Reckon the surf report would be 2/10. 1ft short period plunger swell stay in bed. A bit of potential though and could imagine it on a big day with a longer period plunger swell. Looks like a low lying area subject to flooding in heavy rain.
blindboySaturday, 27 Oct 2018 at 9:35pm
lampySaturday, 27 Oct 2018 at 10:21pm
Triple the size and it might be ok
jeffgraz1Sunday, 28 Oct 2018 at 2:47pm
It is a scaled down demo pool after all its not at full comercial size pool
stunetMonday, 29 Oct 2018 at 9:06am
No, it's a full size pool. From the latest Surf Lakes email:
"We’re so excited to have completed our demo and proven our technology at full scale."
shoredumpSunday, 28 Oct 2018 at 8:36am
It’s a very safe bet you would have a shit load of fun surfing this even at this size. Play the video again, and just listen to them this time. Correct me if I’m wrong, but every negative wavepool comment has come from someone who hasn’t surfed one, just as only positive comments have come from people who have surfed one. Am I the only one that has noticed that the last couple of years? I reckon keep your mind open on this era of surfing. It’s not replacing the menu, it’s just an addition to the banquet. It’s fun. Look at those aerial shots. If you found a bank breaking like that today, you’d be happy. It’s no different
thermalbenSunday, 28 Oct 2018 at 8:35am
The PR strategy around Surf Lakes is very odd.
You only get one shot at your First Big Announcement, and this seems to have missed the mark. I don't understand the need to rush out footage of small waves that they promise will be bigger?
Most people have forgotton the specifics by now, but the way Kelly revealed his wave pool to the general public was benchmark stuff.
indo-dreamingSunday, 28 Oct 2018 at 9:33am
Maybe they were just frothing so hard and worried of leaks i guess they first just need to ensure all goes fine and sort out any issues before they really crank it up.
Yeah the Kelly reveal was amazing still the best footage just the whole usual Kelly blew us away first.
cswellsMonday, 29 Oct 2018 at 9:03am
Kelly is definitely way more business-focused and a good salesman, so I think he knows how to play the media better.
Although underwhelming for size and power, and the fact the technology is pretty ugly, I think this is the first pool to nail the bathymetry.
indo-dreamingSunday, 28 Oct 2018 at 9:25am
I was surprised to read on Facebook from someone that surfed it
"was in the water with dingo and parko after their first waves... they were frothing how much better it was.."
In compassion to Kellys pool.
nickgMonday, 29 Oct 2018 at 12:37am
i thought the facebook comment was going to be: "i was in the water with dingo and.... he dropped in on me every wave..."
indo-dreamingSunday, 28 Oct 2018 at 9:29am
I think it has a lot of potential and would still be fun even at that size, i really like the setting/location sand the lake itself does look natural, I'm sure they could disguise the mechanical aspect like a big rock outcrop type thing.
Hope they don't pour to much concrete an buildings etc and keep the natural Aussie feel.
regydogySunday, 28 Oct 2018 at 10:46am
knee high to a grasshopper , lol , can it get bigger ? all that money and effort for a 1 foot wave , surely . sort of embarrassing watching the crew screaming at it lol . think i have a better idea ?
regydogySunday, 28 Oct 2018 at 10:47am
LogicalSunday, 28 Oct 2018 at 10:56am
Wow I thought corporate workplace culture was toxic and false. Where everybody is trying to look and sound super positive about the most minor thing.
Seems the surf industry is suffering the same culture conditioning.
sypkanSunday, 28 Oct 2018 at 12:24pm
There was some really strange footage in there
Not natural in more ways than one
You'd think surfing would be the last place for this creepy culture to infiltrate...appears not...
mab222Sunday, 28 Oct 2018 at 11:30am
well for those that dont rate this wave- they can go surf the quality breaks in and a round yeppoon
RoboSunday, 28 Oct 2018 at 12:37pm
If you check their insta that was working at less than 50% capacity, so at 4ft would be good.
wallpaperSunday, 28 Oct 2018 at 12:45pm
I'd surf it
fraser-gordonSunday, 28 Oct 2018 at 1:35pm
Haha imagine the sponsorship opportunities Dress the plunger up like a huge can of beer,cheeseburger or even Tony Abbotts head producing waves off his ear's.
regydogyMonday, 29 Oct 2018 at 11:25am
dastashaSunday, 28 Oct 2018 at 3:42pm
Turn it up!!!
truebluebasherSunday, 28 Oct 2018 at 4:47pm
3rd Time lucky...Surf Flick is dedicated to Swellnet Chix from all the Swellnet Crew.
Further proof that guys don't deserve equal money...Sunset last wave in... Let it rip Sis'
Nice little wave to finish on. That plunger looks serious. Wouldn't want to get too close
thatguySunday, 28 Oct 2018 at 4:53pm
I'd have crack at it. Fuck it's better than some of the shit I've surfed over the years.
truebluebasherSunday, 28 Oct 2018 at 5:40pm
Ask yourselves! Fill the pool to minimum low tide...Any problems must be sorted now!
There is no emptying a pool this size for a 2nd crack! What if we could've done that?
You give the girls a turn...Lock in the feedback to iron out any banks.
Call in the Plastic Surgeons for a bit of padding here chicken fillet there and a DD A frame.
Let the hose run for a 'bout 2 droughts & lock in another pool party at xmas.
Let the seasoned Pool Girls test drive their new boardz
New year & you top it up to high tide mark and Surfs Up twice as high & longer rides. Sweet!
JosephStalinSunday, 28 Oct 2018 at 8:25pm
Geez I hate when surfers speak
truebluebasherMonday, 29 Oct 2018 at 2:45am
This is the gif of felicity's Surf Lakes wave (sensurround version)
My main objection to these wave pools is there's no potential for a horry-darkie to black out the horizon and clean up the line up. Where's the fun in that?
Plunger is broken already, article on stab, reads like a shit show!
sypkanMonday, 29 Oct 2018 at 10:47am
That plunger is some serious equipment.
The whole thing looks a bit mad max/end of days to be honest. Combined with the noise and the air valve, it's not really the aesthetics one desires when having a peaceful surf.
But to be fair, Kelly's has a bit industrial waste land look about it as well. Nature's magic is clearly quite difficult to replicate without an energy hungry factory style backdrop. Fail.
And, I hate to be the annoying OH&S guy (as I loathe that guy) but you'd think that would need some sort of serious barricading before the public can go anywhere near it. Maybe witches hats, hazard tape, or an annoying clubbie with a loud speaker would suffice, but it'd still be weird surfing near all that hard core equipment. Perhaps water police on jet skis, that'd be pleasant, just to replicate that genuine 2018 queensland surfing experience.
