
Part of sharing it is because she’s an attractive young women who knows it and is proud of it. It’s natural for males to react in the way she intends.
If your testosterone is done that’s your issue , BB. Step aside and let the rest of mankind enjoy a healthy sexuality.

I contribute to pretty wide range of forums on a variety of sites covering my various interest. Swellnet is the only one that is 100% male, can't think why I mean we all love "chicks" and quote the "missus" in support of our ideas, not to mention all those images we post of the wide variety of female beauty.. Times change, some get left behind in ever diminishing circles. Chat amongst yourselves. I'm off to find some mixed company.

Why do I get the feeling that you don’t care about peoples varying genitalia’s only when they display diversity of thought that you find it problematic ?
Go berate someone else for their failure to respect your self elected moral authority.

Blowfly - "I contribute to pretty wide range of forums on a variety of sites covering my various interest. "
How many names do you post under on the other forums? Don't you find it strange that you pop up every now and then on here with a new username?

"I contribute to pretty wide range of forums on a variety of sites covering my various interest. Swellnet is the only one that is 100% male, can't think why I mean we all love "chicks" and quote the "missus" in support of our ideas, not to mention all those images we post of the wide variety of female beauty.. Times change, some get left behind in ever diminishing circles. Chat amongst yourselves. I'm off to find some mixed company."
I think this deserves its own complete thread to see if we can get any female lurkers to post.
But i have wondered why we dont get any female's post here (that we know of)
I think they might be put off more by politics and just the negative crap (im sure many guys too) rather than any sexist types views, i mean in reality the subject matter and how we deal with it is rarely even sex/gender related or misogynistic or sexist views, its pretty good for a male dominated forum.
There was a few post that i thought was a tad inappropriate the other day if any females were reading, maybe you could see todays topic as not female friendly, but really its super rare.
It seems the regular demographic that post here is 40+ any there isn't that many women surfers of that age compared to todays generation where there is much more females.
Id love to see a few girls post here to mix things up, especially if they are a bit right leaning, id love to see them stir a few of the fellas up.

Actually this is a great video to tie topics together with.
Match me up with Dr. Debra Soh instead of Rita Panahi, sexy, smart and moderate conservative
But really this conversation is all about the gender conversation, relevant to todays discussions .

Wanted: woman with right leg shorter than left, for stirring up discussion among aging alt. right males on surf website. Topics for example "China" covering issues such as how to cook chook feet, why do asian women have small vaginas, confusing gender identities and the no genitalia freaks of South America, why blindboy is blowfly and blowins opinion and abuse. Must be willing to have social media history,photos, personal character and credibility reviewed, discussed and determined in said forum by a bunch of pervy dudes with too much time on their hands and questionable world views and surfing pedigrees. Apply 'To Indo@Swellnet'.

Lots of shit has been posted here over the years but today's is a whole new low level of shittiness ... FS take up a hobby or something

I honestly thought today was actually pretty good compared to most days, few interesting things said and shared and kept pretty civil.
Lets be honest before today who knew about that village where the guys/girls sex often doesn't develop until they are about 12

And yes the golden chooks foot goes to adam 12 for actually reading this crap.....clapping........

So we should all remain silent regardless of our Neolithic views?
Because we're blokes of a certain vintage we're prevented to have an opinion or dare I say it- evolve?

Much rather a thread like today generally civil discussion about next to nothing type topics with a variety of posters than a thread that's about nothing whatsoever other than Facto trying to appear cool and stir shit up with completely pointless one liners and memes.

Could we start a 'Man Shed Thread'?
Without fear or favour?
We is what we is.

Wish there was a beer fridge.

Haha and every third post turns into "." the next day.....

funny you guys think this convo. is so low brow, I talk about this shit with women quite often, they are totally conflicted by the mixed messaging
they must be the wrong kind of women I keep hearing about...

“Times change, some get left behind in ever diminishing circles. Chat amongst yourselves. I'm off to find some mixed company.”
Blindboy - Blowfly - Strawman

Chinese beer is pretty good. Tsing-tao is very drinkable having been brought to China by the Germans.
Cheap too. $20 or about 150 Yuan will see you get a good feed and a few beers.

Did you notice Zen, that in the regions, Tsingtao was a light-mid strength but was full strength in the big cities?

I can't say I did Lost, but I visited the actual beer factory in Qingdao on a tour and took advantage of the all you can drink lunch.
On another trip to Shanghai went out for Duck and then got royally smashed. I think I got change out of USD$50.

Or even ""I imagine that the first issue Morrison tasks to the new foreign review board would be to examine Angus Taylor pissing away $80 mil to his Cayman Island mates for zero litres of water"

You did ask for anything from the extensive menu.

Anything from the extensive menu.