Surf T-Shirts

My favourite shirts were a bright purple Gotcha tshirt and a T&C with the yin yang logo. Theres no way I would spend $89 on a outerknown shirt

Have had heaps over the years. Two spring to mind though. First was a, might have been Gotcha, that simply said 'Surfing is Life the rest is Details' on the back. Seems so cheesy now but was always a fav to wear round to girlfriends parents house as a young fella.
Second a (I think QS) that had four panels with photos of a big drop, a massive snowboard carve, a tonne of air out of a half pipe and some guy table-topping a motocross bike. Underneath just said 'And who says guys lack commitment?' Lost that one, along with the best boardies I've ever owned in the shape of a pair of black Eddie Memorial edition QS jobs, to a redistribution of wealth on the way back to Kuta from Garajagan one time.

Check out plenty of classics available on that site, if it's acceptable to post that website address Stu/Ben?

That's cool Wes.

Still got a old indo screen printed one tucked away from 1980...from a little family owned screen printing shop in bali..was directly across from 14 Roses just before the bitumen ended on way to rum jungle
White cotton tee with 'Fat Chicks Shit Me' printed across the front.

As a grom I had a S.A.N.D (Surfers Against Nuclear Destruction) shirt that I wore till threadbare, and more recently I did the same to a Brewer shirt. I even went to the trouble of extending its life by ripping the sleeves off and turning it into a muscle shirt...till I realised muscle shirts are either for, a) people with muscles, or b) twats.
Now it's an oil rag in the shed.

Even though I gave all mine away the best shirt ever is the G Land surf combat skull and crossbones.

Yeah forgot about that one. Still have one in the plastic somewhere, circa maybe '98.

God, I had one too and strutted around home like I was moonlighting as Kevin Lovett or Mike Boyum - mild mannered civil servant by day, off the map Indo adventurer come winter.
Tell me I wasn't alone doing that?

You weren't alone Stu, you weren't alone.
Although I always imagined I was Thornton Fallander and it wasn't restricted to the house.
Hangs head in shame.

Huh ?
Indo adventurers ?
Not sure what you fellas are on about . I got mine in a mixed bag special from Jeans West - Two Ramones , one Iron Maiden , one G Land , one Joy Division and two Nirvana T shirts.
Not enough hours in the day to Instagram them all.
Lucky that you can match any of them with a pair of gumboots ala Kate@Glastonbury.

Always dug Ray Ahn, bassist from the Hard Ons, and his take on the Ramones - 'More a brand than a band'.
Still love da bruddas though.
And in a tangential observation, today I dropped my oldest kid off at schol and bumped into Keish from the Hard Ons. He just moved into town three weeks ago. Can't recall what kind of T-shirt he was wearing, which is a shame 'cos this thread really has to get back on track.

sure, t-shirts are all fun and games to you youngsters.
but some of us barely survived the vicious golden breed vs crystal cylinders t-shirt wars of the 70s.

...speaking of old shirts, I've got a Crystal Cylinders tee. It's ill-fitting and rides up high like a teenager's midriff top, but turn around and there it is, palm trees and peeling wave in the classic airbrushed CC style.

I was involved in a project exploring t-shirts as cultural signifiers, which was cool as, being a t-shirt fiend, I could utilise my own wardrobe.
Though, apart from board-riders t-shirts, an event one or two, and Indo spot/boat 'freebies', I don't have any surf t-shirts to speak of. Plenty of band/political/cultural oddity ones though.
Hang on, there is this one.
"I went to Bali and all I got was this culturally inappropriate t-shirt."
(and in 'lucky green'!)

Yep, nothing controversial about that !

Another Balinese number (as mentioned in Foreign Correspondent's PR story on Kerobokan)

"Dont look back at uluwatu in the 80s but the best one and one that cause a bit of controversy was my old favorite 'Lay chicks not eggs' written across the front....chick puller! from the mid 70s.

"Unsweetened Hawaiian Juice" was my all time favourite. I had to sell it to a mate in Bali when my money transfer (surprise, surprise) took six weeks to arrive.

Back in the day I rolled the dice and had a really cool Blue Hawaii T when I went through my rip tear lacerate Pottz phase. That was one of my faves but went missing. A mate of mine swore black and blue that he didin't have it until I saw it hanging on the fuckers clothesline.
My all-time fave though was a plain white one which had written in Arabic across the front 'I am not American'. Loved that shirt, went missing too, to the same prick I suspect.
These days my wife buys all my clothes so most of my T's are Patagonia. It's always nice to get a new one every now and then by surprise.
My younger Bro and I worked in a fruit market part-time when we were in high school. He thought it would be really cool to wear his T that had 'Beanz Meanz Fartz' printed in the Heinz font to work one day. I made a bet with him that he wouldn't get through the front door.
I won.

Billy Bragg's Tour Shirt about 1990
I recently spoiled myself as a 40th birthday present to myself with 3 new surf t-shirts. The Outerknown tee was double the price of the others!! It does look good though and hopefully it lasts a long time.
It got me thinking of favourite tshirt when I was a grom a fluro oversized Ron Jon tee that I wore every single day I could.
Which is your favourite ever surf tee?