Australia - you're standing in it

Whaahaahaa you’re a funny carrot cake. I just read about Lars. I may have seen some of his work.

ha, you wanna talk pirate versions, here's a lars von trier with bjork, who after writing the music, begrudgingly agreed to play selma in Dancer in the Dark
(incidentally that song (+ing), was my first springsteen memory, at a primary school disco)

velocityjohnno wrote:You guys seem to be having fun, excuse the econ nerd chart:
Check out the first chart, GDP growth - it's taken out the GFC low, is on the way to the lockdown lows (with everything open), but next stop is the 1991 recession low at -2%. If it takes out that how about a bit of cosplay, the challenge will be to wear flannel for a week.
Geez VJ, I reckon they would be shitting themselves at ALP HQ.
Recession headlines spell electoral death usually, and going below 1991's minus 2%, the noise from the RW MSM is going to be deafening.
The population ponzi isn't working for them. The property ponzi has left the boomers flush and spending like drunken sailors while everyone else seems to be shutting up shop.
Albo seems to think the tax cuts and $300 power handout is going to do something, but I think rents and mortgages are so fkn expensive due to our ridiculously overpriced property market that savings are gone already and the whole thing is teetering.
Jim Chalmers is a good treasurer, maybe a great one in my opinion.
But he's not superman.
Inflation looks to be going sideways, not down. All those predictions of an interest rate drop this year have been thrown out, they are now saying 2025.
So what do you reckon VJ, you keep on top of these things, will you be wearing flannel for a week this year?

"Recession headlines spell electoral death usually"
Could depend on the quality of the opposition.
Around a year after his "recession we had to have" comment, Keating had ousted Bob Hawke as prime minister and he went on to defeat a very unpopular John Hewson in the 1993 election.
Labor could well consider themselves very lucky that they're facing off against Dutton.

@Andy M "Labor could well consider themselves very lucky that they're facing off against Dutton."
Yep, and lucky there's only a dearth of dimwits, dunces, dickheads and dullards in line behind him, but they are also facing off against a wall of noise from News Ltd., the Nine Group, Stoke's 7 and the LNP plants in the ABC, not to mention the billionaire funded propaganda outfits like the IPA, the Minerals Council, Advance Australia, Palmer, Reinhart and the rest.
Dutton has a chance if they hit minus 2% I reckon.

hewson on frontline, gentler (or rather, more moderate,) time

adam12 wrote:@Andy M "Labor could well consider themselves very lucky that they're facing off against Dutton."
Yep, and lucky there's only a dearth of dimwits, dunces, dickheads and dullards in line behind him, but they are also facing off against a wall of noise from News Ltd., the Nine Group, Stoke's 7 and the LNP plants in the ABC, not to mention the billionaire funded propaganda outfits like the IPA, the Minerals Council, Advance Australia, Palmer, Reinhart and the rest.
Dutton has a chance if they hit minus 2% I reckon.
They inherited a shit show left by Abbott, Turnbull and Morrison, if the Australian population think the party that caused the economic situation is going to be able to fix it, good luck to em.
Angus Taylor treasurer, hahaha. Fark.
Anyway ya get the government ya deserve, Labor tried to be nice and mature in govt, but no matter how many positive things they could do, they were always going to be attacked by Murdoch Costello coalition of morons. Should have set up RC into Murdoch and media landscape straight off the bat and set up a NACC that actually held some of the corrupt pricks to account.
Poor fella my country.

AndyM wrote:"Recession headlines spell electoral death usually"
Could depend on the quality of the opposition.
Around a year after his "recession we had to have" comment, Keating had ousted Bob Hawke as prime minister and he went on to defeat a very unpopular John Hewson in the 1993 election.
Labor could well consider themselves very lucky that they're facing off against Dutton.
Plus Australia hasn't had a one term government for about 100 years, as much as id love to see Labor and Albo kicked out after their first term its not going to happen, voters just dont want to swap and change governments that often .
Its funny in hindsight that Labor losing the 2019 unlossable election wasn't really that great for LNP.
If i could go back and magically change things id allow Labor to win that election, they would then suffer through Covid and run up even more debt than LNP, going off history they would still survive the next election but then they would have zero chance at this election and then we wouldn't see Labor again for another decade.

