Latest on wetsuits.....

indo-dreaming wrote:That Billabong 3/2 Graphene i bought the other month for only $270 that was more a back up wetty ended up being a pretty good buy, i went into a comp for a board signed by Occy when i bought it, and today my local surf shop rang me and told me id won the board :D
In the sutherland shire there is a nightclub called Carmens, full of under 20 "im so cool" types but they used to run comps for boards every two months, my mate gave the manager a hundred note and said i really want that board. From memory it was 6'3 not sure of other dims it was 1997. Had a jim beam sticker on it too.
Anyway he won the thing and acted surprised even though hundreds of punters bought tickets for it and he was a sure thing.
He was a bodyboarder but soon was getting insane shacks on our weekly adventures to find spots and perfection up and down shoalhaven and far south coast, he scored many standup pits on it and never lidded again even though he was top 5 top 10 bodyboarders at shark island.. I was stuck with my lids and with an old school single fin piece of shit and my bodyboards ---untill 2003 when a tourist i partied a lot with bought me a rip curl tide watch and a surfboard for taking him to all the best clubs in sydney and introducing him around.
Absolutely psyched on the board but i wish i didnt waste my time on crappy single fins before hand. standing up getting pitted is the best feeling ive experienced.. had plenty of very big barrels on a lid but theres just something better about standing up to your feet under the pitching lip or under a double up grower i cant describe.But at the moment im surfing more like mr mcgoo than a ninja getting to my feet.
Its all about getting to your feet quickly and in the right spots with the right pressures on backfoot after leaning forward to drop in..which with benzo use (valium) which ive been prescribed since 2010 in indo
my muscle memory went to shit the first half of my 6 month trip to west sumbawa i was scoring 18 second barrels maybe longer but after valium id forget how to ninja to my feet.It could also be because supersuck breaks 1-3 days a month rather than g-land 28 days a month.

Carmens was great super hot girls everywhere best night spot in the shire
and fully agree single fins are just rubbish. I was just about to give up surfing
I thought I was getting too old then a friend gave me a ride on his thruster
and still surfing today. Simon Anderson the world owes you a lot.

I have a Billabong 5/4 Absolute hooded here in NorCal. It's toasty in our cold water, but too restrictive, imo. I hate getting in/out of it. Feel like i'm more at risk for knee injury just changing! lol And exhausting to paddle in after a bit, for me. I have an Isurus 4/3 on order, but it won't be available to ship til September. I have never worn one, but am really excited and looking forward to it. Reading some of these posts made me feel better about spending the money ($500 USD which i guess is about 675 AUD?). I agree that if it lasts a few seasons, it pays for itself. Time will tell.

O”Neill Psycho One
3/2 Chest Zip steamer
Does everything really well

Wax24 the best thing I found with the Isurus suits was they just slip off that last bit of getting out a wetsuit - the ankles and feet. There's nothing worse than stumbling into the scrub trying to yank that last clingy cuff off your feet. Not to mention the 50 year old back muscles you can pull as well.
Its like comparing a silk sheet to a flanelette sheet.

Gary, i have stumbled into the scrub as you describe, lol. legs akimbo, surf poncho no longer doin it's job.... good times.

Twichy wrote:O”Neill Psycho One
3/2 Chest Zip steamer
Does everything really well
Including leak after the first year.
I was dumb enough to think the first one was just a bad apple and bought another.

I did exactly the same thing- bought an O'Neil Psycho something (supposedly their top one) it disintegrated within a year, stupidly bought another and same. Can't fault comfort or flex but longevity ain't its thing.
Never again.

Can relate to difficulties outlined above re getting thick wetties off your legs. Had to surrender a quik 4/3 to a mate of my son's and find a more compliant bong 4/3 to prevent a premature end to my cold water surfing.

De-rubbering in city beach carpark last week on passengers side with vacant space next to me. Head down on last stage when noticed old mate with left blinker on patiently waiting for space to be clear of open door and human. Closed door ,started shuffling off towards footpath , both ankles still encumbered, tripped, fell over , crawled ahead only to get balance of discarded wetsuit caught at rear of front tyre , reversed on all fours , extracted rubber from rubber, and finally got clear of the car space. By this time a queue forming behind intending parker. Imagine Rowan Atkinson - Mr Bean goes to the beach.

Ha ha ha....
Only thing missing was grandma shielding little girls eyes and shooting you a look of disgust after you realise your willy was on full public display.

zenagain wrote:I did exactly the same thing- bought an O'Neil Psycho something (supposedly their top one) it disintegrated within a year, stupidly bought another and same. Can't fault comfort or flex but longevity ain't its thing.
Never again.
Probably the Psycho 3, biggest POS wetsuits. Had mine replaced twice on warranty. First lasted 5 months, second 7 sessions and third 3 months. They’d take 2-3 months to replace it then backdate the warranty to the original purchase date so the last one wasn’t covered. Copped a lot of attitude while dealing with them too….never again.

