Health Research

Interesting study but pretty weak evidence due to the limitations of the available data. One of the study authors commented; “Our results suggest a possible risk of hypertension mortality from marijuana use. This is not surprising since marijuana is known to have a number of effects on the cardiovascular system. Marijuana stimulates the sympathetic nervous system, leading to increases in heart rate, blood pressure and oxygen demand. Emergency rooms have reported cases of angina and heart attacks after marijuana use.”
If this hypothesis were true then the effects should be much more pronounced in users of drugs that really do pump up the sympathetic nervous system much more that marijuana e.g. ecstasy, methamphetamine and other powerful sympathomimetics. Surely this data was available from NHANES as well?

Some nice articles BB. Meanwhile, Minister Hunt (I think) commenting on Greens announced policy of legalising marijuana, brought up the old nonsense that Marijuana is a 'gateway' drug, and claimed evidence in medical research.
If you have ever read a more meaningless term than 'gateway drug', feel free to let me know.
In other medical news, breathing has been shown to be a 'gateway habit' that leads to alcohol consumption and cigarette smoking.

Pot is definitely a gate way drug as is alcohol even tobacco.
Think about when you were young, what did you try first?
It's always one of these three things.
For me it was tobacco and then pot and then alcohol.
Tobacco easy to get and apart from head spins or smell hard to get busted by your parents and although you might have got your arse kicked it wasn't such a bad thing as legal and not mind altering/behaviour changing .
Then Pot kind of came easily after that as you had already smoked, you got affected but you were still in control you could go have a smoke with your mates after school or whatever then a few hours latter see your parents and it was all good.
Alcohol you generally only drank to get drunk and once drunk something that last quite a while so hard to hide from your parents plus the smell, so normally done when stayed overnight somewhere more a special occasion thing.
For me pot had the illegal element too, once you do one illegal drug, its like it doest matter if you do others.
After that (well for me and all my friends) it was like what else can we try, generally it was mushys east to get but with bigger effects, then Acid, then Speed, then Cocaine, for some anything and everything.
I think thats a gate way?
I don't think i would have considered trying other drugs if i hadn't tried pot first.
Pot also had a kind of cool paraphernalia aspect to it almost like a culture that kind of extended into other drug culture, i remember my friend having these magazines with all pot stuff and mushys and mind altering drug stuff, at a point it became like a hobbie..
All my friends that got heavily involved in doing all kinds of drugs the first drug they really got into was pot, none of my friends that were heavy drug users and experimented so heavily they ended up doing stints in psych wards were casual pot smokers they were all big pots smokers first, some didn't drink much but all smoked a lot of pot.
That said friends that were also heavy pot smokers never really got into other drugs...funny thing is now many of my friends that were also heavy pot smokers and could function without a few cones in the morning, many now don't even smoke anymore.
Hot off the press! You know what they say! Officials officially fuck the truth! Rewrite surfing history. Ban and delete any sceric of honesty! Never let the truth get in the way of bullshit!

He’s obviously not on Swellnet

More intermediate, but expert geek bullshit! A devastating reflex jab! Swillnuts forever! Google on united! We hate glutes! Bitcoin boogy blues! Fuck the truth, fuck capital management, fuck price... fuck twinnies! We love you expertly together bitcoin, please help us!!!
Bullshit forever! Swillnuts forever! Who needs glutes! Millipedes rule! Bullshit rules!

Please Tell me that Uplift didn’t just update his Swellnet resume.

It's Stockholm Syndrome. He's beholden to Swillnut, a prisoner, and yet his love for all of us is unyielding.
I mean, how many times has he returned?

I don’t get it.
And it’s not like he needs the validation, check out his latest clipping for the scrapbook. He’s just gotten public approval from the 8th most vaunted columnist at the Port Lincoln bimonthly tribune !
I’m glad that article made the papers too. It might not have made the cut if the Port Lincoln Girl Scouts car wash fundraiser hadn’t gotten rained out over the weekend. That rain cloud sure did have a silver lining for the lucky burghers of PL.

Post deleted for naming people. You've just offered up yours, no-one went looking for it, so dont bother arguing the point.

Gary particularly enjoys the rapid decay from polite commentator to raving lunatic once someone triggers him.
Must be hard constantly trying to measure up to Gary, the Alpha-Rig and undisputed one-legged-squat champion of Swellnet.
Although, Uplift may have a new challenger for 'most banned / most returned' in BamBam, WoofWoof, W41, whatever. Imagine losing that title too!

Amen .

A name? I put one initial. But, in a nutshell never let the truth get in the way of a good, psycho, red mist fib, aye lill brokebackers/gazz’s! Fuck the truth, balled up millipedes for ever!

plenty of research out there to support the benefits of heavy lifting. stronger is better.

It must be frustrating to not surf anymore and just pump weights in a gym everyday. Sounds like a dangerous combination for ones deteriorating mental health?

Again i totally concur Gary ......
Someones jealous that your getting all the attention and like lazarus they return time and time again.
Maybe they have realised that Time is in fact running out and they haven't left enough of a stamp on the surfing world . You know a stamp where they have never been mentioned by any other stalwart / peer of high repute as being any good .
It must really bit into ones mind that they have done little to be noticed and need an online audience .
BTW nice facey the other day , i didn't think you travelled much these days with all the waxings and spray tan schedules . I know you didn't see me though , you never do .............

Don't worry Larry, Gary is always watching. xoxo

Perhaps it could help brokeback chicken soufflé, aka southey, aka skinny, intimidated kid getting younger, aka Gary G, although he used a high chair to combat the pain of his famous, gluteless back injury, which stopped him from surfing blax? Although he then claimed he did/didn't/did/didn’t/did, in a nutshell. Maybe that oil, if there was a way to apply mega litres of it, could perhaps grow some real nuts on him to replace his swillnuts? Perhaps then he could forget the pain of endlessly shitting bricks on the cliff, at blax?