""If i could go back and magically change things id allow Labor to win that election, they would then suffer through Covid and run up even more debt than LNP, going off history they would still survive the next election but then they would have zero chance at this election and then we wouldn't see Labor again for another decade.""
Maybe the housing situation would be a whole lot better under the policies that Shorten took to that election?
And still buying more debt under Labor BS... Fark read something outside of the Australian media, economic indicators have always historically better under Labor govts. You can have your own opinions, but not your own facts.

^^ notice how there was zero consideration for what is good for the country in @info’s brainfart proving again you can’t argue with stupid.

JF ,Seeds, Supa, Adam, AW, and anyone else, sorry for my antagonising posts yesterday and before, won't be going down that road again.
Life is too short to be getting peed off with people. Head pulled in lol

andy-mac wrote:""If i could go back and magically change things id allow Labor to win that election, they would then suffer through Covid and run up even more debt than LNP, going off history they would still survive the next election but then they would have zero chance at this election and then we wouldn't see Labor again for another decade.""
Maybe the housing situation would be a whole lot better under the policies that Shorten took to that election?
And still buying more debt under Labor BS... Fark read something outside of the Australian media, economic indicators have always historically better under Labor govts. You can have your own opinions, but not your own facts.
That's a hypothetical that I haven't seen explored - where might we be if Shorten's reasonable, and possibly essential, policies came into being?
A sliding doors moment for Australia which was steamrolled by greed and self-interest.

GuySmiley wrote:^^ notice how there was zero consideration for what is good for the country in @info’s brainfart proving again you can’t argue with stupid.
The curse of modern times, brainless partisanship over thoughtful discussion.

I have never voted liberal, but I felt sorry for them for being in power during covid, they threw buckets of money at low-income people, and many dole bludgers had never had it so good. Some part time workers saw their incomes doubled during that time. In hindsight they overcooked it and wasted a lot of money but at every step Labor said it wasn't enough and they would give more, even wanting to keep the extra unemployment benefits for good. Debt. would have been much higher under Labor, yet after the dust settled they crucified the libs for running up so much debt. Then they got in and flushed half a billion down the drain on the voice.

Media really loves spreading fear. They lost all credibility. 'Recession fears'? We had record unemployment and booming economy for awhile now. We can't grow it anymore and it will cool off at some point. And hopefully that cooling off will be slight to moderate which is something we are actually good at in this country. And BTW our debt is small with plenty of firepower left in the tank if required.

I can't understand this obsession with limitless growth. Who thinks that the price of goods and services needs to increase week on week, year on year? It's ok, we'll give you more money to pay for it but there's no corresponding increase in the standard of living.
Help me out economists, it doesn't make sense.

In 2007 our debt was under 52 billion. The latest budget forecast is for over 1 trillion dollars (36%of GDP) by the end of 2026. I remember when a billion dollars was a lot of money. A lot could have been done with the money spent repaying this debt. Even if we only have a technical recession, things are pretty grim out there for a lot of small businesses, mortgage holders and renters. Cheers.

flollo wrote:Media really loves spreading fear. They lost all credibility. 'Recession fears'? We had record unemployment and booming economy for awhile now. We can't grow it anymore and it will cool off at some point. And hopefully that cooling off will be slight to moderate which is something we are actually good at in this country. And BTW our debt is small with plenty of firepower left in the tank if required.
Hasn't the main goal of the RBA been to bring down inflation which has been the cause of the slowdown in economic activity. This was the plan.
Could not have it both ways.
Interest rates going up are not hurting the cohort who are spending money driving inflation. If you own your own home, the higher interest are actually good for savers. Not to mention the duopoly profiteering in groceries and others.
The housing issue is a mess, and tinkering with immigration is not really going to help.
Other policies such as letting people use their super are just stupid and create further problems down the road.
CGT and negative gearing, and I cannot see the LNP (or Labor now) touching these sacred cows. May change slowly with the younger demographic coming through and insisting on change via the ballet box.
Energy in Australia should be a non-issue, the LNP mainly to blame for this situation, but Labor is also.
Start taxing multinational extractors and use some of our gas for our own market at cheap prices, not buying back on international market. That is just dumb, refer to previous clips by people punters bloke re this situation to see how bad Australia is being shafted.

