~ Random Insta Pics and Clips ~

Wonder which board he will win the final on?

Nice looking sticks but those black tails will get hot in indo

So Gabs has reserved deck space for a new sponsor, Ortho Pride. Each decal placed inside a love heart had me thinking 'ortho' was Portuguese for a special kind of love, though I knew not what.
So I went searching and found the result to be a little more prosaic.
Gabs is sponsored by "the fastest growing network of dental clinics in Brazil."

Nice pearly white teeth, seems a reasonable link.

udo wrote:Nice to see some colour on a Quiver
Udo do you know if there any dimensions for those boards around?

The maestro of concaves

jeez what could wrong ?

Doctor ( Staring at X Ray showing a disastrous ruin of broken bones ) :
Exactly how did this injury occur? I’ve never seen anything like this.
Nathan Florence: I’d had a couple of Emu Bitters and my mate dared me to walk down a flight of 24 stairs on my hands.
Doctor : Sigh

Love it.

@stunet , looks like a fun sport but I’ll stick to surfing.


I’d like some fractured vertebrae with a side order of punctured lung please.

Gee Atherton is a madman.
That crash broke his femur, radius, ulnar, 8 ribs, his nose, punctured his lung and fractured his eye socket alongside the obvious concussion.
Not insta, but heres the POV footage and Gee giving a little rundown of the crash and recovery...

On the topic of mtb crashes...
Tom Walker hits the tracks at the famous Pemberton train gap.
“ I shattered both of my heel bones, my femur went past my knee and snapped off the top of my tibia and fibular which also put a big crack up the middle of my femur, my other knee hit me in my face and smashed my upper jaw into lots of pieces and smashed both of my eye sockets too”
Winced seeing this footage.

Thanks for the follow up story jwithay , like he said, dodged a few bullets . He’s keen to get back on the bike , I wish him luck .

Bloody hell I hope this doesn’t catch on , can you imagine 10 of these out at your local ?
Edit: just saw it’s from 2017 so we might be safe .

Udo do you know more?
What’s Hendy trying to flog. Is it MLMing?

Sounds like he’s just a modern day carpet bagger. I’ll take a lot of your money but the only life improving is my own.

Nice find udo.
That is hilarious.

Is that pauline ? Please explain

"In the middle of May, the most famous point break in Paraná received a big swell from the southeast that woke up the waves of the slab and the endless right that made Matinhos famous.
We were there Sunday (15th) and Monday (16th) and filmed, from sunrise to sunset, every moment of these amazing days.
Enjoy our first production and watch surfers like Jihad Khodr, former athlete of the World Surfing Tour, and many others to the music of the band Tropical Doom."

Italo Superman air to body bogger: