remove Public Notification for their precious SFD
Resulting in tbb reading the first of Walker Development here...(Thanx Udo!)
Sept 2024 Premier's Toondah Harbour Walker Compo is a green-hearted visionary mega combo.
Premier : "KILL KILL KILL The Green Heart for emergency 20% Common Housing Poll boost!
Housing Minister : Walker's Mega Floodplain City is the first to be given the Greenlight thru SFD.
Without Public Notice : Walker's Whiteshoe Brigade Dirigible bombards our Greenheart.
Going Going Gone...ONE OF US
Hospital/Station/School roads are gridlocked each am/pm & closed during normal Flood Events
Any idiot residing deeper within the basin will be trapped...any blowin parking a car in there is fucked!
Idiots will need rescuing...Goldie/Sunny keep billing you lot for #1 ongoing Whiteshoe Disaster crisis!
Qld Premiers are Whiteshoe Slaves that drown us...ashamed to be a Qldurr...well durr!
Goldie Greenhearted tbb warns of record Qld Flood Catastrophe & record Oz insurance blowouts.
Check out the Housing mandate from Qld Premier / Qld Housing Minister!
Now ask...are they LNP candidates...sure smells like it...Vote for yer Fav' Whiteshoe skid mark
Premium Whiteshoe Portaloo News!
Welcome to Clive's not too greedy Poo City with Sex Crazed Deer Sanctuary
Clive's Shit Houses save on toilets...can eat'n'shit anywhere in the Poo Factory
Meet The Sex Crazed poo eating Locals.

RBA vs gov on inflation, names the cause:
"It also flagged that rates would remain on hold for the foreseeable future.
The RBA Minutes noted that the underlying inflation rate of 3.9% over the year to the June quarter “is still some way above the midpoint of the 2%–3% target range”.
The RBA also noted that its “current forecasts do not see inflation returning sustainably to target until 2026. In year-ended terms, underlying inflation has been above the midpoint of the target for 11 consecutive quarters and has fallen very little over the past year”.
While the RBA acknowledged that the per capita economy is very weak, “growth in aggregate consumer demand, which includes spending by temporary residents such as students and tourists, remained more resilient”.
This was a direct shot at the federal government’s high immigration policy and its impact on aggregate demand.
The RBA concluded that “policy is currently restrictive and working broadly as anticipated”. However, it noted that the outlook is highly uncertain.
The Minutes reaffirmed that “sustainably returning inflation to target within a reasonable timeframe remains the Board’s highest priority”.
“While headline inflation will decline for a time, underlying inflation is more indicative of inflation momentum, and it remains too high”.
As a result, “policy will need to be sufficiently restrictive until the Board is confident that inflation is moving sustainably towards the target range”.
This commentary should be read as a hawkish hold and extinguishes hopes of rate cuts arriving this year."

Lots of things are dropping in price including second hand things such as cars boats JetSkis etc. and there’s lots more of these being advertised for sale.
Labour market is very weak and unemployment is rising with very little government spending on large projects.
The writing is on the wall folks particularly in Australia.

So Don would you say that rate hikes have achieved their objective, and spending and inflation have been brought under control?
I’ve read that because of the lag involved, by the time we see the effects as you’ve mentioned, we’re already heading for a recession in the vein of the early 90s.

Hi Andy
Inflation was initiated in Australia and the world , by the War in Ukraine .
Every situation is different in each country and Lags can vary in timing .
The War is heating up and inflation is proving Sticky , even with unemployment building .
Stagflation !
The RBA has the best and Brightest working 4 it .
Our Governor , just gave the RBA's view .
2026 , inflation MAY start coming down , so NO rate drop , 4 at least 9 months .
Unless ?

This is a good article -

"Inflation was initiated in Australia and the world , by the War in Ukraine".
Yeah dunno about that.

AndyM wrote:So Don would you say that rate hikes have achieved their objective, and spending and inflation have been brought under control?
I’ve read that because of the lag involved, by the time we see the effects as you’ve mentioned, we’re already heading for a recession in the vein of the early 90s.
All I know is that I’m seeing a drastic reduction in prices for luxury second hand goods along with an increase in supply of these for sale. Also seeing some writing on the wall with respect to employment with redundancies happening. House prices also coming off the boil.
It’s starting IMO. But I do think the global economy has one last hurrah left in it and then it’s a very severe global crash (Aus included).