On a positive note, the four peaks facing different directions overcomes the possible problem of strong onshore.
Lanky DeanMonday, 29 Oct 2018 at 12:38pm
.......Well I sat back watched the clip. The clip came out first wave surfed a fail.
Next clip came out Occy ......where he didn't quite hide his disappointment( well he wasn't very convincing) .
Although like Waco AND Wave Garden's model it shows potential.
They just need to make it bigger. With that though so comes the liability aspect. Personally I think a lot of surfers want to see 4 foot plus waves . I think they will clamp it at that or six feet though....the liability just seems to great. No one is yet to get completely fuct up from it yet.
At size though I would strongly advise surfing with a helmet!
Not many people on the east coast surf reefs without cungy.
From what I've read they may have cut corners and skipped on a few important things .
Under engineering the slab .
Flaws in mechanical design.
No fields tests to iron out kinks.
Rushing the initial set-up /sequence of machine.
Inadequate materials / material thickness.
Lack of understanding of basic Engineering/ physics principals.
Also letting management override designers /engineers...on materials, design, operational procedures.
Some pretty big fails unfortunately.
I hope they fix it and learn from their mistakes...
spookyptMonday, 29 Oct 2018 at 4:10pm
The footage was edited in my opinion. There's just no way Parko or Dingo would a been out there without jet ski assist in those conditions. I call it a hoax! More likely a backdrop Mel G, Tina Turner and Angry Anderson would be seen.
lostMonday, 29 Oct 2018 at 9:18pm
Bloody hilarious Spooky, By the way I don't think a single wave has ever been ridden at kellys pond with out a stinking jet ski following it !
channel-bottomMonday, 29 Oct 2018 at 4:29pm
Was reading somewhere that the energy required to increase the wave size at these pools increases at a geometric rate (rather than lineal), which is what limits these pools from getting bigger surf.
Based on the above, I'm surprised that they think the Yepoon pool can go 3 or 4 times bigger than this as I would assume they need a bigger plunger moving at a faster speed?
freeride76Monday, 29 Oct 2018 at 4:37pm
There's bigger physical limitation on the surf lakes wave generation model.
Copying a comment here from another surf site:
The inverse square law concerns the circular wave. Diffraction (the banks) and absorption (mainly the concrete bottom) also reduce wave energy.
The greater the pool radius- effectively the distance of the wave peak from the plunger + the length of the 'bank', the weaker the wave.
The inverse square law
A plane wave of a single frequency in theory will propagate forever with no change or loss. This is not the case with a circular or spherical wave, however. One of the most important properties of this type of wave is a decrease in intensity as the wave propagates. The mathematical explanation of this principle, which derives as much from geometry as from physics, is known as the inverse square law.
As a circular wave front (such as that created by dropping a stone onto a water surface) expands, its energy is distributed over an increasingly larger circumference. The intensity, or energy per unit of length along the circumference of the circle, will therefore decrease in an inverse relationship with the growing radius of the circle, or distance from the source of the wave. In the same way, as a spherical wave front expands, its energy is distributed over a larger and larger surface area. Because the surface area of a sphere is proportional to the square of its radius, the intensity of the wave is inversely proportional to the square of the radius. This geometric relation between the growing radius of a wave and its decreasing intensity is what gives rise to the inverse square law.
The decrease in intensity of a spherical wave as it propagates outward can also be expressed in decibels. Each factor of two in distance from the source leads to a decrease in intensity by a factor of four. For example, a factor of four decrease in a wave’s intensity is equivalent to a decrease of six decibels, so that a spherical wave attenuates at a rate of six decibels for each factor of two increase in distance from the source.
TL:DR: the energy from a circular wave propagating radially outward dissipates very quickly.
stunetMonday, 29 Oct 2018 at 4:42pm
Greg W said exactly the same thing on here a year or so ago. Not sure which story it was, there's been a few.
May have sounded to some like derision but there's scientific merit in it.
CraigMonday, 29 Oct 2018 at 4:49pm
Totally, we've discussed this in the office. You can see the wave slowing and decreasing in size down the line as it continues to spread and lose energy.
Unlike Kelly's which has the train pushing the whole time keeping the energy, height and speed up.
Lanky DeanMonday, 29 Oct 2018 at 4:49pm
The problem is they can't make any waves right now Free ride : (
shoredumpMonday, 29 Oct 2018 at 9:38pm
We were also discussing this in the office. It was suggested the wave height will increase by 1.4 once at full power (not double)
It means their numbers stack up. I’ll cop abuse for this, but if you look, they’ve made 5-6ft waves already (face height) Parkos pounding etc
Greg’s will have the best waves, but after seeing Mad Max, I’m not convinced anymore that that is main driver for commercial success. The vibe of this pool to me, works. I’ve got to say I am enjoying this wave pool arms race
Lanky DeanMonday, 29 Oct 2018 at 4:56pm
I wonder what would have happened if they sequence the machine to be at 18 seconds per plung rather than ten or so?
CraigMonday, 29 Oct 2018 at 5:24pm
It probably wouldn't work as the timing is crucial to get the reverb from the wave before to suck out and create the next wave. It'd probably go out of sync if waiting longer, hence the engineers comments on the exact timing of the machine.
BlowinMonday, 29 Oct 2018 at 5:28pm
I hope they’ve got a power setting that goes to 11 cause that ripple ain’t going to cut the mustard.
fitzroy-21Monday, 29 Oct 2018 at 6:10pm
It'll suit the locals though in size and looks a lot like the surf they are use to.
truebluebasherMonday, 29 Oct 2018 at 6:52pm
Giant Toilet Flush Wavepool...makes Mad Max wave pool look a bit posh.
Chain yanking by Child Slave Labour & sponsored by Happy High Herbs.(No joke)
grayWednesday, 31 Oct 2018 at 2:01pm
Haha, holy shit! That thing looks dangerous as hell!
Still, the kids are loving it, what a work out!
tubeshooterMonday, 29 Oct 2018 at 7:28pm
I still can't believe all these wave pool things pretend to be the ultimate training ground for future pros,. not to mention turning beginners into advanced surfers in a matter of weeks/months.. The hype surrounding every one of these pools is over the top. Enjoy the anticipation of rocking up to one of these things , because you can't replace the feeling of 'anticipation' with 'expectation', two totally different things. Unlike a pool, you can't ask Huey for a refund if shit doesn't go your way.
truebluebasherMonday, 29 Oct 2018 at 7:52pm
freeride76 only circular waves can rebound to Spike Source as in shoredumps example.
Thus rising the largest waves in the ocean. The softer the rebound the greater the power.
