The United States(!) of A

He is still sticking to his call, and he has gotten 9 out of 10 elections calls correct and it's based on a system not just gut.
Hope he is wrong though :D

^^ just curious to know why you’re hoping for a trump win @info, apart from sticking it up your enemy (the woke left) not sure how it will materially affect your life …

Supafreak wrote:I’m still waiting for how my life in indo will change if trump is elected , no surprises that RK & J can’t answer , instead of focusing on the election maybe look what’s actually happening around the globe . Fuck this thread is funny . If WW3 does happen, I’ve got a couple of beaches that can support my thirst for waves and fish , power off is not a problem but yeah arvo naps get a bit hot a & sweaty .
Well waves are produced by climate,
If the climate changes
You might end up with 24/7 stink winds
And no swell
And overheated fish ,
But what the heck, who knows what’s going to happen?

GuySmiley wrote:^^ just curious to know why you’re hoping for a trump win @info, apart from sticking it up your enemy (the woke left) not sure how it will materially affect your life …
I agree. I’d like to think that this election may straighten up the US again, at least for our compatriot Wax24 and others of that good ilk.
Trump stands for all that is wrong in a society, deceit, anti-immigration , looking after the wealthy and those that sink millions into his campaign in the hope they’ll get some future leverage related to their personal businesses.
He enticed and instigated a riot where Police were killed, his misdemeanours are as long as the Nullarbor.
He was impeached, the list goes on.
No individual in their right mind could see him fit to be President.
What’s in it for the everyday person, I’ll tell you, the bloody same as when he presided recently, shit and more shit and more lies.
He’s a hoax, full of stale hot air with not a clue on anything.
He’s just an industry puppet. Full stop.
Converse to that every darn corrupt business would love him to be President.
Name me one thing he did whilst president that helped the US ?
IndoDreaming, I’ll give you one thing, you are consistent , you’ll never change your colours. My opinion . All the best. AW

@ supafreak

Looks like Trump has a chance at the Holy Grail .
If HE wins the Popular Vote , will Trump haters think more than 50% of US Voters , are Out of their Minds ?
Guessing his MSG Rally will be the Most Watched Political Rally , in the History of the World .
Pop's listening 2 it and here comes The Hulk !

A drunk Giuliano
Who’s just lost everything, from following Trump , is one of the guest speakers ?

Supafreak wrote:I’m still waiting for how my life in indo will change if trump is elected , no surprises that RK & J can’t answer , instead of focusing on the election maybe look what’s actually happening around the globe . Fuck this thread is funny . If WW3 does happen, I’ve got a couple of beaches that can support my thirst for waves and fish , power off is not a problem but yeah arvo naps get a bit hot a & sweaty .
the question was answered a few pages back. No surprise you choose to ignore it and rush ahead with "no surprises that RK & J can’t answer"
"instead of focusing on the election maybe look what’s actually happening around the globe"
What happens in the US impacts and has a flow on to what happens around the globe.
And again, I never said your life in indo will change if trump is elected, I said you do have skin in the game and what happens in the US affects all of us.

Just dropped in to say that I watched Ron Howard’s film Hillbilly Elergy.
The JD Vance story.
Really liked the film and the character building life he has had…that is all.

Optimist wrote:Just dropped in to say that I watched Ron Howard’s film Hillbilly Elergy.
The JD Vance story.
Really liked the film and the character building life he has had…that is all.
Optimist. Hi. You’ve appeared and now you’ve gone. Hope you’re well. AW

Hello Opti :)))
Great Cameo and thanks for the Tip .
Good luck and keep Popping Up , whenever U feel like it .

" I’ll give you one thing, you are consistent , you’ll never change your colours. My opinion"
Ive changed my views on a whole heap of things all through my life, from religious beliefs, politics, social issues etc
Sometimes over time a 360 degree change.
I even use to vote Greens in my late teens to twentys, labor for after that
But i do think as you get older maybe you are less likely to change your viewa especially when you have immersed yourself in other thoughts and viewpoints already.

