~ Random Insta Pics and Clips ~

Only been about 5 or 6 short windows of good winds here in about 6 weeks maybe longer. Hear down south and further up north has been good though.
Swells been 5 foot plus every day though pretty much.

They like a party wave in Hawaii

From memory i counted 5 or 6 a few hours ago SF.

Great filming angle on the first wave

I started instagram as i couldnt view some of these videos and photos, only about a month ago and have had at least 8 scammers follow me and message me with messages such as "im a millionaire and giving my money away bla bla bla do this etc etc and i will send you 50 000$ cash.
I said send me a cheque.
He said i send cash.
I said its not here yet straight away..
Heres another one:
Aloha, how are you? We bring good news for you today. We're happy to announce that you, as a tokorosurfboards follower, have been randomly selected as a WINNER!! .Congratulations
You can claim the prize in this event by doing this following things :
1. Register and Subscribe on my sponsored Entertainment site via the link below
2. Come back and leave a "FINISH" DM
3. Screenshot and send it as a proof that you've finished registering.
My team will call you after successfully registered
The surfboards will be delivered today
Thank you
I said:
Who is riding your boards in the next WSL event?
i need proof you are Tokoro
tokorosurfboard's profile picture
Where are you from mate ?
Western Australia
tokorosurfboard's profile picture
What proof do you need
who is riding your boards in the next WSL event and where is it?
tokorosurfboard's profile picture
WSL 2022 ?
In indonesia
tokorosurfboard's profile picture
Ok wait
Wrong good bye
tokorosurfboard's profile picture
Then where?
Bloody hell

Barton Lynch on Teahopou and opinions on WSL business strategy...awesome clip

udo wrote:https://www.instagram.com/p/CgT_zspjaK4/
UDO. Great shots, how’s that lenticular cloud formation atop Mt Agung.
Thurso with Scrabster in the background below the snow covered farms, now that’s dedication.

Pumping Telescopes:

So that's apparently why Martin Daly said its his fave wave in the ments.Also Occy said that and nokanduis. Looks delicious and probably a lot harder to surf than it looks, i bet there's a strong current on the inside.

Haha, fuq

And this one’s for Kaipo and Joe.


First wave in 10 years. Wowee
I bet he surfed a fucken shitload before he stopped then.

One for you stu

Supafreak wrote:One for you stu https://www.instagram.com/reel/ChH6i-JMqc_/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY=
Dam I would be freaking out walking that track!!

Supafreak wrote:One for you stu https://www.instagram.com/reel/ChH6i-JMqc_/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY=
That's no track for a surfer to ride. My eyes would be on the waves.

Be hard to breathe if you’re at the back

He's caught some wild wild waves young Nathan in his life time, that would have to be 5 or so years ago now at least