O`neill steamer would be the worst I`ve had. Bad fit around the waist (too big) and lasted 1 winter. Rip curl Flashbomb 3/2 chest zip for me. Get 20% discount from the local surfshop so this years cost me $480.00. Get 3 winters before they start to leak a little too much. Still good except when its pretty cold. Rip Curl fit me really well which helps.

Funny I was really disappointed in my Flashbomb because of the front zipper
let in so much freezing water on my chest when paddling. Nothing compares
to the Billabong Furnace top of the line wetty I froze to death in that thing will
never use Billabong again.
Very happy with my Quicksilver and Needs.

That's interesting Evo, I've never ever had a problem with RC's letting in water through chest zip

Well I pulled the pin on an Isurus 3/3 shield a couple of months ago and have a few surfs in it now
With all my shoulder/elbow/neck issues (60yo+) I was really hesitant about getting a zipperless but was convinced by someone who had one and I have always trusted their advice so I got one
And he was right, I find the Isurus zipperless easier to get off than the chest zip by 10 fold. Last week I wore the Patagonia R2 and then the next day wore the Isurus and the difference in many ways was very telling. My Patagonias are the Nexkins which are great for warmth but restrictive and hard to get off to the point of I am sick of fighting with them, I feel like I am going to re-injure the shoulder getting out of them on the cold days where your fingers and arms dont seem to work properly
Compared to the Patagonias I find the Isurus really flexible and will definitely get more next winter to replace the Patagonias.
The Isurus seems to mould into the body and give a really nice feel without clinging, sort of hard to explain but this brand will now become the main winter wetsuit for the really cold days
The longevity will be interesting as the Patagonias have lasted me for years. Time will tell
Also started looking the Seventh Wave after reading some comments here and might try one of those if I can get a sale price on one

Thanks for the review Brownie. Are all the seams tapped internally?

Typo "taped", back to school for me

seaslug wrote:Thanks for the review Brownie. Are all the seams tapped internally?
Only the legs, crotch and up to about the hips are taped. I do wish they would tape the whole lot but I haven't had water seep in in the first few surfs

Thanks Brownie. Any flushing issues through neck when duck diving? a few people have commented on this.

Its only a about 4 surfs in so at the moment none at all
This time next year might be different after a lot of use so time will tell

Its only a about 4 surfs in so at the moment none at all
This time next year might be different after a lot of use so time will tell

Boys - anyone want to buy my Isurus 3/2 LTS size. Mint condition and only a few surfs in. Paid $699 for it. It's just that bit to big for me and with the super flexy rubber I'm getting to much fold up on the arms and legs. I have gone back and bought an MT. On the question above about taping - it is taped everywhere up to and including along the chest zip/seam. The arms are not taped and just have taping on the critical seam joints.

Got a 4/3 Need Essentials and I'm a bit disapointed. Water gets in quite a bit at he seams at hip level. Not a problem in Sydney but still annoying.

yeti wrote:Got a 4/3 Need Essentials and I'm a bit disapointed. Water gets in quite a bit at he seams at hip level. Not a problem in Sydney but still annoying.
Is it definitely the seams? I feel that too but mine actually lets water seep in through the neoprene around the arse region.. Only happens when I’m sitting on my board and it’s stretched. Bloody annoying.

markxxx wrote:yeti wrote:Got a 4/3 Need Essentials and I'm a bit disapointed. Water gets in quite a bit at he seams at hip level. Not a problem in Sydney but still annoying.
Is it definitely the seams? I feel that too but mine actually lets water seep in through the neoprene around the arse region.. Only happens when I’m sitting on my board and it’s stretched. Bloody annoying.
I paid top dollar for a Patagonia 5/4 and it does the same thing Markxxx.
Sitting on my board and you get this trickle of cold water form around your arse. Not happy

Anyone tired the Florance marine X $1000 custom suit.

I bought a Vissla suit from the Lorne surf shop quite some years ago and it’s still perfect. Not a stitch out of place and all seals perfect…I used to get free suits from different companies and they all came apart in a year or so. Now that I have to buy them, I’ll stick with Vissla.

goofyfoot wrote:markxxx wrote:yeti wrote:Got a 4/3 Need Essentials and I'm a bit disapointed. Water gets in quite a bit at he seams at hip level. Not a problem in Sydney but still annoying.
Is it definitely the seams? I feel that too but mine actually lets water seep in through the neoprene around the arse region.. Only happens when I’m sitting on my board and it’s stretched. Bloody annoying.
I paid top dollar for a Patagonia 5/4 and it does the same thing Markxxx.
Sitting on my board and you get this trickle of cold water form around your arse. Not happy
Geez I’d be dirty on that Goofyfoot, is the suit one of their Yulex suits? I never had trouble with any of my Patagonia (pre Yulex) those things lasted seasons. They would eventually stretch and bag out, especially around the neck/entry. Not as stretchy and kind of stiff compared to other suits but they were bloody durable.