GuySmiley wrote:^^ just curious to know why you’re hoping for a trump win @info, apart from sticking it up your enemy (the woke left) not sure how it will materially affect your life …
It probably wont affect me personally, and just because i want him to win doesnt mean i agree with him on everything and i think he talks a lot of shit at times, and i totally get why many dont like him.
As ive said many times before i really wanted De Santis to run for President i think he is a far superior candidate but yeah.
Probably my main reason to want a Trump win is i think Trump gives Israel a much better chance of doing what they need to do to ensure the safety of their people and country long term, and i think his approach to middle east matters (Iran & Abraham accords) is far superior especially compared to Biden or Obama.
Pushing back agaist corrupt bodies like the UN is more likely under Trump, the UN has become a complete joke.
Yeah i like his anti woke stance and i like how he ruffles feathers of the left like celebrities etc.
I do think it would be interesting to see how he goes in another term too, now he is coming in with far more knowledge and experience, who knows he might do a good job for USA, he actually did a decent job last time many Americans agree hence why he is in with a chance.
If he loses though it wont be the end of the world though.
BTW. The biggest thing id change with him if i could apart from the shit talk is the global warming aspect, a more moderate view on that would be nice, maybe Elon can influence him there.

indo-dreaming wrote:GuySmiley wrote:^^ just curious to know why you’re hoping for a trump win @info, apart from sticking it up your enemy (the woke left) not sure how it will materially affect your life …
It probably wont affect me personally, and just because i want him to win doesnt mean i agree with him on everything and i think he talks a lot of shit at times, and i totally get why many dont like him.
As ive said many times before i really wanted De Santis to run for President i think he is a far superior candidate but yeah.
Probably my main reason to want a Trump win is i think Trump gives Israel a much better chance of doing what they need to do to ensure the safety of their people and country long term, and i think his approach to middle east matters is far superior especially to Biden or Obama, in regard to Iran and with the Abraham avcords etc
Pushing back agaist corrupt bodies like the UN is more likely under Trump, the UN has become a complete joke.
Yeah i like his anti woke stance and i like how he ruffles feathers of the left like celebrities etc.
I do think it would be interesting to see how he goes in another term too, now he is coming in with far more knowledge and experience, who knows he might do a good job for USA, he actually did a decent job last time, hence why he is in with a chance.
If he loses though it wont be the end of the world.
If he’s coming in with a lot more experience and knowledge this time,
why is he telling us about Arnold Palmers
Qualities , eating the cats and the dogs,
dancing/swaying around on stage for
39 minutes ,when he should have been taking questions from his fans ,
3 hours late for some of his rallies
Only doing one debate and no
interviews with fact checking ,
Cancelling and stopping rallies early because of exhaustion,
Calling climate change a hoax
Apparently he still owes money to some cities around the country, for his 2016 and 2020
campaigns , hiring of stadiums and
security guards etc
who have been forced to sue .

indo-dreaming wrote:Ive changed my views on a whole heap of things all through my life, from religious beliefs, politics, social issues etc
Sometimes over time a 360 degree change.
^ common trap for young players..
think back to your skating days @indo ; )

I have watched this Election closely and still reckon it's the Big M Show .
The Muppet Show , when it should have been the M&M or W&W Show .
After seeing how the American People react 2 these 2 People , I am convinced the Wrong People are Running .
Michelle Obama has been so impressive and the people of NY sure Love Melania Trump ( that Card was played nicely ) .
Then US would then get a Good Woman 2B President of the US !
Both underestimated and overshadowed imho .
Make American Healthy , again !
Stop eating Big Mac's and start eating more fish .

It was good to see Melania showed up to Trump's MSG Nuremberg Rally earlier today...the cheque must have cleared. And I thought Stephen Miller's Goebbels impersonation was spot on, Goebbels had more hair but the vibe was pitch perfect, like stepping back in time.
Poor old Hulk Hogan though, struggling to rip open the MAGA singlet, looked a bit awkward. His spray tan matched Trump's face perfectly though, they must have used the same spray booth backstage.
But one time illegal immigrant Elon's appearance...that was just weird. Ketamine must be a hell of a drug!
Viva fascismo!!!

