Random surf clips

True. My bad.
Now I wonder when can you ever ask where a wave is? I think the answer is never.
No sarcasm intended.

If its like tavarua type fame or st lue at reunion i dont see any harm but spots like south oz spots excluding cactus dont talk about them...Most of all dont talk about conditions they need unless you're taking the piss secretly.ive been guilty of that a couple of times but for famous waves but still, any chance you get a famous good wave without a crowd is awesome...telling everyone about conditions they need destroy all hopes of scoring it uncrowded.

Yup. Theres a wave around town that fits right in the latter category. It’s hardly a secret in what it needs to be working but you never talk about it in a public forum.
It’s kinda funny in a way. Everyone knows but it’s taboo to say.

Silver Surfer irons out the curls
Foily Surfer is out there alright?
Funtastic 4 Parallel Universe { Silver Skateboarder (vs) Big Ben }
Silver Skate Jock drops in on New York...outta my way Kooks!
2018 Halloween Hawaiian Silver Surfer
(tip...Disco song works on lowest volume 'background beat'.)
Silver Surfer dips out on the first session...locals only seal's the deal.
[1:30] Silver Shadow Surfari (Road Trip)
Salute this tripper for insane go anywhere troppo freakout + for havin' another crack it this!
[2 :00] Liquid Platinum Edition Trophy Surfer is out there trippin' the light fantastic!
Our final Silver Surfer may not win over the crew at first...(Yuppie Shed full of Boystoyz)
[12 :20] Tech heads ramp it, to polish up their act, even posing for effect then fly off into the Sky!

Gerry Lopez documentary coming out soon:

Mick and Kirra.

@1:47 - 48 Fark that Tail is Mangled - 1 Session Get Farked !!

Jeez he Hammered most of those Decks.


Some of the best fish surfing ever and other surfing by Ryan Burch and Ozzie Wright.
Ive heard some people say they dont like Ozzie Wrights surfing but i reckon its up there with the best.
Saw him in west sumbawa one day, {he missed a strike mission swell by about twelve hours} at supersuck surfing by himself at mid to lowtide charging one to three footers launching allyoops and awesome style pumping down the line..great to watch...the reef was sticking out for god sake.
Anyway check this out if you haven't already, skip to seventeen minutes for excellent point breaks fish etc surfing.

wow great vid groundswell, and ryan burch is an exceptional talent, thanks for sharing

Heres a great vid of a Young Ryan

udo maybe you can enlighten me on why he has that cut out in the nose of his boards.......sorta spoils the visuals though imo but guy certainly rips.......

stunet FRIDAY, 29 JUL 2016 at 3:05PM
"The swallow nose keeps the rail line of the board straighter to give you more drive and rail engagement on turns and it has a concave that lets the nose act like a catamaran while paddling in and the concave also keeps the nose from dragging or pearling and even helps balance the board on air drops of foam ball rides."

Awesome vid udo..Got to love his style and character too.

Enjoying the tapes minus Sally and Harvey Noman ads

Im starting to like that show Stu. Particularly liked the tips he was giving school kids like "first wave of a heat must be a good score or you're playing catchup" or something along those lines.
However Torquay doesn't barrel much like you said years ago. Phillip island does though.Perhaps thirteenth beach and mornington peninsula too.

Some Ulu fun...

udo wrote:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Sca3hR9rE8
Udo loved the 6 foot + restaurants, i didn't realize it handled that big but it looked a bit fast even for them pro on some while some made some epic ones...no rooms for snaps like usually at a 3-5foot day
That wave was hectic a few good crystal clear makes amongst some heavy closeouts.Looks like it would be a lot heavier being out there.

Awesome footage Udo, that guy at 2:30 was ripping was he Rasta? most of the surfers were pretty good too.
Kirra seems like the sort of place where i would try to slow down for the first barrel, then be too slow for the next piping section...would take a few surfs to get used to not slowing down for the first tube. imo

When you psych for a slash by watching a clip of some pro ripping ….
And then go for a surf with the firm belief you’ve finally cracked the code and you’ll be pulling the same moves

Lord Ted Deerhurst

udo wrote:Lord Ted Deerhurst
How’s the accent! Sounds completely different from his voice in his classic section from Storm Riders.
I tried to piece together something of a full picture of Lord Ted’s remarkable story from snippets in Andy Martin’s books, and bits and pieces from the Internet a while back.
After watching Udo’s link, I clicked here and there and came across Andy Martin’s recent book "Surf Sweat and Tears. The Epic Life and Mysterious Death of Edward George William Omar Deerhurst", of which I was unaware, and which appears to do exactly that and more.
Certainly on the reading list for me.

He's pretty stoked nailing down a solid description of comping. referring to to posted link.classic

funnelling tunnels

Not sure if this has been posted . Good to see the same wave from different angles.

@udo is that our fearless FR closing out the vid with a well-surfed backhand barrel? Styling!
Don't think there's a forum thread for random surf clips to share...so here goes.