Cricket chat

Does Smith’s indiscretions in the sandpaper affair affect your rating SR?
Ponting was incredible. That was an incredible era though. Ponting, McGrath, Warne, Hayden / Langer, Gilchrist. The list goes on.
So many ‘good’ domestic players in Australia would have walked into almost any other team in the world. But couldn’t crack that Aussie team.

Shit i'll have to look into that one @basesix.
yeah AW Smithys had a lean 3 years of the yips. Almost like he's forgotten the meaning of 'play'!!
It seems like he's finally rediscovering his love for what he does.
Good call.

26 runs off my pass mark ;-)

Good question @etarip.
Personally, i still believe he was oblivious to what really was planned.
I put all of that on Warner, with Smitty being a naive young captain with no experience or guidance.
I don't reckon he really knew what the plan was.
In fact, the fact he hasn't blabbed about it since just enhances his character in my opinion, and character to me is what makes the ultimate cricketer....and athlete...human.
What you reckon?

Keep in mind Smitty was in the firing line of public opinion before the Gabba test. So much pressure going against him, and he came out and scored 100 and now onto 68. That's a champion.
Copped one there though.

Consensus on my mates’ cricket chat is that 350 is par. One is saying that this is a 450 deck for first innings.

I've seen the little Indians appealing some obvious non wickets.
Isn't there a law in cricket against over appealing?

etarip wrote:Consensus on my mates’ cricket chat is that 350 is par. One is saying that this is a 450 deck for first innings.
I think that's a good call...but keeping in mind the heat and the fact it's a first day of the biggest day on Australias sporting calender, i reckon you can shave 100 off that 450.
Playing against unnatural circumstances.

Keeping in mind batting won't get any easier as the pitch turns over the next coupla days. The longer the Aussies can hang in there the better.
Cant wait to see the drama of Kohli entering the arena to bat.
The Melbournians will be baying for blood!

The Carey and Smith partnership was critical. Well done lads.

SR - I respect the grace that he took the punishment and that he hasn’t spoken of it or tried to deflect blame at all. As far as I’m concerned he did his time, and the fact is that the suspension punishment was a CA initiative - not ICC. And that very few other countries hold their players to the same account.
A mate of mine had a bit to do with Bancroft while he was doing his time post-incident, kinda an infrequent personal coaching / mentor role.
Said he was quite struck by the lack of self-awareness of Bancroft about it all. And also that Bancroft frequently spoke about himself in the third person. Is this something that’s drummed into young sportsmen these days?

southernraw wrote:The Carey and Smith partnership was critical. Well done lads.
Yeah, agreed. Steadied the ship. Needed.

yeah good call on Smitty @etarip.
As for Bancroft. I felt like he would have been fine if he didn't come out and put blame on the leadership group in the media.
I reckon he signed his death sentence for ever repping Australia again.
I don't reckon it's his fault, as bad a look as it was to shove a bit of sandpaper down your pants in front of the world.
You could just tell the whole thing was orchestrated by Warner, the Redfern rumbler. Well that's how i read it anyway. The truth will come out someday.
Smithy is a true champion. He got caught in the crossfire and will pay for that forever my opinion.

And what i really love about cricket it's all trivial. It doesnt' really matter....
BUT IT DOES!!!!!!!!!! Hahaha.

Nice! Plus 300 on any first day anywhere is something to be celebrated.
Huge day.
Congrats Aussies and Sam Konstans!!

Yup, good day one, bit of something for everyone. Liked Konstas's efforts, particularly the shoulder bump with Kohli. Boxes well.

Blackers!!! Great to hear your insight as always.

southernraw wrote:Blackers!!! Great to hear your insight as always.
Cheers SR, seasons greetings to you and yours. I actually meant to say "bodes well" but whatever. A fun day of cricket.

haha boxes well works better on boxing day @blackers.
Cheers mate! Right back at ya. :)

As expected Kohli gets a piss poor fine.
It was certainly intentional and aggressive as was most of his behaviour on the day.
BCCI has intimidated the ICC for ever and a day. AW

The tragedy is Konstas realising that competitive veterans like Kohli often have feet of clay. "never meet your heroes" is attached to dozens and dozens of articles on the incident.

