The United States(!) of A

Trumps comedian at the MSG rally
Tony Hinchcliff , calls Puerto Rico ,
“A floating island of garbage “
Immediately denounced by
Ricky Martin ,
J Lo ,
and Bad Bunny ,
With 315 million views on instagram !

Don’t piss them off !

Seems as fascism is all the rage in the Trump camp ….
Scary if only a tiny bit of it is true!!

Lucky enough to catch a game at Dodgers Stadium a while back. Ho hum inconsequential mid week, mid season game. Still, the joint was about three quarters full. What struck me most was that it seemed that most of the crowd were Angelinos of Mexican heritage. And a full on family affair. Felt like a real cultural thing. Thought huh, that’s pretty cool, but didn’t pay it too much mind. Baseball’s pretty popular in Central America, so figured it made sense. Turns out there is a story.
Having a passing interest in the game, I’ve been watching the current postseason highlights packages on YouTube. Tributes to an ex Los Angeles Dodgers pitcher, who died a few days ago, started popping up in my feed.
Fernando Valenzuela, from Sinaloa Mexico, was an accidental signing for the Dodgers in 1980. And through another series of accidents, pudgy young Fernando, with his eccentric wind up, ends up starting for the Dodgers on opening day of his rookie season in 81.
Fernando (he’s one of these dudes who’s so iconic in LA he goes by his first name) gets on one of the most insane pitching hot streaks ever. LA goes wild for him. Fernandomania is born. He ends up throwing a ridiculous amount of pitches for a win in game three of the World Series that year, and LA become world champions. Ten years later, somewhat diminished, he throws another no hitter, and legendary announcer Vin Scully famously tells the crowd, ‘if you have a sombrero, throw it to the sky.’
Story is that when the Dodgers moved from Brooklyn to LA in the fifties, the city razed an area mostly populated by Mexicans - Chavez Ravine no less - to make way for Dodgers Stadium. In the process, many Mexican Angelinos were displaced and the community was alienated from the Dodgers.
As all the tributes to Fernando point out, despite his pitching prowess, his main legacy was that he built a bridge to the Mexican community - in LA and beyond. He quickly became a hero to Latino Americans, bringing them back to Chavez Ravine and to the ballpark in their droves. In some small way, he brought a measure of unity to the city. From people who lived through Fernadomania and its repercussions, the constant refrain when explaining the phenomenon is that it was ‘impossible to overstate’.
Was nice watching Ice Cube, with the rapturous Dodgers Stadium crowd singing along, perform ‘It Was A Good Day’, while paying one of the moving tributes to Fernando that took place before games one and two of this year's World Series.
Amidst all the talk of division, another instance of sport providing a snapshot of how life in America, life anywhere, could be. And as Billy Bean says in ‘Moneyball’, how can you not be romantic about baseball?

I remember all that Roker. Growing up in San Francisco, the Dodgers (and all things LA) are the hated rivals. The mature folks understand the word “hated” in this context and the immature ones take it Seriously (the hate, i mean)
I was 12 going on 13 when FernandoMania struck.
And i “hated” him.
But did like the fun Mania stuff.
Yeah, sports, are a great unifying force, for sure. And here in SeppoLand, at least in the 20th century, baseball was king.
I still regard it that way, but football and basketball have overtaken it in popularity.