Results in a volcanic/cyclonic Spike wave of equal power above & beneath (Massive)
No other force can generate a wave higher than old mate in that pool.(See: Power in flex!)
Ironic that the kiddie pool is still best/biggest wave generator.
Comparable kiddy pool border would kick arse Surf Lakes to reverb & spike up the sets.
Wave can spike higher than pool diameter. That's an epic free power source being wasted.
Meteor shower or Micro burst hits ocean & spikes wave km's high... very hard to detect.
1) Rebounding off opposing storms as in Bermuda Triangle can swat a plane from sky.
2) Volcanic/reverse dome wave effect swallows ship fleet in seconds (vanish from radar)
3)Spike drop Tsunami has Tremendous Force rising over Headlands to Mountains.
[FACTCHECK] Meteoric concentric waves have left their mark further inland every time.
Start vid :30 secs ... concentric Wave Spikes in action (Circle wave pools > Biggest Waves!)
truebluebasherMonday, 29 Oct 2018 at 9:14pm
Best widest natural communication is Concentric Smoke Rings or Bull roarers for sound.
Land sea sky + seacreature + Human all naturally vortice from inside out.
This self regeneration propels a concentric wave to keep rolling or increasing power.
Natural concentric surfing or Vorticing is a perfect fit for concentric waves.
Surfboards can't surf the below face wave vortice so lose power becoming rather sluggish.
With a harder flooring that's a lot of extra power that's wasted or surrendered beneath.
Pressurize yourself to suit power stream now contour human rail from 1ft-8ft to tap vortice.
Counterbalance to squeeze max wave power pressurizing the vortice inside you and out.
A forward leaning concentric barrel roll will bodyshoot past sluggish boardriders. Easy!
ShaneAbelMonday, 29 Oct 2018 at 9:22pm
I'll be interested to see the economics as there has been no comment from the developer as yet .
Selling the concept is all about a return and there is no comment on that
What will the cost be to surf and what is the cost to generate each wave
My guess one hour at least $100 or more
The impression I get is the wave appears to get smaller as it peels along the reef
Is this because there is no energy driving it after the first motion as opposed to ocean waves where energy is continuous
I think it's a great concept well thought out and I hope it works but clearly needs to produce larger waves and provide an economic return
I always take my hat off to someone having a go as opposed to all the knockers who have achieved nothing
The world is full of people like that
Cheers shane Abel
FozzaTuesday, 30 Oct 2018 at 10:14pm
Yeah - and the world is also full of people who want to impose themselves upon the environment regardless of the consequences....plonk plastic reefs,treated pylons and polluting fish farms wherever they want etc etc what a great achievement.......then there's the obligatory labeling of communities who want to protect their beaches and waterways as 'knockers'....the world is full of 'em's a moot point anyway - the artificial reef is dead, buried and's the inland wave pool that can be situated in the burbs where the punters live, that can be managed to provide a return on investment and, unlike the numerous artificial reef disasters, produce a rideable wave .....
Ray ShirlawMonday, 29 Oct 2018 at 9:52pm
Hell of a big project and I'm bummed that its kinda underwhelming compared to Slat's and the A.W.Machines Texas pool. Couldn't they boost the size with a 'rebound' wall,or.....2plungers?
shoredumpTuesday, 30 Oct 2018 at 6:06am
I’m just wondering if they have over engineered this? Obviously they’ve gone for a massive wave number per hour to impress buyers. But I wonder if instead having the thing “lift” out of the water to create the wave, they might have been better off with a more simple dropping of a weight, like a giant sinker. Those cranes can lift some impressive weights. Surely you could get 1 to 2 per minute. Something like the vertical drop rides at amusement parks. Admittedly that’s much lower numbers than their 6 cycles. I’m just thinking out loud, they probably looked into it. But it’s true that sometimes the simple idea works best. So many forces involved with their system, it’s no surprise it broke. A friend of a friend is invested in this. 500k at first then they asked for another 50. I wonder how he’s feeling. It wasn’t loose change it was life savings. Here’s hoping the show gets back on the road soon. One other thing. If I could post it here I would, but I screen grabbed Parkos wave, and that left is without doubt the tallest and heaviest man made wave in history. Proper heaving barrel that will humble a lot of surfers
channel-bottomTuesday, 30 Oct 2018 at 10:29am
Investing $500k of life savings into this?
Speculative, high risk investment into untested technology that would sell into a finite market?
freeride76Tuesday, 30 Oct 2018 at 12:04pm
" One other thing. If I could post it here I would, but I screen grabbed Parkos wave, and that left is without doubt the tallest and heaviest man made wave in history. Proper heaving barrel that will humble a lot of surfers"
Which left are you talking about ShoreD?
hillsintasTuesday, 30 Oct 2018 at 12:23pm
This left???
shoredumpTuesday, 30 Oct 2018 at 1:07pm
Yeah that’s the one. 5 to 6, engineers feet
CryptoKnightTuesday, 30 Oct 2018 at 12:57pm
'I’m just wondering if they have over engineered this? Obviously they’ve gone for a massive wave number per hour to impress buyers. But I wonder if instead having the thing “lift” out of the water to create the wave, they might have been better off with a more simple dropping of a weight, like a giant sinker.'
Trube's point exactly! Bombs away!! Why stop there? Salmon sinkers hurled from the shoreline at pesky surfs!! Again... and again... an... in a nutshell!!!
Recycled B52's, stukas (not to be confused with stupe's)... focker friendships... dive bombing in concert!!! Waves galore!!! Kamakaze surf fest!!! slats is doing a deal with 'alien' bombers as we sleep!!! Eco friendly stunned mullets on tap!!! Wave pool war won!!! Again!!!
The giant sinker!!! Surfing is saved!!! Again!!! In a nutshell!!!
Spectators are stunned... again... as slattser talks God into trying ayahoosca!!! Problem solved... in a nutshell!!!?
CraigTuesday, 30 Oct 2018 at 1:24pm
Just watched the Kelly reveal video again and jeez, it makes this Surf Lakes look lame.
Solid head-high and pumping! Should of def waited till it was fully operational and come in with a bang instead of letting these surfers wreck it.
Yep nuthin like a good ol aussie "she'll be right maate".
hillsintasTuesday, 30 Oct 2018 at 1:38pm
New secret wave pool in Tasmania.
hillsintasTuesday, 30 Oct 2018 at 2:03pm
The left has a lot more power.