I think the opposite- once monetary policy is loosened we'll see an almighty boom.

My two cents - an article in the paper the other week indicated 46% of small businesses did not make a profit for the owners last FY (correct or not I don't know)- that is huge (even half that is huge) as it is small business owners are a huge driver in the Aust economy. If they are not making money, they do not have money to spend personally on food, clothes, furniture which means those sectors will be down, and they will be looking to shed staff given the cost of employment in Australia is very very high (e.g. Hospitality overseas has roughly a 50% margin in AU it is 5% largely due to employment regulation and cost). Small business owners are now working much longer hours, and taking things on themselves they otherwise would pay others to do. As a business owner I am seeing clients struggling - debtors is through the roof, advice on restructure and cost cutting through the roof., hospitality clients are at the wall, construction insolvencies through the roof - just ask any trade credit insurer about the monumental increase in claims and insurers now not quoting or declining cover.
We are at a tipping point. I am not sure if the above is a slow down the economy might have needed, Clearly what was happening was unsustainable in terms of inflation, but I think it is uncontroversial that the standard of living over the last 15 years that many have been used to (even just the basics - the ability to go out for dinner/ buy beers at the pub freely without great worry, buy a board, different fins or wettie without to much stress) is not looking likely to continue. It comes back to what Don has (very correctly IMHO) that he is seeing increased supply and lower prices and that has to have an impact.
Of course, if interest rates do go down that has to change things at least a bit and certainly in the housing market. $2mill or $2.2mill - still a shit load of coin to have to stump up. Not sure other prices will necessarily increase - at least in some part prices are increasing because people are struggling - if people have a little more to spend and businesses are not struggling - not sure the bulk then increase prices.
Glad I don't have to make the calls. Pro's and Con's either side.

Pop Down wrote:Inflation was initiated in Australia and the world , by the War in Ukraine .
Don't know which calculator you used for that one Pop.
I'm no economist but all that money flashed around during covid played a role - think Job Keeper for business owners, access to super, etc etc. Then we had supply chain issues. Also peoples equity in real estate exploded post covid so we all went out and sucked enormous amounts of money out of a piggy bank that was more pig than bank. And lastly we have the cashed up Boomers and their offspring who really don't care how much things cost - they just keep spending. The money pit is drying up, not because of a war, but because we've just blown it all on shit we probably didn't need.

freeride76 wrote:I think the opposite- once monetary policy is loosened we'll see an almighty boom.
In the short term yes, but it will be short lived followed by one of the biggest crashes ever (I'm talking about global economy here not explicitly house prices).

garyg1412 wrote:Pop Down wrote:Inflation was initiated in Australia and the world , by the War in Ukraine .
Don't know which calculator you used for that one Pop.
I'm no economist but all that money flashed around during covid played a role - think Job Keeper for business owners, access to super, etc etc. Then we had supply chain issues. Also peoples equity in real estate exploded post covid so we all went out and sucked enormous amounts of money out of a piggy bank that was more pig than bank. And lastly we have the cashed up Boomers and their offspring who really don't care how much things cost - they just keep spending. The money pit is drying up, not because of a war, but because we've just blown it all on shit we probably didn't need.
You left out one of the major drivers, corporations gouging the fuck out of consumers. Only to have the media blame the consumer.

garyg1412 wrote:The money pit is drying up, not because of a war, but because we've just blown it all on shit we probably didn't need.

Hello garyg1412
You are right , my calculator is 2 simple , covid , energy transition , immigration etc , need 2 b thrown into the mix .
When they did affect inflation , it was supposed 2 be temporary , transitory .
All around the World , Inflation went up when the War started , some of it , Lag effects .
Its the 1 constant , so until it stops , I don't expect Inflation to drop .
In Australia , there is NO supply and demand is still strong .
I heard Sydney is the Most unaffordable home market , in the World .
Prices of homes there , won't b falling atm .
Homes are Australian's Largest Asset , nearly everyone owns or wants 2 own 1.
Our whole Economy is set up to look after this Asset Class .
A Gaziilion banks , governments , councils , tradies etc etc , looking after It !
What I find amazing is that we don't know how 2 build the Lovely things atm !

