Latest on wetsuits.....

icandig wrote:Thanks @AW - Moorabool St?
**also edit...Tonic in Barwon Heads, not Rasta.
Icandig. I think they are or have just moved elsewhere in Geelong, overheard someone in the car park talking about wetsuits, interesting, first real cold day 14c, most conversations were about wetties and are you wearing booties or no booties.
Us surfers, definitely cut from a different cloth. I love surf talk, banter and camaraderie.
Tonic is ok, but you’ve gotta be ‘Johnny on The Spot’ when they have those big bargain days, very easy to miss those sales. AW

@AW, about to send you and seeds a couple of tight little hardbacks of colin thiele's coorong.. just checking you don't have it already in your collection?

Someone is good on the screenshots!
Still awaiting a bud from someone and a mail bomb from someone else.

haha, mate I emailed stu, and asked him if it was ok for SN to show your boobs edit the respect that AW didn't!

Cheers cobber!
I did note it all went away once I awoke.
All explained now and many thanks.
ps how good are boobs you master of the under 10 minute edit.

Double tapparoo. Franks and beans pretty good too if that tickles your fancy

aaaaw, dude... double post?
thought you were better than that..

aaaaw, dude... double post?
thought you were better than that..

Shit no. I got Parkinson’s.

haha, I was thinking about dropping around for a week or two for a bit of couch surfing. Hope your beer fridge is well stocked seeds.

More than welcome tubeshooter!!

See ya tomorrow ;)

basesix wrote:@AW, about to send you and seeds a couple of tight little hardbacks of colin thiele's coorong.. just checking you don't have it already in your collection?
Basesix. Hi mate, that’d be well appreciated, the Coorong, special place. I don’t have any of his books.
Do you think Seeds has been out snout rooting in late Autumn/Winter psilocybin pastures like a truffle pig, sounds like it to me. AW

Whaahaahaa, Snout Rooting. That’s a good band name!

seeds wrote:“Hooded bear suits” got me laughing. Can you move in those things? Or do you feel it is limiting but sessions are too short otherwise?
Adam’s first wave at 1:45
Surprisingly the bear suits aren't too bad, once I get used to it, I don't feel too restricted, in fact the one I'm finding too restrictive is the 4/3 o'neill psycho tech, feels like it's a MT labelled as a L. I used to have a Psycho 1 backzip and think it was the best wettie I ever had, super warm, great neck seal and really flexy. They don't sell them anymore so I went with the psycho tech but don't really like it.
The bear suits are more 6/5/4/3, also O'Neill, I got 2 for $800 from one of those pommy sellers on ebay and it's their third winter this year.
Thing is, when I surf in warm water, I still need some rubber on my chest, even if it's 1 or 2mm. I'm like a reverse Hawaiian, I need my rubber buffer, bare chest on wax and fibreglass feels too hard, feels strange. Of course it may also have something to do with my incredibly chiselled muscular hairy no fat here rig putting pec dings in the deck of my boards if I don't rubber up to some degree, but that's a topic for another thread.

AlfredWallace wrote:basesix wrote:@AW, about to send you and seeds a couple of tight little hardbacks of colin thiele's coorong.. just checking you don't have it already in your collection?
Basesix. Hi mate, that’d be well appreciated, the Coorong, special place. I don’t have any of his books.
Do you think Seeds has been out snout rooting in late Autumn/Winter psilocybin pastures like a truffle pig, sounds like it to me. AW
haha, yup, I do. he's still a bit sniffy and it's monday!
(it's a lovely book, poetic, but never strays from real)

seeds - yup. I’ve fixed heaps of stuff with it.

thread cleanse

My new band band was thinking that too!

garyg1412 wrote:goofyfoot wrote:Jelly Flater wrote:@goofyfoot
- not sure how available they are these days, but ocean and earth have a little repair kit which includes a wetty fabric patch for ironing on where holes are. Also had adhesive glue which did the job, I got a cpl extra seasons outta a wetty thanks to it.They're worth it for smaller holes etc, not sure how it'd work for damage that affects the integrity of seams etc
Google is showing quite a few options these days.
Try this brand. Some brands are just glorified contact adhesive. Once you're done chuck it in the freezer and it should last until you next need it.
Thanks gaz

donweather wrote:I bought a Yulex Project Blank. Super warm but I swear it’s the wrong size as it’s the tightest and least flexible wettie I’ve warm in a very long time. Been MT size all my life and this one just feels way too tight and
Inflexible. Gives me a bastard rash under my arms too.
Just can’t recommend.
I've found i need to go a size up from my RC, Needs etc with PB suits.
No issues with rash anywhere.
Wore a PB taped 3/2 steamer on saturday down here in nth Tas...plenty warm enough.

