Watch: Dylan Graves // Sardinia
Dyl drops the Weird Waves franchise and chases something more regular - albeit it off the beaten track.
With over 250 kms of west-facing coastline, Sardinia is the 'Hawaii' of the Mediterranean Sea. Open to swell from the southwest around to the northwest, the latter powered by wintertime mistral winds, Sardinia has many slabs and points, though few travelling surfers would ever bother to find out.
Dylan responds to an invite from Italian surfer Roby D'Amico and is glad that he did.
DG makes it hard to watch...
Dunno. I'd say he's one of the better talking heads in surfing.
Agree. Doesn't overhype things either.
Watched last night. Something different out of the box.
That little slab looked fun.
(as far as slabs go)
Pleasantly surprised at the level of surfing
Great Vid
Big Swell Brewing Thurs for East Med ?
Yep. Libya and Egypt left points will be on.
I would have to say I'm very surprised at the size of the waves they are surfing!
I didn't think there would be enough fetch there in the middle of the Mediterranean.
Obviously I was wrong; some of them look really fun.
lol talking heads, yes the can of worms are open.
The Evan Dando of surfing.
Haha. Nice one.
Ha ha
Had to see if he's still alive. Not quite the handsome ladykiller of 30 years ago.
I saw him play a couple of years ago. I was only mildly interested in the Lemonheads in the 90s. I have to say he was FANTASTIC.
None of us is...
Well who would've thought???? Pizza, Red wines & barells to boot! Obviously it gets good as you can see by the level of surfing of the local chargers! MMMMMM could be that way soon & Gadafi point gets explosive too!
I.B. That Swell just starting to Show on Israel Coast - Bad Winds
I guess the Egypt Libya Coast would have some Sheltered Spots.
what is NOT to amore about Italy?
it has everything a man with a 1/2 a pulse could ever want for and it has surf ^^ & quick and cheap flights to every swell magnet in Europe & Africa!!
That was fun.