Watch: Jaws From Sea Level

Craig Brokensha picture
Craig Brokensha (Craig)
Swellnet Dispatch

A RAW video documenting extra-large swell that impacted the Hawaiian Island chain on Wednesday from a lesser seen sea level angle.

Big drops, big barrels and even bigger wipe-outs. The one at 10:30s is noteworthy.


Jono's picture
Jono's picture
Jono Friday, 13 Jan 2023 at 10:19am

Insane vid - looks even heavier from this angle. Just massive bowls, and next level charging.

sunhil's picture
sunhil's picture
sunhil Friday, 13 Jan 2023 at 11:18am

2:50 needs a notable mention.

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Friday, 13 Jan 2023 at 11:20am
Jono's picture
Jono's picture
Jono Friday, 13 Jan 2023 at 1:32pm

Looks like the 10:30 wipeout was Nate Florence

And Matahi out there charging too

Island Bay's picture
Island Bay's picture
Island Bay Friday, 13 Jan 2023 at 2:32pm

10-12ft Peahi/Jaws: does it break? Crowded? Asking for a friend.

(Madeira points probably better and more accessible at that size, though.)

Jamyardy's picture
Jamyardy's picture
Jamyardy Saturday, 21 Jan 2023 at 11:11pm

Not sure about that range IB, but know a bloke that surfed it at 15ft, said it was super busy and hard to get a wave because of the crowd, old mate can paddle a board and catch a big wave. Youtube might have sessions at Jaws in smaller swells, never been, don't know if it breaks or is worth surfing when smaller. Good luck.

Bisho's picture
Bisho's picture
Bisho Friday, 13 Jan 2023 at 2:32pm

Great vid love that angle. At 14:15 rider seems to materialise from nowhere. Flying through foam ball ?

Vunerable's picture
Vunerable's picture
Vunerable Friday, 13 Jan 2023 at 4:26pm

It was B Kemper there’s images and vid of the full ride if you hunt around.Flaring insane waves.

bluediamond's picture
bluediamond's picture
bluediamond Friday, 13 Jan 2023 at 4:16pm

Epic angle. Love it. Can really see the commitment of guys like Nate Florence etc on those big black ones.

Craig's picture
Craig's picture
Craig Friday, 13 Jan 2023 at 5:54pm
goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot Friday, 13 Jan 2023 at 6:10pm

Imagine how big those waves would be in real life.
Those guys and gals are seriously amazing.
Nathan Florence is a fucking lunatic, is he fearless? The bloke goes on anything at any size. Imagine having that mentality it must be fucking wild

bluediamond's picture
bluediamond's picture
bluediamond Friday, 13 Jan 2023 at 6:48pm

Fucken oath @Goofyfoot!! They need to bottle some of that Florence blood cos it seems to be hereditary. Maybe it's the CBD oil!!
I just watched this new poddy from Nathan and Koa Rothman. I thought it was really good. Some great insights into their mindset in tackling that giant stuff. When dudes that surf the waves they surf speak, i will listen. Looking forward to more of these pods. Cheers.

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Friday, 13 Jan 2023 at 7:45pm

That last story when Ivan was only 14 sounded heavy , mad bastards

seaslug's picture
seaslug's picture
seaslug Friday, 13 Jan 2023 at 9:40pm

I was on a foamie surfing 1ft closeouts at 13/14

goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot Friday, 13 Jan 2023 at 7:54pm

Sounds good I’ll check it out. Is this the one you posted the link for in the other thread supa?

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Friday, 13 Jan 2023 at 8:09pm


seaslug's picture
seaslug's picture
seaslug Friday, 13 Jan 2023 at 9:39pm

Thanks BD, that was good listening

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Friday, 13 Jan 2023 at 7:43pm
bluediamond's picture
bluediamond's picture
bluediamond Friday, 13 Jan 2023 at 8:34pm

Wow! Insane @supa. Great to hear Nathans insights into how he's refining his big wave guns to be more like a board he'd surf at Pipe. Gonna be interesting seeing where that goes and you can already see the places they're taking off on at Jaws and JJF at Waimea. These fellas are the current frontiermen of big wave surfing. Just hope their bodies can stand up to the inevitable punishment that comes with putting themselves in the maw of these giants.

Island Bay's picture
Island Bay's picture
Island Bay Saturday, 14 Jan 2023 at 4:45am

Sounds a bit like Albee on his West Bowl specific Jaws boards. As far as I know, he's been on an 8'2 for many years. Udo will be able to confirm, or tell me I'm wrong :-)

Robwilliams's picture
Robwilliams's picture
Robwilliams Friday, 13 Jan 2023 at 10:59pm

In their prime and charging, what a life, Go you maddogs. They are sitting pretty but still pushing it and thats what its all about, regardless of $$$ or podcasts etc. The can complement each other and age nicely, Don't sell every secret but keep livin'. tell it like it is. The sport needs more honesty and integrity regardless from the top down to regain some of whats been lost, and it can only come from the current generation at the top. Send it. The future is here until the next rolls in or around. Paddle those beasts cause we aint going back. Stoked Ive got to see a little of whats played out from a distance in regards to boundaries being broken whoever the riders are over the years. Pros can influence the sport and followers in many ways. In a way they have a responsibility because they are the spear head of everything to follow good and bad related to surfing. And everything beyond surfing. Charge on. The future is now..

billie's picture
billie's picture
billie Saturday, 14 Jan 2023 at 12:26am

Such beautiful, big, blue swells. Such brave men. Such much commitment and organisation from those men to even be there.

That was so refreshing after drone footage and Nic Von footage.

green room's picture
green room's picture
green room Sunday, 15 Jan 2023 at 7:15am

Better angle than drones. Nathan Florence doesn't care if he lives or dies.

tiger's picture
tiger's picture
tiger Sunday, 15 Jan 2023 at 9:11am

Yes love the angle of the footage compared to the usual Jaws footage. It's a more relatable perspective, and really gives you a better perspective on the wave.

blackers's picture
blackers's picture
blackers Sunday, 15 Jan 2023 at 9:14am

Love the perspective, makes it seem more real, less cartoonish than the drone view. Hats off to all the boys and girls who do that paddle out.