a sport for romantics, fer sure, @Wax,
Below, the famous 'Casey at the Bat' poem,
(for Aussies who may only be peripherally aware of it)
published in the Examiner, March, 1888,
(20 years after the first train across America,
10 years after Wild Bill Hickock's death,
30 years before WWI and commercial passenger flights,
40 years before the Model T Ford.)
The Outlook wasn't brilliant for the Mudville nine that day:
The score stood four to two, with but one inning more to play.
And then when Cooney died at first, and Barrows did the same,
A sickly silence fell upon the patrons of the game.
A straggling few got up to go in deep despair. The rest
Clung to that hope which springs eternal in the human breast;
They thought, if only Casey could get but a whack at that -
We'd put up even money, now, with Casey at the bat.
But Flynn preceded Casey, as did also Jimmy Blake,
And the former was a lulu and the latter was a cake;
So upon that stricken multitude grim melancholy sat,
For there seemed but little chance of Casey's getting to the bat.
But Flynn let drive a single, to the wonderment of all,
And Blake, the much despis-ed, tore the cover off the ball;
And when the dust had lifted, and the men saw what had occurred,
There was Johnnie safe at second and Flynn a-hugging third.
Then from 5,000 throats and more there rose a lusty yell;
It rumbled through the valley, it rattled in the dell;
It knocked upon the mountain and recoiled upon the flat,
For Casey, mighty Casey, was advancing to the bat.
There was ease in Casey's manner as he stepped into his place;
There was pride in Casey's bearing and a smile on Casey's face.
And when, responding to the cheers, he lightly doffed his hat,
No stranger in the crowd could doubt 'twas Casey at the bat.
Ten thousand eyes were on him as he rubbed his hands with dirt;
Five thousand tongues applauded when he wiped them on his shirt.
Then while the writhing pitcher ground the ball into his hip,
Defiance gleamed in Casey's eye, a sneer curled Casey's lip.
And now the leather-covered sphere came hurtling through the air,
And Casey stood a-watching it in haughty grandeur there.
Close by the sturdy batsman the ball unheeded sped-
"That ain't my style," said Casey. "Strike one," the umpire said.
From the benches, black with people, there went up a muffled roar,
Like the beating of the storm-waves on a stern and distant shore.
"Kill him! Kill the umpire!" shouted someone on the stand;
And its likely they'd a-killed him had not Casey raised his hand.
With a smile of Christian charity great Casey's visage shone;
He stilled the rising tumult; he bade the game go on;
He signaled to the pitcher, and once more the spheroid flew;
But Casey still ignored it, and the umpire said, "Strike two."
"Fraud!" cried the maddened thousands, and echo answered fraud;
But one scornful look from Casey and the audience was awed.
They saw his face grow stern and cold, they saw his muscles strain,
And they knew that Casey wouldn't let that ball go by again.
The sneer is gone from Casey's lip, his teeth are clenched in hate;
He pounds with cruel violence his bat upon the plate.
And now the pitcher holds the ball, and now he lets it go,
And now the air is shattered by the force of Casey's blow.
Oh, somewhere in this favored land the sun is shining bright;
The band is playing somewhere, and somewhere hearts are light,
And somewhere men are laughing, and somewhere children shout;
But there is no joy in Mudville - mighty Casey has struck out.
Ernest Thayer

@ Wax how’s it going , I’m sure you know what you’re talking about
QLD and NSW have their fair share of sports “ hating” state of origin.

Juls! Been a minute. Hoping things are goin well for ya. Yeah… “rivals” and “hatred” are, as best as we’ve figured out so far, best reserved for Sports.
Those needs are deeply seeded and hafta be expressed.
Maybe it’s just simply testosterone, but history has some glimmering examples of females amok.
I think it is just the conundrum of the Human Condition.
We need each other, lowercase and writ large, but push away at each other, lowercase and writ large.
Tending to the lowercase trumps (pun NOT! intended,) the writ large stuff, ducking always mate.
Go well today.

thanx for that, Basey.
I currently have some 86 teams in a baseball sim league (ya can have up to 100. i recommend no more than 20.)
I draft the team and then manage it through a simulated season. It is based upon real historical stats of real players.
86? that’s a buncha time. i’m a baseball nerd/geek/dweeb.
One of my teams, in an AllTimeGreats League, is named the Mudville Nine.
thanx again

woooah @Wax!! we're here for you, mate ; )
would you believe... 86?
sorry about that, chief!
(below is an amateur blues-aloo telly-themed Agent-86 shout-out, according to the youtube post, created about the same time as our Radio Birdman's famous novelty punk tribute to Hawaii Five-0)

Gday Waxy
Base Ball is a legendary Game in the US Super Bowl season .
We don't call our Grand Final the World Series and it's more important 2 the World IMHO !
Interesting Game with Guys Stealing things , like Bases .
I would have loved 2C The Babe point to the Bleachers , letting the whole World know , where 2 look where HE intended to hit the Next pitch .
Cometh the Man !
Gosh , He was The Natural ( good movie ) .
84% of Seppo's ( Gallop Poll ) want Voters 2 come 2 Bat with ID .
My sources reckon 50 Million Voters have batted .
Good luck mate .
Swing 4 The Bleachers with Intent , like a Babe !
Thanks base 6 . I loved the Cone !
The Cone of Silence was Chaos !
lol , just watched the B6 clip , The Cone is a Classic !
99 was like Melania , very hot .
Sigfried , Starker , Himy ? and K9 driving Chief crazy .
A real cast of characters .

