~ Random Insta Pics and Clips ~

Groundy, where were ya!

Haha missed that, im not fit enough yet to surf Jakes at that size, even on a lid.One spot was great to watch10-12 foot offshore winds mostly closeouts but some long tubes by local chargers.

Big Ulu

udo wrote:Whoa...holy faaark...i hope you had a Dig Gammy
WOW there’s some bombs in that footage, lads are certainly charging hard , bummer there’s no footage from the water looking in .

Dont worry be happy, skis going to noble means and good deeds.

Fark, that ski driver has some major skills and balls.

Go Rocco !

Supafreak wrote:Go Rocco ! https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cg4kC0JjwRv/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY=
No way!! That's incredible for 9.... Feeling like a very old look....

Imagine being an everyday punter out at Cloudbreak then John paddles over from his yacht and does that shit in your face.
He’s on another level

Phwoaa, he's still there for the coming swell..

udo wrote:OMG John2
That was nuts!!!!


This dude is flying

Big Luke. Man turn.

Holy shit.
The most beautiful turn I’ve ever seen!?!?

How’s the exit from the turn. Full samurai Jedi shit. Poise, speed, power, flow. It’s like Filipe Toledo ate Filipe Toledo then did his best surfing as a goofy.
Fucken glorious
Great to get shots out to a wide audience but such a waste having such a perfect moment reproduced in such an unworthy, disposable medium as a phone screen. That would have been a poster lining the bedroom walls of every grommet in Australia and NZ a few years ago.

That's one hell of a turn!

Dunno about anyone else but if I ever did a turn like that I reckon I'd do a Greg Noll, just walk away and do something else because it's never getting better than that.

DudeSweetDudeSweet wrote:How’s the exit from the turn. Full samurai Jedi shit. Poise, speed, power, flow. It’s like Filipe Toledo ate Filipe Toledo then did his best surfing as a goofy.
Fucken glorious
Great to get shots out to a wide audience but such a waste having such a perfect moment reproduced in such an unworthy, disposable medium as a phone screen. That would have been a poster lining the bedroom walls of every grommet in Australia and NZ a few years ago.
He's a funny bugger too! :)

I’m going to visualise that turn next time I’ve got a wide open face… and then bog a rail and awkwardly recover just in time to see the wave run away from me

Agree with all of the above. That’s a beast of a turn.
In real life would of looked even better. Imagine seeing all that spray from the back of the wave. Epic

And somehow he's also quite nimble in the air, and he totally rips at The Ledge in heavy barrels.
Always wondered how good he could have been. And I imagine he'd look pretty good at Cloudbreak.

Totally Andy, classic funny dude. Very dry out of the water.

udo wrote:https://www.instagram.com/p/CH_-BytDTBz/?hl=en
The second fella sounds like an interesting dude

Lukes wave again.