Addicted to buying new surfboards

Thanks Udo


Off topic but I noticed the post before udo’s was from groundswell . Mate if you’re out there ( and you kinda are ) would love to hear from you on how you’re going since you relocated . Regardless hope you’re doing well .

Supafreak wrote:Off topic but I noticed the post before udo’s was from groundswell . Mate if you’re out there ( and you kinda are ) would love to hear from you on how you’re going since you relocated . Regardless hope you’re doing well .
I just sent him a head's up message, someone else here was asking about him the other week too.
So after getting back into surfing 2 years ago after a 10 yr hiatus (kids, wife, major injury) i have become increasingly addicted to buying new surfboards.
What started out as a massive learning curve and realisation of how much things had changed since id hit the water 10 years ago (boards, wetties etc) has now become a full on addiction.
Is there some kind of help group like surfboards anonymous?
My quiver is not large by any means compared to others with only 4 in the rack however if i had kept all purchased other than trade in id have 6. In just 2 years!
Part of it is still dialing in my preferred board size and needing different boards for different conditions, you know how it is, but part of it is just the stoke of buying a new board.
Next thing you know i’ll be ordering customs, but could i wait that long for a board??
Does anybody else suffer this affliction?
Maybe a self help is required.....