I doubt this news will kick the election off the front page.

Supafreak wrote:I doubt this news will kick the election off the front page.
Minor escalation to WWIII (a lot of triggers could come from this) meanwhile back at the ranch the real enemy is within.... sigh.

Supafreak wrote:I doubt this news will kick the election off the front page.
Doesn’t surprise me, no comment

Supafreak wrote:I doubt this news will kick the election off the front page.
Reckon they might find those NK troops hiding behind the weapons Iraq had....

Korean cannon fodder. Will be no match for hardened Ukrainians.
Lambs to the slaughter.

Trump at Joe Rogan interview
re 2020 election,
“ I won by like, I lost by like, I didn’t lose “
Joe Rogan laughs at him .

Unfortunately , All the Hardened and Trained Ukrainian Soldiers were Lamb to the Slaughter and are gone .
The Ukrainian Army is now having World Record Defections , the Ukrainian Courts have more than 50k Cases to decide on , What 2 do.
Jules , as U didn't Post the Clip , I am guessing Joe was Laughing WITH The Don .
They got on well and had lots of Laughs .

Pop Down wrote:Unfortunately , All the Hardened and Trained Ukrainian Soldiers were Lamb to the Slaughter and are gone .
The Ukrainian Army is now having World Record Defections , the Ukrainian Courts have more than 50k Cases to decide on , What 2 do.
Jules , as U didn't Post the Clip , I am guessing Joe was Laughing WITH The Don .
They got on well and had lots of Laughs .
I didn’t post the clip because you’re not allowed to post too many
Wouldn’t you laugh at that comment? No you probably wouldn’t, you would nod and agree that” he won by this much, he lost by this much, he didn’t lose “
That’s nice sir.
If he is laughing with him he’s being very nice and condescending.
Pop down is like the table tennis table
That you can fold in half to play against yourself,

Pop Down wrote:Unfortunately , All the Hardened and Trained Ukrainian Soldiers were Lamb to the Slaughter and are gone .
The Ukrainian Army is now having World Record Defections , the Ukrainian Courts have more than 50k Cases to decide on , What 2 do.
Jules , as U didn't Post the Clip , I am guessing Joe was Laughing WITH The Don .
They got on well and had lots of Laughs .
ALL the UKE trained soldiers are gone because they were lambs to the slaughter???
Ukraine won the initial battle for Kiev by slaughtering the invaders, those lambs you talk of were PooMan's.The uKes were ready and had the tactical nouse.
The latest count of those ruski lambs is over 690,000 according to the Uke sources.

quadzilla wrote:Pop Down wrote:Unfortunately , All the Hardened and Trained Ukrainian Soldiers were Lamb to the Slaughter and are gone .
The Ukrainian Army is now having World Record Defections , the Ukrainian Courts have more than 50k Cases to decide on , What 2 do.
Jules , as U didn't Post the Clip , I am guessing Joe was Laughing WITH The Don .
They got on well and had lots of Laughs .
ALL the UKE trained soldiers are gone because they were lambs to the slaughter???
Ukraine won the initial battle for Kiev by slaughtering the invaders, those lambs you talk of were PooMan's.The uKes were ready and had the tactical nouse.
The latest count of those ruski lambs is over 690,000 according to the Uke sources.
PD doesn’t use facts or evidence.
Ukrainians are defending their country…the rest are reluctantly fighting and just want to go home.
The Russians are mercilessly being slaughtered as will the Koreans. Unfortunately Putin will just draft more poor lambs to the slaughter.