Yawn ....

Don’t yawn too hard, you might faint, or tear your back. Or neck. Or knees, or shoulders or hips. Or rotator cuff. Ad infinitum.
Here’s something that was actually known by some 40 odd years ago.

Heard of jason genova the retarded bodybuilder?

Jason genova on youtube.
Jason earns his first arch-rival in Josh Foxx, who used to work at the Gold's Gym frequented by Genova. He constantly mocks Genova for all of his obvious deficiencies. The feud spans a solid year culminating in Josh making a mockumentary of Jason's "My Storie Part 1". Somewhat surprisingly, Josh Foxx receives an overwhelmingly negative response to this video, proving that Genova's Witnesses may enjoy poking fun at Jason, but deep down they are also protective of him from skinny haters like Josh Foxx. This is the beginning of the "no one is allowed to call Jason a retard except us" mentality adopted by his fans. (Video)
-Jason claims that he competed in a bodybuilding show and took 3rd place in it, and he shows off his 3rd place medal on video. However, one viewer claims to have checked the record of the bodybuilding show that was named, and didn't find Jason listed as one of the competitors. What's more, another viewer notices that Jason's medal does not actually say 3rd but rather '03, suggesting that it denotes the year 2003.

A video above is about retarded bodybuilders and article on jason genova...

Two people great at explaining the latest science in layman's terms.

BB I think the issue is not only poor quality of the food but more so energy in does not equal energy out a Big Mac with Fries and a coke adds up to a whopping (excuse the pun) 1170 calories broken down 30g of protein, 141g carbs (60g sugar) 51g fat.
That one meal would take just over 2 hours at a good pace for a 85kg person to burn off that one meal

Blinde I train a lady who is one of only 5 women in the world to have completed a survival race, considered the toughest endurance event in the world. She placed 4th overall against all comers. Not any one can enter, you need to demonstrate success in other extreme style events. Nutrition is a vital component of her regime, and we need to constantly juggle it. Her training load would destroy most people, as she needs to mentally be able to run around 100kms, swim for hours, climb mountains, trees, carry difficult objects, for 48 hours non stop, whilst maintaining mental fitness, which is the factor which destroys many. She has totally changed her nutrition regime since starting training with me a few years ago, and her understanding of the importance of hormone profile has changed drastically for the better. We often joke about how people who exercise no where near her level, eat more than her and expect to feel great, and how shockingly low fitness and health levels have become accepted as balanced and normal. Even if we have her fuel/carb/fat levels too high she will gain fat, despite training for hours and hours daily. Her protein levels ( gotta love eggs) and demands on the other hand, constantly increase and benefit her.
I am training her in the morning, perhaps you’d like to join in, or offer some advice? Bring a vegetable or two? Unfortunately that eating idea in your article would fail miserably at sustaining a very fit person. These days very fit people are considered fanatics, as obesity and injuries becomes more and more normal and responsible. Meanwhile the health system is literally crumbling under the strain and humongous weight bearing.
Swillnuts ho, calling all millipedes!!!

Because they are addicted to eating, like some are addicted to gambling, drugs, alcohol, surfing, money, cosmetic surgery ad infinitum. Some additions are considered culturally normal, like grog, and television, and food. Conditioning and habit. ‘ ‘ ‘Don’t tell us we are fat, we are popular now, and we’ll put you in jail. Everyone is on our side now, even science, the weight of our voice is growing stronger by the day!’

Agreed and a discussion I relentlessly have with her. I have to go and train people.

i'll add that the stress of competition or even just the training on these peoples bodies is what will shorten their lifespan not just their dietary intake .
But it seems that some are just addicted to their own importance , long after its faded . A bit like my memory or co ordination , as you get older you need to keep your gate closer and your memory even tighter .
Speaking of tighter , hows all this excess skin i'm running these days ..........

Never mind Bourneagin, at least you will always be a swillnut! And as your parents were presented with their new little bundle, thinking FFS, at least they had the foresight to give you a decent name. And although they prayed that that imitation name alone would work wonders, deep down they knew, they always knew that you were just a loser imposter, and were forever haunted by the thought, ‘why us, what the fuck did we ever do to be blessed with this fucking living, ludicrous useless debacle’.

obesity is an eating disorder. addiction to high caloric foods. dopamine release. brain gets rewired. i wouldnt doubt that carrying excessive fat year after year causes hormone changes too. being temporarily fat is ok,.....mammals are designed to overeat when food is available.

Yes, and it gets worse. Gargantuan blobs of blubber get awards and money and become heroes and celebrities for demonstrating amazing powers and abilities, when they bravely and heroicly become semi obese. Even science loves them! To death.

Diet goes a long way toward ancient cultures like the Tarahumara and Kalahari Desert Bushmen being able run 100's of k's at a stint, traditionally to persistence hunt. The Tarahumara drink corn beer a run (low alcohol and packed with slow release energy) and eat small amounts of pinole which is enough to power them for hours and hours of effort.
Its crazy think that in the space of a couple of hundred years humans have gone from having that ability honed over millennia to not being able to run 100 feet. Natural selection?

Up north, I learnt about those tribesmen at school. Fascinating what they were capable of.

Speaking of natural selection and super human feats, today a group of researchers have declared the Bajau ethnic group are able to hold their breath for so long underwater not due to practice, but to evolution. They have much larger spleens than people outside their ethnic group.
It makes me wonder what other human abilities we've had that have disappeared through the breakdown of traditional societies.