Restraining orders
Professional Sports evolve rapidly, and so it follows that the rules change and evolve as well, to optimise the spectacle, remove ambiguity and level the competition.
Like, this year in NRL-land there’s new rules about scrum positions, tackling mid-air, what happens when the ball scones a ref, a general-play “challenge” system, an inversion of the 40/20 kick, and new limits to how long a trainer can spend on field – a rule that’ll cause sadness and confusion for one Alfie Langer come Origin.
Even the genteel sport of Golf – Scottish bastards have been whacking the white ball since the 15th century, so you’d think they’d have it sorted by now, but no. You don’t want to know the extent of the rule fuckerage that’s gone down in the space of a single year. Seriously, you don’t.
Anyway, there’s a fascinating subset of rule-changery in sports leagues, however, and that’s when rules are amended as result of a single athlete’s influence.
A single athlete who will, literally – all on their own – Change The Game.
If you’re into your hoops, you can thank Leroy Edwards for the Three-Second Rule (where you can’t camp under the ring for longer than three secs). His pre-eminence in the key necessitated that one back in 1936.
In ’67, dunking was banned for a decade to neutralise Kareem Abdul-Jabbar’s dominance, (We like to think this somehow facilitated his foray into acting – co-pilot in seminal 1980 movie Flying High – a Swellnet-certified five-star classic.)
Boxing bouts were changed from 15 rounds to 12 after Ray Mancini killed his opponent; they changed the layout of ice-hockey goalsquares ‘cos goalie Marty Brodeur was too pucken clever by half; baseball mounds were lowered to neuter a ballslinger named Gibbo.
And there’s a rogue’s gallery of the less-than-glorious gamechangers.
Through the 2004 NFL season, Roy Williams had injured so many opponents by yanking the inside of their shoulder pads as they streaked by him, the “horse-collar tackle” was outlawed by next season. Ice hockey has 'The Avery Rule' – which we won’t go into ‘cos we haven’t gotten up to the surfing bit yet – but needless to say Sean Avery was an ornery one, even by ice hockey’s standards.
All of which brings us to chapter 11, verse 17a in the Woz’s 111-page 2020 rulebook – updated March 1st and uploaded to on the weekend.
Remember the Round of 16 at Pipeline a few short months ago? Gabs versus Kayo Ibelli? Sure you do. With less than a minute on the clock, and without priority, The Dark Lord performed that deliberate interference that had commentators rhapsodising about his otherworldy powers of mental arithmetic and the commentariat clamouring in condemnation – how dare Gabs use tactics in the sacred ocean where the dolphins and the mermaids roam, etc.
Swellnet ed Stu called it a month ago, and told your Ding Alley correspondent to keep an eye out for the new rulebook – “I’m so adamant they’ll modify a rule around Gabby and that incident that if it doesn’t change I’ll wear facepaint and sing 'Stand and Deliver' at the top of my lungs.”
Fortunately for Stuart Leslie Goddard’s* fine legacy, we’re spared Stu’s stepping up to the mic any time soon.
Here’s rule 11.17a (note the important change is after the first sentence):
For priority situations when an interference is called on a Surfer, then the interfering Surfer’s second highest Ride score will tally as a zero. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if there is an interference (e.g., by dropping in, paddling, blocking) that prevents a Surfer from performing on a potential scoring Ride (i.e., a Ride that the Judges determine could have resulted in one or the Surfer’s two highest scoring Rides) in the final five (5) minutes of a heat, the value of the interfering Surfer’s highest scoring wave will tally as a zero. If a majority of the Judges determine that the interference during the final five (5) minutes was intentional, the interfering Surfer will be disqualified and lose the heat.
It’s pretty clear this rule change (with the highest scoring ride zeroed, disqualification etc) is aimed at anyone looking to employ the same at-the-death tactics Gabby (brilliantly or blatantly, your call) used at Pipe.
And as Stu also reminded your correspondent, “Keep in mind it's not the first time they've had to rewrite rules to curb Gabby's insatiable competitive drive. Few years back they had to redraft the blocking rule after he had run ins with Bede at Bells, Slater at Pipe, and others too who I can’t recall right now.”