No tragedy, just competitive animals getting riled up.
Same as Lillee and Miandad, Lillee and Viv Richards etc etc.
All part of the spectacle of test cricket and a wonderful experience for Konstas.

freeride76 wrote:No tragedy, just competitive animals getting riled up.
Same as Lillee and Miandad, Lillee and Viv Richards etc etc.
All part of the spectacle of test cricket and a wonderful experience for Konstas.
Freeride76. Hi mate. Hope ya well.
Kohli needs to be reminded, an enormous amount of kids watch cricket, particularly Boxing Day test. It’s not a good look. Hope we don’t see junior cricketers replicating that action.
I’ve got something to send to AndyM, he said I should send it to you.
Can you give me a P.O. Box number or the like. Thanks. AW

If you contact Ben, he could give you my email AW- cheers mate.
Kids are exposed to so much worse than test cricketers getting a little het up.
As Konstas himself said about the incident: “I think the emotions got to both of us. I didn’t quite realise, I was doing my gloves and then a little shoulder charge. It happens, it’s cricket,” he told the Seven Network.

I'm with freeride on this, no real harm done, Konstas dealt with it appropriately, Kohli got his slap on the wrist and all is well. If you asked Kohli I'm sure he would say he was trying to get a competitive advantage, the young lad was doing the same by ramping Bumrah. It worked for him, and the Kohli incident did as well, he could see he was getting under their skin. It's all good, in many cases kids will see much worse behaviour just being driven around by their parents.
Bring on day 2, the Indian fight back me thinks.

Variety is the spice of life. We all have different opinions of how and what we see and interpret .
Looking forward to us crushing them, they got off lightly in Brisbane.
All the best, enjoy the game.
Thanks Fr76, I’ll get onto Ben. AW

I guess. the ramping was cricket though.. bit different. Like priority blocking good waves in a heat.. part of the 'game' but fucking lame to watch. If Kohli and Konstas are now mates who can go over to Khawaja's for a beer and a laugh, all good.

I guess my view is formed from the golden age of Test cricket with Lillee and Thomson and Miandad and Viv Richards, Ian Botham etc etc.
All very, very fierce competitors who occasionally overstepped the line.
It was all part of the spectacle and very exciting.
You could see the game meant something to them- they wanted to win.
They weren't just highly paid princesses going through the motions.
There seems be genuine heat at the moment between the Indian Test team and Australian test team and that really makes the game fun to watch.

actually, in that context, I get it, that's the era I grew up in too, and those blokes didn't sweat small stuff. But they were bullet proof cos they smiled and laughed. Something off about the sneering playing-the-innocent Kohli vibe..
I also like that India has more supporters on the ground here in Oz these days which must have an impact in terms of visceral competitive vibe.

freeride76 wrote:I guess my view is formed from the golden age of Test cricket with Lillee and Thomson and Miandad and Viv Richards, Ian Botham etc etc.
All very, very fierce competitors who occasionally overstepped the line.
It was all part of the spectacle and very exciting.
You could see the game meant something to them- they wanted to win.
They weren't just highly paid princesses going through the motions.There seems be genuine heat at the moment between the Indian Test team and Australian test team and that really makes the game fun to watch.
I agree wholeheartedly, I’m older than you , I remember all that and more.
Cricket has always had niggling rivalries , which makes for great theatre.
I’ve taught young men from Punjab and Gujarat , challenging would be an understatement, very sensitive to any criticism or critique.
We are wired differently.AW

Dunno if someone's said it, but kudos to Khawaja for stepping in and making sure Konstas didn't lose his cool, meaning Kohli's strategy would've worked.
Seems unlikely Konstas would have, he's a preternaturally calm teenager, but still, it was quick thinking from his partner.

