Interesting stuff

velocityjohnno wrote:Big bickies compared to the old 2H, hats off to this honest fellow though
and also hats off to this fellow:
When I listen to that first bloke reel off a massive list of aftermarket mods he's got (basically everything you can think of) and the problems he's had in remote areas, it justifies my decision to KISS and stick with jerry cans and plastic tubs.
I mean, how are you not going to have issues with various systems, especially if you're going remote over endless corrugations etc. if you've got water pumps, air compressors, extra fuel pumps for that second fuel tank etc.
I reckon if in doubt, look at what Malcolm Douglas had, not what 4WD 24/7 or All For Offroad are trying to sell you.
At one stage I had the money and was itching to spend it but it just didn't add up.

Totally Andy, the KISS is the best approach. We met a bloke at Eucla in his 80's who with his wife had just done the Simpson in a Jimny with a mother-big shovel on the roof, and they slept in swags each night, car was minimally packed!
Young one has got a very simple mechanical live axle 4x4 in Covid and it's heaps of fun, with minimal mods keeps up with his mates rigs. My experience 4x4 was remote with manual HJ60, roof rack with 2nd spare tyre, tool kit, 2 jerries, tubs, air pump & a whole heap of work provided 4x4 training, used CFA maps to find sites too! Had a thick plank of wood for the sand lol. We did alright. One highlight was going up a rocky mountain in Tassie to get to a site and each corner on the Jacobs ladder getting the road was made of 44 gallon drums filled with rock - the Ms got out with the baby and walked! Mr 5 and I loved it!

Jimny and swags, what more do you need? And in his 80s? Rockstar :)
Air compressor (not necessarily hard-wired) and gauge is essential.
I've had my compressor for nearly 25 years, it hasn't missed a beat.
Hi-Lift jack is good because it can fulfil multiple roles.
It saved my arse once out in the middle of nowhere between Grafton and Armidale.
I had a chain setup so I could use the jack as a come-a-long, slow but effective, no electrics and you can pull from any angle.
So I slid sideways into a soak and I was stuck. Set up the winch extension strap and Hi-Lift jack and got to work.
In the middle of things I could hear a trail bike in the distance. I didn't want him to get clotheslined by the extension strap so I went to hail him down.
Fella had a clear (!) plastic bag on the fuel tank with his harvest in it. Just goes to show how little he expected to meet someone else.
He was cool and went on his way although I was aware of how vulnerable I was.
I digress but point being, I think a Hi-lift is a worthwhile inclusion.

Sounds good Andy. My teacher showed me a way to dig in a spare (if no trees) then use the rear tyre as a winch if you are stuffed. One of our guys did come across someone harvesting their crop - had shotguns pulled on him and talked his way out, mum was word! Another was on top of a building 500km from anywhere, on the roof when his unattached ladder blew down, it was about 4m down from those and he was an older fella, had quite a while on the roof. Worst that happened to me was 2 tyres blown within about 1/2 hour on one track, no problems. Must've done over 1000 sites on that trip, gone for 18 months.

fun as a grom with a $500 daihatsu rocky that bounced happily atop the sand, watching the flag-people in big-4WD convoys from Vic come across to SA so they could drive on the beach (which consisted mainly of tearing up dunes and calcified forests, and getting bogged and saving each other with devices all day).

"Must've done over 1000 sites on that trip, gone for 18 months."
Sounds epic!
Life highlight I expect.
I worked exploration mining and I loved being out in the middle of nowhere, travelled around Australia for a year.

Yep I loved it too Andy. Took the fam, homeschooled the kids, had a caravan which we'd locate at a central town and I'd work everything around it. Salary tripled. New adventures every day, always meeting new people. Career break of a lifetime, family time of a lifetime.

