Surfers ear operations

Not sure of the situation in Melbourne but the surgery can be done through the public system and by the same specialists if you’re prepared to go on a waiting list. In NSW out of Tweed hospital the wait was 18 months but I got a call after 7 months but had moved to the MNC by then. If cost is your big worry it’s worth checking out your local base hospital.

@surfaboutoz , rough cost if you have no insurance and don’t use public system is $5000 per ear . Ive had both done 1 year apart

This guy did mine, did a good job, didn’t have to cut the back of my ear open either. dayan chandrasekara

Neil Vallance is an extremely experienced ENT surgeon, with a vast amount of exostoses surgery's
performed. I'm just back from day surgery today after just having my 2nd ear done. Pain is minimal. Ears were almost fully closed over with the bone growth.Very happy with the outcomes of the surgeries considering the amount of blockage. Worth spending the money and not taking any risks with this type of surgery imo.. He operates out of Frankston Private and also Cabrini,( I think), closer to the city. Best of luck!

Cost ?


Has anyone got a recommendation for a top notch surgeon in SA?

Both my ears were done through the public system by Dr Trish MacFarlane. No complaints and I hear she travels to the west coast to operate as well. I've also met with Dr Kym Diamantis, and he helped me with an ear virus which was new to me but apparently common in Autumn. Kym's a nice guy to talk to and operates in the Adelaide cbd.

Thanks Ash, greatly appreciated

Anyone know of surgeons doing just chisel (i.e. not chisel and drill) in Australia? Information has been hard to find. For what it's worth (in case anyone is interested), I found that Michael Busby in SEQLD does combo chisel / drill where possible.

I know this was a long time ago but did you have any luck finding other surgeons in Australia using the chisel method?
backhand life wrote:Anyone know of surgeons doing just chisel (i.e. not chisel and drill) in Australia? Information has been hard to find. For what it's worth (in case anyone is interested), I found that Michael Busby in SEQLD does combo chisel / drill where possible.

Just stumbled across this thread. I am about to see a specialist next week to find out if I need to get the surgery on at least one ear myself. Every time I surf now, the pressure does not equalize properly in my right ear and takes a while to drain. Had a break from the water for a few months earlier this year due to time constraints, but after getting back in the water again around April, I found I was getting these issues plus a constant ringing in the right ear for up to 1-2 weeks afterwards.
Anyway, long story short, did some internet research and came across a bloke who sells a product called "Sassal surfers ear drops" so I thought why not, give them a try, it can't hurt. After a surf now, I put a couple of these drops in my ear that night. I'm not getting the drainage and ringing issues as bad anymore so they must be doing something.....

After a surf a couple of weeks ago one of my ears became completely blocked. Can barely hear out of it and it's ringing all the time (more noticeable at night). Went to the GP and said I need to see an ENT.
Was recommended an ENT by a mate who's had his ears done. Tried to book with him and couldn't get an appointment until mid January next year! Going with someone else that I could get a booking for in October. Had no idea it would take that long to see someone. That's private system too.
I think I'm staring down the barrel of needing both ears drilled sooner rather than later.

Word of warning for those that may need surgery in the future to have your ear drilled
I've got health cover with Medibank. Expected they'd pick up most of it. Called them today after getting the quote and they won't cover ANY of it. And I pay $180 a month in health insurance. Ridiculous.
So if you think you'll need it done, check your cover well in advance. I asked about if I could beef up my insurance now and they said it's a 12 month exclusion period.

In the meantime try to get hold of some Ciproxin HC Ear Drops - they'll unblock ur ear for sure. Im in same boat as you re ears drilled but haven't done it yet

Thanks yeah I was on Ciproxin for a couple of weeks. Had 2 infections going plus some funky polyp growing which blocked my ear. Mainly settled down now.

Bnkref wrote:Word of warning for those that may need surgery in the future to have your ear drilled
I've got health cover with Medibank. Expected they'd pick up most of it. Called them today after getting the quote and they won't cover ANY of it. And I pay $180 a month in health insurance. Ridiculous.
So if you think you'll need it done, check your cover well in advance. I asked about if I could beef up my insurance now and they said it's a 12 month exclusion period.
Same deal with me with Bupa. My policy didn’t include ENT. Forked out the cash for one ear.
Updated my policy now waiting a year to get my other one done.
Talk to dr Neil Vallance. Very well known ent surgeon with a very good reputation. Operates in Melbourne
Edit- sorry I’ve just seen kirwoods comments above re Neil. Good luck with it

Thanks Goofyfoot. I think I’ll do the same. Suck it up and pay for this one and then change my insurance as my other ear will need to be done down the track.
I’ve got a doc who came recommended to me. Simon Ellul in Williamstown.

I'm with HCF, but still paid a gap. From memory it was around 3 Grand - 2 years ago.

3 grand gap or total? I’m looking at about 5ish grand I think (in total).

Bnkref wrote:3 grand gap or total? I’m looking at about 5ish grand I think (in total).
I’ve posted before it cost me $5000 each ear about 4 years ago . When I mentioned to Dr that I’d heard of some getting the op 2 or even 3 times he said that’s because some Drs are a bit shy about drilling and don’t grind enough out . He said he’d done hundreds of these procedures and guarantees I would die of old age before it grew back . Best thing I’ve done as water trapped in my ear was beyond annoying. Good luck all . First ear I was 8 weeks out of the water due to slow healing , other ear was only 4 weeks due to quickly healing ( had changed to a better diet )

Three grand was the gap with pretty much top cover. That's out of pocket 3 G's. That was the doctors fee on top of whatever the base fee is - not hospital fees. Sorry - I don't remember the total bill.

No worries. Geez the insurance companies are good for nothing.

Wow, so expensive!

Bnkref wrote:No worries. Geez the insurance companies are good for nothing.
Ever known an insurance company to be otherwise? The main (only?)benefit I think is being bumped up the list. Public waiting times can be horrendous.

Private health coverage is terrible, I'm struggling to see the value. I look at their benefits and I'm always shocked by how little they provide.

This is why I cancelled mine years ago. I had my ear drilled through public system and paid nothing. Did have to wait over 12 months though.
Hey guys can anyone recommend an awesome ear specialist in Melbourne for a surfers ear opperation? or is it a go anywhere thing these days? any help would be very much appreciated. Cheers