WSL Update: Post-Snapper
The first CT contest under the WSL banner has been run and won, though it wasn't anywhere near as succint as that sentence would have you believe. An unseasonal flat spell saw the men go on hold for an unprecedented 11 straight lay days. It was an inauspicious beginning for pro surfing's rebadged peak body.
On Day 8 the WSL broke the news they'd secured a two day extension to the waiting period. The extension required approval by the Gold Coast City Council (GCCC) and reportedly cost the WSL $100,000 in extra wages, services, and hire equipment. This figure was trolleyed around by the media, sometimes presented as fact, sometimes given the correct prefix - 'rumoured'. And a rumour is what it remained, the WSL were very coy about the cost.
One six-figure digit that isn't rumour is the $100,000 The Quiksilver and Roxy Pro are likely to receive next year from the Queensland Government.
This year the Quiksilver and Roxy Pros received $45,000 from the Queensland State Government via Tourism and Events Queensland (TEQ). Next year they were slated to receive $50,000 however it now appears this amount will be doubled to $100,000. Not a significant amount in the scope of the tour but it's worth pondering the Council's justification for paying.
In a council report, the GCCC Events Advisory Commitee details ongoing negotiations in order to secure the event for the City. "Although a smaller amount is preferred," the report states, "the event is unique in the benefits it provides to the City as a surfing destination and the risk of losing it is significant."
When asked, a spokesperson for the GCCC couldn't identify why it was in risk of losing the Quiksilver Pro.
The report detailed what TEQ had received in exchange for their financial support. Those details were supplied by the WSL who claim the contests generate "approximately $19 million in tangible media value for Tourism and Events Queensland". More than $10 million of the "tangible" amount - $10,131,631 in fact - was attributed to "Social Media Buzz Value."
The balance of the $19 million was comprised of branded content, webcast ads, and website advertising, all of which have rates set by the WSL. It's also worth noting that much of the WSL's data comes from Repucom, the company that provided flawed data to the WSL vastly overstating the amount of surfers worldwide (and hence the WSL's potential audience). Repucom's current Head of US Consulting is Michael Lynch who was formerly the WSL's Chief Marketing Officer.
It was this same data that calculated the 2014 Drug Aware Margaret River Pro reached 1.6 billion people via online media content. For those not keeping count that's more than a fifth of the world's population. Inexplicable then that the Margaret River final topped out at 25,781 concurrent viewers, or to put it another way, just 0.000001 of the 'people reached' watched the final live.
The Gold Coast Event Committee Report concluded with GCCC "prepared to consider an increase of funding to $100,000 if required to retain the event, subject to agreed sponsor benefits." And if you're wondering what the the sponsor benefits are we're one step ahead of you.
"Online and social media branding," said a GCCC spokseperson when Swellnet asked. No doubt Social Media Buzz Value makes up a significant part of that package.
In the reaction to the Gabriel Medina interview, the WSL laid bare their plans for handling controversy. When pirate copies of the interview were removed from the 'net it was thought the WSL would upload a copy to their site, maybe with the offending word removed for the sake of young ears.
However it wasn't the case. Despite being the biggest news to come out of the event - every mainstream Australian news site ran it, the same couldn't be said of the Final - the WSL did their utmost to erase all memory of it. Heat 8, Round 3 - when the interview took place - is still missing from Heat Analyzer.
In their commodification of the sport, the WSL need to control the narrative and unbridled emotion, dissent, or in-your-face competition, all the elements that make for great sport viewing, appear outside of the story they want to tell. At this point their answer to unscripted interludes is to ignore and erase. Expect more of the same come the next bout of blue language.
At the beginning of last year the WSL put the Maui Pro back on Women's tour after a three year hiatus. Scheduled for November it took until August to find a sponsor when US shopping chain Target came aboard as presenting sponsor. It was the first time they'd sponsored a surfing event.
Yet despite Target's number one female athlete Carissa Moore winning the event Target are yet to commit sponsorship second time around.