Lanky DeanTuesday, 30 Oct 2018 at 2:53pm
Does any one remember the tracks article in the late nineties that super imposed a wave at lake burley griffin? ( great looking wave)I might add.
thermalbenTuesday, 30 Oct 2018 at 2:56pm
It's not quite the same, but I remember this pic (or one very similar) of someone surfing at Lake Jindabyne many years ago.
shoredumpWednesday, 31 Oct 2018 at 6:47am
I’ve surfed in Dubai, in the Persian Gulf. Just under the Burj Al Arab, which is the big sail looking building that Federer and Nadal played tennis on if you saw that. Believe it or not there’s a club there with a cafe and board hire. It gets clean 2 footers and up to 3 foot in onshore conditions.
simbaWednesday, 31 Oct 2018 at 2:17pm
Shorey,do you think it was designed that way or a fluke and how good were the waves?
shoredumpWednesday, 31 Oct 2018 at 3:58pm
It’s a natural environment, the waves are kinda slow and weak. Novelty for me, sanity for expats...
indo-dreamingTuesday, 30 Oct 2018 at 5:41pm
truebluebasherTuesday, 30 Oct 2018 at 6:02pm
Surf Lakes is yet to face an even bigger hurdle !
Mid drought Surf Lakes fills up largest ever inland sea (80ML) for WSL Pool Boyz day out.
Surf Lakes World Record for most expensive enviro' vandals surf session on Blue Planet
Surfers kicked thru the inlandseafloorboardz. Whole 80m ltrs to be drained mid Drought.
Not accounting for king size sticky tape for doughnut maker or silly putty to patch up pool.
16 Surfers still might need to fork out $10,000 each ...just for pool refill alone.
Not to mention if it's even responsible to drain this size swamp mid drought.
It's 14 kms > Cawarral Creek (Dedicated Fish Habitat)... can't take the chlorine dousing.
8,000 Mad Max water container trucks must now outrun the Kombi > 24km to Fitzroy River.
On site Disposal is alternate option...Digging an equal sized Lake or pumping to near dams?
Quick bodgy re-grout of the Wavepool then reload the soggy doughnut maker...
Tab another $160,000 to refill the 80ML pool 'Mid Drought'...for WSL Marco Polo Xmas Party.
Adani pissing themselves handing over Qld enviro vandal award to SurfLakes water hogz.
Surfers as the greatest climate change skeptics and the most selfish species on Earth. Wow!
Whatever Bob Katter has to say about this waste of resource! I wholeheartedly agree!
freeride76Tuesday, 30 Oct 2018 at 7:56pm
It's not a good look.
RoboWednesday, 31 Oct 2018 at 4:17pm
750 clicks from goldie, that should keep the crowds down, most of em couldn't afford the fuel/accom :)
Bob SacamanoThursday, 1 Nov 2018 at 10:05am
It's half a foot NE lumpy miserable conditions here on the GC and will be this way for the better part of the remainder of the year. If that wave was within driving distance to me I would be there for sure to keep my sanity. It would never be be my local first port of call, but surely people would hit it up to fill in the gaps during flat spells? That clip, as average as it is, looks much better than out the front this morning. Of course it can make improvements, but I don't think it's designed to replace the ocean. The unintended consequences will be the kooks who have learned in a pool tackling your local one day. After first watching those flowriders in the 90's i always said we will have a world champ from Texas, unless they bring back cloudbreak on the tour!
truebluebasherTuesday, 26 Feb 2019 at 7:48pm
NEWS... Gold Coast
Surf Lakes to build a Tech Show piece on the Gold Coast.
Cost $20m-$40m
[Start date is at end of 2019 or start of 2020] ~ [Opening date is late 2020]
Centrally located easily accessible-(Spot X).
(Spot X)
Currently negotiating to leasing or buying a Selected Block
Occy Tip-off (Near Theme Park would be ideal)
tbb has read it's near Surf Lakes Home Base of Robina (Shh! Not confirmed!)
[GC Surf Lakes Stats]
2,400 waves /hr
5 waves up 6-8 wave sets
30 surfers in the lake at any time
Total visitors 250K- 1 million/yr
It can turn over many visitors like a theme park
Testing & redesign of bigger better conrod is finished.
Machine Rebuild is underway on track for Phase 2 testing before June 30 2019
Phase 2 is maximum capacity - full size waves.
Company is expecting a lot of interest after media broadcast of Phase 2.
This is from the above link
'through to sole operators who wish to create stand-alone surf and action sports parks with an eye on the glamping market'.
Big News! (Qldurrz 4 days behind the times tip off!)
14th June 2019 ....(Surf Lakes taps were turned back on!)
The taps have been left runnin' for days now...Mad Max II draws a deeper breath..
Coming Soon...Be afraid! [The Return of the Really Hairy late take-off beast]
Top Gun Pro: "It was really Heavy i tells yer!" [Mere Mortals best wait at the border]
Last Friday's News should hit Rocky's Fisho's this week...Read yer Chips wrapperz.
see: Friday 14th June 2019- The Chronicle /The Morning Bulletin (Subscribers Only)
Qldurrz mid week update... credited to Wayne Dart via various surf sites ...Thanx!
22nd-23rd June (This Weekend) The Lake is half full as with Oct' test...
Parts are stronger & now linked to test systems for monitoring stress
Test to compare wave action with new parts...not sure of any actual surfing tests?
Following this weekend...should all go to plan this time round...
Keep in mind this Saturday 22nd June is Winter Solstice...(Temptation is there?)
A Mid winter Beach Party would be a hot Surfing Qld Promo! (Spy drones get ready)
Countdown likely continues until last week of June for full scale Phase II Surfing.
Note: Surf Lakes are not revealing info to general surfing public as yet...
tbb trash talk is mostly hearsay scraps from around the traps... Shh!
shoredumpFriday, 2 Aug 2019 at 11:18am
Surf lakes is operational again
stunetFriday, 2 Aug 2019 at 11:26am
Looks good from above...
truebluebasherTuesday, 6 Aug 2019 at 1:11pm
Qldurrz wanna thank shoredump & stunet for the wake up call...Cheers!
Bit of a let down after Chinese Tsunami Wave Pool.
Surf Lakes Tests: 4 consecutive waves reaching 6ft.
Over next few months pushing it up to 8ft
5 wave types & levels...1&2 up to cat' 5 Breaky TV "Fuck the Boss!"...bin drops.
Tests are to finish this year with licensees in 2020
tbb believes Swellnetonians are entitled to bigger picture of Qld Wavepool events.
Local subscription Newspapers haven't been silent on wavepool, quite the opposite .
tbb will do his best by way of a 2nd hand News timeline.