Huge wins all round!

pretty funny watching that dandrews fanboy 'raf' spruik his dictator on the drum the other night
even he had to acknowledge that dic. dan had 'major issues with integrity' and around foi...
major issues!
and yeh mr. 'no corruption' vicidiot...
the ideological blindness runs thick, not just with him... some of the praises of the 'faithful' on social media are nauseating to say the least...
the dude ran the state into the ground, ran a shamefully corrupt government, on so many fronts, and apparently literally did a scomo style act around tourism victoria...
but yeh... 'he's alright' ...possibly... maybe...
interesting the raf compared him to john howard - which was the exact comparison I was thinking of...
saying his naysayers just cannot believe he did so much dodge, and none of it stuck... just like howard...
saying it is because he is the 'commensurate politician'
which actually translates as... he is a lying cunt that knows how to work a room...
something must come from so much dodge... possibly... maybe... hopefully...
but probably not

and gsco is correct
stark, shining, glaring evidene that anything economy just don't matter to labor stooges
as much debt as 3 other large states combined...
what a legacy!

Premier Dan Andrews thinks that the COVID inquiry should focus on vaccines, national medical stockpile and PPE. None of those are related to the core question. Proportionality. It is a word that he would prefer never enter into the historical record on our (and his) pandemic…
— Dr. Nick Coatsworth (@nick_coatsworth) September 21, 2023

just mindblowing how labor of all shapes, sizes, and colours are trying to manipulate this covid inquiry
another raf mention 'stockholm syndrome'...
sure looks that way
albo's intense cover up (and broken promise) is just... shame shame shame...
all around
a fucking disgrace!
and insult of the highest order

Always enjoy the stories of your adventures surveying VJ. What a bloody great experience.
Probably my hairiest moment “4WDing” was having a Land Rover stuck 3/4 of the way across the Helmand River.

yes Syp, I'm surprised certain people aren't currently blowing up in a different thread about the pathetic scope of the covid enquiry.
With the covid enquiry combined with the
- corporate profits enquiry and
- focus on short-stay accommodation,
the wall-to-wall Labour cartel is trying to do everything it can to prevent the public from realising that the cause of inflation and cost of living problems, and of the rental and housing affordability crisis, is the massive covid overreach and spending and now the massive immigration intake combined with the continued collapsing of building companies and inability of Australia to build more housing quickly (housing supply).
The cartel is simply trying to convince the public that the cause of inflation is corporate profits (evil corporations) and the cause of the housing crisis is short-stay accommodation (again, evil corporations).
It's all arse covering.
With the wall-to-wall Labor cartel, we're living in a very tightly controlled information environment in which the public is systematically getting the wool pulled over its eyes.
This needs to change.

Be careful when requesting a tint on EPS.
The crew at Sanded are back in the lab:

Australian authors' work used without permission to train AI model:
“This is the biggest act of copyright theft in history.”

16 year old fells historic tree:

Give the kid a chainsaw.... what could possibly go wrong?

That's rough, it'd be like going into the Wollemi grove with a flamethrower, some people just DGAF.

Yep, some people are ugly inside. Looked pretty.

Looks like the call signs 'Maverick' and 'Iceman' were taken...

No place for humour in the workplace these days. No matter where the workplace. I like it.

If you like a bit of boxing history this is good. No need to get yourself in a lather. Couple darts and stay nimble is all you need. Quite the master.

The good ol’ days ;)

Haha tend to agree. Have seen this before but without the commentary.
Had me laughing with ‘if I came home to find him with the missus I’d make him a cup of fucken cocoa” then “let him go home and wash the shoe off his face” haha very funny


Interesting stuff (boards…)

Blowin wrote:Have it c%$#
What is the point

Jelly Flater wrote:
JellyFlater. So good, thanks. Fishing in such a frigid environment would certainly test your mettle.
The ocean is like a ‘hamburger with the lot’. AW

Do you see what I see? 🧐
— Dr. Simon Goddek (@goddeketal) October 4, 2023

Early wave pool, circa 1970.

Seeds, really interesting vid above. Cheers.
Kinda feel like a ciggie.

Haha no problem. Maybe he was the Boonie of the boxing world. I was really impressed.

seeds wrote:Haha no problem. Maybe he was the Boonie of the boxing world. I was really impressed.
The Nicolino Locce vid? I've got zero interest in boxing history but that was entertaining. Some cheeseball humour by the narrator but the delivery was dry enough to get on board.

+ zero interest generally, but really enjoyed the Nicolino Locce vid. Loved The Captain, Jelly.


hate to tell you but a master's is no big deal

how's your internet machine going daryl?