The Women's tour has nine competitions this year, four of them have no sponsor as yet: Rio, Fiji, Trestles, and Maui. The rejuvenation of the Women's tour is yet to receive commercial blessing.
......but was GCCC spokesman wearing white shoes?
I've heard Michael Lynch was in Kalcutta , India during the Margies Pro and was stranded in his hotel for the entire duration. Couldn't get a taxi, a meal or service to his room.
The whole country came to a standstill.
Everyone was too busy watching Bedes rematch against Taj to make the country function apparently.
Somehow this article makes me feel sick.
"In the reaction to the Gabriel Medina interview, the WSL laid bare their plans for handling controversy. When pirate copies of the interview were removed from the 'net ..."
Not ALL of them:
&app=desktopWell, not yet anyway ;)
Edit: Note for reference, 34,210 views of that clip at time of posting this comment.
Do you think it was the swearing or the dissent that was suppressed ?
Smiling happy faces people.
For my money, it's a few factors:
- the dissent
- the swearing
- the fuck up by the zoseas (i.e. not having the beep button ready).
No, they didn't want anyone hearing Pete Mel(big wave legend)shitting himself.
In a council report, the GCCC Events Advisory Commitee details ongoing negotiations in order to secure the event for the City. "Although a smaller amount is preferred," the report states, "the event is unique in the benefits it provides to the City as a surfing destination and the risk of losing it is significant."
Hang, on what?
" ... the risk of losing it is significant."
Risk of losing the event to where? What location? What other government body is going to throw $45,000 (the previous amount GCCC put into the event) at it to "steal" it away from the Southern Gold Coast points?
Oh, hang on, risk if losing it, as in the WSL going broke and the event cancelled?
Maybe that's what they meant?
Going to another council, I suspect (at GCCC's level), or going to another state (at Qld Tourism's level). Just like Adelaide losing the Grand Prix to Melbourne - and who may lose it to Sydney - apparently sporting events are a window into the economic health of a region. So no-one wants to 'lose' an iconic event as it may suggest that broader business is better done somewhere else.
Hang on, lets really think about this for a minute.
"Going to another council, I suspect (at GCCC's level)"
So, we are talking another Qld council. What the Sunshine Coast (i.e. for a Noosa event)? or Redlands council (i.e. for North Stradbroke Island Event) ... Let's be honest, neither is very likely due to either existing events (i.e. longboards, noosa festival of surfing) and logistics (i.e. getting everyone over to North Straddy for competition everyday due to the limited accommodation options on the Island)
" ... going to another state (at Qld Tourism's level)"
mmm, OK, so where, into NSW? So, location becomes interesting issue then ... Lennox? We know what the locals there thought of a Rip Curl search event being held there, so, they'd be stoked with a regular 'CT, hey? So, let's go further South then, oh yeah, Angourie ... same issue as North Straddie (i.e. logistics and accommodation issues) would make that one difficult. Any other NSW points, oh, yeah Crescent? Doubt that too.
My money is on the "risk of losing it" being the collapse of the 'CT event as a whole when zoseas goes under, and yes, that's a "when" not an "if" zoseas goes under ... this whole thing is looking more and more shaky.
I'm sure Quiksilver corporate can afford to pick up the event and run with it, or maybe Billabong to get it off Quicksilver, when zoseas is gone. Ah, yeah ... not.
I didn't say I thought the response was plausible - I was just trying to explain how the council may have justified it at their end (like they would for any other sporting event).
I hear Kangaroo Island has a venue.
This is only 1/8th of the whole story to come forth soon.
The funniest part. QLD was only putting up 50k to 100k for these events. But all taxpayer money. What was NSW willing to give up for all the "rumors" do Dbah?
I thought Australia was paying for these events, not paying for the parking meters.
Someone needs to go back and rewrite their fantasy reporting on Australia underwriting pro surfing. Math is as simple as 11+1-1+1...
All of this is public record. It's all public money.
There is ZERO reasons why Swellnet can't obtain the exact numbers the WSL used to sell QLD on extending the waiting period. Even if QLD was paying for mat most 3% OG overall costs.