Tax reform, and accountability need to be addressed and whoever does will win the election . The problem is Labor talked the talk but that was it , extremely disappointing from a government that started so well mending relationships with our neighbours . Latest trust in government , polls was at about 49% . Why is it so hard to do the right thing by the people of Australia ?

old-dog wrote:I have never voted liberal, but I felt sorry for them for being in power during covid, they threw buckets of money at low-income people, and many dole bludgers had never had it so good. Some part time workers saw their incomes doubled during that time. In hindsight they overcooked it and wasted a lot of money but at every step Labor said it wasn't enough and they would give more, even wanting to keep the extra unemployment benefits for good. Debt. would have been much higher under Labor, yet after the dust settled they crucified the libs for running up so much debt. Then they got in and flushed half a billion down the drain on the voice.
Forget about so-called, dole bludgers that’s just a distraction.
About $6.2 billion in JobKeeper wage subsidies were paid to businesses with more than $10 million in turnover that did not experience a minimum 30 per cent fall in turnover in the first six months of the scheme.


zenagain wrote:I can't understand this obsession with limitless growth. Who thinks that the price of goods and services needs to increase week on week, year on year? It's ok, we'll give you more money to pay for it but there's no corresponding increase in the standard of living.
Help me out economists, it doesn't make sense.
I'm no economist Zen, but I've always thought, where does the growth end? It can't be limitless, we live on a finite planet. The pursuit of growth for growth's sake seems like a suicide pact to me. There used to be people who advocated for sustainable growth, that the measures of economic success should be altered.
It slipped under the radar for our billionaire controlled MSM but the UN warned yesterday that we have less than five years before the planet slips past 1.5 degrees heating.
Five years and we are fucked. Forever.
They had heat waves last week in India where the temperatures hit well over 50 degrees, they've got no water, people dropping like flies.
Alarm bells have been ringing for many years, but it's still all about growth. Unless there is growth it's a fail. Must grow the economy, never mind the climate, ignore the dire warnings about the future.
They all behave like it's still limitless.
It ain't.
A suicide pact.
Sometimes I'm glad I'm old and have got no kids

When Peter Costello was treasurer we had no debt in 2008 and 20 billion in the bank. It was called debt free day and we were the envy of the world.
Then the GFC hit and we sailed through it due to our brilliant financial position.
If we don’t waste a dollar ever again we can get back there….
….but do our current leaders have the resolve even though we have a template to follow from the past.
We will have record income into Govt coffers this year….so will we do a Peter Costello ??? or waste it all.

old-dog wrote:I have never voted liberal, but I felt sorry for them for being in power during covid, they threw buckets of money at low-income people, and many dole bludgers had never had it so good. Some part time workers saw their incomes doubled during that time. In hindsight they overcooked it and wasted a lot of money but at every step Labor said it wasn't enough and they would give more, even wanting to keep the extra unemployment benefits for good. Debt. would have been much higher under Labor, yet after the dust settled they crucified the libs for running up so much debt. Then they got in and flushed half a billion down the drain on the voice.
(I would've left out the dole bludgers part, it just triggers ire...)
re. dole bludgers... our latest problem has been filling positions, not unemployment...

zenagain wrote:I can't understand this obsession with limitless growth. Who thinks that the price of goods and services needs to increase week on week, year on year? It's ok, we'll give you more money to pay for it but there's no corresponding increase in the standard of living.
Help me out economists, it doesn't make sense.
There's an excellent chapter in Sapiens by Yuval Noah Hurari - incredible book BTW, do yourself a favour - where he explains the origins of currency and credit, and how our economic system is based on growth and inflation - I.e banks lend more money than they have - everybody knows that - but it's based on the optimism of a brighter future, hence borrowers can pay it back.
There's far more to it, but I guess the point here is that the notion of growth and inflation is baked into every economy, every deal, every transaction.
Over the years, wise people have pointed out the folly of it yet no-one has found a way to defy it and create a modern steady state economy.