"Fully noticing all this for a decade or so...
I wonder if we are about to see the 'peace in our time' redux
when he steps off the plane from meeting the authoritarian ruler, piece of paper in hand
as they all continue to furiously rearm."
My ears pricked at "American Carnage", his inauguration, (which was back when Bannon was playing the role of Goebbels I believe.).
Remember thinking "Uh, oh. Fascismo?"
It's rolled out like a script, written a hundred odd years ago.
They have destroyed it, this great country, these enemies from outside and within, that's why you don't have what you deserve, why you're worse off...and they've filled it with animals, (Hitler liked "vermin"), sub humans, and they're taking what's yours. We were a great country and they destroyed it. But I am a strong man, me, only I can bring back our greatness, there is no one else. And I don't have to do it, but I do it because I love you, I love our country, (Adolf didn't go so far as Trump actually dryhumping the flag) I will destroy these enemies, I will make them pay, I will take your revenge, round up these animals, destroy them all, restore our greatness, rebuild our military, sick them on anyone who tries to stop me, get rid of these voices that oppose me (CNN?), but I need ultimate power to do it, total loyalty, me, above everything, and then I, and only I will restore this country's greatness'''' and blah, blah on it goes.
Pause onstage for rapturous adulation, bask in it and personal greatness, before the greatest crowd anyone has ever seen or assembled, etc, Exit.
Trump's had it on pause and repeat for years.
These two MF's, Trump and the Fuhrer, gave the same speeches!
There are many other events and characters and things going on around the world that are similar as well, and the idea of Trump becoming another Chamberlain, worth the ticket price to see that! Who knows how it all unfolds this time @VJ, and I wasn't around in the 1930's does kind of have similar "feels" I imagine.
And if Donald walks like a fascist duck and squalks like a fascist know....etc.

Hey Adam12
Mate , u will scare people with your crappy Nuremberg Speech's .
F Me , it's being played by ALL the Lefty US Outlets , give it a break , it's NOT funny .
Trump is no Neville Chamberlain !
A Comparison with Churchill , that's what I am hoping 4 .

To be fair to Chamberlain, it was his government that oversaw much of the UK's rearming... so while he gets pilloried for that speech, he was overseeing a very last minute scramble to arms - think the Hurricane from the Hawker high speed monoplane, the excellent Southampton class cruisers, Ilustrious class carriers - etc
Pops, if Trump goes and solves Ukraine on day 1, I'd bet you a wave that Russia keeps what it's taken. This is why the Chamberlain comparison. Then, Russia repositions, arms up some more, and continues to expand from the East. It's inevitable, as they try to follow the Primakov doctrine (ie re-establish borders of former Warsaw Pact). All the marbles are being played for now - I thought finance guys were smart enough to see through a lot of the bias in the alt finance media?
Out of interest I have been given a copy of my great grandmother's diary and it's a hilarious read! She's a single parent (husband died young) and crammed in with her children into a flat. My grandfather and his brothers and sisters are all young adults, dating, working, completing studies and I get to see this time through her own eyes. My grandmother does well on introduction to her. Other girlfriends and boyfriends, not so much! It's 1938, and she's just mentioned Hitler going in to the Sudetenland to scoop up the ethnic Germans there as a punctuation of the social meetings, entertainment and worry for her kids. I get the impression she knows what is coming, but I'm enjoying them living their lives until it starts.

@ popochov

Hello VJ
I am impressed that u are so smart U know what Putin will do in 2025 , times are always different , people don't change much .
You sound like Dick Chaney , just want Russia wiped OFF the World Map and have the War 2 continue .
So U think All Russia's friendly Neighbours like Hungry and Poland , want to Join with the OLD USSR ???
Do you think BRIC's will approve ???
Gosh , I had no idea all this shit would happen .
I doff my silly Eco Uni Cap to U .
You're a bloody Rhodes Scholar :) !
Putin is a Russian Moderate FFS !
Maybe you know 1 of their Hardliners will take over from Putin ?
I hope it's Meddy .
As I have said Way2 often , The Minsk Agreement WAS Agreed 2 , by Everyone that counted .
Ukraine was on the map and safe !
This Agreement Drew the Formal Lines between the TWO Sides .
NATO Crossed that Line OUT , Merkel has said so .
I have NFI how That Line differs from Russian Territory NOW .

Putin plays the long game, Trump has 4 years to play his game. Any agreement will be in Putin’s favour and is nothing more than a pause in hostility for a few years to allow Putin to rebuild his army and machinery/arms stock. Trump will be played and come away thinking he is a clever President…and Putin will scowl in public and be laughing in private just waiting to attack Ukraine again.

Spot On Roady , you have raced 2 the top of the Class imho on this Thread .
The Agreement will stop hostility , stop machinery/arms being blown Off and the fn Arms Race will continue , with ALL countries Competing .
If NATO Crosses the new Agreements line out again and Re Arms and Legs , Ukraine , Putin WILL Attack it again .
History repeating itself .
We will be safe 4 four years , as Trump won't let NATO renege on the/his Deal .
Imagine trying to explain THAT , 2 a Trump hater .
Trump is Safe :) Juliang will go bananas with that Pop off .