Good times.
Run it at Bondi i reckon
There's good banks at Bondi at the moment .....Said no one ever.
Good to see Rottmouth back . Or not. Maybe . Fuck it, good to see you back cobber.
I don't see why they don't just stream the surfing live from in front of a green screen at the WSL headquarters at San Clemente or wherever the fuck it is.
That way they can just superimpose their scripted winner on the winning waves.
Saves dragging the whole circus to Queensland and pretending that Parko didn't get barrelled off his nut behind the rock while Gabriel does Reos on the shoulder down at Marley.
...bob Woodward, Carl Bernstein ..stu nettle.? Well not quite as important as de-throning the US President ...but kicking the shaky foundations of professional surfing is important if you're (ironically) part of the minority that care.
...meanwhile mates 16 year old gets Oneill sponsorship last week, surfing a new freebie with vigour over weekend - oldies enjoying the show from the water, proud father; round one of state titles race next weekend..he'e dreaming of the dream tour? Do we need to be careful what we wish for..or is Rome burning to the ground without our cynical assistance?
Few points RR:
-Pro surfing will always exist in some guise. There were apparently a few interested parties when ZoSea acquired it for nix, and there are a few parties watchng it VERY closely now.
-ZoSea's business model is contingent upon expanding the base, increasing the viewers and turning more people into surfers. Their goal is 250 million viewers. To anyone who questions these articles - and I'm not saying you are - ask yourself this: Do you want to live in a world with 250 million surfers?
-A sustainable version of the sport shouldnt have to reach beyond the existing base. Indeed any model that relies upon rapid expansion itself becomes vulnerable to shifting changes in tastes and fashions, and thereby unsustainable. If there is to be a tour when younger kids come of age then it has to be a tour borne out of, and also appealing to, the core surfing community.
stu for the loving your journalism on this in an interpretation of facts, not just flimsy, narcissistic opinion...which is often absent in mainstream press in the modern era and a rarity in surfing journalism throughout the ages (in my opinion).
i'm really glad that surfing is growing up and utilising what the digital age offers. and that people like you are making calls on facts and their logical extrapolations.
I also think there's gold in ZoZea's 1st year on tour. the footage at chopes last year was probably the best live sport drama iv'e ever seen, ever. I want more of it. I hope someone finds a business model to deliver it for me. I want to recognise the good and bad - because kids dreaming is important to..
keep up the great very impressed with what you're doing.
I think WSL have been chatting to Putin about how to run a good gig. Wonder if they will call in the Hells Angels for crowd control like Putin's Night Wolf's. Look out Stu they may come to a suburb hear you.
If they do they better not send the leader around in one of those three-wheelers like Putin is riding. How he thinks he's intimiditating while riding an oversized trike is beyond me.
You know what? Pro surfing is boring! Unless its pumping then why watch it?unless your fav. Surfer is surfing why watch it? I reckon there is only 10 or 12 guys on tour that me personally like to watch. Would take time out of my day to watch unless the comp is 10ft pipe/chopes. Plus the format is on man is boring all the time.why not have events like 10 man heats? Change it up..more waves ridden...more watchability..more diverse veiwers..ATM its only the core comp watchers watching..i didnt watch 1 wave of the snapper comp
Nah hate watching pro surfing, give me gladiator movies any day.
Vikings. Banshee well not Gladiator;)
Vikings new series 3 now on.
Asp/wsleep .
Muppet show
what a load of wank
May the whole show fold and the grumpy old dudes in the balcony take the piss one last time.
That's what the Internet is all about Wayne ....
Either that or people don't feel the need to sugar coat shit , and just open both barrels on people they don't like . I think the majority of people that post here dislike commercialist business types , and some more extreme atack the hand that feeds them , or in this sites case try to kick down the soap box on which they are spruiking from . Shaun , I'm looking at you . But atleast you get a mention and a nod . Blot mouth u don't exist !
ahh the smell of taxpayers money being abused in the morning.......