Interesting how often the fascism card is played these days. Often by the same people that gleefully lapped up the totalitarian measures of their government the last 4 years.

agree @IB labels are thrown around way too much by some but when former senior military officers call out people like Trump in such terms perhaps we should sit up and listen.
ps I was watching some YouTube footage the other day of fishers risking Greymouth harbour and low and behold there was someone out surfing the left just down from the entrance, looked solid, wasn't you?

Musk is embracing maga...going full kook
must be something in it for him no doubt

GuySmiley wrote:agree @IB labels are thrown around way too much by some but when former senior military officers call out people like Trump in such terms perhaps we should sit up and listen.
ps I was watching some YouTube footage the other day of fishers risking Greymouth harbour and low and behold there was someone out surfing the left just down from the entrance, looked solid, wasn't you?
Agree Guy
And Trumps former
White House Chief of Staff , calling him
out in such terms.

A way 2 many things are getting Tossed around in this US Election Campaign .
Just saw the Ad that the Process Action Group made 4 Harris .
Please don't look , as it's aimed at Porn Watchers .
Says Trump will Stop U getting the Job done , really .
Everyone over 18 can vote but guessing Trump is not a Watcher Type .
How Low can they Go ?
The ad said We can forget happy endings , terrible .
The Woke Cringe Feast continues and Musk is on their list that Says Go Directly 2 Jail .
It's Freedom , Roady .
A Musk like 2B free .
Not really Jules . I was listening 2 it but The Hulk was too noisy and stopped .
I did watch Melania make her entrance . That was something interesting imho .
Also watched Kennedy speak , he was cool imho .
Trump called him 3 hours after getting shot , 2 make Peace with him , very cool !

Pop Down wrote:A way 2 many things are getting Tossed around in this US Election Campaign .
Just saw the Ad that the Process Action Group made 4 Harris .
Please don't look , as it's aimed at Porn Watchers .
Says Trump will Stop U getting the Job done , really .
Everyone over 18 can vote but guessing Trump is not a Watcher Type .
How Low can they Go ?
The ad had no happy ending , terrible .
The Woke Cringe Feast continues and Musk is on their list that Says Go Directly 2 Jail .
It's Freedom , Roady .
A Musk like 2B free .
Hi pop out
Have you watched any of your
Madison. Square Garden rally footage yet?

indo-dreaming wrote:@AW
" I’ll give you one thing, you are consistent , you’ll never change your colours. My opinion"
Ive changed my views on a whole heap of things all through my life, from religious beliefs, politics, social issues etc
Sometimes over time a 360 degree change.
I even use to vote Greens in my late teens to twentys, labor for after that
But i do think as you get older maybe you are less likely to change your viewa especially when you have immersed yourself in other thoughts and viewpoints already.
Scatting douchebag.

Trumps going to reenact the
Illegal Alien act of 1798 ,
No that’s not sarcasm.

seeds wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:@AW
" I’ll give you one thing, you are consistent , you’ll never change your colours. My opinion"
Ive changed my views on a whole heap of things all through my life, from religious beliefs, politics, social issues etc
Sometimes over time a 360 degree change.
I even use to vote Greens in my late teens to twentys, labor for after that
But i do think as you get older maybe you are less likely to change your viewa especially when you have immersed yourself in other thoughts and viewpoints already.
Scatting douchebag.
@ Indo
Right because you’re so old that climate change isn’t going to affect you ,
Just the generations to come.

In 1797 there were heaps of Aliens flying all over the place .
The US had 2 Act .
Trump has Seen the X Flies and told Joe , he would TRY 2 release the Worm Hole File .
Nothing is Set in Stoned , yet .
I already mentioned Trump pulling an Old UN Resolution out that helped make His Tariffs work against Iran .
Those guys act like aliens 2 .
It's a Jungle , Out There !

Pop Down wrote:Jules
In 1797 there were heaps of Aliens flying all over the place .
The US had 2 Act .
Trump has Seen the X Flies and told Joe , he would TRY 2 release the Worm Hole File .
Nothing is Set in Stoned , yet .
I already mentioned Trump pulling an Old UN Resolution out that helped make His Tariffs work against Iran .
Those guys act like aliens 2 .
It's a Jungle , Out There !
At least he’s letting the voters know what his plans are.
I don’t think they had YouTube back in 1798
So we can’t really compare.

