Random surf clips

Also love how he says it’s not competitive and it’s all friendly in the water, but with him and Bruce on a boat together surrounded by their peers I bet they would of been going as hard as possible to out-do each other.

Enjoyed this immensely. Different craft, different styles, from the same guy mostly but others as well. He’s good on all. Music suits. Not too much slowmo. Different times of day and some nice colours. And no Bonython head shot POV froth.


Good film. Diverse craft and surfing, as you say.
But from 13:50:- the wave, the surfing, the single fin, the camerawork, the music - straight back to Morning Of The Earth. Nicely done.

Yes. I was thinking different film maker but couldn’t find any info online

And on film, not digital

That’s beyond my knowledge. It does look like that but I’d assume it was a filter. Don’t know. I’ve become my previous generations that I used to roll my eyes at. Hahaha back in my day. Honestly I reckon anyone younger than 40 won’t know an era pre digital or chip control. Freeride mentioned the other day the joy of cruising with the windows down and someone else mentioned the joy of cruising in cars that have no electronic controls. I have to agree.

Oops hahaha bit of a tangent there. Enjoy the clip people

From about 13:30, the helicopter blades moving slowly, a frames per second illusion, I thought they were saying this is not digital folks. Maybe I was duped.

Who said?

Haha stupid machines and stupid people

Dylan gets the goods. Tipped off by a high mileage Goldy tradie with intel from Shields and Bede.


Wow. Geez that guy's good, seems so comfortable in any waves. Well done young fella giving it a crack.

Have watched that. Don’t believe the Scotsman got a wave. Big ups for paddling out wee lad. Bet he wouldn’t even think about if Nathan wasn’t involved.

seeds wrote:Have watched that. Don’t believe the Scotsman got a wave. Big ups for paddling out wee lad. Bet he wouldn’t even think about if Nathan wasn’t involved.
I've seen another clip where the young fella gets one wave.Doesn't make the take off but he did have a go.

seeds wrote:That’s beyond my knowledge. It does look like that but I’d assume it was a filter. Don’t know. I’ve become my previous generations that I used to roll my eyes at. Hahaha back in my day. Honestly I reckon anyone younger than 40 won’t know an era pre digital or chip control. Freeride mentioned the other day the joy of cruising with the windows down and someone else mentioned the joy of cruising in cars that have no electronic controls. I have to agree.
That last sentence is what I love about cruising in the EH wagon. Basic at its best!!!

Rusty Forest wrote:seeds wrote:That’s beyond my knowledge. It does look like that but I’d assume it was a filter. Don’t know. I’ve become my previous generations that I used to roll my eyes at. Hahaha back in my day. Honestly I reckon anyone younger than 40 won’t know an era pre digital or chip control. Freeride mentioned the other day the joy of cruising with the windows down and someone else mentioned the joy of cruising in cars that have no electronic controls. I have to agree.
That last sentence is what I love about cruising in the EH wagon. Basic at its best!!!
RustyForest. I was the other guy after Freeride76 was enjoying the arm out the window how goods life on his clandestine mission to a secret spot.
Bring back cars that don’t have electric windows, air con, GPS satellite navigation and all the other useless stuff, bring back engine bays under the hood that you can almost stand in to pull out a starter motor, alternator,, fuel pump , change a radiator hose. Todays cars have so many things that go wrong because of all these ‘extra’ unnecessary items, it’s like having your office or your bedroom in a car, shits me up the wall, my son cannot reverse without the rear end camera. Travelled around WA in the early eighties in a 1975 HJ Holden wagon and an XW Ford sedan, never broke down once in scorching hot weather on heavy corrugated dirt roads, well built engines and cars with a chassis, say no more. The best.

It seems appropriate to put this here... random surf clip and cars without beeps & cameras. Any kiwis know these guys?

Rusty Forest wrote:seeds wrote:That’s beyond my knowledge. It does look like that but I’d assume it was a filter. Don’t know. I’ve become my previous generations that I used to roll my eyes at. Hahaha back in my day. Honestly I reckon anyone younger than 40 won’t know an era pre digital or chip control. Freeride mentioned the other day the joy of cruising with the windows down and someone else mentioned the joy of cruising in cars that have no electronic controls. I have to agree.
That last sentence is what I love about cruising in the EH wagon. Basic at its best!!!
Jealous! I got for nothing my grandmas EH sedan in the early nineties. Grand dad and grandma bought it new in 64. I put $12g into it back then but never finished it. I went off travelling etc then had kids etc but I dragged that half completed project around for 25 years to every place I lived. 4 years ago a bloke shows up to replace our hot water cistern and says I also own a chop shop in Caloundra. I took 12 grand for it. I was never going to get it on the road with renovations and kids responsibilities ongoing. Still shits me

Alfred agree with everything except electric windows and aircon

Patrick wrote:It seems appropriate to put this here... random surf clip and cars without beeps & cameras. Any kiwis know these guys?
That's my good mate Dave :-)

seeds wrote:Alfred agree with everything except electric windows and aircon
Seeds. Good on ya. Great topic, its not one of those threads where everything back in the old days was better, as you'd be aware, the more moving parts, the more likely you are to break down or have a problem and out in the boon dogs, Google cant fix anything. Problem with electric windows when you are nowhere near civilisation, when those little internal motors break or the cogs that push up the glass, you are screwed. We make life way too complicated these days, less is best and a more simplistic approach to products IMO means less trouble and or cash spent. I’m just saying.AW

Bloody oath
5 years ago sold my 1998 105 series Lancruiser. Last of the mechanically run cruisers. They went electronic in 2000.
Was a great vehicle and I only sold it because it was too gutless for towing. Upgraded to a 200 series and everything electronic that could go wrong has gone wrong. It’s cost me a fortune. Piece of shit. Should of just put a better donk in the old one. Next vehicle change I’ll be going back to an older cruiser.

Island Bay wrote:Patrick wrote:It seems appropriate to put this here... random surf clip and cars without beeps & cameras. Any kiwis know these guys?
That's my good mate Dave :-)
IslandBay. Thanks mate. How good was that, pissed myself laughing.
Footloose & Fancy Free. Those boys didn’t mind a bit of the ‘Devils Lettuce’.

Still don't :-)

a left and a right
an aussie
go you maddogs

killer wave of the day john, coming in hot.

Geez Jules goes alright on a longboard too.

Look out Cloudbreak...see you real soon !

Be funny if he went back to LB competitions.
Little Laurie goes alright too.

Got to be one of the better drops I have seen for awhile.

Best of all day Dylan

hawaiian stoke
Yeah you....

Don't think there's a forum thread for random surf clips to share...so here goes.