Interesting that the Vic govt was giving RC $500K for each event......still about $400 the local council chips in another $100K of services etc......and then throw in the gate money...approx. $100 K......
the question is can the WSL afford 2 events in Australia as they lose which comp would the choose...the one that costs the least?
Good point. Maybe the risk of losing it was so Bells becomes the ONLY Australian 'CT event?
The criteria for choosing would surely be the one that creates the most "Social Media Buzz Value." 0_0
we have 3 now brutus, margs went from QS to CT last year
Great article Stu.
Would like to see more!
Not tuning into an online free streaming surf comp on account of the surf being small is as valid as not going for a surf when it's a bit inconsistent and the on the small side...
Or wearing children's costumes featuring bunny ears when one is an adult.
Such is the world of those suffering mental illness. And leftist whinging progs.
You sir are a bona fide genius! Why not take this to it's logical conclusion, pay attention here zoosea, and make it compulsory. First to watch surf comps, no matter how utterly boring they are and regardless of conditions, if it's ON you must watch. Secondly you must go surfing always, again despite the conditions.
Maybe everyone who wants to be a surfer has to have one of those fitness band thingys and if it doesn't register that you've done your time watching surf comps and surfing in shitty waves then no more surfing for you, particularly when the waves are good. Could have the band thingys talk to mobile towers at the beach to check you've got permission to paddle out. This could solve the locals v blowins (not the one on here, he'd be restricted to surfing at Cottlesloe) problem as well. Rangers to check wrist bands (green: good to go, red: back to the car-park son) unemployment in rural areas solved as well! Or even more fun, self policing by crew already in the line-up.
BB. I knew I wouldnt get those white shoes past U. Okay, Hot off the press, The 2016 Quikkie Pro is on the move. After many long and drawn out discussions the WSL and Wombat Wigglings have announced three exciting new concepts. DONNY< SHEEPY, Welly and RAVE have worked tirelessly with BIG CLIVE to get his cruiser/s to run laps behind OWI or Coolum BEachfront to get it rockin. LOcal Butcher right into it, Sausage SIZZLE of all time he's frothin. AS a last venue we have a soft unforgiving wave down in Tassie boardshorts only needed and boards under 5'10 ,called the bluff. IF it goes flat, we will hold human lure comps behind the safety ski's with the winner being the claret champ. Working on two other back up options but one a bit cactusty at the moment and one needs a bit of rebuilding after a puff of wind blew down local contest tower.
WE have full local support, can give ZOSea the full aussie experience and anticipate viewerships numbers to be their greatest ever. So excited and we will be f**k*D if we pull any great use of the english/brazilian language off the broadcast.
Don't bring me into it Ravo, please edit that.
I'm watching Vikings it's way more exciting. Norwegian princesses that kill poms;)
my sincerest and humble apologies wellymon of semi final world cup cricket fame
, im just off to the dvd store.
WSL need to look at a couple of things..........
Where's the money? Does the world surfing industry revenue stream predominantly come from old and bitter slightly overweight veteran surfers in the over 40 bracket who sit and blog on various surfing sites? I'm a tight arse..... Don't see me buying the latest shit.... I'm flat out buying a surfing mag'....
The money comes from grommets whose parents wallets are open, or from 21yo "aspirational surfers"... same as the music industry,... If i was in charge of the WSL, I wouldn't give a fuck if a 41 yo starts whinging, cos that's what 41yo's do..... A 13yo looks at jon jon on a 3 foot chop throwing an insane air, and analyses it, talks to his mates about it, tries it out at his local, and dreams of being the next big thing.... He buys the posters, the fin system, the brands.. The 41yo whinges about the conditions...
The other sector of the industry that rakes in the bucks is the boomer/retiree longboard sector....
I'm sorry.... But we are irrelevant...... We aren't the future.... Just the bitter past.... WSL needs a marketing strategy purely targeting the 8 to 25 yo bracket.....