GuySmiley wrote:ps I was watching some YouTube footage the other day of fishers risking Greymouth harbour and low and behold there was someone out surfing the left just down from the entrance, looked solid, wasn't you?
DIfferent island, gs :-)
But yeah, lots of boats come to grief on our bar too.

Juliang wrote:seeds wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:@AW
" I’ll give you one thing, you are consistent , you’ll never change your colours. My opinion"
Ive changed my views on a whole heap of things all through my life, from religious beliefs, politics, social issues etc
Sometimes over time a 360 degree change.
I even use to vote Greens in my late teens to twentys, labor after that
But i do think as you get older maybe you are less likely to change your viewa especially when you have immersed yourself in other thoughts and viewpoints already.
Scatting douchebag.
@ Indo
Right because you’re so old that climate change isn’t going to affect you ,
Just the generations to come.
@ Seeds
Can you elaborate on what you mean?
Or is that just pure ad hominem?
I do find it really annoying when people like AW suggest im locked in my views, when those people havent possibly changed their view points on many things since their teens.
Which i always find weird as im a very different person than i was in my teens or even twenties, ive changed and grown and so have my views of the world.
@ Juliang
You and me aren't getting a vote in the USA election so it's all irrelevant, but like i said in my other post above.
"BTW. The biggest thing id change with him if i could apart from the shit talk is the global warming aspect, a more moderate view on that would be nice, maybe Elon can influence him there."

Island Bay wrote:GuySmiley wrote:ps I was watching some YouTube footage the other day of fishers risking Greymouth harbour and low and behold there was someone out surfing the left just down from the entrance, looked solid, wasn't you?
DIfferent island, gs :-)
But yeah, lots of boats come to grief on our bar too.
I was thinking wow that looks like a hardcore place to live.
You dont have to tell us the area you live but from the pics ive seen i always thought maybe half way up the east coast on the North Island.

Hey Jules. Back at work, now. Day went fine. And the shift is looking quiet. (I should NOT have said that, lol. I've just Summoned.) Hope you're goin well.
I wanna flesh something out for you. And anyone else.
You may think of me as apathetic to this election and politics, in general because of how i express myself towards them in this space. I assure you that is not the case in other spaces. If i am having a reasonable convo with a reasonable person, face to face, in real life and real time, i'll elevate this stuff to Quite Important. Especially since that convo is very likely to be had with someone who has a vote. And, yes, such convos happen All The Time here in SeppoLand. Ya can't throw a stick in any direction without it hittin a good, reasonable human being, believe it or not.
In this space? Where The Banshees virtually wail (with no vote)(and little reason)? It is more important here to reintroduce perspective. And very disappointing that it constantly has to be reintroduced.
But, still, this space is waaay better than most/all others like it.

Island Bay wrote:Interesting how often the fascism card is played these days. Often by the same people that gleefully lapped up the totalitarian measures of their government the last 4 years.
Righto, don't @ me, you and Guy.
It was said in jest.
I wasn't playing a card.
And covid restrictions didn't bother me but I appreciate they bothered plenty.
It was a pretty shit history joke I was making that's all.
And if you know history, well there are some pretty remarkable comparisons between what we watch unfolding today and the first half of the 20th Century particularly the period between the wars. I'm not the first one pointing it out.
The biggest star in the world, a hero to millions, an American isolationist, (a Hitler admirer), speaking at a rally at MSG.
Is that aviator Charles Lindbergh or real estate mogul Donald Trump?
A dictator in Europe invading neighbors and taking territory?, An Asian power arming it's military up to the hilt and bristling for confrontation?
The speechwriter and a principal advisor and propaganda mentor to the great leader, the warm up act at the great rally, with the same message?
(Go find Goebbels at Nuremberg and then watch Miller in New York and then tell me that bit wasn't a valid comparison, maybe a shit joke, but it's got legs. He looks like Goebbels grandson. Same patter.)
A candidate for President who openly boasts of using the military against his political opponents? Of replacing independent organs, leaders and democratic institutions with fealty?
You can't admit that that is just a little bit fascist??
So I get people don't like or agree with the accusations of fascism and the Hitler comparisons, and strictly speaking the Nazis were National Socialists, not fascists, not in a pure sense.
Fascism was an Italian thing in origin and purity, but it was all based on fascism, the Nazis just added their unique flavour.
Hitler didn't just admire Mussolini, he adored him, in the end, other than Eva Braun, he was probably the only person Hitler regarded as a friend.
He sent his personal bodyguard and best commando Otto Skorzeny with SS troops in gliders to rescue him and his mistress from their mountain prison when he was overthrown, and the troops into Italy to restore him to power and exterminate his usurpers, including Benito's own son in law who was a leader of the plot to rid Italy of fascism.
But to Hitler's great disappointment, his old friend and axis ally had given up the fight in him and just wanted to drink wine and eat and canoodle with the love of his life. Both strung up in the street not long after.
I'm getting off topic here, the point is even to a casual observer of history you should be able to admit that Trump is a little bit Hitler..ish, and Miller looked a bit Goebbelish, and the rally was a bit Nurembergish.
But maybe I should just shut the fuck up and keep these kind of thoughts to myself.
Good idea.

