Wave of the day

yep those huge lumps and bumps suggest interesting times ahead for Max

I love how there are about 3 WOTD threads ;p

Ha! Makes it hard to follow sometimes.
That one of the booger from a couple of days ago was sick. Heavy wave, committed and amazing colours.

Today’s would have to be one of the most amasing images of all time

I agree goofyfoot Don’t think I’ve ever seen a bigger rounder barrel photo

The footage of The Right in TB's current surf flick was totally mind blowing. Such an intense, dangerous wave. Epic photo alright....

Today’s photo couldn’t be any further from what Victoria’s beaches look like today. That’s torture

No need to blow out spots Peely.

That’s a good photo today. The four semi-parallel lines of cars, landscape and wave. The 4 human silhouettes, including the surfer. The graduated shades of colours. Very nice!

Today is unreal

Yeah, can really 'feel' that turn and moment eh. Fun!

The timing is so good. Love it

Worth mentioning that Mick Burnside took today's shot while skinning it. No wetty.
In Mick's words:
Mick has been in Melbourne lockdown so he's clearly loving life again.

The water is still cool, so yeah, incomplete brass monkey conditions, brave boy.

He really makes that area look a lot better than it it this guy, that would of been the only wave all day that looked like that.
Awesome shot though.

goofyfoot wrote:He really makes that area look a lot better than it it this guy, that would of been the only wave all day that looked like that.
Awesome shot though.
Remember the old peninsula-surf website surf reports?
The photos made it look like it was pumping everyday.

Ha! Yes certainly do

You can get to on the wayback machine for a nice nostalgic trip

Hoax Coast

Was it from earlier this week?
Tues evening was pumping on that coast.

Wow that’s heavy

Unreal WOTD today

I agree, a WOW moment when I first saw it. Heavy!

Who owns the sup paddle?

Ha, looks like something else, not as offensive as a SUP paddle.

Good one today. Can tell how fast he’s hit it

These pics of Nias are always so misleading making it look like paradise looking up the point to where there is lots of coconuts palms and sparse building's among them.
The reality is down the point is a complete ghetto a hot lunar landscape devoid of palms and concrete jungle of concrete boxes.

indo-dreaming wrote:These pics of Nias are always so misleading making it look like paradise looking up the point to where there is lots of coconuts palms and sparse building's among them.
The reality is down the point is a complete ghetto a hot lunar landscape devoid of palms and concrete jungle of concrete boxes.
That figures, haven’t been there since 1982 but could have guessed.

Can Street View from Teluk Dalam or look from Above .

Today's WOTD.....overrated. Love the caption.

^^ love that place; recognise that tuff of grass

How often is Naz like that?
Looks a lot better that size than when it’s 600 feet

And empty too.

generosity. been something i have smiled about wave-wise for a while. getting a chandelier in the hood is cool-bananas, but that thing vicco waves do, where they are generous, is just beautiful. 'getting shacked' sounds cool, but as you get older, a drop and a close out, they can lose their hoorayness..
there have been some magic steve arklay pics, the 'salute to the sun' one particularly, that slopey thing that is like a ski field.. pretty great for water to make the effort. . rather than just falling over elegantly.. It was a b&w needessential mail-out pic (a few weeks ago) of bryce young that got me all gooey for wave generosity, maybe while he was in south africa?

basesix wrote:generosity. been something i have smiled about wave-wise for a while. getting a chandelier in the hood is cool-bananas, but that thing vicco waves do, where they are generous, is just beautiful. 'getting shacked' sounds cool, but as you get older, a drop and a close out, they can lose their hoorayness..
there have been some magic steve arklay pics, the 'salute to the sun' one particularly, that slopey thing that is like a ski field.. pretty great for water to make the effort. . rather than just falling over elegantly.. It was a b&w needessential mail-out pic (a few weeks ago) of bryce young that got me all gooey for wave generosity, maybe while he was in south africa?
How ya feeling?
Dr Quad does this when he feels a sore throat/couching/cold and flu ish symptoms starting...Drop 3/4 Echineca 5000 capsules with a couple of Zinc/C/horseradish....3 times a day...better the next day usually.Plenty of water,NO alcohol(it destroys the vitamins in our food)

getting there, @quad, cheers for asking, good advice. got slammed but. thinking I picked up omicron or delta covid on my way out of melbs, burning upper resp tract glug, heart palpitations, night fever sweats, system retaining water and salt like a mofo.. all flooded out coupla days ago.. felt 80% normal yesterday. feeling 85+ today.
g'day swellnet people
im new to this so please bare with me and excuse me if it has been asked previously or im in the wrong section but how does one go about getting their images on wave of the day on swellnets homepage? is it exclusively for swellnets photographers or can anyone sumbit a photo? is there certain restrictions that need to be followed eg file type and size.
thanks in advance!
if you have a spare 5minutes please head www.facebook.com/southshoreco and check us out!