Anyway that was yesterday, and this passage is from even further back in time but it's worth revisiting as we wait for the start.
Bill Bryson, Down Under.
"Eventually the radio dial presented only an uninterrupted cat’s hiss of static but for one clear spot near the end of the dial. At first I thought that’s all it was — just an empty clear spot — but then I realized I could hear the faint shiftings and stirrings of seated people, and after quite a pause, a voice, calm and reflective, said:
“Pilchard begins his long run in from short stump. He bowls and . . . oh, he’s out! Yes, he’s got him. Longwilley is caught legbefore in middle slops by Grattan. Well, now what do you make of that, Neville?”
“That’s definitely one for the books, Bruce. I don’t think I’ve seen offside medium-slow fast-pace bowling to match it since Badel-Powell took Rangachangabanga for a maiden ovary at Bangalore in 1948.”
"I had stumbled into the surreal and rewarding world of cricket on the radio.
"[…] it must be said there is something incomparably soothing about cricket on the radio. It has much the same virtues as baseball on the radio –an unhurried pace, a comforting devotion to abstruse statistics and thoughtful historical rumination, exhilarating micro-moments of real action – but stretched across many more hours and with a lushness of terminology and restful elegance of expression that even baseball cannot match. Listening to cricket on the radio is like listening to two men sitting in a rowing boat on a large, placid lake on a day when the fish aren’t biting: it’s like having a nap without losing consciousness. It actually helps not to know quite what’s going on. In such a rarefied world of contentment and inactivity, comprehension would become a distraction.
"‘So here comes Stovepipe to bowl on this glorious summer’s afternoon at the MCG,’ one of the commentators was saying now. ‘I wonder if he’ll chance an offside drop scone here or go for the quick legover. Stovepipe has an unusual delivery in that he actually leaves the grounds and starts his run just outside the Carlton & United Brewery at Kooyong.’
"‘That’s right, Clive. I haven’t known anyone start his delivery that far back since Stopcock caught his sleeve on the reversing mirror of a number 11 bus during the third test at Brisbane in 1957 and ended up at Goondiwindi four days later owing to some frightful confusion over a changed timetable at Toowoomba Junction.’
"After a very long silence while they absorbed this thought, and possibly stepped out to transact some small errands, they resumed with a leisurely discussion of the England fielding. Neasden, it appeared, was turning in a solid performance at square bowel, while Packet had been a stalwart in the dribbles, though even these exemplary performances paled when set beside the outstanding play of young Hugh Twain-Buttocks at middle nipple. The commentators were in calm agreement that they had not seen anyone caught behind with such panache since Tandoori took Rogan Josh for a stiff at Vindaloo in ’61. At last, Stovepipe, having found his way over the railway line at Flinders Street – the footbridge was evidently closed for painting – returned to the stadium and bowled to Hasty, who deftly turned the ball away for a corner. This was repeated four times more over the next two hours and then one of the commentators pronounced: ‘So as we break for second luncheon, and with 11,200 balls remaining, Australia are 962 for two not half and England are four for a duck and hoping for rain.’
"I may not have all the terminology exactly right, but that I believe I have caught the flavour of it."

haha, love it. I've got Little Dribbling in the dunny at the moment.. if you know what I mean..

stunet wrote:Dunno if someone's said it, but kudos to Khawaja for stepping in and making sure Konstas didn't lose his cool, meaning Kohli's strategy would've worked.
Seems unlikely Konstas would have, he's a preternaturally calm teenager, but still, it was quick thinking from his partner.
Spot on Stu, Kohli wanted to get inside his head and rattle him.
Kerry O'keefe said something interesting yesterday too, along the lines of "Kohli has built his whole career on arrogance. Suddenly he identified that in a debutant, and he seemed to resent it."


Apparently (or not) Kohli found out his wife was one of the young buck's new 100000 instagram followers in the tea break yesterday so got fired up. hehe.