Livingstone Council Water Charges for 80,000 KL Surf Lake
$2.77 KL (Over 150 KL) = $221,600 / Surf Lake
$2.03 KL ( Commercial ) = $163,000 / Surf Lake
21st Nov 2017 Livingstone Mayor Bill Ludwig moved a "Surf Lakes" motion.
Water Charge Discounted to $1.30 KL or $104,000 / Surf Lake.
Oct 2018 (Promo) Mayor Ludwig turns on the tap for Surf Lake
Nov 2018 Surf Lakes breaks apart & is drained (Not a good look for Mayor)
End 2018 Locals complain of ongoing dust bowl site works...(see photo)
April 2019 Council refuses another wasteful discounted refill but Mayor overrules...
April 2019 (Promo Tap Turn 2) Mayor flows another cut price deal but for how long?
Note: URBNSURF state with best filtration 2.5 Pools of water are lost each year.
Council will remind Mayor that he must now find $294,000 yr savings elsewhere.
Locals are right...Wave pool resembles a quarry more than promised Surf Post card.
Wavepools continue to give surfing a bad wrap....Qldurrz apologize for allowing this!
Theme / leisure wave pools to date have delivered in spades & look a million bucks!
Then the expert surfers wash ashore...What a joke!...let's not waste our breath!
No! It was never about the waves, ask any pissed off local in any wave pool town.
The endless mates in council, blatant lies & brown paper bags don't wash with locals.
Surfers suck big time & have already worn out their welcome...(Not in my Town!)
tbb requests local habitat is restored & respected before surfing the quarry...Please!
To carry on down this road just digs a deeper hole for next really is sad!
How about we live up to our reputation & lead by example...World is watching Qld.
Walk around GTuesday, 6 Aug 2019 at 8:19pm
Meh, proper 6ft surf is double overhead and 8ft surf is a scary triple overhead. (Well that's our scale down here anyway)
We've haven't even begun to discuss the long range swell period/energy effect which introduces another whole kettle of fish.
Sure wave pools, WILL be fun forsure and I will sign up and have a go but you can't and will not be able to simulate the raw power of mother nature. The energy required to produce a thumping long period ocean swell is soooo amazing emence, we should all just imbrace what our planet already provides and get out there and have a crack.
shoredumpTuesday, 20 Aug 2019 at 4:58pm
More photos leaked. Slabbing barrel that could could cause damage
man the drop looks real tricky ay!
Is that Oc's son ? Hows the voice - Classic
Reckon the surf report would be 2/10. 1ft short period plunger swell stay in bed. A bit of potential though and could imagine it on a big day with a longer period plunger swell. Looks like a low lying area subject to flooding in heavy rain.
Triple the size and it might be ok
It is a scaled down demo pool after all its not at full comercial size pool
No, it's a full size pool. From the latest Surf Lakes email:
"We’re so excited to have completed our demo and proven our technology at full scale."
It’s a very safe bet you would have a shit load of fun surfing this even at this size. Play the video again, and just listen to them this time. Correct me if I’m wrong, but every negative wavepool comment has come from someone who hasn’t surfed one, just as only positive comments have come from people who have surfed one. Am I the only one that has noticed that the last couple of years? I reckon keep your mind open on this era of surfing. It’s not replacing the menu, it’s just an addition to the banquet. It’s fun. Look at those aerial shots. If you found a bank breaking like that today, you’d be happy. It’s no different
The PR strategy around Surf Lakes is very odd.
You only get one shot at your First Big Announcement, and this seems to have missed the mark. I don't understand the need to rush out footage of small waves that they promise will be bigger?
Most people have forgotton the specifics by now, but the way Kelly revealed his wave pool to the general public was benchmark stuff.
Maybe they were just frothing so hard and worried of leaks i guess they first just need to ensure all goes fine and sort out any issues before they really crank it up.
Yeah the Kelly reveal was amazing still the best footage just the whole usual Kelly blew us away first.
Kelly is definitely way more business-focused and a good salesman, so I think he knows how to play the media better.
Although underwhelming for size and power, and the fact the technology is pretty ugly, I think this is the first pool to nail the bathymetry.
I was surprised to read on Facebook from someone that surfed it
"was in the water with dingo and parko after their first waves... they were frothing how much better it was.."
In compassion to Kellys pool.
i thought the facebook comment was going to be: "i was in the water with dingo and.... he dropped in on me every wave..."
I think it has a lot of potential and would still be fun even at that size, i really like the setting/location sand the lake itself does look natural, I'm sure they could disguise the mechanical aspect like a big rock outcrop type thing.
Hope they don't pour to much concrete an buildings etc and keep the natural Aussie feel.
knee high to a grasshopper , lol , can it get bigger ? all that money and effort for a 1 foot wave , surely . sort of embarrassing watching the crew screaming at it lol . think i have a better idea ?
Wow I thought corporate workplace culture was toxic and false. Where everybody is trying to look and sound super positive about the most minor thing.
Seems the surf industry is suffering the same culture conditioning.
There was some really strange footage in there
Not natural in more ways than one
You'd think surfing would be the last place for this creepy culture to infiltrate...appears not...
well for those that dont rate this wave- they can go surf the quality breaks in and a round yeppoon
If you check their insta that was working at less than 50% capacity, so at 4ft would be good.
I'd surf it
Haha imagine the sponsorship opportunities Dress the plunger up like a huge can of beer,cheeseburger or even Tony Abbotts head producing waves off his ear's.
Turn it up!!!
3rd Time lucky...Surf Flick is dedicated to Swellnet Chix from all the Swellnet Crew.
Further proof that guys don't deserve equal money...Sunset last wave in... Let it rip Sis'
Nice little wave to finish on. That plunger looks serious. Wouldn't want to get too close
I'd have crack at it. Fuck it's better than some of the shit I've surfed over the years.
Ask yourselves! Fill the pool to minimum low tide...Any problems must be sorted now!
There is no emptying a pool this size for a 2nd crack! What if we could've done that?
You give the girls a turn...Lock in the feedback to iron out any banks.
Call in the Plastic Surgeons for a bit of padding here chicken fillet there and a DD A frame.
Let the hose run for a 'bout 2 droughts & lock in another pool party at xmas.
Let the seasoned Pool Girls test drive their new boardz
New year & you top it up to high tide mark and Surfs Up twice as high & longer rides. Sweet!
Geez I hate when surfers speak
This is the gif of felicity's Surf Lakes wave (sensurround version)
My main objection to these wave pools is there's no potential for a horry-darkie to black out the horizon and clean up the line up. Where's the fun in that?
Was that Jamie O'Brien?
Plunger is broken already, article on stab, reads like a shit show!
That plunger is some serious equipment.