Pop Down wrote:Spot On Roady , you have raced 2 the top of the Class imho on this Thread .
The Agreement will stop hostility , stop machinery/arms being blown Off and the fn Arms Race will continue , with ALL countries Competing .
If NATO Crosses the new Agreements line out again and Re Arms and Legs , Ukraine , Putin WILL Attack it again .
History repeating itself .
We will be safe 4 four years , as Trump won't let NATO renege on the/his Deal .
Imagine trying to explain THAT , 2 a Trump hater .
Trump is Safe :) Juliang will go bananas with that Pop off .
I don’t know much about this subject
But why are North Korea heading to help Russia now ,
In anticipation of a Trump victory
or vice versa ?
I guess if Trump wins, they could all get
together at Mar-a-Lago and have a strong man’s golf competition.
Although that might cause some conflict ,
Whoever loses.

Hey Pops,
I certainly don't want Russia off the map, one can see them as a bad actor in the invasion of Ukraine without wishing them obliterated. And history proves trying to invade them is a fool's errand - they withdraw into the huge strategic depth of their lands, and come back and smash whoever tries it. I deplore the loss of life on both sides.
This does not change that they are in an expansionist mood and have been since 2008. And yes, that they have reason to feel this way with the eastward expansion of NATO post 1991. (Ask why so many countries were eager to join?) Some countries like Hungary are more friendly to them, than others like Poland. We are in an age of great power competition once more, and Trump certainly rang the bell on the most recent period of globalism.
As an aside, Australia would do pretty well in a BRICS world, it is a commodity superpower after all, and the BRICS are wishing to base an economic system on commodities (the hard money guy here agrees - gold backed money > fiat any day). However, how do we fit into an authoritarian, arbitrary world? We seem to be making a stand with the democracies.

^ a very fine post, @vj, as per usual,
just a little * on behalf of @Pops
(of cricket forum fame, you dug it)
and just to remind people in general:
* @Pops and @Pop Down are two distinctly different sn-ers.

messed up a post.. might as well post this yet again, episode written by a talented conservative,

Yes, it is Russia and China who are being expansionist and need containment.
Will the USA let their world hegemony go without conflict? In my view that is the root cause of a lot of the problems the world is facing.
BRICS looks like it may be set to be a real challenge over the coming decades.

Hello Base6
Such a powerful movie scene that I really enjoyed , thanks mate .
Hello VJ
Not sure if we CAN join the BRIC's Club , as we are in the Big 5 Club .
The Clubs don't have reciprocal Rights .
Haven't thought about that , but the idea sounds cool at first glance .
Democracies are Welcome in the House of BRIC's , India will ensure China keeps that going .
ABRIC's has a nice look , on 2nd glance .

Avi on tour…bringing the real news apparently. Still asking for donations. Pretty funny to watch.
Biased yet claims to be independent.

^ can't believe how sad that made me. would have made me just as sad if this silly little opportunist was pushing the other side, too. imagine being so desperate, having such a hollow and meaningless life you crowd into a stadium to see.... who?? faaaarknell.... poor bastards.. 3rd world.
such things are going on all over the world and always will, but we see this gunk, cos it's america, and teeny parasites like avi are doing very well. can't even tell if he's making a very subtle spoof or trying to make a point.
trump is a dirty little fucktard, with deeply, DEEPLY, buried imposters syndrome, like musk, tweeters and pointers, NOT great thinkers. The reason NY hates trump is cos they have watched his smoke and mirrors fuck with taxpayer money, contracts, delays, and chapter 7/11 convenience for decades.
Trumps and Musks will need approval till the cows come home. Putins and Xis know this and smirk.
BUT, Trump's sad little Madison Square Garden *wot he thunk he always deserved* homecoming queen/birthday party, is more akin to a Nickelback gig than anything more end-of-days sinister.
(I promise I will never. ever. ever. link a song like this. ever again. sorry. mean it. sorry.)
@Juliang's banger below is a pretty good palette cleanser..
anyway, carry on. porn over in a week, then it's the talk-of-the-porn. see how that goes.

Everyone just talks about Trump. Kamala was doing great until she also started talking about Trump every day. Dude is immune to negative talk. More they all talk about him (good, bad or terrible) more popular he is. Antidote to Trump is to completely ignore him and limit his publicity. But everyone’s done the opposite. And master troller and his army love the spotlight.

^^ how did that grifting convicted felon wife basher get a visa to get into the US?

