Sixth Sense - That Gut Feeling - ESP

Wow mate, that’s full on.
Not in the same realm but I get that feeling of déjà vu probably once every couple of months. I’ve always wonder what it is......

Thanks Udo,
Just reposting my thoughts from the other thread:
Went for a surf this week at a well known spot, which I probably surf 15-20 times per year. To access the break, I paddle approx 500m around the headland to the wave. I always paddle, although you can do a walk, then a 100m paddle.
About 150m into the paddle I had this overwhelming sense that I was in danger (er, on a lower rung of the food chain), the water was very murky. This palpable sense of fear dissipated after about a minute. I have never had this sense of impending doom before, although the last time I saw a big shark was at an adjacent wave (on the incoming paddle) about 5 years ago (Christmas Day to be precise).
The surf was pumping, after 3 hours, caught a wave in then paddled the last 350m over the spot I had been so spooked by. The rationalist in me decided to think about sharks as I paddled in to see if it triggered that same fear...nada. Felt fine.
So was my fear real? Irrational? Sixth sense? Influenced by previous experience?
Apart from the murky water (which is normal) there were no other visual prompts.
Interested to hear of anyone else who may have had similar experiences

@udo , would love to hear your bali bombing experience, were you in Bali at the time ?

@solitude , I can relate to the deja vu , don’t get it much anymore though.

san Guine wrote:So was my fear real? Irrational? Sixth sense? Influenced by previous experience?
Apart from the murky water (which is normal) there were no other visual prompts.Interested to hear of anyone else who may have had similar experiences
Know what you’re saying.
I was surfing a reef once about 150m offshore. About an hour into the session I looked back to shore and saw this ugly triangular black dorsal fin slowly submerge about 10m from myself (was alone). The old parasympathetic NS kicked right into gear then, you know the feeling - ultra spine tingly hormones rushing from head to toe, razor sharp vision / focus. Every paddle back to shore felt like it would be my last.
So the above is an example of my system reacting to an actual presence. There has been several times that I’ve had that same feeling in the absence of stimuli, seemingly standard surf. Sometimes it resolves in 30 secs - 1 minute and I crack on, sometimes I give in to the sensations and decide that it’s time to pack it a way.
I’ve no way of knowing whether the threat perceived by my nervous system was real or not in those innocuous situations.

I get that a lot around here.
I go into a vigilant state, and if surfing stops being fun, I come in.
No way of knowing if a threat was imminent or not, unless you see something or find out later whitey was in the district.

Yeah I used to ignore my spidery senses most of the time prior to the winter of 2020.
As you say, if the anxiety or overt natural warning signs are greater than the sum of my fun, the prone to the beach can be a nice way to wrap it up these days

A month or so ago, I'm driving down to the supermarket. It's a wet and windy night. As I'm driving past a line of trees I think 'Gee, I wonder what would happen to me in this ute cabin if one of those trees fell , probably cave the roof in on me". Go to the supermarket, get my stuff, drive back out and there's a tree across the road, right where I was thinking about it. Would have killed me.

@udo , I can imagine the feeling that would have come over you when the news came days later .

I read a very interesting book on women who had been assaulted, the name of which I can't recall, but almost every single story involved the victim sensing that gut feeling about the perpetrator ("help you with the shopping, madam?", or noticing the guy walking behind them) and then thinking they were just being paranoid and pushing the thought away. With horrendous results.
Always go with the gut. Always.

I was making a coffee before in our coffee machine and I thought I wonder how much water is left in the machine and I never think this, next minute yep u guessed it ran out of water half way through the poor. I know right!


Two tales same local reef
Finished my surf and was very slowly walking back along a narrow rocky beach below a sheer cliff when I sensed danger. Hair up on the back of my neck stuff. WTF? So I started scanning the beach and there in front of me about 5’ away was black snake slivering towards me.
Vicco winter afternoon pretty dull with rain. Good but infrequent swell and I’m the only one out. On high alert, can’t see my feet when I’m sitting on my board, the water and reef below me are very dark. A set approaches, I’m good but I suddenly get this chill down my back, I look over my left shoulder and there it was a fin has broken the surface coming straight at me not more than 10 feet away, but as the first fin breaks the surface 3 or 4 others do wise, fark dolphins. They swam straight underneath me, I look but cant see them, caught the 2nd set wave in.

Something that happened to my sister, probably more extra sensory than sixth sense...Our Mum died in 2003, my sister lives in La Jolla, San Diego, so a few years after mum dies, my sister gets all the old Christmas videos put on a disc so she can watch them again, which she does with one of her daughters, spends a day watching them, they get a bit teary, my niece says something about it feels like mum was there. Roll on a few months, my sister who teaches yoga has a coffee after class with a new student, hardly knows her, who says she is going to a clairvoyant after this, wanna come? My sister agrees, they walk in the door and the clairvoyant looks at my sister and says "Your mother wants you to know she was there that day watching videos". My sister fainted. When she came to she was so freaked she ran. Refuses to go back, despite pleas to get mum to give us the lotto numbers. She won't talk about it which is out of character for her and still seems genuinely rattled, years later. I don't know what the fuck to think about it all.