The whole thing looks a bit mad max/end of days to be honest. Combined with the noise and the air valve, it's not really the aesthetics one desires when having a peaceful surf.
But to be fair, Kelly's has a bit industrial waste land look about it as well. Nature's magic is clearly quite difficult to replicate without an energy hungry factory style backdrop. Fail.
And, I hate to be the annoying OH&S guy (as I loathe that guy) but you'd think that would need some sort of serious barricading before the public can go anywhere near it. Maybe witches hats, hazard tape, or an annoying clubbie with a loud speaker would suffice, but it'd still be weird surfing near all that hard core equipment. Perhaps water police on jet skis, that'd be pleasant, just to replicate that genuine 2018 queensland surfing experience.
On a positive note, the four peaks facing different directions overcomes the possible problem of strong onshore.
.......Well I sat back watched the clip. The clip came out first wave surfed a fail.
Next clip came out Occy ......where he didn't quite hide his disappointment( well he wasn't very convincing) .
Although like Waco AND Wave Garden's model it shows potential.
They just need to make it bigger. With that though so comes the liability aspect. Personally I think a lot of surfers want to see 4 foot plus waves . I think they will clamp it at that or six feet though....the liability just seems to great. No one is yet to get completely fuct up from it yet.
At size though I would strongly advise surfing with a helmet!
Not many people on the east coast surf reefs without cungy.
From what I've read they may have cut corners and skipped on a few important things .
Under engineering the slab .
Flaws in mechanical design.
No fields tests to iron out kinks.
Rushing the initial set-up /sequence of machine.
Inadequate materials / material thickness.
Lack of understanding of basic Engineering/ physics principals.
Also letting management override designers /engineers...on materials, design, operational procedures.
Some pretty big fails unfortunately.
I hope they fix it and learn from their mistakes...
The footage was edited in my opinion. There's just no way Parko or Dingo would a been out there without jet ski assist in those conditions. I call it a hoax! More likely a backdrop Mel G, Tina Turner and Angry Anderson would be seen.
Bloody hilarious Spooky, By the way I don't think a single wave has ever been ridden at kellys pond with out a stinking jet ski following it !
Was reading somewhere that the energy required to increase the wave size at these pools increases at a geometric rate (rather than lineal), which is what limits these pools from getting bigger surf.
Based on the above, I'm surprised that they think the Yepoon pool can go 3 or 4 times bigger than this as I would assume they need a bigger plunger moving at a faster speed?
There's bigger physical limitation on the surf lakes wave generation model.
Copying a comment here from another surf site:
The inverse square law concerns the circular wave. Diffraction (the banks) and absorption (mainly the concrete bottom) also reduce wave energy.
The greater the pool radius- effectively the distance of the wave peak from the plunger + the length of the 'bank', the weaker the wave.
The inverse square law
A plane wave of a single frequency in theory will propagate forever with no change or loss. This is not the case with a circular or spherical wave, however. One of the most important properties of this type of wave is a decrease in intensity as the wave propagates. The mathematical explanation of this principle, which derives as much from geometry as from physics, is known as the inverse square law.
As a circular wave front (such as that created by dropping a stone onto a water surface) expands, its energy is distributed over an increasingly larger circumference. The intensity, or energy per unit of length along the circumference of the circle, will therefore decrease in an inverse relationship with the growing radius of the circle, or distance from the source of the wave. In the same way, as a spherical wave front expands, its energy is distributed over a larger and larger surface area. Because the surface area of a sphere is proportional to the square of its radius, the intensity of the wave is inversely proportional to the square of the radius. This geometric relation between the growing radius of a wave and its decreasing intensity is what gives rise to the inverse square law.
The decrease in intensity of a spherical wave as it propagates outward can also be expressed in decibels. Each factor of two in distance from the source leads to a decrease in intensity by a factor of four. For example, a factor of four decrease in a wave’s intensity is equivalent to a decrease of six decibels, so that a spherical wave attenuates at a rate of six decibels for each factor of two increase in distance from the source.
TL:DR: the energy from a circular wave propagating radially outward dissipates very quickly.
Greg W said exactly the same thing on here a year or so ago. Not sure which story it was, there's been a few.
May have sounded to some like derision but there's scientific merit in it.
Totally, we've discussed this in the office. You can see the wave slowing and decreasing in size down the line as it continues to spread and lose energy.
Unlike Kelly's which has the train pushing the whole time keeping the energy, height and speed up.
The problem is they can't make any waves right now Free ride : (
We were also discussing this in the office. It was suggested the wave height will increase by 1.4 once at full power (not double)
It means their numbers stack up. I’ll cop abuse for this, but if you look, they’ve made 5-6ft waves already (face height) Parkos pounding etc
Greg’s will have the best waves, but after seeing Mad Max, I’m not convinced anymore that that is main driver for commercial success. The vibe of this pool to me, works. I’ve got to say I am enjoying this wave pool arms race
I wonder what would have happened if they sequence the machine to be at 18 seconds per plung rather than ten or so?
It probably wouldn't work as the timing is crucial to get the reverb from the wave before to suck out and create the next wave. It'd probably go out of sync if waiting longer, hence the engineers comments on the exact timing of the machine.
I hope they’ve got a power setting that goes to 11 cause that ripple ain’t going to cut the mustard.
It'll suit the locals though in size and looks a lot like the surf they are use to.
Giant Toilet Flush Wavepool...makes Mad Max wave pool look a bit posh.
Chain yanking by Child Slave Labour & sponsored by Happy High Herbs.(No joke)
Haha, holy shit! That thing looks dangerous as hell!
Still, the kids are loving it, what a work out!
I still can't believe all these wave pool things pretend to be the ultimate training ground for future pros,. not to mention turning beginners into advanced surfers in a matter of weeks/months.. The hype surrounding every one of these pools is over the top. Enjoy the anticipation of rocking up to one of these things , because you can't replace the feeling of 'anticipation' with 'expectation', two totally different things. Unlike a pool, you can't ask Huey for a refund if shit doesn't go your way.
freeride76 only circular waves can rebound to Spike Source as in shoredumps example.
Thus rising the largest waves in the ocean. The softer the rebound the greater the power.
Results in a volcanic/cyclonic Spike wave of equal power above & beneath (Massive)
No other force can generate a wave higher than old mate in that pool.(See: Power in flex!)
Ironic that the kiddie pool is still best/biggest wave generator.
Comparable kiddy pool border would kick arse Surf Lakes to reverb & spike up the sets.
Wave can spike higher than pool diameter. That's an epic free power source being wasted.
Meteor shower or Micro burst hits ocean & spikes wave km's high... very hard to detect.
1) Rebounding off opposing storms as in Bermuda Triangle can swat a plane from sky.
