
@Patrick. It's a line from Oils song [Lucky Country] referencing the wonderful times I was member of the Bob Hawke surf team.

Epic YS

I went diving that day and the water was 23 degrees. Not super warm but August in North Queensland is pretty sweet. No stingers to worry about.

This one goes out to you Gary G.
Sorry to hear about schoolies mate.
P.S. Sing it as loud as you like.....

Gary might be able to host schoolies at his lair?
If the Govt limit is 10 under one roof, I think he could make do with that.

Gary & schoolies, mmm I remember a Captain Goodvibes instalment in old Tracks. More correctly I remember one scene where an exhausted Captain is dragging himself out of a huge bed full of busty maidens and the sign above the bed read vassals must vacate the bed by 10 am!

Edit: burp

It's Un-Australian GuySmiley.
Wrong thread mate....

Maybe an interesting turn?
Thank fuck the flag-rooting oi! oi! oi! bullshit still really doesn't gird the loins despite the mass seepage of the Howard regime years?

There used to be episodes of Frontline on youtube but looks like they've gone now.
Cheers mattlock, I thought it was something like that and a lyric.

"I love how Aussie’s have no time for turkeys."
Hmmm, then post the bit from Mad Max where the Goose - a copper - calls the bloke who's just been bashed and raped by bikies a turkey for bolting away! Like a...?
Anyway, how times have changed...


Especially here on Swellnet world

Don't know the show or characters, huh?
Come on down, Oz brothers!


Dead set Double Legendary factotum...
World Order hides Tax Havens / Offshore Detention / Flags of Convenience.
Australia has no Bill of Rights & legally spy & raid the innocents but never the evil.
Oz is not a signatory to Death Penalty so o/s War on Terror Plot is inadmissible.
During a US election OZ PM can take out Chinese infiltrator! (We're good for that!)
Proving that Oz is central to 5 eyes Spy Network & World Slave / Prisoner Trade.
China & www Salute #1 Oz Lockdown - No Air Quarantine / censorship / Vax...etc..
8 June 2020 Queen awards former PM Tony Abbott Order of Australia...
Read this: ...for PM contributions to [ trade & border control ] + Indigenous (Mining)
17 June 2020 ( After GG Appointment?) UK sign Oz Free Trade Deal
Aug/Sept UK < > E U Trade Talks in tatters (UK need something dodgy & fast!)
Queen's envoy can serve as loyal (UK< > (OZ)< > EU< >US) Free Trade stamper
Mummy's Wild Colonial Boy comes good, flying his (Flag of Convenience)
Well! Why the fuck not! Everyone else is doing it...see above!
Make up a bullshit 3rd world name like Queensland...Wot a laugh! Hey!
Put the Queen's head on the Coins/Stamps! Local tradies can be called Qldurrz!
EU trade block equalised to payment required for invisible paper trail.
Note: Awarded PM of any country is ranked #1 Envoy in most Countries!
Most countries don't speak Australian or even know where their English is!
Doubt if UK would order any other fall guy + he eats onions!
Q: Would EU really pull out of Free Oz Deal to claw back UK (Finance)Trade losses?
Yeah! But Oz probably has a bigger Army than NATO...we don't do we? Seriously!
Abbott reports to PM Scomo...That the Thames Toll Booth is overflowing with Tips!
*File rort under Scomo's non answerable Emergency CEO advisory cabinet
*File rort under GG > UK (PM/AC) Trade Envoy.
Abbott was born in London so is simply returning home to kiss Mums Ring.
Notice Aussies trying to hide their grins! Yes! Yes! C'mon Mum, pick up the phone!
Gonna be interesting to see if the Brits start drinking wine from Aussie Boots.

Penfolds R.M. Shoey?

Can anyone connect this to a post on page one?
It'll be too easy for Zen.... anyone else?

(A Slab of Vintage Pub Rock)
Flinn - Two cans of Fosters and a Packet of Potato Chips. (Video)
Ep: Version + Barman's Version + Together
Get this one up ya!....
Nice Riff Shame 'bout the Lyrics

Minimum chips 30 cents

Fark me dead!
This thread really IS Macca in the morning on - how do you youngsters put it? - the wireless.

Who here has seen the film Swinging Safari?
Australia's own little songbird is in it. She's on the soundtrack too, of course.

Road trips.
Interesting too...

I watched "Last Cab to Darwin" on a plane a couple of years ago and it was a really nice surprise. Thoroughly enjoyed it.
Priscilla is a great movie. I have a few friends that move in those circles and they're the best value.

Another Aussie surfer.

'Before I’m an athlete, I’m a human being'
'I understand that my white privilege and having this platform with the surfing community means I have the choice to say something and do something'
'The overwhelming majority of comments, however, applauded Wright for her actions.'
'Wright follows the example of countless other professional athletes currently expressing support for the movement.'

The food
The ingenuity
The lingo
The story tellers:
Vance Joy is a character in the book 'Bliss'

93 years of Fantales, and we've all turned our back on them because they are unappealing and rip fillings.. but I'm sad. All sold out. Anyone get any for the pool room?

I was sad to read about Fantales too. Reminds me of my youth. Those and Minties and Jaffas.
Bliss was a great movie and even better book. Is Vance Harry?

haha, found a rogue bag on the top of the racks at foodland.. mixed lollie bags won't be the same without the odd fantale (and minties and jaffas [and freckles] for sure!)

scorched peanut bar bites.

basesix wrote:scorched peanut bar bites.
Favourite food or satirical calling out of a fellow contributor? Works well either way. :)

How good, when they brought them back basesix!
Very funny Blackers!

Well there you go, I thought they were gone forever. Will have to track them down. This should be in the Good News thread. Thanks.

Yes Blackers. I get them at the local newsagent.

scorched peanut bars came up in a thread about sara lee, violet crumble and such.. (can't find it now) and the rescuing of brands (sara lee new owners have a heart-warming message on their site..? I have 3 cheesecakes still in my freezer), and are a nsw invented thing.. I've found the bars from robe to port fairy, very cool, but today just bought a bag of their new bites to have with a coffee on the drive home.. dangerous.
(an answer to a question I have often snapped large bars awkwardly to try to answer in the past)

You could get a job with them basesix ;);)

they are real snobs, regarding us cookie men.
the ice creamers get on well with them at conventions though ; )

Ice creamers? Slang for....?

Scorched Peanut Bars are native to Wollongong.
Brought back from extinction by a local and now they grow on trees.
Any reason at all to find a way to show your love of this incredible land.