The line between life and death is a very fine one, a threshold easily crossed...I have been called to assist managing a deteriorating patient (on more occasions than I can recall) where the patient has expressly said that they are "going to die" and within hours or a few days they have died.
The fear of impending doom or maybe, embracing the moment?

I know of a couple of real ‘Final Destination’ type scenarios where people appear to have cheated death and then died in a random accident.
One example: a colleague was in Afghanistan in the passenger seat of a open Land Rover leaned forward to check something in a bag by his feet and two AK47 rounds hit the headrest where his head had been milliseconds before. Not long after getting back to Australia he died in a pretty freakish vehicle accident.

I used to grow pot and used to listen to all my neighbours from underneath my mums house where i had my several setups. (2x 400 watt HPS and several 120cm double flouros) about 60 plants all up not including clones.
this was when i was a first growing got some good white rhino, well actually romper stomper seeds (white rhino backcrossed with afghani) feminised seeds.
used to knock everyone out, my mates parents would smoke it and ask what i sprayed on it as it knocked you around and mad couchlock. like what the fuck am i doing cant move for shit!
that was my last seed out of ten, i paid the local hydro store guy $200 for 10 and most of them i bailed on through paranoia untill i had one left.
That hydro store guy knew everything i hung out with him all the time in TAFE lunch breaks on days off, whenever.Taught me a lot.
I saw a car sitting outside across the road from me with one guy sitting in it for a few days and thought something was up so started listening to my voices i could hear from kilometers away. voices of neighbours, cops strangers the whole works. i wasn't listening to people sleeping togethor though, never worked that one out but when i was living in Perth years later kids started calling me hearing aid or radar head as i could hear peoples discussions from so far away..ambulance drivers, cops, neighbours you name it..all because i was on high elert from growing dope. either selling clones or buds whatever i could manage and putting my mind in high elert. listening out for neighbours and cops.
i started making hydro setups in my backyard for the local hydro shop from $60 each aeroponic system which took a lot of work on my days off. they looked pro though and started selling like hotcakes. my aeroponic cloner would get clones roots with 5-6 days for chillies and cannabis.
anyway my neighbors in Perth would follow me around wherever i went and i could tell. even when i had two girlfriends at the same time (who both knew about eachother) the neighbours would try and dob me in, cops came down my street and weren't looking for me they were looking for bogans trying to start shit with me for my published anti religious views saying out loud on a saturday night yelling "where is Groundswell he's going to burn in hell for what hes been saying"
"(my name) you're going to burn in hell for the shit you've been saying" "come out and fight" walking up and down the street looking for my car to destroy. I was thinking "well forgive me".
anyway the shit that happened at the time is too much to compute for most people even my doctors all believe it was all my diagnosis of schizophrenia back in 2003 that's responsible.
In my opinion that'd only part of it...I believe i happened, my religious views just got me a bad rep in a religious town. Also Perth is such a boring place, people watching is a sport.

That’s a mad story. I don’t know what thread it should live on, but it’s a good one. You line up some classics on occasion groundy. Hope you’re doing OK.
I remember that loose story you told about two kiwi gals you met in Sydney that was only on the forum for about 4 hours coz it was so loose then it got disappeared Hutchy-style. Epic.

Yes the groundswell after dark stories are legendary , I can still picture him wearing the clown mask .

I screen shot the dolmio grin story lol

That’s the one.


Thanks for the kind words fellas and sorry for all the spelling mistakes.
Another one i used to get was sensing when a bomb set is coming before any indicators.
One time i was on a loose round tail fish that had small quad fins out second reef cronulla point mostly going the wally semi fat lefts as no one was going them.
Paddled back out after a right and just had this strange sense a bomb 3rd reef set was coming so started charging towards the horizon with people near me wondering what i was doing, staying still.
Sure enough a bomb set came however i was near the shoulder and Terapai Richmond was in the bowl in deep, i didnt look back however, just paddled for it then noticed about 40 people trying to duckdive in front of me.
I panicked even though everyone was saying go it was solid 8 foot maybe 10foot on my loose piece of shit fish with small fins.
I decided to hold back and swallow my pride.
I asked who went right and nobody went, Terapai went left into a closeout.
One surfer (Rick Riley) was saying good things about my shark island surfing when a bodyboarder said to him "but does he still have balls?"
At least i wasnt laying on my guts i guess..bodyboarding is easy, one board suits all conditions, no need to change fins etc...some bodyboarders will never get it.
Once you get good on a bodyboard you will always have that skill. once you lose that skill on a shortboard its very hard to get back.