But if they are determined to "please everyone", then may i suggest a world longboard title held in conjunction - doesn't have to be held at every event - I think 5 or 6 events would be suffice..... There were small longboard waves peeling off during the lay days at snapper..... Fills in the time..... Attracts the boomers and pseudo cool brigade.... Some aging pros may cross over.... Heck, one day may even have an "undisputed all round world surfing champion" lol.....
thats why they need multiple heats, attention span very limited instantaneous gratification the go. live go, straight into sick replay, multiple angles- extravaganza
Epic article and pull-out quote on '1/5 of the world's population' @stunet - ripping round the surfing world too.
You are probably across it but Matt Warshaw shared and referenced it widely on twitter this morning before going on a rant inspired by this article, drawing the attention/comment of Dane Reynolds (or 'Not Dane Reynolds', depending on which way you look at it...)
Yeah, I noticed I'd raised the ire of Mr History. He's a passionate fella at times.
The basic problem remains the same. Surfing competition has very little drama, long spells of inaction and, compared to other sports, a very small fan base. If the WSL can conjure a viable business plan out of that, good luck to them. I just don't think it is possible to continue at the same level as the past when private companies were willing to spend without expecting a return on their investment. The long term decline in the profitability of the surf clothing industry and the movement of the major players into public ownership are huge obstacles to the survival of the enterprise.
Non surfing businesses wishing to exploit surfing's image have no reason to support a professional tour. The image they want is cool young people having fun in exotic locations, or tanned retirees on longboards. Professional athletes in t shirts are exactly the wrong look.
Sorry Sheepy but none of this has much to do with the perspective of the commentators. Yes, some of us feel some sense of justification in watching an enterprise we did not support start to fail, but it is failing and the odds look good that it will continue to do so.
do u notice how stephanie has been in a lot of lifestyle shots around the media since qk15.
agree bb. u spot on
as for u sheepio
imagine how much money all those surf mags of yours would be worth now?
great waves, good on edge dangerous surfing. wont work live, unless multiple action.
good idea for surfsite places like SN to cash in on but entertain.
too dear to watch at moment, 8 gigs an hour here at tweed at moment- 8 gigs a month!!!!!!!
Still no edit!
i apologised mate. my keyboard screwed- either get over it or i will tell everyone u r the best darn snowboardeer i have ever seen
Here's a thought. Let's get Bernie Ecclestone to run funding at zoosea. He manages to extract $millions from governments everywhere. Funding problem solved!
(Then again I think most lands in his bank account.)
If his daughter gets on the commentary team you have my vote.
yawn, moan here's a thought : WHO FUCKING CARES
clearly you care enough to not only read but comment as well, BOOM!
was gonna say something but left it to you seaman;)
???? I know a roon dog......
do u know a Walter though
No.... Must be a different dog lol.... Cheers, man....
haha : were all dogs ! ....... have a good week end and score some clean lines
So the general consensus seems to be that the WSL/Pro surfing is destined to fail, seemingly sooner rather later. Can anyone think of the last professional sport that had a profile like Pro surfing has had that failed and subsequently became non existent??
it has made a number of comebacks, but Skateboarding is the 1st that springs to mind for me.
Oh and Jai alai (that weird thing with hook handles and balls) - still yet to make a comeback
Yeah good call with skateboarding LC. Never faded out completely but has come & gone for sure.
Devastating that Jai Alai never made it back tho :-)
Rabbits I don't think it will fail completely but it faces a radical scaling back unless the WSL has some tricks up its sleeve which it hasn't yet revealed. More of the same, which seems to be their plan, does not seem like a recipe for success. It is hard to see how the next generation of pros are going to generate the kind of incomes that have been generated over the last couple of decades. I have a suspicion that the WSL are aware of this and will seek to exert ever greater financial control over their "employees" to maximise WSL profits.
The history of cycling in Australia is interesting in regard to sports losing popularity. It had a high profile in the pre-war years then dropped almost out of sight all the way to maybe the late eighties. Sports go in and out of fashion. You might also consider what has happened with squash which used to have a high profile and now is very rarely mentioned. Surfing is not an exact comparison with them because, in reality, it has never been able to maintain a large fan base over any significant time period. It has been propped up, almost since day one, by the miraculous profits of the surf clothing industry. Those days are over permanently. The future? Well two miracles in a row would seem a bit much to hope for.