stunet wrote:Anyway that was yesterday, and this passage is from even further back in time but it's worth revisiting as we wait for the start.
Bill Bryson, Down Under.
"Eventually the radio dial presented only an uninterrupted cat’s hiss of static but for one clear spot near the end of the dial. At first I thought that’s all it was — just an empty clear spot — but then I realized I could hear the faint shiftings and stirrings of seated people, and after quite a pause, a voice, calm and reflective, said:
“Pilchard begins his long run in from short stump. He bowls and . . . oh, he’s out! Yes, he’s got him. Longwilley is caught legbefore in middle slops by Grattan. Well, now what do you make of that, Neville?”
“That’s definitely one for the books, Bruce. I don’t think I’ve seen offside medium-slow fast-pace bowling to match it since Badel-Powell took Rangachangabanga for a maiden ovary at Bangalore in 1948.”
"I had stumbled into the surreal and rewarding world of cricket on the radio.
"[…] it must be said there is something incomparably soothing about cricket on the radio. It has much the same virtues as baseball on the radio –an unhurried pace, a comforting devotion to abstruse statistics and thoughtful historical rumination, exhilarating micro-moments of real action – but stretched across many more hours and with a lushness of terminology and restful elegance of expression that even baseball cannot match. Listening to cricket on the radio is like listening to two men sitting in a rowing boat on a large, placid lake on a day when the fish aren’t biting: it’s like having a nap without losing consciousness. It actually helps not to know quite what’s going on. In such a rarefied world of contentment and inactivity, comprehension would become a distraction.
"‘So here comes Stovepipe to bowl on this glorious summer’s afternoon at the MCG,’ one of the commentators was saying now. ‘I wonder if he’ll chance an offside drop scone here or go for the quick legover. Stovepipe has an unusual delivery in that he actually leaves the grounds and starts his run just outside the Carlton & United Brewery at Kooyong.’
"‘That’s right, Clive. I haven’t known anyone start his delivery that far back since Stopcock caught his sleeve on the reversing mirror of a number 11 bus during the third test at Brisbane in 1957 and ended up at Goondiwindi four days later owing to some frightful confusion over a changed timetable at Toowoomba Junction.’
"After a very long silence while they absorbed this thought, and possibly stepped out to transact some small errands, they resumed with a leisurely discussion of the England fielding. Neasden, it appeared, was turning in a solid performance at square bowel, while Packet had been a stalwart in the dribbles, though even these exemplary performances paled when set beside the outstanding play of young Hugh Twain-Buttocks at middle nipple. The commentators were in calm agreement that they had not seen anyone caught behind with such panache since Tandoori took Rogan Josh for a stiff at Vindaloo in ’61. At last, Stovepipe, having found his way over the railway line at Flinders Street – the footbridge was evidently closed for painting – returned to the stadium and bowled to Hasty, who deftly turned the ball away for a corner. This was repeated four times more over the next two hours and then one of the commentators pronounced: ‘So as we break for second luncheon, and with 11,200 balls remaining, Australia are 962 for two not half and England are four for a duck and hoping for rain.’
"I may not have all the terminology exactly right, but that I believe I have caught the flavour of it."
Stunet. Nice one.
Peter Garrett, one day on his property in Kangaroo Valley, voiced something similar.
He said you have the cricket on in the backyard whilst you commit to garden and other chores, you can just or barely hear it but know what’s going on, periodically a wicket falls or a six or four is hit and the volume gets louder.
You walk towards the radio, get a bit of an update, then go back to what you’re doing.
He said it’s comforting to just be able to hear it and when you couldn’t, it was either the battery had gone flat or you were simply too far away from the unit.
He also stated not being able to hear it was a real disconnection of his backyard harmony. The power (battery) and the passion (love cricket). AW

Great read Stu.
Currently Jim Maxwell does an awesome job on the radio.

Great read Stu.
Currently Jim Maxwell does an awesome job on the radio.

383 @SR.. where you at?

Good chat about seed potatoes from Maxwell.

Scorewise @base?
Now looking > 400 i reckon.

yeh, hope so.. fielding still scrappy, and bumrah's eye is in, but I detect some minor shoulder fatigue..

stunet wrote:Good chat about seed potatoes from Maxwell.
Can anyone text him and ask him for some pie chat?

Yep. Surviving that first hour or so is where it at. Smithy has been squared up a bit too much so far. Hopefully finds some rhythm, otherwiseif he goes could be more about your score i reckon.
Bumrah must be terrifying to face as far as not losing your wicket goes.

Saw some footage from Pipe earlier this morning. Was giant again and super clean.

North Pac storm track is raging at the moment.

Smithhhyyyyy!!!! Legend.
Yeah nuts hey FR. Having a huge December.

onya smithy! nothing like when a century comes at a time where it is meaningful to the moment within the game.. great effort.

Surely a "kohli is a wanker!!!" chant is the standard expected from the home crowd this morning. Give it to him!!!