Addicted to buying new surfboards

Webster Spartan coming up. 7’6 x 19 3/4 x 2 7/8. For knifing the takeoff more than gliding in. Large but not ‘big’ waves.

The spartan has a beautiful outline, and I reckon it'll surf that purpose quite well. How much does a Webster of that length set you back?

On a tube/good wave board around 7’0” long.
I’m sure they’ve been discussed on here before.
Any feedback?

Had a 6'6" 2+1 and it was great. It was a bit too narrow for me at the time so it hardly saw the kind of waves I bought it for, but the fin set up was a bit of a revelation. Most memorable surfs were in fast, down the line waves with no time for turns. Loved the single fin feel but with the added safety net of knowing I had a couple side fins there to save me at the last moment.

Not much, Dan. 5 x futures and 4/6 + 4/6 glass, $900. I think it’s a fricken bargain.

Got a 8'0 Gash gun with a 2+1 and a 7'6 six channel 2+1 from Dave Parmenter...both are excellent...2+1 feel like there is no limit to the top end speed and you can hang it right up there on a high line run...they always feel really stable underfoot

What's the latest with the Dave Parmenter shaping experience down under?

Did his last board the other day I think.

"Got a 8'0 Gash gun with a 2+1 and a 7'6 six channel 2+1 from Dave Parmenter...both are excellent...2+1 feel like there is no limit to the top end speed and you can hang it right up there on a high line run...they always feel really stable underfoot"
Thats it im done
Cheers Tux, im getting one

2+1 rules.

^Hell yeah they do!

Fun fact, Simon's first thruster had the bigger fin in the back originally. I think it was sanded down. 2+1!

This might be a slight derail, but have a few brands reduced their prices in the last year or two?
JR were $800+ now $625-$675, Emery from $880 to $780.
These are website prices btw.
I think I've seen this at a few other places too.
Competition or found a way to reduce costs, overheads?

Sideways have added another well known shaper to there Bali made boards
Cheap at $549

Rodney Dahlberg's evil twin Dhalberg?

Yep...Board Decals have correct spelling.

I actually saw that I reckon it was at least over a month ago. I'm very surprised they haven't corrected it by now.

My obsession with boards is bordering on an illness....i'm trying so hard to scale my quiver down and get rid of boards but keep finding myself thinking of what to buy next...
I have 6 at the moment but only really use 2.....
have bought some rippers on impulse, then sold them just as impulsively, wish I had of kept a few in hindsight.....

6 is nothing mate, no where near an obsession, don't be too hard on yourself. That's just a regulation quiver.
when you're up around 30 or 40 then you can start to panic.

I can tell you a story about a guy who keeps his quiver squared off at 200. More collection than quiver really, though he surfs a surprising number of them.
Even more surprising is his wife is totally cool with it.
And no, it's not me.

Can you give us an idea of the guy's 200 board inventory? At that number it's no longer a quiver. There must be some good stories behind those boards.

At the risk of sounding wanky, Damo is more a curator of design than a collector. If there was a surfboard museum where each piece required explanation about how it fitted into the design continuum, then he'd be the guy with the flat cap and poker.
Hard to stocktake it, but he's got, not one first gen Energy Thruster, but about 5 or 6, lotta Bolts, McCoy Zaps, Lance Collins Wave Tools, couple of Bertlemans, couple of Schroffs - Damo loves his twinnies - and bits and pieces from every shaper of repute between about '75 and '85. He's particular about collecting for that period, which he calls the T2 - the second innovation period.

Really nice kit behind him, Stu. Great to have people so passionate about preserving examples from key epochs in surfing history. Even his chooks are getting up close and personal!!!
By the way, did Damo end up getting a Stussy?

Yeah, from memory he's got one now. Also, for a while there he was not only acquiring and admiring key boards but recreating them too...well, recreating them as best he could. He built a little A-frame shaping bay out the back of his house and mowed the foam in there. All of which made his quiver that bit larger again.

nice chooks too- silver laced wyandottes.

Got the word late last night..."Yep your board is ready"

Got my autumn/winter special today. Looks the goods.

which is ?

Simon 6'4" NXFC slightly customised.

Just about ordered a Gary McNeill entity pin for a step up.

Twichy.....cmon man.....this ones for you
A farkin steal

Seller will take $600 for the Rawson
Brand new unsurfed still in Bubble wrap..

I agree with Surfstarved. Started making my own at 16 (51 now), and have not looked back. I do ding repair and make the odd custom for locals, but once I have a few pennies saved I just cant help myself, and make another for me. About to have a cull and bring the quiver down to 6, that means that 13 will be will be passed on, but the good thing is I already have a handful of local guys keen on them. I encourage all surfers to have a dig at making thier own at some stage, after doing the whole process I bet they'll either be hooked or will never complain about the price of a board again.