Big Hamas attack on southern Israel, conflict, hostages taken and Israeli response begun; latest is Hezbollah rockets being fired from Lebanon in the north of Israel as well.
- many twitter links in that one


velocityjohnno wrote:Big Hamas attack on southern Israel, conflict, hostages taken and Israeli response begun; latest is Hezbollah rockets being fired from Lebanon in the north of Israel as well.
- many twitter links in that one
Yeah this was pretty full on, crazy they could have such a large coordinated attack and it not be picked up by intelligence.
First time i think ive ever agreed with Biden.

Life in the Gaza Strip must be unbearably wretched to provoke that sort of response from the Palestinians.

AndyM wrote:Life in the Gaza Strip must be unbearably wretched to provoke that sort of response from the Palestinians.
The lord giveth and the lord taketh away

My fav lecturer and tutor was Lebanese, and tooks us through the unimaginable tit for tat brutality of Lebanon in the 1980s, and the history of the wider Middle East as well. I could see no solution. Today's frenemy becomes tomorrow's enemiend and alliances shift and age old conflicts continue.
The thing that gets me is looking at the map and realising the coastal strip of Israel at places seems < 20km across. To go to Beirut from Tel Aviv is less than a Perth to Lanno drive for a surf. And there are so many people there, many major religions, and these very old rivalries and a history of occupation and displacement by many groups to many groups. Balfour declarations, 1948, Yom Kippur... And then you go back further to Judea and the Roman destruction of the 2nd temple by legions V Macedonica, XII Fulminata, X Frenensis and XV Apollinaris and later destruction and dispersement of the Judeans... Today the prophecy suggests a 3rd temple will be built, but that space is occupied by the Al Aqsa mosque...

Fliplid wrote:AndyM wrote:Life in the Gaza Strip must be unbearably wretched to provoke that sort of response from the Palestinians.
The lord giveth and the lord taketh away
Yeah you'd definitely want to blow up his hemp eco-villa

If you go to “6 day war” you will see the recent 1948 history of this issue between the arabs and the Jewish people.
When Rome destroyed Israel and they were dispersed across the globe, they settled in many countries with some remaining in their homeland.
It was a mix of Jewish people and after moving into their territory Arabic as well.
After the holocaust, many Jewish people moved back home and the UN granted them a small portion of their original country as their homeland.
It was pretty much a wasteland but with much work and the establishment of collective farms Israel bloomed again and became a great place to live.
The Arab nations were not happy and declared war on them…1967 I think.
The Jewish people living in Israel wanted their Arab neighbours to fight with them against the oncoming armies but instead they abandoned them and moved behind the Arab armies certain of a slaughter.
Israel won the war in 6 days….an absolute miracle.
As VJ writes, Israel is a tiny nation trying to survive in a small percentage of their original country and homeland.
Adding Islam to the Arabic mindset will always be a problem not only for Israel but for everyone in the world as Jihad is a major part of its culture.
Israelis are cool people and very much a chilled lot like aussies ,Brit’s and yanks and the very reason many of our countries are good places to live due to the things we have borrowed from them.
The noble Bedouin Arabs were also a feisty but interesting people until “Islam or else “came and dominated their minds with a hunger for constant conquest and war. This is a command from their prophet so while it exists it will always be the same.
As VJ also mentions this may be the trigger for the building of the third temple as Israel’s leaders will probably have had enough of patronising a people that hate them and therefore will probably tear down the mosque that sits on the Jewish Temple Mount.
I think a final separation of the two cultures will have to happen unfortunately although there are many large Arab surrounding countries than could absorb the displaced Palestinians easily. This should have happened years ago.
Interesting times ahead so watch the Middle East, because the very last great world war will be fought in the valley of Megiddo outside of Israel where many previous wars were fought and lost….the word Armageddon comes from the word Megiddo ….Armageddon is a geo location war and the one God Himself will intervene in and settle planets earths issues once and for all.

Don McCullin talks about the Lebanese conflict from a perspective that very few ever see, starts at 1.20.25min. Absolute horror and madness, no matter how anyone tries to dress it up
Have it cunts