zenagain wrote:I can't understand this obsession with limitless growth. Who thinks that the price of goods and services needs to increase week on week, year on year? It's ok, we'll give you more money to pay for it but there's no corresponding increase in the standard of living.
Help me out economists, it doesn't make sense.
governments (secretly) love inflation (a bit)
inflation = more revenue
= budget surplus
as you know living in Japan - which has seen essentially zero growth for decades - the benefits of continuous
growth are totally overstated for your average plebeians...
as anyone knows living in australia - which has seen continuous growth for decades - the benefits of continuous growth are totally overstated for your average plebeians...

.....growth and inflation ;);)

GuySmiley wrote:^^ notice how there was zero consideration for what is good for the country in @info’s brainfart proving again you can’t argue with stupid.
Dude its kunts like you that never learn and vote Labor in that always fuck things up not just nationally your also the reason why Victoria has the highest debt of any state in Australia.
But yeah great money managers.

^ some bold statements there ;)
....maybe u just have a lil extra cheese on ya taco ;);)

& the noinfo encore ;)

Re dole bludgers, they exist. I know blokes who have gone through their whole lives sucking on the public teat, (plus working a day or two, cash in hand), and able to rent a flat, run a car, surf all week. During covid they were laughing all the way to the bank. Spend all their dough on ciggies, mull, booze and gambling etc. then they turn 67 and the Govt. rewards them with the full pension of about $1200 p/fn. Meanwhile I've worked hard, paid my taxes and made sacrifices all my god damned life to get ahead and get fuck all. The lucky country alright. Cheers.

ashsam wrote:JF ,Seeds, Supa, Adam, AW, and anyone else, sorry for my antagonising posts yesterday and before, won't be going down that road again.
Life is too short to be getting peed off with people. Head pulled in lol
Ashsam. Good on you mate, man enough to cough up the phlegm. We are all fuckwits sometimes.
If I could be honest, I’d love to know more about yourself, your past and what you did for work, your interests etc, if that’s ok
Your consistent vacuum of empty content rebuttals can only go so far. Give us what you’ve got, all guns blazing. All the best and looking forward to AS Lol. , MK2.. catch ya tonight , gotta deck to finish. AW.

"Dole bludgers"
Dunno how long it's been since you were, if ever, on the dole @Old Dog, but the days of dole bludging are well and truly over IMO.
You may know people who you reckon are still bludging, maybe you do, but I also sense a bit of animosity about how hard you have had to work to get where you are and see others who don't.
I get that, feel the same myself at times. But I don't blame the people on the dole anymore.
Guys I know who have been on the dole in recent years have to do a hell of a lot just to even get on it, and they are under some onerous and ridiculous requirements to keep on it, and it's pretty much impossible to survive on it or have any sort of quality of life, let alone bludge on it.
The bludgers in the system are the Job Provider companies these days from what I can tell.
It's an easy label to throw around, dole bludger. I may have been one myself.
In the early 2000's I stopped working for a few years to nurse my mother who had cancer and after a while I went on the dole. I got to mix with quite a few unemployed people doing work for the dole and realised that many of these people were legitimately unemployed or unemployable. Unfortunate souls with issues that meant no one would employ them really, mental health or just health issues, people who really should have been on DSP but couldn't qualify, low IQ people, people with limited education and literacy, people who's backgrounds or lives just didn't tick the boxes, single dads who's wives were dead or junkies or had left them with young kids to raise and no support network, and so on.
In the group of about twenty, there was probably only one or two who I thought were probably bludging, and really, it wasn't much of a bludge. I know people with real jobs who did less than what was required from these people just to get the pissy amount the dole paid. You couldn't survive on it really. Today there isn't a rental property under $400 a week, which is about what the dole pays.
The days of the Bob Hawke Surf Team are well and truly over. The unemployed have been demonised by so many, mostly LNP, governments to the point it's ridiculous. The corporate and public service bludgers, of which there are many, get a free pass, but they belt shit out of anyone who is on the dole, and as I found out for myself, many, most of those people have good reasons why they can't get a job.
These days when I see or hear "dole bludger" getting bandied about I think about some of those people I met in my own journey into Centerlink darkness. They are not really the problem as far as I can see, and they weren't bludging, most were trying, and trying to deal with lives and histories and problems that no one would swap places for, even if it was a bludge.
I know plenty of bludgers, guys with jobs that bludge around worksites ticking up hours doing fuck all, guys with rich parents who live off the family wealth and do fuck all, I see plenty of bludgers in suits, public servants, politicians, corporate wankers. And like I said, the Job Network providers. My mother's illness lasted a lot longer than we all expected before it took her. I was on the dole longer than I anticipated back then, and qualified as long term. I was worth a bit to my JSP if they could find me a job, so they approached me with an offer. If I bullshitted and said I had got a job with my brother full time (I had been working for him when I could off and on at the time) they would give me six grand, cash, no questions asked, so they could claim their money for me, which must have been quite a bit if they were willing to sling me $6K.
I took the offer, now who is the bludger ? (other than maybe me, but I had a good reason in my mind why I was unemployed, and would do it again in the same circumstances).