2) Volcanic/reverse dome wave effect swallows ship fleet in seconds (vanish from radar)
3)Spike drop Tsunami has Tremendous Force rising over Headlands to Mountains.
[FACTCHECK] Meteoric concentric waves have left their mark further inland every time.
Start vid :30 secs ... concentric Wave Spikes in action (Circle wave pools > Biggest Waves!)
Best widest natural communication is Concentric Smoke Rings or Bull roarers for sound.
Land sea sky + seacreature + Human all naturally vortice from inside out.
This self regeneration propels a concentric wave to keep rolling or increasing power.
Natural concentric surfing or Vorticing is a perfect fit for concentric waves.
Surfboards can't surf the below face wave vortice so lose power becoming rather sluggish.
With a harder flooring that's a lot of extra power that's wasted or surrendered beneath.
Pressurize yourself to suit power stream now contour human rail from 1ft-8ft to tap vortice.
Counterbalance to squeeze max wave power pressurizing the vortice inside you and out.
A forward leaning concentric barrel roll will bodyshoot past sluggish boardriders. Easy!
I'll be interested to see the economics as there has been no comment from the developer as yet .
Selling the concept is all about a return and there is no comment on that
What will the cost be to surf and what is the cost to generate each wave
My guess one hour at least $100 or more
The impression I get is the wave appears to get smaller as it peels along the reef
Is this because there is no energy driving it after the first motion as opposed to ocean waves where energy is continuous
I think it's a great concept well thought out and I hope it works but clearly needs to produce larger waves and provide an economic return
I always take my hat off to someone having a go as opposed to all the knockers who have achieved nothing
The world is full of people like that
Cheers shane Abel
Yeah - and the world is also full of people who want to impose themselves upon the environment regardless of the consequences....plonk plastic reefs,treated pylons and polluting fish farms wherever they want etc etc what a great achievement.......then there's the obligatory labeling of communities who want to protect their beaches and waterways as 'knockers'....the world is full of 'em's a moot point anyway - the artificial reef is dead, buried and's the inland wave pool that can be situated in the burbs where the punters live, that can be managed to provide a return on investment and, unlike the numerous artificial reef disasters, produce a rideable wave .....
Hell of a big project and I'm bummed that its kinda underwhelming compared to Slat's and the A.W.Machines Texas pool. Couldn't they boost the size with a 'rebound' wall,or.....2plungers?
I’m just wondering if they have over engineered this? Obviously they’ve gone for a massive wave number per hour to impress buyers. But I wonder if instead having the thing “lift” out of the water to create the wave, they might have been better off with a more simple dropping of a weight, like a giant sinker. Those cranes can lift some impressive weights. Surely you could get 1 to 2 per minute. Something like the vertical drop rides at amusement parks. Admittedly that’s much lower numbers than their 6 cycles. I’m just thinking out loud, they probably looked into it. But it’s true that sometimes the simple idea works best. So many forces involved with their system, it’s no surprise it broke. A friend of a friend is invested in this. 500k at first then they asked for another 50. I wonder how he’s feeling. It wasn’t loose change it was life savings. Here’s hoping the show gets back on the road soon. One other thing. If I could post it here I would, but I screen grabbed Parkos wave, and that left is without doubt the tallest and heaviest man made wave in history. Proper heaving barrel that will humble a lot of surfers
Investing $500k of life savings into this?
Speculative, high risk investment into untested technology that would sell into a finite market?
" One other thing. If I could post it here I would, but I screen grabbed Parkos wave, and that left is without doubt the tallest and heaviest man made wave in history. Proper heaving barrel that will humble a lot of surfers"
Which left are you talking about ShoreD?
This left???
Yeah that’s the one. 5 to 6, engineers feet
'I’m just wondering if they have over engineered this? Obviously they’ve gone for a massive wave number per hour to impress buyers. But I wonder if instead having the thing “lift” out of the water to create the wave, they might have been better off with a more simple dropping of a weight, like a giant sinker.'
Trube's point exactly! Bombs away!! Why stop there? Salmon sinkers hurled from the shoreline at pesky surfs!! Again... and again... an... in a nutshell!!!
Recycled B52's, stukas (not to be confused with stupe's)... focker friendships... dive bombing in concert!!! Waves galore!!! Kamakaze surf fest!!! slats is doing a deal with 'alien' bombers as we sleep!!! Eco friendly stunned mullets on tap!!! Wave pool war won!!! Again!!!
The giant sinker!!! Surfing is saved!!! Again!!! In a nutshell!!!
Spectators are stunned... again... as slattser talks God into trying ayahoosca!!! Problem solved... in a nutshell!!!?
Just watched the Kelly reveal video again and jeez, it makes this Surf Lakes look lame.
Solid head-high and pumping! Should of def waited till it was fully operational and come in with a bang instead of letting these surfers wreck it.
Here's the link as well..
Yep nuthin like a good ol aussie "she'll be right maate".
New secret wave pool in Tasmania.
The left has a lot more power.

Does any one remember the tracks article in the late nineties that super imposed a wave at lake burley griffin? ( great looking wave)I might add.
It's not quite the same, but I remember this pic (or one very similar) of someone surfing at Lake Jindabyne many years ago.

I’ve surfed in Dubai, in the Persian Gulf. Just under the Burj Al Arab, which is the big sail looking building that Federer and Nadal played tennis on if you saw that. Believe it or not there’s a club there with a cafe and board hire. It gets clean 2 footers and up to 3 foot in onshore conditions.
Shorey,do you think it was designed that way or a fluke and how good were the waves?
It’s a natural environment, the waves are kinda slow and weak. Novelty for me, sanity for expats...
Surf Lakes is yet to face an even bigger hurdle !
Mid drought Surf Lakes fills up largest ever inland sea (80ML) for WSL Pool Boyz day out.
Surf Lakes World Record for most expensive enviro' vandals surf session on Blue Planet
Surfers kicked thru the inlandseafloorboardz. Whole 80m ltrs to be drained mid Drought.
Not accounting for king size sticky tape for doughnut maker or silly putty to patch up pool.
16 Surfers still might need to fork out $10,000 each ...just for pool refill alone.
Not to mention if it's even responsible to drain this size swamp mid drought.
It's 14 kms > Cawarral Creek (Dedicated Fish Habitat)... can't take the chlorine dousing.
8,000 Mad Max water container trucks must now outrun the Kombi > 24km to Fitzroy River.
On site Disposal is alternate option...Digging an equal sized Lake or pumping to near dams?
Quick bodgy re-grout of the Wavepool then reload the soggy doughnut maker...