adam12 wrote:Lanky Dean wrote:6/5 s
Where the hell are you Antarctica?
Oh wait nevermind...Just to the north of Antarctica LD.
And as I got older I got less able to cope with the cold. July and August can be brutal, so I just went, "fuck it, give me the big boys".
Last year I even skipped the 4/3 and went straight from the 3/2 to the hooded bear suits, thought I'm gonna be there anyway so may as well get used to it.
I used to do Vic. winters in just a 4/3, no booties, dunno if it's age or what it is but I need more rubber now, all they've got. Don't wear gloves, but I've got a pair.
I'm the same, re gloves I'm up in the north pole ....ten days ago water temp 7.2 Celsius
Fooken cold for may snow melt
My buddy surfs in a 6/5/4: all years with gloves
We probably should call him a chef cause he's always cooking.....

freeride76 wrote:yep. totally.
I bought a Rip Curl dawn patrol 3/2 backzip start of last winter.
it was an epic winter, , I used it just about every day.
zero wear and tear on the seams getting in and deluxe getting in and out.
I've got a zipper less Isurus 2mm, bought second hand off a bloke.
I'm scared just looking at it.
Haven't tried it on yet.

My pick is the 4/3 need essentials limestone neo, on my 4th one now arrived from Vic to s.a in 2 days.
Good for 1yr b4 elbows wear a wee bit and stretches at wrists, ankles but still ok for dry wetty backup.
When covid hit supply of 4/3 ne not available so ordered a yulex fully taped, external rubber sealed seams fully insulated.
That was 2(?) yrs ago, wore it once' insulation soaks up water especially legs.
My old 4/3 was warmer, lighter, more flexible..
A week ago wore yulex one more time cos old wetty wet. still same ...not as warm as 4/3 ne
Imo if they left out the insulation in legs it would be an improvement on the yulex?

"Good for 1yr b4 elbows wear a wee bit and stretches at wrists, ankles but still ok for dry wetty backup."
Sorry to be a bit cynical, but with all their environmental puffing their chest out, shouldn't Need focus on making wetsuits that last more than a year? What's a couple of hang tags, if the suit wears out and goes in the bin after a year.
I have O'Neill 3/2 and 4/3 Hyperfreaks, both happily going after two winters with no issues other than barnacle cuts to the bum.

sameaswas wrote:My pick is the 4/3 need essentials limestone neo, on my 4th one now arrived from Vic to s.a in 2 days.
Good for 1yr b4 elbows wear a wee bit and stretches at wrists, ankles but still ok for dry wetty backup.
When covid hit supply of 4/3 ne not available so ordered a yulex fully taped, external rubber sealed seams fully insulated.
That was 2(?) yrs ago, wore it once' insulation soaks up water especially legs.
My old 4/3 was warmer, lighter, more flexible..
A week ago wore yulex one more time cos old wetty wet. still same ...not as warm as 4/3 ne
Imo if they left out the insulation in legs it would be an improvement on the yulex?
Sameaswas. Hi mate. More to the point. What are you doing that makes the elbows wear out, I’ve never heard such wear in that area , ever.
And wrists and ankles ?.
I’ve had Needs and also have got a few new Needs, no issue with them at all.
Are you wearing them to work ? Are you doing aerobics or the like?
Not taking the piss, but they are curious spots for the type of damage you report.
You’ve got me interested!!! AW

Apart from the elbow issue, I have had similar experiences to sameaswas. After a while the cuffs stretched out on the Yulex, far quicker than on the traditional neoprene. But that was after a heavy use season. They also hold water in the lining, just take a while to dry. As for warmth, new I wore the 3/2 into the middle of July, this year not so much as there is more water ingress. I really want to support the concept of the yulex suits but maybe not for the middle of winter. Perfect for summer and mid season though.

blackers wrote:Apart from the elbow issue, I have had similar experiences to sameaswas. After a while the cuffs stretched out on the Yulex, far quicker than on the traditional neoprene. But that was after a heavy use season. They also hold water in the lining, just take a while to dry. As for warmth, new I wore the 3/2 into the middle of July, this year not so much as there is more water ingress. I really want to support the concept of the yulex suits but maybe not for the middle of winter. Perfect for summer and mid season though.
Blackers . Hi mate. It’s really worth checking the new range of Patagonia Yulex suits. I remarked to my mate last week how tight the cuffs are.
Also this new fleece lining type material stays dry and is non-absorbent.
The new suits are soft, compared to quite rubbery over the years.
I’d always had the philosophy, Patagonia were the warmest suits I’d ever worn, but not the most flexible, in fact very hard to get out of, I say that for all the previous iterations I had.
I can firmly say for the first time, for me, these new suits are super flexible, stretchy and bloody warm. All the best. AW
* Edit. Personal anatomy is also a factor. How can a company manufacture a generic suit that fits everyone perfectly.