Cheers BB. Yes I tend to agree, if it was scaled back you would think a young aspiring committed surfer could still make a solid income (sponsorship/prize money etc) whilst having a pretty awesome lifestyle along the way.....
Not up yet but the margies drugless ware pro is coming. Another completely state gov and local shire sponsored event. Don,t know figures involved but in the guise of West oz tourism all paid for with out taxes and rates money so the local and gov bigwigs can hang in the VIP tent eating free canapes and squinting into the sun while wondering what the fuck is going on out there. The pro,s all hate the break judging by sounds of last years wingefest, (most of the locals hate the contest just as much) Organisers dreaming of running heats at the box which always provides good viewer action but a 2 hr tide window and less common swell direction, hard to score too i imagine - you either get tubed with maybe a flyaway air at the end for a 10 or don,t make it out ,so wouldn,t bet on that happening either .It,s the last year for the CT of a 3 yr deal, hoping it doesn,t, get another run but wqs is an even worse alternative. Pray for no surf, just going to go up to the point and start a rain dance now.
A semi related question/s to any shapers or those in the know reading;.... What company is the major producer/supplier of surfboard blanks? Are there several suppliers? Or does 1 company have the monopoly?
And how many surfboards are made worldwide every year?
And btw, I just had a look at the WSL website.............................................
If you want the situation fixed, WSL, just fuckn call me lol ..... There are several marketing and advertising strategies staring you in the freekn face...... Pull ya finger out.....
Sheepy, just wondering - with zillions of boards being made in Bali.......the indo's blowing there own blanks ....surely they are not importing them ?
Brutus whats the blank story there ?
Well, udo, someone's making zillions..... Just like to know the profit margin per blank, then multiply by amount of boards made per year.....
Probably enough money to buy your own private island..........lets just hope they are not goofy and love a tube.......lets just hope the island is not Australia!!!
Anyone know how many shaping machines in Bali ? I heard 7 .....with 5 of those cutting round the clock ?
Where is that waste foam [dust] going ?
Udo, my point I suppose is that alot of people are making big bucks.... i though that most blanks, like nearly everything these days, come from china.... If by chance there is a major player, they should be hit up for some spon'...... Seems alot of companies are making alot of money via supplies ( resin, blanks, even fins and deck pads - every board needs fins and most have a pad).... But not many want to chip in and sponsor a comp'...
not everyone thinks surf industry is doomed - warning direct competition website
But that's the surf industry - i.e surf companies - when this article and subsequent commentary is on the WSL. Two different things.
There is more than 1 comment in here mentioning surf industry,( maybe not clothing labels) Kind of related as the money will need to come from somewhere once Samsung realise they arent selling enough smart phones to surfers.
No indos making millions from surf industry there not even rupier a mate from lakeys firmon works at the light factory at bukit gets paid fuck all dont buy a known brand board from bali
I met a cool Balinese guy selling" Indofins" in Bali, has small booth outside supermarket at Balungan intersection heading toward Ulu,s. Very good quality replica fcs and futures, made from fibreglass and around 40,000rp a set, which is about 1/3 Aus retail for the same fins. He does custom colours and can copy any model if you have a few days or otherwise bunch of stock ready to go. Good on the Balinese I reckon, doing what they have always done despite what,s going on to their island . Don,t blame them, blame us surfers for putting them on the map if anything.
From over on page 1, extract from a comment:
"... The money comes from grommets whose parents wallets are open, or from 21yo "aspirational surfers"... same as the music industry,... If i was in charge of the WSL, I wouldn't give a fuck if a 41 yo starts whinging, cos that's what 41yo's do..... A 13yo looks at jon jon on a 3 foot chop throwing an insane air, and analyses it, talks to his mates about it, tries it out at his local, and dreams of being the next big thing.... He buys the posters, the fin system, the brands.. The 41yo whinges about the conditions..."
