O....M....G...!! Could it be?

Yeah it's looking bloody good at this stage.

Erm....remind where this forgotten coast is?

I think we've all forgotton, Derra.

Yep, one of those rare situations with such a large strong groundswell and light winds!!!

Few excited souls down there i bet

Storm surfers ben

Yeah too short notice at the moment. But I know the local fellas are gearing up.

Sheepdog can you show us some spots, but I only fly virgin ta ta Qantas

Sheepdog can you show us some spots, but I only fly virgin ta ta Qantas

Shepherddog wrote:Derra, this place is in Australia.... That's a pretty big clue..... Look at an mslp map for sunday, then take in Craigs comment.... nothin' like workin' it out yourself ;)
I can guess from previous convos of yours. But only at the scale of 10-100s of kms. And even if my guess is right, Google Maps is no help anyway.
And the MSLPs are deceiving... being so far South I was certain it was crossing, not following, the great circle paths. And the system as a whole did, but the winds were aimed well.

I know exactly where you are talking about but further north from where I surfed. Sheepdog last time I was at TH there was no one to surf with. Perfect Easterly offshores too. Cmon give a guy a break.

winds forecast now to go South

Very big clues there!!!
And the 10-12ft call even points to which coast!!!

Well be a great opportunity to have a good go. Its not often you get conditions like this...

Sheepdog in at 2:30pm to big L. Been told its about a four hour drive.

Is that a lot of size for your neck of the woods SD? Sorell data is unreal and there's very little wind across the south and west coast. Should be some great sessions going down.

Hey Sheepy can you give us a link to his blog?

Mick doesn't have a blog, Sheep was just referring to Mick on here blogging.

All over it :)

Want see footage heard it got massive

There'll be footage soon Camel. 20ft+ with some horror wipeouts apparently (seen some photos already.. amazing!).

Roger that ben . Remarkable swell that one . Over 4m at wa. Cdc & over 5m at tas all with the highest period reg ! 23 solid secs to start and then swell size increase gradually ! Quality surf ...

Yep and it all started from a Tropical Cyclone named Guito back between Madagascar and South Africa.

Really did it craig? Not much size registered on the westside bouys but strangely rottnest was a fraction bigger than nat ?? Really unusual for a sw swell that bombed down where it did

Ben i was told 25ft plus

One of the wipeouts was so bad that e shit himself . Found out after when taking off hes wetty !

Photos don't look quite that big (looks 20ft+, or 35-40ft on the face).. certainly not the biggest Pedra ever but still bloody huge and heavy. See the drone footage we just posted?

caml wrote:strangely rottnest was a fraction bigger than nat ?? Really unusual for a sw swell that bombed down where it did
Just reading straight from the graph, it's a microscopic difference. Could be due to the time interval over which each data point is constructed, rather than actual swell size.
How do you know the direction btw? Are the Qld & NSW buoys the only ones with directional data?

Hey mitch yeah wa has direction . It is very rare for that to occur like it did . Lately it has been unususl with the rott/ jur bouys sizes . Ive watched them for 15 yrs and have got to know the traits

Mitch i hear wat u suggested you maybe correct but its still unusual to see rotto bigger than nat . From a swell episode like that one . Just seen a pic and its easily a 30fter , ben you must have seen a different one !

Ahhh right, I was just looking at the srosurf site, added the dpt of tranport site to my bookmarks. Anyway yeah, it makes more sense that Nat would be bigger.

Rotto buoy often levels or goes past Cape Nat buoy on winter swells though hey Camel ... when fronts push higher up the coast and swell is angled dead W rather than SW, or SSW.
Agree its really rare for this time of year though ... really a May to Sept phenomenon only I reckon. Any other time prevailing SW direction often means Rotto buoy 1m+ smaller.

Mick yes it averages a lot less except for those times that you mentioned. And jurien averages a bit more than rotto becos theres less cont shelf

Sheepdog just got back to Sydney. Swell Sunday 5m with a perfect peak in arvo with the only change that I could see was an extending period (Ben will know). I think it was a special swell event. At a certain bay you could see very strong long lines peeling in 18 secs apart decked out five deep. So lucky it didn't peak in the night time. Consistent but not super-consistent. Wasn't wave after wave like in a Hawaiian swell. Bigger sets every 20 mins or so. Obviously it's a sensitive area so won't go into details, but a local trough produced a Southerly Sunday limiting options to sheltered spots which were varying in size 8- 12 foot and super sheltered 3-4. I think Pedra and Shippies had SW on it has forecasted too and this was true as evidenced in photos but it was lighter further south. Monday swell drained quickly (as in 5m to 3m haha) with all day offshores mmmmm pretty lucky warm water (relatively to winter), fine weather and waves unreal. I'll be back.

Sheepdogggie, nice thread, I have been reading and have been very interested, awesome part of the country and it sounds like youre on the ball with swell etc, I would love to experience that part of the country, nice people, good waves in abundance. A lot of people say its similar to home....?
Mick3, your a keen fucker for sure, love your style of FIFOMOFO, keep it real.
Hey nice work respect.

Sheepie, give you a hint champ 'Sheep'........?
Missus is screemin " Lamb Chops and Velcro Gloves".
Ron Jeremy never had cags like M3, you should check out ...............
Craig.. This sunday, early monday?.. Could it be? A windswept forgotten coast? Where men are men? Primal on so many levels?