Tab another $160,000 to refill the 80ML pool 'Mid Drought'...for WSL Marco Polo Xmas Party.
Adani pissing themselves handing over Qld enviro vandal award to SurfLakes water hogz.
Surfers as the greatest climate change skeptics and the most selfish species on Earth. Wow!
Whatever Bob Katter has to say about this waste of resource! I wholeheartedly agree!
It's not a good look.
750 clicks from goldie, that should keep the crowds down, most of em couldn't afford the fuel/accom :)
It's half a foot NE lumpy miserable conditions here on the GC and will be this way for the better part of the remainder of the year. If that wave was within driving distance to me I would be there for sure to keep my sanity. It would never be be my local first port of call, but surely people would hit it up to fill in the gaps during flat spells? That clip, as average as it is, looks much better than out the front this morning. Of course it can make improvements, but I don't think it's designed to replace the ocean. The unintended consequences will be the kooks who have learned in a pool tackling your local one day. After first watching those flowriders in the 90's i always said we will have a world champ from Texas, unless they bring back cloudbreak on the tour!
NEWS... Gold Coast
Surf Lakes to build a Tech Show piece on the Gold Coast.
Cost $20m-$40m
[Start date is at end of 2019 or start of 2020] ~ [Opening date is late 2020]
Centrally located easily accessible-(Spot X).
(Spot X)
Currently negotiating to leasing or buying a Selected Block
Occy Tip-off (Near Theme Park would be ideal)
tbb has read it's near Surf Lakes Home Base of Robina (Shh! Not confirmed!)
[GC Surf Lakes Stats]
2,400 waves /hr
5 waves up 6-8 wave sets
30 surfers in the lake at any time
Total visitors 250K- 1 million/yr
It can turn over many visitors like a theme park
Yeppoon Surf Lakes Update.
Testing & redesign of bigger better conrod is finished.
Machine Rebuild is underway on track for Phase 2 testing before June 30 2019
Phase 2 is maximum capacity - full size waves.
Company is expecting a lot of interest after media broadcast of Phase 2.
This is from the above link
'through to sole operators who wish to create stand-alone surf and action sports parks with an eye on the glamping market'.
Surf Lakes WEBINAR Thursday 6th June 2019 or (right about now)...Register/Link.
Big News! (Qldurrz 4 days behind the times tip off!)
14th June 2019 ....(Surf Lakes taps were turned back on!)
The taps have been left runnin' for days now...Mad Max II draws a deeper breath..
Coming Soon...Be afraid! [The Return of the Really Hairy late take-off beast]
Top Gun Pro: "It was really Heavy i tells yer!" [Mere Mortals best wait at the border]
Last Friday's News should hit Rocky's Fisho's this week...Read yer Chips wrapperz.
see: Friday 14th June 2019- The Chronicle /The Morning Bulletin (Subscribers Only)
Derelict Qldurr unwraps a couple of vinegar soaked snaps...knock yourselves out!
Qldurrz mid week update... credited to Wayne Dart via various surf sites ...Thanx!
22nd-23rd June (This Weekend) The Lake is half full as with Oct' test...
Parts are stronger & now linked to test systems for monitoring stress
Test to compare wave action with new parts...not sure of any actual surfing tests?
Following this weekend...should all go to plan this time round...
Keep in mind this Saturday 22nd June is Winter Solstice...(Temptation is there?)
A Mid winter Beach Party would be a hot Surfing Qld Promo! (Spy drones get ready)
Countdown likely continues until last week of June for full scale Phase II Surfing.
Note: Surf Lakes are not revealing info to general surfing public as yet...
tbb trash talk is mostly hearsay scraps from around the traps... Shh!
Surf lakes is operational again
Looks good from above...
Qldurrz wanna thank shoredump & stunet for the wake up call...Cheers!
Bit of a let down after Chinese Tsunami Wave Pool.
Surf Lakes Tests: 4 consecutive waves reaching 6ft.
Over next few months pushing it up to 8ft
5 wave types & levels...1&2 up to cat' 5 Breaky TV "Fuck the Boss!"...bin drops.
Tests are to finish this year with licensees in 2020
+ more photos via Surf Lakes site
tbb believes Swellnetonians are entitled to bigger picture of Qld Wavepool events.
Local subscription Newspapers haven't been silent on wavepool, quite the opposite .
tbb will do his best by way of a 2nd hand News timeline.
Livingstone Council Water Charges for 80,000 KL Surf Lake
$2.77 KL (Over 150 KL) = $221,600 / Surf Lake
$2.03 KL ( Commercial ) = $163,000 / Surf Lake
21st Nov 2017 Livingstone Mayor Bill Ludwig moved a "Surf Lakes" motion.
Water Charge Discounted to $1.30 KL or $104,000 / Surf Lake.
Oct 2018 (Promo) Mayor Ludwig turns on the tap for Surf Lake
Nov 2018 Surf Lakes breaks apart & is drained (Not a good look for Mayor)
End 2018 Locals complain of ongoing dust bowl site works...(see photo)
April 2019 Council refuses another wasteful discounted refill but Mayor overrules...
April 2019 (Promo Tap Turn 2) Mayor flows another cut price deal but for how long?
Note: URBNSURF state with best filtration 2.5 Pools of water are lost each year.
Council will remind Mayor that he must now find $294,000 yr savings elsewhere.
Locals are right...Wave pool resembles a quarry more than promised Surf Post card.
Wavepools continue to give surfing a bad wrap....Qldurrz apologize for allowing this!
Theme / leisure wave pools to date have delivered in spades & look a million bucks!
Then the expert surfers wash ashore...What a joke!...let's not waste our breath!
No! It was never about the waves, ask any pissed off local in any wave pool town.
The endless mates in council, blatant lies & brown paper bags don't wash with locals.
Surfers suck big time & have already worn out their welcome...(Not in my Town!)
tbb requests local habitat is restored & respected before surfing the quarry...Please!
To carry on down this road just digs a deeper hole for next really is sad!
How about we live up to our reputation & lead by example...World is watching Qld.
Meh, proper 6ft surf is double overhead and 8ft surf is a scary triple overhead. (Well that's our scale down here anyway)
We've haven't even begun to discuss the long range swell period/energy effect which introduces another whole kettle of fish.
Sure wave pools, WILL be fun forsure and I will sign up and have a go but you can't and will not be able to simulate the raw power of mother nature. The energy required to produce a thumping long period ocean swell is soooo amazing emence, we should all just imbrace what our planet already provides and get out there and have a crack.
More photos leaked. Slabbing barrel that could could cause damage
booger wave?
"Pound for pound as powerful as anything I have surfed in the ocean at that size."