I don't see any drop in demand nor softening in prices.
fmd, a second hand surfboard without fins is priced at above a thousand dollars!
There are still wait times on a Corolla, a fcuking Toyota Corolla!, because supply hasn't caught up with demand.
More suburbs than ever now with a median house price over a million.
I've spent a few days searching online for used boards- I'm actually gobsmacked how high second hand boards are priced at the moment.
Unless it's an absolute POS beat up White rice thruster, they are up for crazy prices.

I'm sitting here waiting and hoping for the "big" crash to hit big time, at which point I'll be able to get a Ford Ranger Raptor/Stabicraft 2400 Supercab combo for under $50k. It's all about patience and priorities!!!!

freeride76 wrote:I don't see any drop in demand nor softening in prices.
fmd, a second hand surfboard without fins is priced at above a thousand dollars!
There are still wait times on a Corolla, a fcuking Toyota Corolla!, because supply hasn't caught up with demand.
More suburbs than ever now with a median house price over a million.
I've spent a few days searching online for used boards- I'm actually gobsmacked how high second hand boards are priced at the moment.
Unless it's an absolute POS beat up White rice thruster, they are up for crazy prices.
I’m not sure a $1000 surfboard are the big ticket items people are trying to sell second hand to help meet their costs of living. I think people are flogging off bigger items like jet skis caravans motorbikes second cars etc to create a buffer in their cost of living. The smaller stuff like surfboards bikes etc will come after this.

Yeah maybe Don.
There are apparently enough people with disposable cash to spend $100-150 hr plus expenses going surfing in a wavepool when the ocean is free.
That doesn't suggest too much of a low aggregate demand in the economy to me caused by constrained spending.
As I said, you have to go on a wait list to buy a fucking Toyota Corolla !

garyg1412 wrote:I'm sitting here waiting and hoping for the "big" crash to hit big time, at which point I'll be able to get a Ford Ranger Raptor/Stabicraft 2400 Supercab combo for under $50k. It's all about patience and priorities!!!!
The first year apprentice combo!

goofyfoot wrote:garyg1412 wrote:I'm sitting here waiting and hoping for the "big" crash to hit big time, at which point I'll be able to get a Ford Ranger Raptor/Stabicraft 2400 Supercab combo for under $50k. It's all about patience and priorities!!!!
The first year apprentice combo!
Only for CFMEU apprentices

200k boat!
Bloody nice though.

garyg1412 wrote:goofyfoot wrote:garyg1412 wrote:I'm sitting here waiting and hoping for the "big" crash to hit big time, at which point I'll be able to get a Ford Ranger Raptor/Stabicraft 2400 Supercab combo for under $50k. It's all about patience and priorities!!!!
The first year apprentice combo!
Only for CFMEU apprentices
Nah, mother drinking-vape smoking plasterer apprentices get around in that set up down here

soggydog wrote:garyg1412 wrote:Pop Down wrote:Inflation was initiated in Australia and the world , by the War in Ukraine .
Don't know which calculator you used for that one Pop.
I'm no economist but all that money flashed around during covid played a role - think Job Keeper for business owners, access to super, etc etc. Then we had supply chain issues. Also peoples equity in real estate exploded post covid so we all went out and sucked enormous amounts of money out of a piggy bank that was more pig than bank. And lastly we have the cashed up Boomers and their offspring who really don't care how much things cost - they just keep spending. The money pit is drying up, not because of a war, but because we've just blown it all on shit we probably didn't need.You left out one of the major drivers, corporations gouging the fuck out of consumers. Only to have the media blame the consumer.
Glad someone included some good old-fashioned price gouging.
Out of control, but when you look at the monopolies, duopolies, collusion and cronyism, that's what we get.

Stabi's are terrible boats. Same with the Ranger. Combo of dud's :)

Why's that fitzy?
What's your favourite small boat?