Yep, and who are the parents of the 13 yo? Where does the 13yo get the money from to buy said posters, fins systems, brands, etc.? Yep, the 40ish whinging surfing dad who is going to influence his kids, and will have a pretty strong influence over where the family disposable income is spent. This is precisely what zosea / WSL have forgotten. If you don't keep the late 30's into 40's surfing dad's engaged, you'll lose the next generation.
As for the 21yo aspirational pro, well, truth is, by then they have either "made it" and are sponsored or haven't "made it" and still need the fiscal support of their parents, who again will have strong influence, and again, who will be in the late 40's to 50's age ... again, keep them engaged to keep the flow into brands, etc.
The only market without fiscal influence from a 'whinging' late 30's through 40 ish to 50's parent are the guys and gals out there working, treading their own path, earning coin and making their own way in life. And this young adults sure as shit aren't spending hard earned coin on surf industry products ahead of travel and technology.
IMHO, Zoseas / WSL have the whole demographic wrong. And, in the same respect, so too the surfing industry brands. The core consumer for their products is heavily influenced by the working family demographic.
You've got to question WSL's commitment to their sponsors when on the WSL site an article on the Bells venue begins :
"As a location, Bells isn't exactly idyllic. It's cold and regularly crowded."
Tourism Victoria would be thrilled with that rap.
Quote from Breaking down Bells right for beginners.
Wingnut, you write;
"Yep, and who are the parents of the 13 yo? Where does the 13yo get the money from to buy said posters, fins systems, brands, etc.? Yep, the 40ish whinging surfing dad who is going to influence his kids, and will have a pretty strong influence over where the family disposable income is spent. This is precisely what zosea / WSL have forgotten. If you don't keep the late 30's into 40's surfing dad's engaged, you'll lose the next generation."
Ok... Lets look at your point 1..... " Where does the 13yo get the money from to buy said posters, fins systems, brands, etc.? Yep, the 40ish whinging surfing dad who is going to influence his kids, and will have a pretty strong influence over where the family disposable income is spent".
For starters, my parents didn't surf..... Neither of them.... Alot of gromments take up surfing, and not all of them have surfing parents.... Secondly, as far as influence goes, if you wont buy a new fin system for your son because you are pissed off with professional surfing, Well, I feel sorry for the kid....;) Most parents will buy their kid a new wettie if they need one, regardless of whether they are impressed by WSL, or even if they don't surf themselves....
Your second point... "This is precisely what zosea / WSL have forgotten. If you don't keep the late 30's into 40's surfing dad's engaged, you'll lose the next generation."
No they won't.... They wont lose the next generation just because they make the next generation their target, and dad's shitted off about it....."One direction" don't have to keep the parents engaged.. Parents still buy their shit for the kids..... If your kid is seriously into music, are you gonna make him stop because he likes doof doof and you like Cold chisel? I dont think so.......
The thing is, wingnut, surfing is about stoke.. You know that.... You're not gonna make your kid turn his back on the ocean just because WSL hasn't got you "engaged"...... Your kid will probably say "fuck you dad, I'm going surfing.... You coming or what???".......
Thursday, I wrote;
"And btw, I just had a look at the WSL website.............................................
If you want the situation fixed, WSL, just fuckn call me lol ..... There are several marketing and advertising strategies staring you in the freekn face...... Pull ya finger out."
Well.... Still waiting for the phonecall......... Do you want it fuckn fixed or not!!! ;p
mate spoke to them up here, but they think they know how to do it. In fact they were so arrogant they seemed offended that anyone cold put forward a suggestion,
Its like the huge Quiksilver store they opened in Coolangatta recently, huge rent, wont have enough sales, people will lose their jobs, the bar will struggle to make money, I suggested they get local filmer to film all local spots and put up on big screen so the locals could come in, maybe see themselves surfing, have abeer, listen to some music and thet looked at me as i was nuts, they said they had it sorted, walked past the other night, five people in there, five staff on, do the maths, too big, and shortsighted. WSL seem to be the same.