This lives as rule 11.13, where, to paraphrase: The Priority Surfer loses priority if they paddle or position themselves in front of the non-Priority Surfer to deliberately impede them from catching a wave, or block an opponent by catching a wave with no intention to score, (in which case it doesn’t matter who’s back out in the take off spot first).
So as well as two World Titles and all those event victories, our Gabs can also add a couple of rule rewrites to his legacy. And good on him.
People write Gabs off because his extreme competitive instincts run counter to our own ideal associations of surfing, but shit, if you enjoy watching amazing surfing, then professional surfing provides this, and old mate pushes the whole show forward – from performance to regulatory minutiae – more than pretty much anyone.
And for those who imagine that somehow he lacks appreciation, or that the nuanced gifts of surfing are lost on him, it probably helps to call to mind how deep and rich Gab’s bank of tube vision memories runs.
(And though it’s tempting, given the wellspring of Catholicism that propels the Brazillian push, to make a comment about the whole “inappropriate interference” thing, we should probably refrain.)
Gabs is neither Roy Williams scoundrel nor Kareem Abdul-Jabbar savant, but someone for whom victory is so crushingly important. That’s his gift and his burden. And no matter what we bang on about with our keyboards and screens, it’s unlikely he gives the judgement of us punters too much thought.
But sometime this year, with the jersey on and with a few minutes on the clock, there’ll be a situation, a set approaching, old boy Chuckles will be on the beach looking like someone’s just skinned and eaten his cat, there’ll be an opponent needing or defending a score, there’ll be that 111-page rulebook – updated 1st March – sitting on the WSL site, there’ll be a panel of judges, there’ll be Gabby, calculating exactly how hard he can push within the restraints, and there’ll be the rest of us – intrigued, curious, triggered, and nothing if not entertained.
*Adam Ant
Ding Alley is two mates, writer Gra Murdoch and cartoonist @maccatoons – who made their media debut inserting ‘Good Weekend’ supplements into Melbourne’s friday Age newspaper, the 11.00pm to 4.00am shift, alongside fellow drunks and ne’er do wells.
Interesting to see the names "Gabs" and "Kareem Abdul-Jabbar" in the same sentence. You couldn't have two more polar opposite athletes. Gabs uses his fame, fortune, and skills to benefit nobody but himself and immediate family. He's more than happy to punch down if someone gets in his way.
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar on the other hand is a giant of a man, physically, intellectually and ethically. As Molly Meldrum likes to say "Do yourself a favour" and go read some of Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's columns. What an outstanding human being. Gabs? not so much.
You go ooh and ahh when I jump in my car
People treat me like Kareem Abdul Jabbar
When I’m supreme rap star
He helps a lot of people through his charity - Gabriel Medina Institute. What about you champ? What do you do for others? There you go bukz. And yes, I do donate plenty of time and money to various charities.
He still does more to others than you, surfs way better and gets more pussy than you.
Haha who cares , I bet vic local doesn’t surf poo stance.
You care, you even took the time to comment and give an opinion
Wow bukz, you actually worship this bloke.
Unlike Medina, I don't have a massive social media following. And I've never unleashed a social media shitstorm on a competitor after I dropped in on him.
Caio was copping death threats from the Medina fan group and Gabs did fuck all about it. He had every opportunity, over an extended period of time, to tell his fans to calm down. Medina just let the abuse of Caio continue. That's a dog act.
Yeah that is some serious shit mate. Social media shitstorm, not fair
I change my mind from worshipping him to hating him so much after your comment
Chill out Gabriel you’re making this worse.
Shut up kook, do u think gabriel is wasting his time with this crap you are crazy. I have better things to do getting barreled, hanging with dad and neymar and getting bucetas, piss off
That's not very nice calling Neymar a pussy Bukz
Good 1 :D
Gee bukz, getting a bit fired up. Are you his PR, or PA?
I'm having a vision of Jesus in The Big Lebowski.
He was great in Flying High too.
