Wind Farms off the East Coast

Its surprising these offshore type wind farms are viable, yeah sure you cut land cost out but imagine the cost to install and maintain, those things would get a flogging from from the saltwater environment.
You would think most coastal areas of Vic, Tas, SA, WA that there would just as much exposure to wind in costal areas and not shortage of suitable areas.

This sets out a compelling case for the urgent widespread deployment of renewables


GuySmiley wrote:This sets out a compelling case for the urgent widespread deployment of renewables
wholeheartedly agree
wholewholeheartedly agree... with the guardian article i had to force myself to read, because the guardian is now utter utter trash...
...with the guadian article that totally skimmed over about biden shutting down the keystone pipeline on his very first day in office...
and totally ignored that biden put back in motion the northstream pipeline- that trump had halted - just a few months after his first day in office...
both, which arguably, also created this putin empowered mess...
still wholeheartedly agree with the article... but it's a tough sell in that political environment...
good luck with that

The story of Norway and what that country did after the ME oil crisis is an equally compelling example on what is possible if a united country acts with courageous political leadership.
Curious whether wind farms off the East Coast proposed in this article would actually be viable.
Not sure how far offshore they would be looking but the depth of the continental shelf for either anchored or floating turbines, requirements for large harbour access, occasional intense weather systems such as ECLs, impact on long shore sand drift and impact on seabirds could all be limitations. Fish might be happy with a bunch of new reef structures.