Trump / Hitler .
Nuremberg / MSG .
As Trump Syndrome rages supreme , I get the comparison .
Hitler never had opposition trying 2 impeach HIM twice , so comparison is unfairly funny .
What was before Hitler Adam12 , anything funny or Beyondce ?

Fck there is a lot of people at that Madison Square rally thing.
If i hadn't known what it was, id have though it was some huge Christian rally with the music and vibe, even has some happy smiling Asian guy at 42 seconds in...

Trump is looking pretty good at the moment, if he just stays normal and doesn’t go full crazy he might just win the whole show.

Oops, double post

@adam12 ,it has been played before,
comic. relief

Hey Roady
Do U think Trump will change the Current US Plan 4 Regime change in Venezuela ?
Putin thinks the closest South American country 2 the US , should decide its own future , like the Old Ukraine , next door to Russia .
Maduro wanted 2 give Lula another head injury , as he vetoed Venezuela joining BRIC's .
Lula watched Yes Minister and knows the EU and UN Neutered Themselves , from having 2 many members and the arguments that can create .
As Venezuela and Brazil are next door neighbours and Russia and the US are at War , maybe Trump has a Bargaining Chip , to help Deal with Putin ?
And , should BRIC's be Changed 2 BRIV'C as China had agreed .
Bidens Card's have been played .

Rudy just lost $148 million
After losing a defamation case against
2 electoral workers , he defamed in the cause of election theft (everything)
What a guy to have on your side!
Scraping the bottom of the barrel ?

Pop Down wrote:Hey Roady
Do U think Trump will change the Current US Plan 4 Regime change in Venezuela ?
Putin thinks the closest South American country 2 the US , should decide its own future , like the Old Ukraine , next door to Russia .
Maduro wanted 2 give Lula another head injury , as he vetoed Venezuela joining BRIC's .
Lula watched Yes Minister and knows the EU and UN Neutered Themselves , from having 2 many members and the arguments that can create .
As Venezuela and Brazil are next door neighbours and Russia and the US are at War , maybe Trump has a Bargaining Chip , to help Deal with Putin ?
And , should BRIC's be Changed 2 BRIV'C as China had agreed .
Bidens Card's have been played .
I have no idea, not something I have any knowledge of.

indo-dreaming wrote:Fck there is a lot of people at that Madison Square rally thing.
If i hadn't known what it was, id have though it was some huge Christian rally with the music and vibe, even has some happy smiling Asian guy at 42 seconds in...

Thanks Roady , we will find out .
I will mention Biden does have ONE Important Card , up his sleeve .
He has the Joe cKer ! He can Holler 4 a Marshall and call the Whole Election OFF .
He will be the Law and the Marshall , again .
Like the Good Old Days .
The Election is close , but I have a horrible feeling , there is more 2 play out .
God Bless America !