We have clearance Clarence, roger Roger, what's our vector Victor..
Well said Vic Local
Great article. I’m no Medina fanboy, was glad Italo beat him, but the guy is a competitive beast and an asset to the sport. Even if you hate him, you can’t deny he brings something interesting to the sport, even if that’s controversy. There always has to be a villain and Medina is brilliantly deserving of the accolade.
Most villains in sport are professional "heals". Gorgeous Gorge (professional wrestler) was the original and still the best heal in "sport". People hated his guts in the 1950s and his fame was built on it. Ali used the same tactics as Gorgeous Gorge. Anthony Mundine is another classic heal. Bogans paid good money (much of it ended up in Mundine's bank account) to watch him get beaten up.
Medina on the other hand isn't a heal at all. He doesn't earn one extra cent from being the bad guy on tour. He's just a flog for free.
Exactly, that’s what makes it all the more entertaining. He’s a genuine villain who’s doing it because he can’t help himself, not because he’s getting paid extra for it. So much more fascinating and compelling to watch.
scottishsponger. There's three basic types of "villains" in sport. Professional villains like Gorgeous Gorge. Garden variety wanker villains like Medina, and athletes of colour who stand up against racial vilification / oppression. People like Carlos and Smith at the Mexican Olympics, Colin Kaepernick in American football, and Goodes in the AFL. These people pay a very high price for their principles.
I laugh with Mundine, salute the likes of Goodes, and despise Medina.
George, mate ... Gorgeous George. I watched him a couple of times at the Stadium. Bloke was a killer.
Turns out if you want a world title, at some point everyone else has to become another Fucken loser.
I'm no fan of gabs tactics, he is Fucken ruthless, but to him everyone else is jus a ------ loser.
Judges aren't really juicing him like JJF either.
He handled loss well at pipe last year also.
I reckon that loss, and the way he handled it, showed that The Dark Lord - AKA Gabriel Lecter - does have a conscience after all.
For mine, that move with Caio rattled him more than he let on and was one of the reasons he made a few uncharacteristic errors in the final.
First wave of final was first blood.
Italo showed gabby a how to at back door.
Gabby faltered through the final and well...........some times that's just surfing.
Having Dorian as your coach for backdoor with job on the sideline isn't going to hurt either.
You know Stu , the contest came and went. For some people though the the final left more questions than answers.
Italo vs gabby who has more wins ?
I know they aren't best mates.
I’ve got 3 & a half cases left. Cricketers lager has been the favourite. Thanks again Italo :)

Ha ha- awesome!
Bet they taste good.
I think you're right Stu. I think the move on Caio got in Gabby's own head. The way he gave Italo that first wave in the final was pretty damn weird. Agree with Vic Local too, except I don't despise Gabby, he just is what he is ... go R Cal, Ewing ... and Robbo!?
Haha, copywright that term "flog for free"
He needs a sticker of that on his board.
Would've loved to have been a fly on the wall at that meeting. Trying to not only draft a rule against what Gabriel did, but also guess what he may do in the future.
I agree.
Awesome. Cheers boys.
05:01 to go: "Now you can burn him"
04:59 to go: "Now you can no longer burn him"
Hmm .. yeah... why the 5 minute threshold - surely it’s better if the rule applies at all times
I think it's because, for one, prior to the five minute mark, it'd be silly to interfere because there's a good chance the other surfer will get one or more chances at priority and improve their score (while the penalised surfer loses their second score).
Two, they left the rule as is because there are times when an interference has to be called yet it isn't deliberate; it may be a mix up, may be that a surfer hasnt kept track of the priority board, or maybe he/she are just pushing their luck. In those instances a penalty is called for but not one that's impossible to come back from.
We've all seen surfers holding priority shut down the last five or so minutes of a heat: sitting on the other surfer, following them around the lineup but not catching waves themselves. What Gabs did at Pipe was a more extreme version of the same.
The five minute thing may seem arbitrary but I reckon it's a good balance.
Plato said, 'you can tell how corrupt a government/organisation is by the number of rules/laws there are'
Ape says, "less rules r betta"
1 rule: cause an injury and you lose.