This winter will be the second for the O’Neill hyperfreak. Will be interesting to see how it goes for longevity. The long armed springy is a good’un too, but have to say that neither has got extensive exposure with the lockdowns and restricted surfing of last few years, plus warm water means I have been in boardies and vest for many months. Springy unlikely to be used until May unless we get a cold snap, but even then the water is so warm atm.
Wondering about this issue of ‘leaking’. Either I’ve never had it or have always had it to some degree. I expect to get water flushing through when duck diving any solid white water. Are people getting water seeping in when just paddling or sitting on the board? Noticeably? Strange.

$750 for a 3 x 2mm Zip Free...

markxxx wrote:goofyfoot wrote:markxxx wrote:yeti wrote:Got a 4/3 Need Essentials and I'm a bit disapointed. Water gets in quite a bit at he seams at hip level. Not a problem in Sydney but still annoying.
Is it definitely the seams? I feel that too but mine actually lets water seep in through the neoprene around the arse region.. Only happens when I’m sitting on my board and it’s stretched. Bloody annoying.
I paid top dollar for a Patagonia 5/4 and it does the same thing Markxxx.
Sitting on my board and you get this trickle of cold water form around your arse. Not happyGeez I’d be dirty on that Goofyfoot, is the suit one of their Yulex suits? I never had trouble with any of my Patagonia (pre Yulex) those things lasted seasons. They would eventually stretch and bag out, especially around the neck/entry. Not as stretchy and kind of stiff compared to other suits but they were bloody durable.
Hey markxxx sorry I missed your reply.
Yeah it’s a yulex suit. Everything else about it is great

seaslug wrote:Thanks Brownie. Any flushing issues through neck when duck diving? a few people have commented on this.
I wear the same wetsuit through winter in south oz. It’s incredible. Really comfortable, flexible and stays light. You can definitely feel that it doesn’t absorb much water. Mine flushes every duckdive though. It’s bad enough to make me try something else.

When Owen Wright came here and stayed near me i noticed he didn't use a flashbomb so immediately thought "i bet that's because they don't flex as good". Anyway just a guess, you'd think a pro surfers sponsor would have them on the most expensive product so kids copy etc or people realize the quality of the product.

Feeling jaded by rip curl flashbomb suits that dont last, oneill hyper freaks that ripped and leaked after a few months, psycho ones and psycho techs that either ripped, de-lammed, leaked, or just somehow stopped feeling as warm - after a year - Im going full Yamamoto with a Mystic Vollt 5/4/3. Its a kitesurfing wetsuit but its Yamamoto #39 plus linings. I wrote to them they assure me the neo thicknesses are just over 5/4/3 excluding the linings so at least Im not gonna get thin neo beefed up with linings (oneill?) Apparently there's limestone neo and then there's Yamamoto Limestone neo - we shall see. I got the volt for $520 delivered from UK to Australia go figure. Maybe cos its summer there now.

billythekid wrote:Feeling jaded by rip curl flashbomb suits that dont last, oneill hyper freaks that ripped and leaked after a few months, psycho ones and psycho techs that either ripped, de-lammed, leaked, or just somehow stopped feeling as warm - after a year - Im going full Yamamoto with a Mystic Vollt 5/4/3. Its a kitesurfing wetsuit but its Yamamoto #39 plus linings. I wrote to them they assure me the neo thicknesses are just over 5/4/3 excluding the linings so at least Im not gonna get thin neo beefed up with linings (oneill?) Apparently there's limestone neo and then there's Yamamoto Limestone neo - we shall see. I got the volt for $520 delivered from UK to Australia go figure. Maybe cos its summer there now.
Billy there is no "apparently". Yamamoto I can guarantee you is light years ahead. I'd be interested to know what your thoughts are when you get the Vollt.