My 3yo needs 3/2 Neoprene insulated steamer still going strong up to end of last season but have noticed real change in how much it flushes now going into the 4th season. (Last year was not heavily used)
But one thing I’ve noticed is that it has always taken ages to dry. I’ll hang out that, and my two groms wetties at the same time and the kids wetties are both completely dry in 1/3 of the time. And I have to turn it it inside out / right way out to dry completely

Alf- regarding the elbow wear. Maybe a boogey boarder could have quiet abit of elbow wear at a guess.
I'm into my third season with a needs 3/2thermal- seams not leaking yet, but on NSW mid north coast so three seasons is probably equal to one to two in colder areas. As not as much hours used.
Is a little tricky getting in and out of though.

cd wrote:Alf- regarding the elbow wear. Maybe a boogey boarder could have quiet abit of elbow wear at a guess.
I'm into my third season with a needs 3/2thermal- seams not leaking yet, but on NSW mid north coast so three seasons is probably equal to one to two in colder areas. As not as much hours used.
Is a little tricky getting in and out of though.
@CD, @Etarip. Hi to you both. Agree I’ve noticed the Needs suits with the thermal chest takes a bit longer to dry, to me, the slower they dry the better, less wear and tear on the suit, rapid drying can’t be too good nor hanging them on a fence in UV light, the great biodegrader.
Agree bogey boarders yeah, but I think that perspective example was from a board rider.
Alas, when you think about it, we are blessed for choice, price and quality.
When I was a grom, all wetsuits were basically short leg dive suits with the zipper on the front, they were heavy and definitely not flexible. Good to chat. AW

R00ney wrote:I've found i need to go a size up from my RC, Needs etc with PB suits.
No issues with rash anywhere.
Wore a PB taped 3/2 steamer on saturday down here in nth Tas...plenty warm enough.
I wish I'd known this before ordering.

AlfredWallace wrote:blackers wrote:Apart from the elbow issue, I have had similar experiences to sameaswas. After a while the cuffs stretched out on the Yulex, far quicker than on the traditional neoprene. But that was after a heavy use season. They also hold water in the lining, just take a while to dry. As for warmth, new I wore the 3/2 into the middle of July, this year not so much as there is more water ingress. I really want to support the concept of the yulex suits but maybe not for the middle of winter. Perfect for summer and mid season though.
Blackers . Hi mate. It’s really worth checking the new range of Patagonia Yulex suits. I remarked to my mate last week how tight the cuffs are.
Also this new fleece lining type material stays dry and is non-absorbent.The new suits are soft, compared to quite rubbery over the years.
I’d always had the philosophy, Patagonia were the warmest suits I’d ever worn, but not the most flexible, in fact very hard to get out of, I say that for all the previous iterations I had.
I can firmly say for the first time, for me, these new suits are super flexible, stretchy and bloody warm. All the best. AW* Edit. Personal anatomy is also a factor. How can a company manufacture a generic suit that fits everyone perfectly.
Sounds very tempting.

Has anyone used the following Peak wetsuits:
Peak Climax 2/2 GB Zip Free Short Sleeve Spring Wetsuit
Peak X-Dry 3/2 GB Sealed Chest Zip Wetsuit
If so thoughts on either? Flexible? Sizing? Warmth?

Oh, and seeds I have another zipper tip that I’ve just remembered as I’ve been drying out the shed after the biblical rain down here last week.
Maybe not awesome for neoprene wetsuits but for anything else that has zippers that can seize up with salt… use chapstick to keep them lubricated. Bags, jackets etc.
Zippers are one of those things that seem to break, but if you can fix them it saves you a lot on the longer term.
This is a better explanation than the last YouTube clip I posted. I’ve used it to fix one of the grommets wetsuits ankle zip. Ms Etarip busted the zipper on her half front-zip ‘Bond Girl’ wetsuit and was, ‘popping out’ somewhat. She didn’t believe me that it was completely unfixable, and that she’d have to stay like that for evermore. I was strongly encouraged to fix it, unfortunately.

AlfredWallace][quote=blackers wrote:...Blackers . Hi mate. It’s really worth checking the new range of Patagonia Yulex suits. ...
Cheers Alfred. Have a couple of old patagucci's in the shed, they were warm and lasted much longer than usual, just a bit out of my price point. However I just picked up a R1 for half price online and will give feedback. Placed it below the top spec Needs Yulex in price, so we can see how it goes. Have a 4/3 limestone Needs for the heavy lifting to come but it may be enough to get me through the milder days like today. Thanks for the recommendation.