It's a personal thing for me. Stabi's are a lot of boat, they look big from outside, and then you get in them and bugger all room in the boat. In choppy conditions, you have to drive them flat out and its a hard ride. And they are bloody expensive for what they are.
For me, for plate boats, Svensson. Excellent build, quality and ride.
For pressed boats, quintrex top ender. Older model, millennium hull.
Again, it's a personal thing, I know people that have stabi's and love them.

My two cents
Barring a full scale global conflict the western world will continue to fight inflation and grow in economic scale.
The only variations will be in rate of growth.
In Australia we will pull the immigration lever to ensure our prosperity continues.
We will approach Britain levels of segregation and class divide. Political views will become more divergent and less bipartisan and tend to nationalism. This will reflect the western world globally and climate crisis will be the catalyst for global unrest. Tough times in a tipping point for humanity for our grandkids.


So right now… probably close to time to pull the trigger on real estate purchases as the rate of growths eases

After living 5 mins from pt perry on 2.5 acres for 10 years im selling up. Miss the windows of beach living that give u those special surfs. Too busy maintaining the place to have enough time and the constant works wrecked my back so its back to the beach for me. Im going to need to borrow a few $s tho. Surprisingly while stock is low the higher priced houses arent selling. Its going to be an interesting journey!

A Toyota Corolla Freeride?
Gotta be for Mrs FR, surely?

spookypt wrote:After living 5 mins from pt perry on 2.5 acres for 10 years im selling up. Miss the windows of beach living that give u those special surfs. Too busy maintaining the place to have enough time and the constant works wrecked my back so its back to the beach for me. Im going to need to borrow a few $s tho. Surprisingly while stock is low the higher priced houses arent selling. It’s going to be an interesting journey!
There’s a reason the higher priced houses aren’t selling.

spookypt wrote:After living 5 mins from pt perry on 2.5 acres for 10 years im selling up. Miss the windows of beach living that give u those special surfs. Too busy maintaining the place to have enough time and the constant works wrecked my back so its back to the beach for me. Im going to need to borrow a few $s tho. Surprisingly while stock is low the higher priced houses arent selling. Its going to be an interesting journey!
hahahaha, no fun like trying to keep on top of sub-tropical acreage.
I didn't get enough done over winter, and now growing season is here already.

donweather wrote:spookypt wrote:After living 5 mins from pt perry on 2.5 acres for 10 years im selling up. Miss the windows of beach living that give u those special surfs. Too busy maintaining the place to have enough time and the constant works wrecked my back so its back to the beach for me. Im going to need to borrow a few $s tho. Surprisingly while stock is low the higher priced houses arent selling. It’s going to be an interesting journey!
There’s a reason the higher priced houses aren’t selling.
What do you think that is DW?

freeride76 wrote:spookypt wrote:After living 5 mins from pt perry on 2.5 acres for 10 years im selling up. Miss the windows of beach living that give u those special surfs. Too busy maintaining the place to have enough time and the constant works wrecked my back so its back to the beach for me. Im going to need to borrow a few $s tho. Surprisingly while stock is low the higher priced houses arent selling. Its going to be an interesting journey!
hahahaha, no fun like trying to keep on top of sub-tropical acreage.
I didn't get enough done over winter, and now growing season is here already.
It drives me crazy. Ive discovered Im way too OCD to live on acreage plus my back surgeon (Ive had spinal fusion surgery) said the best way to avoid further surgery (and not being able to surf) is to move!
I built a shed on my property that is 200sqm so Im buying a commercial shed. Going rate on the SC near where I live is $4000 +++ GST a sqm. Madness. That alone would make my shed at home "worth" nearly a million $'s. Worlds gone mad.

spookypt wrote:What do you think that is DW?
Because people are sitting on the fence now when it comes to higher priced property and mortgages. They just don't have the funds to be paying higher mortgages.

wow spookypt, I can fully relate, just that I havent committed yet, very much playing with the idea of selling up. 10 years on 2.5 acres, but 45 min from the point you note. Moved out here from that town and now feeling I need to be back at the beach more often. Plus its not a back issue, but relentless tick bites every time I try to maintain the place to my OCD standard, causing havoc with my health. It's a tough one - leaving the space, peace and serenity and maturing nut trees for the hustle and bustle of the coast again. It would essentially be a swap (financially) of all that for a house back in suburbia closer to the beach. Or just get cashed up and rent
I did see a commercial shed in that industrial estate that seemed a good buy, on the lake, but that'd be strange living in an industrial estate