AlfredWallace wrote:ashsam wrote:JF ,Seeds, Supa, Adam, AW, and anyone else, sorry for my antagonising posts yesterday and before, won't be going down that road again.
Life is too short to be getting peed off with people. Head pulled in lol
AS.Ashsam. Good on you mate, man enough to cough up the phlegm. We are all fuckwits sometimes.
If I could be honest, I’d love to know more about yourself, your past and what you did for work, your interests etc, if that’s ok
Your consistent vacuum of empty content rebuttals can only go so far. Give us what you’ve got, all guns blazing. All the best and looking forward to AS Lol. , MK2.. catch ya tonight , gotta deck to finish. AW.
Still working for myself AW. 10 more years unless labor puts me out of business before they get shafted for the other party that are/will be no better lol ;)


Optimist wrote:When Peter Costello was treasurer we had no debt in 2008 and 20 billion in the bank. It was called debt free day and we were the envy of the world.
Then the GFC hit and we sailed through it due to our brilliant financial position.
If we don’t waste a dollar ever again we can get back there….
….but do our current leaders have the resolve even though we have a template to follow from the past.
We will have record income into Govt coffers this year….so will we do a Peter Costello ??? or waste it all.
Factcheck: Howard and Costello did have a surpluses BUT they were primarily due to: (1) getting the benefit of the Hawke/Keating economic reform agenda; (2) being in govt during the 1st mining boom with the massive increase in taxation (Howard was the biggest taxing govt as a result); (3) selling off every public asset he could get his hands on; and (4) reducing Federal govt expenditure on nation building infrastructure to essentially zero.
Of course any discussion on the Howard/Costello years wouldn't be complete without consideration on what they did with the surpluses. Mmmm, let's start with involvement in illegal wars in the Middle East and Afghanistan where $billions were essentially pissed up against the wall while indirectly managing to kill 100,000s of innocent people and leave fertile ground for the emergence of ISIS. Domestically, these dynamic economic managers ensured the ongoing destructive structural deficits to the federal budget by handing out massive tax cuts and concessions (that's x2 gravy trains) to supernatants, 1/2 CGT, negative gearing and allowing SMSFs to borrow to speculate in housing etc.
@opti and @info blind as bats and shamelessly dishonest cunning stunts

zenagain wrote:I can't understand this obsession with limitless growth. Who thinks that the price of goods and services needs to increase week on week, year on year? It's ok, we'll give you more money to pay for it but there's no corresponding increase in the standard of living.
Help me out economists, it doesn't make sense.
Good point, Zen. It's up there with limitless productivity growth. Makes no sense but is the mantra of many.