Hehehehhe, isn't that joint just the pits dave. With surfboards ona kind of sushi train rotation orbiting the store ceiling. What a cack! And boards, boards, boards, staffed by bored people who think rocker is someone with long sideburns. It will go under for sure. The layout is crap too. Reminds me of sideways. It was great as a rambling warehouse before they moved it to currently hospital level clean like conditions now which have nothing to do with surfing. When you think of how much retro appeal they push these days but are clueless on how to present products in a way that as soon as you get in the door you don't want to run away. One plus for the quiky store, they do a good cappuccino!
Well it's their loss, Davo.... Met many arrogant fucks in the advertising/marketing game.... "Went to uni"... "Got a degree in marketing blah blah blah"..... You know the type...
My father and I established Australia's first ever "Over 50's" magazine back in the early 90's - glossy cover tabloid - extra large print for older eyes - articles on over 50's holidays, aged care, health, guest columnists like the lefts Fred Daley and the rights Bruce Ruxton...... .... I was an ex fisherman ex car spare parts interpreter.... Dad was a bloke who left school at 15 to work in an abattoir..... Real people... Not these hitch hikers guide to the galaxy know it alls... Needless to say, our quarterly publication soon became monthly, soon became Australia wide....
A certain media group made us an offer we couldn't refuse.... Of course they fucked it within 3 years.... But hey we got the spon.....
Anyways, WSL, if you are reading... I see you are struggling to get a named sponsor for Rio, Fiji, and J bay.....
I've already given you a legs up on a "manufacturers championship", probably best held at J bay, with it's historical link to design via T Fitz etc.... I'll be fucked if I'm gonna tell you the surefire plan to arc up the rio pro.....
I've given you a heads up on linking the longboard tour to the main tour in 6 to 9 comps, therefore filling in dead time PLUS SAVING MONEY!!!!!! Holding the comps in conjunction IS THE LOGICAL THING TO DO!!!!!!! Create a carnival like atmosphere so the it is more than just a comp.... Boomers thru to grommets..... Bands playing- you'll get decent local bands wanting to do it for just for exposure.... Fuck even rides for the kids... Fairy floss ffs.....
From what I can see, there is a world longboarding comp on right now......
Well who would've fuckn known............ Held at snapper during the small days, or at upcoming bells, more exposure, more interest, less administrative and logistical overheads.....
It aint fuckn rocket science.....
Heres a good one for Rio Sheepy......waves.
I only hope the rio waves are 1/2 as good as what snapper was..... ;)
Good call, Rio makes my local break look like the Mentawis.
lol...... Memla, I think we have been spoilt in the last decade with chopes etc..... Seems if a comp doesn't have ALL TIME waves, out come the critics..... Some really intriguing battles were had back in the MR/rabbit/Carroll/Curren/occy days that didn't involve 10 foot death defying conditions.... I think if the fanbase expects epic conditions at every comp' then it is set up for failure... WSL can't control the swell..... But what they can do is control the stuff OUT of the water...... In the water will take care of itself......
I think the rio pro should be tweaked.... Having said that, I think the Snapper pro should be tweaked, too...... Already stated that the Aussie leg of the world longboard comp should be held in conjunction.... Even the junior tour too maybe..... Imagine finals day!!! It'd be like the different classes of moto bikes all on one day.... 3 champions carried from the water, one after the other.... First final - the battle of the young guns..... Second final,with a totally different contrast ( which is needed at these events) is the longboards.... 3rd final is the mens....
You know it makes sense lol ;)
Mals? Juniors? and Pros? I'II tell you what muppetbreath, you have the whole shower down at your local then. This was the first year in ages I met so many people pissed off, not interested, couldn't give a rats about that horseshit at Snap. The chicks are feckin dire, and you are calling for what? Mals?
I hope the whole shebang gets flushed down around the s-bend and those who support it go with it.
A new name with an old writing style... Even the same insults, aye "muppetbreath"..... so funny..... lol....