Other than that it should be a free-for-all??
2nd Ape Anonymous (Motion Carried)
Rewards for deeper more complete power surfing.
*Olympics run 'Common Surfing Etiquette' (Inside Priority Rule)
Simply add common Law...(Original & Best)
(*Backdown review after 2024 scary 5 man Teahupoo heat inclusion?)
WSL "Best time wasting shoulder hopper can feather dust ELO's bumfluff."
WSL "Whoever camps longest & farthest from the break wins the title."
PS : Same Actors signed a 10 year sunset clause for riveting drama series.
It is interesting - I read (here on swellnet I think) that there was already a rule about intentional drop-Ins or unsportsmanlike conduct...
So why didn’t the wsl have the courage to enforce it - perhaps the prospect of a world title deciding cliff hager pipe final was too salivating?
If that’s the case - the wsl is too afraid to enforce rules they establish for the long term betterment of the sport in the face of a tempting short term expediency - then no amount of rule changes will make much difference
Just a thought
NDC is 100% correct on Charlie's Threat no # [11.17a-z]
Better get a Lawyer Grom! (For yer Beverly Hills Show Trial)
Charlie's Angels select'n'set PURE whitewash Spin Cycle.
Trad unsportsmanlike posturing by our #1 window dressers
WSL are true professionals at drawing out heat time!
tbb tripped over this archaic elephant in the room scripture.
[*WSL may not conspire with Charlie to burn down the VIP Arena]
*Exploding Death Star fail safe redo code [BREAK GLASS # 11.17a-z]
Hooray for Hollywood!
Let the Brazzos loose on each other and leave it to "their" God to sort it out.
I'm sure Charlie had a big hand in the whole deal.. doesn't pay to over think it and take the low road.
there aren't too many characters in sports that are able to turn normally reasonable people into rabid keyboard warriors like Gabriel does. the way people lose their shit talking about him, not to mention the illest villain of them all, Charlie (whose greatest crime appears to be pacing back and forwards on the sand during heats) is so distorted from reality.
I hate you for sticking up for him!
Can not wait to watch gabby at gland .
Tickets please and popcorn.
Hey gm14 – we'll have none of that equanimity here, young man!
Surely if you have kids you would have come up against dicks like Charles. Footy clubs are a classic example with some of the fathers being rabid arseholes and wanting their kids to be stars and a win at all cost mentality. If you haven't been frustrated and pissed off about this, then you mustn't care about sport. The whole idea of us against them is a sad way to live.
that's a cop out. if it's Snake in the Charlie role telling Zeke to get under JJF's rashie we all have a laugh and say well that's what you gotta do to win. the difference between Charlie and all the other surfers handlers / parents / coaches is he's on screen for 75% of Medina's heats for some ungodly reason (i don't like looking at the guy but i don't let it ruin my day).
and to your last point, the whole aussie surf fans hating brazzos / medina in particular does feel a lot like us against them, and yep it does seem a sad way to live.
You didn't address my point except saying it is a cop out. Why is it a cop out to teach kids to win and loose well? So you are saying they are all telling their surfers to do anything it takes within the rules? Probably right in pro sport its just that he comes across so ungracious if it is anything except winning. Big difference between needling someone and just being a complete arsehole. You should know this if you have ever played any sport. Some you can go up to afterwards and call them a few names and have a laugh; others are just arseholes and don't talk to anyone and just want to win.
Oh to be a dandy highwayman
If he owned being the villian it would be alright...intsead he acts like a knob and then crys about it afterwards
Tux I don't think he knows what he is. His step dad has blown smoke up it bum since day one and now he is adored in his home country and has no idea beyond this. Uber talented and seemingly no connection to the world beyond his doors. He could be on the spectrum somewhere which might explain it. By all accounts lovely guy without water added.
well all i can say is trainers should be banned from the ground completely (and not just because alfie is a tool)
oh yeah - and fuck medina. because what vic local said
So now Charlie will be watching the clock even more closely. Fuckhead that he is.