I’m in same boat. Loved the hinterland for 7 years. Have hated it last 3. Own our house but would have go into debt to move back. Don’t want to do that.

yeah I certainly dont want to go into debt either seeds. Another option is to move further afield - my last stop on the recent travels was fairly attractive. Sale proceeds from here could fund a block of land and small modular home, downsizing a bit. New town, new home, a good ocean-going life there, but far from the family, friends, the social opportunities you are used to. It would be a big and stressful process. I am more inclined to sit on it for now and get a labourer to do the bulk of my property maintenance. And make an active effort to get to the coast more often for more ocean time. I figure the property is only going to keep appreciating for the next while. Plus this lifestyle might be the best option when it all goes to shit...

Had any tick bites this season Greenjam?

donweather wrote:spookypt wrote:What do you think that is DW?
Because people are sitting on the fence now when it comes to higher priced property and mortgages. They just don't have the funds to be paying higher mortgages.
Im not sure about that DW. For example, while I'll drop $150k in the process of transitioning in stamp duty and agents comms, what I'll sell mine for will effectively come close to buying what I want near the beach arund the same value. I dont think these places that are at $2.5m + are not selling due to buyers being unable to get finance... though there may be some for sure. If I had to borrow money on a house like that I wouldnt buy it either. I think zero stock levels and people trying to sell their own homes at the same time is the issue moreso. A bridging loan on a $2m home @ 80% of its value at roughly 9% means youre paying circa $180k in interest only to buy what you want, then hopefully sell. Buyers will sniff the bloood in the water so no ones doing that.
But there is something quirky going on for sure.

GreenJam wrote:wow spookypt, I can fully relate, just that I havent committed yet, very much playing with the idea of selling up. 10 years on 2.5 acres, but 45 min from the point you note. Moved out here from that town and now feeling I need to be back at the beach more often. Plus its not a back issue, but relentless tick bites every time I try to maintain the place to my OCD standard, causing havoc with my health. It's a tough one - leaving the space, peace and serenity and maturing nut trees for the hustle and bustle of the coast again. It would essentially be a swap (financially) of all that for a house back in suburbia closer to the beach. Or just get cashed up and rent
I did see a commercial shed in that industrial estate that seemed a good buy, on the lake, but that'd be strange living in an industrial estate
GJ, my wife said 10 years ago buying here 5 mins from the beach was a "trial"having lived on the beahc for 25 years. In fact, I posted on here way back then and most said what I was doing was the go BUT after 10 years nah... I'm done. Health has suffered from it. I just miss the salt in my veins and cant fake it anymore. I still surf ALOT but I miss the being on it all the time. Sometimes, even in the devil wind period you jag an onshore post work session with one wave that carries you through the weekend. THATS's what I miss most. Salt helps my "mental health" to coin the phrase. Living in Coolum industrial park, while many do it is not for me. I just goota feel the sand between the toes again and grab a few more waves before I cant!.
Thats said, a 2 story nice but nothing special house on 650 sqm block opposite the catholic church on a busy suburban rat run road in downturn Coolum for 2.7m GEEEEZUZ

spookypt wrote:donweather wrote:spookypt wrote:What do you think that is DW?
Because people are sitting on the fence now when it comes to higher priced property and mortgages. They just don't have the funds to be paying higher mortgages.
Im not sure about that DW. For example, while I'll drop $150k in the process of transitioning in stamp duty and agents comms, what I'll sell mine for will effectively come close to buying what I want near the beach arund the same value. I dont think these places that are at $2.5m + are not selling due to buyers being unable to get finance... though there may be some for sure. If I had to borrow money on a house like that I wouldnt buy it either. I think zero stock levels and people trying to sell their own homes at the same time is the issue moreso. A bridging loan on a $2m home @ 80% of its value at roughly 9% means youre paying circa $180k in interest only to buy what you want, then hopefully sell. Buyers will sniff the bloood in the water so no ones doing that.
But there is something quirky going on for sure.
I never said it's because people can't get finance. I said people aren't willing to get mortgages for these top end priced properties. You said it yourself in your own reply here.