GuySmiley wrote:Optimist wrote:When Peter Costello was treasurer we had no debt in 2008 and 20 billion in the bank. It was called debt free day and we were the envy of the world.
Then the GFC hit and we sailed through it due to our brilliant financial position.
If we don’t waste a dollar ever again we can get back there….
….but do our current leaders have the resolve even though we have a template to follow from the past.
We will have record income into Govt coffers this year….so will we do a Peter Costello ??? or waste it all.Factcheck: Howard and Costello did have a surpluses BUT they were primarily due to: (1) getting the benefit of the Hawke/Keating economic reform agenda; (2) being in govt during the 1st mining boom with the massive increase in taxation (Howard was the biggest taxing govt as a result); (3) selling off every public asset he could get his hands on; and (4) reducing Federal govt expenditure on nation building infrastructure to essentially zero.
Of course any discussion on the Howard/Costello years wouldn't be complete without consideration on what they did with the surpluses. Mmmm, let's start with involvement in illegal wars in the Middle East and Afghanistan where $billions were essentially pissed up against the wall while indirectly managing to kill 100,000s of innocent people and leave fertile ground for the emergence of ISIS. Domestically, these dynamic economic managers ensured the ongoing destructive structural deficits to the federal budget by handing out massive tax cuts and concessions (that's x2 gravy trains) to supernatants, 1/2 CGT, negative gearing and allowing SMSFs to borrow to speculate in housing etc.
@opti and @info blind as bats and shamelessly dishonest cunning stunts
Well said @Guy, totally accurate fact check.
But just so we are sure who Opti is talking about, is it this Peter Costello?

Best footage yet. He did give him a bit of a shoulder nudge. The intent was evident by the change in facial expression. He might get a talking to from his brother over that.


seeds wrote:Best footage yet. He did give him a bit of a shoulder nudge. The intent was evident by the change in facial expression. He might get a talking to from his brother over that.
Be interesting to see if airport CCTV footage verifies his story of journo tripping over??
Gotta laugh that Nine media is fighting with Murdoch media...

Interesting that they hired Costello to start with. Stupid carrot cake has just made a bad (newsworthy) situation worse by being “well ‘ard”

^^ and yet he didn’t have the “ticker” to challenge Howard, aka the unflushable turd of AU politics, for the top job; what a man!

can almost agree with everyone today
must actually be some reasonable, constructive conversation going on...
whilst adam12 is totally correct
so is old dog...
I know these people too, quite often it is such a false 'win', ...and such a waste of life...
a little prodding goes a long way, and unfortunately in australia a culture has developed where you cannot even raise certain issues
which unfortunately, creates 'a culture of low expectations' noel pearson likes to point out... noel being noel... one can guess who are the real losers...
especially considering when we just went through a period of almost full employment... it's a disgrace governments (with an S!!) ...didn't have the capacity or inclination to make the most of this situation, and really help people...
'learned helplessness'
is a real psychological term and condition, and labor just feeds this beast through ideological dismissiveness...
optimist raised mental health now encroaching onto the ndis, that and the outcomes of years of drug abuse.. I know real world example, where someone on the dole now has essentially a personal chauffeur, getting paid $150 an hour a couple of hours a day, almost everyday of the week to do the most basic and ridiculous of tasks, that this person managed to do quite easily for years on their own...
it's a nice 'service' in the bigger scheme of things... but fuck me! ...that ain't smart or 'equitable' use of resources by any measure...
and no, it would not fall under billy boys new fascination with 'fraud' that he's in power...
(before he couldn't give a fuck, wasn't concerned with 'sustainability' of the system... argued it wasn't an issue... when libs were in power... as pointed out on abc yesterday... he literally went from arguing sustainability isnt a problem, to overnight being psuedo tough guy cop concerned with sustainability...)
it's shit like this why people have no faith in labor, they're fucking ideological morons...
ndis was also supposed to not be for autism and the like... now it's one of its biggest expenses!
gillard sold us ndis as annual cost $4 billion per it's $140 billion!
you wanna talk about economics?
none of this is 'sustainable' in any sense of the word...
but billy boys onto it!
fuck off! could have sorted it from opposition... 8 . 10 years ago...
but you didn't
as phil corey said on insiders 2 years ago...
'labor is only now doing what the lnp were trying to raise as issues for years'
but they didn't want anyone touching their baby...
their baby is broken...
billy boy's 'fraud' equates to a coupla billion bucks
significant by any measure
but just the tip of the iceberg...
ndis was never designed for all this rubbish, labor need to actually show some balls and clean the whole fucking mess up!