Speaking from experience with the major surf brand suits, I think you'll find that the majority of wetsuits last a similar amount of time these days due to the ever increasing amount of stretch that modern wetsuits have. In my experience, the stretchier the wetsuit, the quicker the suit grows and stretches out as the neoprene breaks down, at the same time the seams break down with the rest of the suit.
This is why stiffer suits like Patagonia, which have less the least flexibility of all the major surf companies has neoprene that tends to last a little longer. The price you pay is lack of flexibility for more 'durability,' assuming that the seams won't break down...
Then the other important thing to consider is that the more frequently you surf, the more wear and tear you put on a suit. A high portion of surfers use their suit 2 maybe 3 times a week tops and would average 2 maybe 3 seasons out of their suit. Someone who surfs more regularly will consistently get 1 maybe 2 season out of a suit like me for example. I've tried steamers like Ripcurl Flashbombs, Heatseekers, E-Bombs, Xcel Drylocks, Billabong Furnaces, Quiksilver Syncros, Vissla 7seas and North seas. Nothing has lasted me more than a season in 6 years.
For me at the end of the day i try a few suits on each season and get the one that's fitting best, and meeting my needs best.
GS the most expensive suit isn't necessarily the best, if its a sunny day and super cold then O Wright probably doesn't want to be sweating balls in the Ripcurl Heatseeker, he'd be wearing a super stretchy E-Bomb. Early mornings are a different story in winter.
Also yet to see this Yamamoto stuff in person.

Max Wax wrote:Speaking from experience with the major surf brand suits, I think you'll find that the majority of wetsuits last a similar amount of time these days due to the ever increasing amount of stretch that modern wetsuits have. In my experience, the stretchier the wetsuit, the quicker the suit grows and stretches out as the neoprene breaks down, at the same time the seams break down with the rest of the suit.
This is why stiffer suits like Patagonia, which have less the least flexibility of all the major surf companies has neoprene that tends to last a little longer. The price you pay is lack of flexibility for more 'durability,' assuming that the seams won't break down...
Then the other important thing to consider is that the more frequently you surf, the more wear and tear you put on a suit. A high portion of surfers use their suit 2 maybe 3 times a week tops and would average 2 maybe 3 seasons out of their suit. Someone who surfs more regularly will consistently get 1 maybe 2 season out of a suit like me for example. I've tried steamers like Ripcurl Flashbombs, Heatseekers, E-Bombs, Xcel Drylocks, Billabong Furnaces, Quiksilver Syncros, Vissla 7seas and North seas. Nothing has lasted me more than a season in 6 years.
For me at the end of the day i try a few suits on each season and get the one that's fitting best, and meeting my needs best.GS the most expensive suit isn't necessarily the best, if its a sunny day and super cold then O Wright probably doesn't want to be sweating balls in the Ripcurl Heatseeker, he'd be wearing a super stretchy E-Bomb. Early mornings are a different story in winter.
Also yet to see this Yamamoto stuff in person.
100% good post, it's also about how you treat your suit too.
A lot of wear and tear from a suit comes from getting out of it and how you dry it and store it.
I see guys getting out of their suits on gravel or hot tarmac stomping around and then drying their suits out on the fence in the sun still all sandy or left in the back of car etc thats a great way to decrease the life span of suit, especially extended periods of UV light and hot sun.
If im surfing my local i wear my suit home and get out of it in the shower not to hot, give it a good rinse then hang it up in the laundry.

I’ve got a flash bomb and I’ve never known a wetsuit which takes so long to dry. I’ve got to turn it inside out midway through the drying process to get it properly dry or one side stays wet.
Strange but true

anyone out there have shark stop wettie yet? super keen to hear the feedback

bonza wrote:anyone out there have shark stop wettie yet? super keen to hear the feedback

i'm interested in how they found the flexibility and weight issue of the suit. did it bother them? affect their performance etc. am i on the wrong thread?

bonza wrote:i'm interested in how they found the flexibility and weight issue of the suit. did it bother them? affect their performance etc. am i on the wrong thread?
Nah I just think it’s bat shit crazy that any surfer would wear a wetsuit on the extreme off chance you get bitten by a shark. Just another business cashing in on peoples unjust fears.

ok thanks for your comment.

Only started Manufacturing in April ..

cheers udo

Good point ID, pretty major one i overlooked about the treatment of the suits. I hang mine in the shade never in the sun and usually give it a rinse in freshwater. Makes a huge difference for sure

Also i have found leaving a suit in your car and not surfing much degrades the suit a lot especially if its a hot summer. Even in winter a suit degrades leaving it unused in your car.

Great tips crew. Never have i owned a wettie without repairing it myself a few times over the years before finally throwing it out. Dental floss(or regular cotton thread) & Sikaflex or Ardex (cheaper,maybe as good) can extend your suit for 6months no problem,as many will have discovered. *** but once opened,a $22 tube of Sika will turn into a block of rubber in about a year... Contact neoprene cement from Dive shops is apparently great if used correctly. Its a long way from the original Aquaseal which was utter shit
So its that time of the year again where the mornings are getting fresher and the offshores are starting to show. It looks like its been a couple of years since there was a discussion about it so I am looking for wetsuit recommendations.....
Whats everyone wearing/buying or not wearing/buying and why?