The Weasels of Wall St can smell blood in the water .
Chief Leach is Jamie Dimon , CEO of JPMorgan Chase .
He is 68 , a Democrat and has endorsed Harris .
Future Treasury Secretary , in his not so humble opinion .
The news headline "US's most Powerful Banker launches Scathing attack on Biden/Harris" .
The Snake in the Grass is unhappy about being Over regulated ffs !
Blind Freddy can C a Wanker Hedging a bet .
Wall St is in NY .
Trump should Clean them both up and give them a Coat Hanger !

Roadkill wrote:Avi on tour…bringing the real news apparently. Still asking for donations. Pretty funny to watch.
Biased yet claims to be independent.
Obviously more men than women but great to see quite a diverse crowd.
Great to see Avi getting out where the action is too.
The haters here can hate on him all they like, i doubt he cares, the reality is he is out there traveling the globe doing what he loves and getting paid for it, while your sitting behind a screen being bitter and hatefully getting all triggered over others having differing views to yourself.

indo-dreaming wrote:Great to see Avi getting out where the action is too.
tots, wish more hardcore journalists would get in line at million dollar soup kitchens.
I remember when NYers were bulletproof independent thinkers, best in the world, knew their mind, but didn't have matching hats. Always thought that needed fixing, but it's getting there, thanks to decades of aggressive capitalism and social neglect that leaves well-meaning people disenfranchised, and floundering on the daily in the wake of hungrier-people who want to not-die in a gutter more. Make a choice. Choose a hat.
We'll get there, in Aus. We just have to believe.

^^ I’m not triggered but genuinely curious as to how he got into the US as I was under the impression that they are extremely strict on letting anyone with a question mark over their past in the door. The guy was convicted of assaulting his wife so what goes?
Wax24 perhaps you might be able to explain!

indo-dreaming wrote:Roadkill wrote:Avi on tour…bringing the real news apparently. Still asking for donations. Pretty funny to watch.
Biased yet claims to be independent. more men than women but great to see quite a diverse crowd.
Great to see Avi getting out where the action is too.
The haters here can hate on him all they like, i doubt he cares, the reality is he is out there traveling the globe doing what he loves and getting paid for it, while your sitting behind a screen being bitter and hatefully getting all triggered over others having differing views to yourself.
Wows…you read all that into a posted YouTube clip.

GuySmiley wrote:^^ I’m not triggered but genuinely curious as to how he got into the US as I was under the impression that they are extremely strict on letting anyone with a question mark over their past in the door. The guy was convicted of assaulting his wife so what goes?
Wax24 perhaps you might be able to explain!
Probably just walked in over the mexican border

basesix wrote:?si=xJKvDc7yNmCriSXQindo-dreaming wrote:Great to see Avi getting out where the action is too.
tots, wish more hardcore journalists would get in line at million dollar soup kitchens.
I remember when NYers were bulletproof independent thinkers, best in the world, knew their mind, but didn't have matching hats. Always thought that needed fixing, but it's getting there, thanks to decades of aggressive capitalism and social neglect that leaves well-meaning people disenfranchised, and floundering on the daily in the wake of hungrier-people who want to not-die in a gutter more. Make a choice. Choose a hat.
We'll get there, in Aus. We just have to believe.

(ummm…. who is “Avi?”)

wax24 wrote:(ummm…. who is “Avi?”)
Hi Wax
No one else awake
Go back to road kills post 12 or 13 posts back

basesix wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:Great to see Avi getting out where the action is too.
tots, wish more hardcore journalists would get in line at million dollar soup kitchens.
I remember when NYers were bulletproof independent thinkers, best in the world, knew their mind, but didn't have matching hats. Always thought that needed fixing, but it's getting there, thanks to decades of aggressive capitalism and social neglect that leaves well-meaning people disenfranchised, and floundering on the daily in the wake of hungrier-people who want to not-die in a gutter more. Make a choice. Choose a hat.
We'll get there, in Aus. We just have to believe.
Hi base6
In Australia there must be a difference in government,
We were able to get rid of Tony Abbot and
Joe Bjelke Petersen , when they went a bit loopy,
Also a lot of people in the US own guns
Which probably gives them a sense of power,
And Australia’s health care. and social security
system could be a lot better than the US

Shows how low MAGA is going , to try to steal the election ,when they lose .
Septic Tanks are going to Septic Tank