And running over or trying to avoid about 40 people is deadly especially on a loose fish on a 8-10foot beast.

Start a thread “Groundswell Stories” you’re a loose unit

Haha goofy i will have a think about that one. Thanks.

As grom I was surfing a tiny beach break literally standing on the sand between waves. In between the long spaced sets I noticed about a minute or so before a set the water level around me dropped about 6 inches. I began to predict the sets well before I saw them. Not ESP but every now and then that is useful at some spots where there is a reference point and you sense the general water level drop and a draw out to sea. A miniature version of the Tsunami draw then surge phenomena.
Maybe that sea level draw down was how Groundswell instinctively predicted the bomb set? Or maybe it was weed powered ESP?

frog wrote:maybe thats how Groundswell instinctively predicted the bomb set?
Could be or i noticed a slight movement but i dont remember it that way and it happened in most surfs unless it was small..even then i remember shark island getting low on the lefts a good tide for chunky 3foot tubes and there were some locals everyone else were greedy, blowins and newbies who'd only surfed the island in the last year or less.
I waited for the last wave of a set and a local charger said you're up matt.
Well surprise surprise pecking order still work, even though i surfed better than the other guys who were first in line for some reason not known to me(sponsorship and cams?) I took off on a small 1foot section in deep towards mid peak and raced it to the bowl of shark island lefts where i had to pull in so high to fit in and contort my body in the tube a lot to go around a foamball or two.
They all said it was the best small (3foot) tube they've seen live..started getting more and more of my share out there after that. Pity Perce Nugget and Mick Mackie had all left town before that as they knew i had what it takes to be one of top dogs at shark island.. However i had an electrical career (which helps with mull closets and electrics), and housework) and bought a $17000 car that i needed to pay off by working long hours and a few bits of this, a little bit of that.
as al electrical apprentice i studied hard, missed a few days surfing however one of the best choices i made, but once my mum chooses a set of internal lights and i put them up, they stay up. im not a fashion victim holding my hands in the air untill my mums happy with the colours etc
Decide before its up dammit.

Frog, that's infragravity action! Read this, I feel it all the time now that i'm aware of it..

@craig , what causes reverse rips ? A point that I surf works in a south swell and usually the sweep is relentless, last year when most of the goldy was 1-2 ft , this particular break was pumping , rides over 250 meters on a south swell and the added bonus was a current taking you back to the point, it occasionally happens at snapper also on east swells.

Can be a few things Supafreak.
If the EAC (East Australian Current) is pushing in close to the coast, that can generate near-shore reverse rip currents.
Go look at the Tweed river outflow on some days in summer/autumn and you'll see what I mean.
Sometimes it can be swell direction, which creates an eddy in the hook of a Bay like Snapper, Byron etc etc.

Cheers for that FR , yeah it happens at snapper occasionally in summer and the other place in autumn. Nice not paddling constantly for a change .

We had it here through the autumn/winter2019, it actually totally disrupted the normal long-shore sand transport flow which is at it's seasonal peak in May.
We had S swells and reverse sweep currents.
It was totally weird.

Supa, there is point break nearby which is always a battle paddling out in a south swell but once the swell comes from anything north of east the current reverses and runs out along the point and will run harder the bigger the swell. you are then always trying to paddle back in which makes a tricky take off spot with everyone looking over their shoulder and the waves sneaking up behind you.

That happened at desert point in the last 10 years after a big swell the current which usually pulled you from the end sections back out to the outside (where you didnt have to paddle back out) changed to heading north. I think things went back to normal last year from reports.
But if you dont get a wave by the time you reach the takeoff zone, you will need to get rescued by one of the boats. Foam is your friend there unless its small.Just for the paddle back in...not sure if anyone has ever gone missing or drowned at deserts, but it wont be long probably.

Speaking of gut feelings, is it a coincidence blowin and hutchy have both completely disappeared at the same time?

goofyfoot wrote:Speaking of gut feelings, is it a coincidence blowin and hutchy have both completely disappeared at the same time?
Have they? Maybe I can venture back here occasionally. :-)

Honest to dog, the night before Gladys resigned I had a dream that Gladys resigned.
That is the only dream I have ever had about Gladys.
On the spookier end, my dad was in a nursing home with dementia. November 2006, he’d been in there for about 8 months. 80 years old and going down hill pretty fast. My sister who was seeing him regularly said he had lost a lot of weight in the last 3 months. He was occasionally lucid and sometimes quite off the dial.
One visit, in a more lucid conversation, he told my sister that mum had come to visit last night and that she said she’d be taking him home soon. He seemed very pleased at that news, understandably. The next day he died.
Mum had been dead for 6 years at that point!
Got a Story about that Gut Feeling Sixth Sense ESP Experience - Love to Hear it..