ashsam wrote:AlfredWallace wrote:ashsam wrote:JF ,Seeds, Supa, Adam, AW, and anyone else, sorry for my antagonising posts yesterday and before, won't be going down that road again.
Life is too short to be getting peed off with people. Head pulled in lol
AS.Ashsam. Good on you mate, man enough to cough up the phlegm. We are all fuckwits sometimes.
If I could be honest, I’d love to know more about yourself, your past and what you did for work, your interests etc, if that’s ok
Your consistent vacuum of empty content rebuttals can only go so far. Give us what you’ve got, all guns blazing. All the best and looking forward to AS Lol. , MK2.. catch ya tonight , gotta deck to finish. AW.Still working for myself AW. 10 more years unless labor puts me out of business before they get shafted for the other party that are/will be no better lol ;)
Ashsam. I retired early , back in 2019. Still helping out surf mates kids with decks, pergolas, exposed agg concrete, anything building related really. I surf first and only work when I need money. Very casual, no stress. If there’s surf for a few days, I don’t work. I probably average 1 days work per week over a year, I’m 59 years young. Fit as a 25 year old. All the best, thanks for sharing and caring.AW

Syp, I think you have a poor understanding of autism. Of it’s full spectrum and it’s effects on participants being self determined in this world. Also dual diagnosis.
$150 an hour? No support worker gets that under the NDIS

actually found your 'hey-ya' straya post a bit moving, @JF

basesix wrote:AlfredWallace wrote:ashsam wrote:JF ,Seeds, Supa, Adam, AW, and anyone else, sorry for my antagonising posts yesterday and before, won't be going down that road again.
Life is too short to be getting peed off with people. Head pulled in lol
AS.Ashsam. Good on you mate, man enough to cough up the phlegm. We are all fuckwits sometimes.
If I could be honest, I’d love to know more about yourself, your past and what you did for work, your interests etc, if that’s ok
Your consistent vacuum of empty content rebuttals can only go so far. Give us what you’ve got, all guns blazing. All the best and looking forward to AS Lol. , MK2.. catch ya tonight , gotta deck to finish. AW.'e's shared heaps, AW.. very tech-proud feller, that updates his tech on the regular, but can claim it all, works from a home-office with a lovely surf pic on the wall ('e didn't take it, but has memories of the place), a bit ocd, neat-freak, and over-focussed at times, long time veggo (with half a dozen meat woopsies over the years), drives a nissan 4wd after being right into jeeps (unfortunate bingle made him have to pragmatically downgrade), while his wife and one of his 3 daughters pootles about in a swift, tight with money through necessity and resents not being able to have a tropical getaway, cos he's goona go see his son and danish daughter-in-law (and maybe a new bub) in copenhagen.. a little bit opportunistic with prospective inheritance, wife's SA sister struggles to like him, but I reckon he's an ok bloke, that has found the social aspect of being a human a little awkward. but he says sorry, as we saw with his former swellnet handles.. like i've said before, 'e's alright, is ashy.
Basesix, ahh, you done it again Magoo.
There is no denying,,you are the Leonard Cohen of Swellnet.
‘Dance me, to the end of love’
You’re a fanatical grammatical .We’d be still eating pies and coffee scrolls at smoko if it wasn’t for you. All the best from the Tower of Song. Hallelujah.,AW

@basesix It’s always amazed me how you remember everything (observed last couple of years since I’ve rejoined the forums)
Some kind of savant!
The "I can't believe it's not politics" thread.