donweather wrote:spookypt wrote:donweather wrote:spookypt wrote:What do you think that is DW?
Because people are sitting on the fence now when it comes to higher priced property and mortgages. They just don't have the funds to be paying higher mortgages.
Im not sure about that DW. For example, while I'll drop $150k in the process of transitioning in stamp duty and agents comms, what I'll sell mine for will effectively come close to buying what I want near the beach arund the same value. I dont think these places that are at $2.5m + are not selling due to buyers being unable to get finance... though there may be some for sure. If I had to borrow money on a house like that I wouldnt buy it either. I think zero stock levels and people trying to sell their own homes at the same time is the issue moreso. A bridging loan on a $2m home @ 80% of its value at roughly 9% means youre paying circa $180k in interest only to buy what you want, then hopefully sell. Buyers will sniff the bloood in the water so no ones doing that.
But there is something quirky going on for sure.I never said it's because people can't get finance. I said people aren't willing to get mortgages for these top end priced properties. You said it yourself in your own reply here.
Not wanting to argue mate but you said “ They just don't have the funds to be paying higher mortgages.”
Same same to me. Ability to service a $500k loan on a $2m house or a $500k on an $800k house same same its still a loan of $500k to me. Plus lvr s on that rate and loan are stacked way more in favour of the more expensive house. None the less what will be will be.

Stalker Hawker digs his claws in under tbb's skin...heavy breathin' on the back of me neck!
Ok...we all got our fav Stalker Hawker that cold calls each season on Wed or Thurs 4-5pm for 5min 50secs.
Hi! I'm back...How ya going loser loner Hodad...ya dead yet.
Soon mate!
Bummer...think 'bout my foot in yer door...before ya drop up the perch!
Goodo mate!
tbb gets chicken skin & a sudden urge to unroll the power lead...shocking isn't it!
Another week of fan mail to bin...Love You Always...from [L] Pollies to daily Stalkers!
How about ya share some Fan mail with the crew tbb...Oh my gosh, my hands are tied aren't they!
Just gotta run that by my stalker sponsor...{Heavy breathing with a gurgle means Oh YES Please!}
But first my stalker has gotta groom tbb within a romantic setting...just humour him..
(Picture a Gold Ribboned Bottle of Champerz with a popped cork ...A Toast with 2 Flutes)
Ok! So none notice that no one's Cork has been popped & Stalker urinated into 2 bottomless glasses!
tbb knows this cheap-skate spiked one glass with Rohypnol & the anecdote is in the other.
Gleefully scull both glasses just to piss him off...he won't be back in a hurry!
{ Just another Award that tbb will likely frame & mount above the Telly...nuthin' special! }
Dear love of my life, Happy Homeiversary ( Smiley face) 18 Today
Congratulations on yer Home Anniversary! On this day back in 2006, you made the wonderful decision to purchase your property in Reedy Creek, and although I didn't assist you in finding your home, I want to acknowledge this Special Milestone.
Owning a home in Reedy Creek is a significant accomplishment, and the memories you've made in your home must be truly priceless. The area has seen consistent growth in value and is highly regarded for its desirability and elite status. Demand for homes in Reedy Creek continues to rise, reflecting its appeal!
If you ever need assistance with your property or have any real estate questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch. I'm always here to help you in any way I can. My experience selling numerous properties in Reedy Creek gives me valuable insights into the local market,so feel free to reach out anytime.
Wishing you continued joy, love, and cherished moments in your beautiful home. May your next years in Reedy Creek bring you even more happiness and success!
Warmest wishes, Mr Stalker Hawker...( Includes charming photo of Mono-browed ruffian type ) So hot!
PS : "Could you reboot the cam in yer daughters bedroom...for the Open House Slumber Party webcast!"
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Homehandyman..."We Real Estate Agents got feelings mate...we gotta pee somewhere on the job!"
E Harmony Komissar xxx [censored] xxx

^ one of a kind.
Chicken skin and power leads.
I’m still laughing
House prices - going to go up , down or sideways ?
Opinions and anecdotal stories if you could.