&feature=youtu.beseems a pretty balanced dude
so glad we have him and cnn sleuthing out those high level democracy destroying lies. trump is outa control riffing out on that bullshit...
that was heavy!
but, democracy is safe
for 9 more days at least...

adam12 wrote:Righto, don't @ me, you and Guy.
It was said in jest.
I wasn't playing a card.
And covid restrictions didn't bother me but I appreciate they bothered plenty.
It was a pretty shit history joke I was making that's all.
And if you know history, well there are some pretty remarkable comparisons between what we watch unfolding today and the first half of the 20th Century particularly the period between the wars. I'm not the first one pointing it out.
The biggest star in the world, a hero to millions, an American isolationist, (a Hitler admirer), speaking at a rally at MSG.
Is that aviator Charles Lindbergh or real estate mogul Donald Trump?
A dictator in Europe invading neighbors and taking territory?, An Asian power arming it's military up to the hilt and bristling for confrontation?
The speechwriter and a principal advisor and propaganda mentor to the great leader, the warm up act at the great rally, with the same message?
(Go find Goebbels at Nuremberg and then watch Miller in New York and then tell me that bit wasn't a valid comparison, maybe a shit joke, but it's got legs. He looks like Goebbels grandson. Same patter.)
A candidate for President who openly boasts of using the military against his political opponents? Of replacing independent organs, leaders and democratic institutions with fealty?
You can't admit that that is just a little bit fascist??
So I get people don't like or agree with the accusations of fascism and the Hitler comparisons, and strictly speaking the Nazis were National Socialists, not fascists, not in a pure sense.
Fascism was an Italian thing in origin and purity, but it was all based on fascism, the Nazis just added their unique flavour.
Hitler didn't just admire Mussolini, he adored him, in the end, other than Eva Braun, he was probably the only person Hitler regarded as a friend.
He sent his personal bodyguard and best commando Otto Skorzeny with SS troops in gliders to rescue him and his mistress from their mountain prison when he was overthrown, and the troops into Italy to restore him to power and exterminate his usurpers, including Benito's own son in law who was a leader of the plot to rid Italy of fascism.
But to Hitler's great disappointment, his old friend and axis ally had given up the fight in him and just wanted to drink wine and eat and canoodle with the love of his life. Both strung up in the street not long after.
I'm getting off topic here, the point is even to a casual observer of history you should be able to admit that Trump is a little bit Hitler..ish, and Miller looked a bit Goebbelish, and the rally was a bit Nurembergish.
But maybe I should just shut the fuck up and keep these kind of thoughts to myself.
Good idea.
Fully noticing all this for a decade or so...
I wonder if we are about to see the 'peace in our time' redux
when he steps off the plane from meeting the authoritarian ruler, piece of paper in hand
as they all continue to furiously rearm.

Also the Pearl Harbour moment will be done in a humongous missile volley rather than with Zeros, Kates and Vals.

indo-dreaming wrote:Island Bay wrote:GuySmiley wrote:ps I was watching some YouTube footage the other day of fishers risking Greymouth harbour and low and behold there was someone out surfing the left just down from the entrance, looked solid, wasn't you?
DIfferent island, gs :-)
But yeah, lots of boats come to grief on our bar too.I was thinking wow that looks like a hardcore place to live.
You dont have to tell us the area you live but from the pics ive seen i always thought maybe half way up the east coast on the North Island.
Around Raglan is my guess. AW

Historians have a word for Germans who joined the Nazi party, not because they hated Jews, but out of a hope for restored patriotism, or a sense of economic anxiety, or a hope to preserve their religious values, or dislike of their opponents, or raw political opportunism, or convenience, or ignorance, or greed.
That word is ‘Nazi.’ Nobody cares about their motives anymore.
A.R. Moxon


AlfredWallace wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:Island Bay wrote:GuySmiley wrote:ps I was watching some YouTube footage the other day of fishers risking Greymouth harbour and low and behold there was someone out surfing the left just down from the entrance, looked solid, wasn't you?
DIfferent island, gs :-)
But yeah, lots of boats come to grief on our bar too.I was thinking wow that looks like a hardcore place to live.
You dont have to tell us the area you live but from the pics ive seen i always thought maybe half way up the east coast on the North Island.
Around Raglan is my guess. AW
Too kind @alfred way too kind, lil buddy hasn’t a Fing clue, let him go east i say, what’s that I hear? Incoming BS, code BS …. danger , danger, something about a mate or sister or the old bloke’s dog down the street when he was a kid!!
Septic Tanks are going to Septic Tank