Yep, making your own is the way to have a heap of boards without spending too much cash. It costs me roughly $150- $180 to make a board. I have about 25. I have to either give one away or break one if I want to make something new these days. The house is chocka.

Hey Twichy......glad you have got the addiction well and truly under control....
Mate, how about one more for old times more won't hurt now will it?......feel the rush again.....
I have a classic 9'.0 six channel AB Byrning Spears pin tail for sale that would look great in your collection.......The perfect remedy for the recovering addict..

How much do you want for the AB?

G'day Spuddups....
Not really sure mate....probably best if I send you a few piccies so you can have a look...

Geeeez after reading some of the quivers on here I think i've got the habit:
- NPJ 6'0 quartet
- NPJ 6'1 duo
- 6'0 Jim banks twinny
- 6'2 maurice cole metro
-6'3 NPJ 2 +1
- 6'3 NPJ thruster (new)
-6'5 maurice cole pro tow
- 6'6 byrning spears deep 6
-6'9 deep 6 - shaped by AB never surfed it again after he's passed its a wall hanger
- 6'9 Maurice Cole pro tow
- 6'9 christenson nautilus
- 6'11 webster desert storm
- 7'6 AQSS flow mid length
- 7'9 Webster desert storm
-9'0 Maurice Cole gun
and I want more .... ive snapped 3 byrning spears deep 6's in the last 2 years and have no single fin in there and im digging these longer twins about the last year or two hahaha

Lightly used why buy new ......
Less than 1/2 new price

damn, too big for me but great deals.

i ordered two boards in the last 6 weeks one was $1305 but should last a very long time with bio flax resin (rasta torus twin) the other was a desert storm 6'6 which goes great not as performance orientated like hard to do laybacks but its a board meant for tubes like blacks..a cruiser
still have a jim banks round tail fish in good condition lasted about 7 years and still goes well..the round tail makes it feel so good doing roundhouses with much easier to carve than a standard swallow fish.slightly loose and drifty on big drops but works well with controller fins (split keels quads)
I have another Simon anderson 6'8" 6 channel thruster that i havent used yet..might use it at my next indo trip channels dont go well at jakes, well unless you're Ry Craik or Rique Smith this six channels a perfect board for 5-6ft deserts and supersuck
i sold about 20 boards before i made the move from NSW to WA and still have more back at my mums people come and borrow them off me if the swells big a couple of jim banks hit the road and a few 5'11 and 6'3 shortboards...also have 4 or 5 boards at my mates place in too heavy for them now but my mate loves them.the best fish i ever rode is there beaten and battered repaired a hundred times.but still goes fast and the feel of it is unreal.. i wanted a direct copy of it made by Josh Dowling in compisite timber etc but Jim wouldnt share any details of the rocker or anything.and it would mean a trip to sumbawa to go and grab the board and bring it back to Josh to copy...pain in the arse.
since Jim banks boards have now dropped in price again i might order another fish off him.magic carpet should be sweet. more rocker than torus twin so more suited to here and waves like g-land and supersuck.if its clean and not too bumpy these fishes can handle solid 6 foot waves even 8 ft waves if you have the to get glass in keels though. futures and fcs fins base in the plugs is too short for large keels. the fin boxes should be at least 7-10 inches long.for travel its best to chop an old lid in half cut out some slots for the fins and wrap it in cardboard inside a coffin. prevents the glass ins moving sideways and cracking.

yes groundswell the gary mcneill bio resin/flax cloth construction seems good, I've got a CV2 model in that construction, 2 years on has nice footwell depressions and the rest of the board is still pretty well unmarked.

good stuff silentp. one thing do you fix dings on these boards with poly resin?

So after getting back into surfing 2 years ago after a 10 yr hiatus (kids, wife, major injury) i have become increasingly addicted to buying new surfboards.
What started out as a massive learning curve and realisation of how much things had changed since id hit the water 10 years ago (boards, wetties etc) has now become a full on addiction.
Is there some kind of help group like surfboards anonymous?
My quiver is not large by any means compared to others with only 4 in the rack however if i had kept all purchased other than trade in id have 6. In just 2 years!
Part of it is still dialing in my preferred board size and needing different boards for different conditions, you know how it is, but part of it is just the stoke of buying a new board.
Next thing you know i’ll be ordering customs, but could i wait that long for a board??
Does anybody else suffer this affliction?
Maybe a self help is required.....