Random surf clips

Great stuff. How’s the offshore blowing straight down its throat. Crowd loving it.

Insane!! If you could get into one, wow what a crazy perfect wave. Very tough crowd to try and snag one off of.

Jeez, the Maui boys know how to get it done.
how was that brutal burning though.

Looks like north point in boardies

Here is a good roundhouse cutback wave.

Awesome Udo.
Heres one of the best ever surfers at Pipe. Also one of the best to ever surf desert point. Shame he couldn't top this surfing so gave up i think.
Better at pipe than JOB imo.

Love that last wave. Hanging on with the toenails

Shawn Briley did leave surfing for a while. “I figured I couldn’t go any deeper, bigger or gnarlier than that,” he said. “I stepped onto the sand [afterward] and was just, like, ‘What more is there to do?'”
After a period of excessive partying; he got married, found God and became a devoted family man. He has returned to surfing. He is also one of the judges of the annual North Shore “Wave of the Winter”.

View from Kai Lenny’s go pro

Watched it again, once in the other doco or whatever thread and once here..thanks sf i love tubes mmm wish they were lefts though.

In my healthiest prime i wouldnt have been able to ride that board. At first i thought the fin was too far forward then i thought too flexy and it just didnt handle under the feet of a noseriding style master mal pig. No way in hell could i ride that thing. I dont like riding anything longer than 8foot.

And from the Utube Comments :
I’m going to put forward a notion to the Sutherland shire council to see if they can inaugurate a plaque on the rocks of solander for Tim bonython, most Billy’s smoked on the rocks while operating a camera

Nasty but they are pretty confident
getting pinballed on those rocks always looks sketchy or seeing crew get stuck
Some of the brass memorials have been getting lifted by thieves in some spots I use
Some of those plates had historically been their for along time or placed by someone in remembrance bit of a pitty

udo wrote:
That one of Max's at 9:40 was incredible. So many different contours and forces to deal with. How was the room inside when it pitched. Superb skills on display. He appeared to get bloody lucky with some of those wipeouts. Charger.

Robwilliams wrote:Nasty but they are pretty confident
getting pinballed on those rocks always looks sketchy or seeing crew get stuck
Some of the brass memorials have been getting lifted by thieves in some spots I use
Some of those plates had historically been their for along time or placed by someone in remembrance bit of a pitty
Nah. Memorial plaques are vandalism. Fuck that crap off out of the natural environment. Your grief is personal, no need to desecrate the bush with that stuff. There’s been a billion trillion humans die throughout human history on Earth, thank Christ everyone wasn’t so selfish as to think they should have their time marked like a scar for everyone else to live around. We all have our time before we move on…no point littering the beauty with some vain attempt at preservation.
Theres an absolutely pristine bit of coast near here which didn’t have a single sign of humanity until someone put a stainless steel plaque on a rock which reflects the morning sun back out into the lineup like a mirror. That won’t be there too long…

They were not in the bush, urban, I see your sentiment but I still thought it a bit harsh for what went relatively unnoticed considering how long they had been in place. It's not all surfing in that spot. They where unobtrusive and part of local history. Its just what people did back then. Allot of missing fishermen plaques in certain parts of the country, professional and recreational. Put a couple of stones around it and it's less reflective.

Or as you said remove it in great haste and forget what once was encroaching and return the serenity you feel is effected. It's your area, so its your call.

Hot Stuff @3:50

Like to see a Test with Gearbox and Surfinz Boxes included.

I’ve had a gut full of FCS. So sick of the grub screws stripping out either inside the screw or the thread in the hole. Too bad my entire quiver is exclusively FCS. Both my daily rides are stripped and it makes changing fins a daily fucken headache.
The above video reinforces the idea that I maybe backed the wrong horse.

The grub screw issues is their biggest fails so simple Allen keys only round out if they are of cheap unhardend steel had this problem to the extent that I won't change fins due to risk absolute ball up if it's pumping I have had success adding resin and re drilling grubscrews no wonder others have moved to a simpler more solid system for such a small part it could be improved greatly if I get the chance I will move to a better product what goods a board if you can't swap fins on the go this is a common problem that design wise is so easily preventable a heavier sleeve or harder grub pretty low cost and dissapointing in my opinion especially if it's pumping and gear is essential weak design and development better options out their grub screw systems and screws should not fail forget the cost of fins cheap and nasty
I tried to keep my gear uniform and within current budget what was available then has been superseeded in practical terms of what is available now it's a cost thing and a slow replacement quiver wise the frustration isn't worth it to repeat

On any Box install doing what Shrednaught does here @13 min ads a heap more strength to it
even better if you used a Bugle screws head or routered it out so the hole was wedge shaped from bottom of hole upwards

Cheers undo

7 full turns to screw a grubscrew in.
You only need to unscrew 2 to 2 1/4 turns to take a fin out.
No need to ever take a grubscrew out and risk cross threading the plug.
If you do you can drill and tap a new hole on the opposite side.
Smaller pilot drill first at the correct angles then taping drill then 3/16'' tap.
FCS tri plugs are made with 2 screws and can be modified to add a middle screw and 3 on the opposite side which would give 6 securing points.
Highly recommend the tri plugs if you are starting from scratch and making a surfboard.

excellent info with the tap. Just tap it in.

Recently did similar repair. Plastic wood or epoxy filler in the old hole then re-drill @45 degree cant with a 4 mm bit. No need to tap, they self tap.

You can make a tap from a screw by grinding 3 grooves into a screw, creating cutting teeth, using one of those thin 1mm cutting discs.

You can make a tap from a screw by grinding 3 grooves into a screw, creating cutting teeth, using one of those thin 1mm cutting discs.


Don't think there's a forum thread for random surf clips to share...so here goes.