@etarip thanks for the new tip. That’d be quick and simple. Although I’m notorious for not looking after anything.

donweather wrote:Has anyone used the following Peak wetsuits:
Peak Climax 2/2 GB Zip Free Short Sleeve Spring Wetsuit
Peak X-Dry 3/2 GB Sealed Chest Zip Wetsuit
If so thoughts on either? Flexible? Sizing? Warmth?
Are you anywhere near the GC? Rip Curl outlet store had 60% of wetsuits about 2 weeks ago. Would still have stock

blackers][quote=AlfredWallace wrote:blackers wrote:...Blackers . Hi mate. It’s really worth checking the new range of Patagonia Yulex suits. ...
Cheers Alfred. Have a couple of old patagucci's in the shed, they were warm and lasted much longer than usual, just a bit out of my price point. However I just picked up a R1 for half price online and will give feedback. Placed it below the top spec Needs Yulex in price, so we can see how it goes. Have a 4/3 limestone Needs for the heavy lifting to come but it may be enough to get me through the milder days like today. Thanks for the recommendation.
Blackers. Good stuff mate.
I trialled some R1 Lite Patagonia gear over Summer when I was crossing to WA, I was so impressed and in the end so were my two mates who are both bigger than me overall, 80kg and 95kg respectively , they were impressed also, mainly by the flexibility of this new style of Yulex. I’m sure you’ll get what you need in the end.
As Ive said before , a price is just a stumbling block in your mindset, skimp on a few other delicacies, coffees, lunches, alcohol, before you know it you’ve got $800 for a 3.5mm/3mm front zip steamer, or for $49 more , a 4.5mm/4mm front zip steamer.
It’s all relative. Good to chat. AW

dazzler wrote:Are you anywhere near the GC? Rip Curl outlet store had 60% of wetsuits about 2 weeks ago. Would still have stock
Ok thanks will check it out but my sizing usually gets snapped up quick.

Went to the ripcurl Nerang outlet this arvo and yep nothing in my size or close to it. Lots of S and XL-3XL!!!!

donweather wrote:Went to the ripcurl Nerang outlet this arvo and yep nothing in my size or close to it. Lots of S and XL-3XL!!!!
@ donweather...
Any suit on sale is never in my size
Especially post covid.

Quick review of the Patagonia Yulex. Chilly day, 12° air, just sub 15° water, no wind, toasty in the R1. Reckon it could go sub 14° water, so can wear it until the end of the month or so. Back to the 4/3 for then or if blowing over 10 knots. XL, nice fit, but a bit shorter in the arms than the Needs XLT daily driver.

How's it move blackers?
Common criticism of yulex is that it's stiff?

Felt a bit stiffer than the Needs Yulex which is nearly 2 years old now. But only the first surf, it will loosen up. I have a few yulex suits and they are fine for that. The original Patagonias (first gen yulex) were a bit stiff but not the later ones


blackers wrote:Felt a bit stiffer than the Needs Yulex which is nearly 2 years old now. But only the first surf, it will loosen up. I have a few yulex suits and they are fine for that. The original Patagonias (first gen yulex) were a bit stiff but not the later ones
I tried on a Yulex probably 10 years ago. Was difficult to get into and quite itchy. I couldn't get out of the thing and had to have the guy in the shop peel it off me.
I've been using Seventh Wave Suits for seven years or so now and have no complaints: extremely flexible and as warm as toast 3/3 in winter. I suspect any limestone neoprene suit would be the same.

blackers wrote:Felt a bit stiffer than the Needs Yulex which is nearly 2 years old now. But only the first surf, it will loosen up. I have a few yulex suits and they are fine for that. The original Patagonias (first gen yulex) were a bit stiff but not the later ones
I’ll debunk the current Yulex myths.
Some of the former Yulex was a little stiff. Today’s, Especially Patagonia is not stiff in any way.
Historical context. Being a plant person I’ve researched the early Yulex to this day.
First it was derived from a desert daisy Family Asteraceae , from Southern California, North Mexico.
It’s Parthenium argentatum, silver foliage (argent means silver) , Guayule , smallish woody shrub producing latex.
Then came Yulex from the rubber plant, Hevea brasiliensis native to South America, but most widely planted in Malaysian ( for the car tyre industry)
So the current Yulex for at least Patagonias suits comes from sustainably grown and latex harvested plantations.
This latest iteration is very flexible, soft and easy to get out of your wetsuit, which in the past never used to be the case. AW

Off the wettie topic for a bit - anyone used the Needs / Project Blank fins w future setup?
I normally ride FCS but got my Webber DS at a really good price - with Futures plugs. And my damn fins I bought have gone AWOL. I’m sure they’ll turn up but I’m thinking of getting a generic set from one of those sites.
Any feedback appreciated. Or other recommendations. I know as soon as I pull the trigger my other fins will appear
So its that time of the year again where the mornings are getting fresher and the offshores are starting to show. It looks like its been a couple of years since there was a discussion about it so I am looking for wetsuit recommendations.....
Whats everyone wearing/buying or not wearing/buying and why?