Ticks, tocked!

Craig wrote:Yeah I've had a couple of tiny ones this season, got them out probably within half a day to day, but I've had this persistent upper back/shoulder itchy ness and not sure if related. It comes and goes but can't find the trigger..
This could be notalgia paraesthetica Craig.. if so, not tick related.

Charlie that could be it. Sounds very similar. Thanks.

Been a few mentions of ticks in the FC notes lately so I thought it was time for a thread. Especially seeing that - amazingly - until this morning, I've never had one, despite decades of camping all over the place.
Anyway, this morning I got out of the shower, had some tension in my back muscles, looked in the mirror and momentarily thought a melanoma had increased exponentially in size.
But, lo and behold, a tick was borrowed into my skin. My wife managed to get most (but not all) of it out.
So, other than a good pair of tweezers and a steady hand, anyone else have a recommended strategy?