Killer Whales along the Mornington Peninsula

Wow, I didn't know they were regularly seen down there? I would shit it as well, seeing what they do to seals!
Get any snaps?

Great story Harry.
Heres a vid on Facebook of Orcas chasing a boat going fast.

geez that was good.

wow awesome footage,would have been a blast being there.

There was news footage the other night on the TV of them swimming in Bushrangers Bay near Cape Schanck. Some-one must have it on-line. Amazing footage on that Facebook site. Good find.

That would have been amazing to be there.
Does anyone know why Killer Whales are still migrating past the peninsula so late in the season? I had one jump out of the water about 20 meters away from me near Rye back beach and I was terrified to say the least. Needless to say, I and the other blokes I was surfing with swam in to shore pretty quickly; I just didn't want to take the risk in sub-par two-foot surf. I mean it was a surreal experience, but I was under the impression that Killer Whales migrate only in the wintertime - when the water is cool and not early summer. Perhaps it has something to do with the cool start to summer??