Linen cloth instead of glass cloth w. resin?

Athol's picture
Athol started the topic in Thursday, 19 Nov 2015 at 3:13pm

I'm repairing (sort of) an old tin bath. The soldered join at the foot of the bath is split so I fiberglassed it up to seal it. I need to do a bit more work on it but have run out of glass cloth.

I was wondering if some strips cut from an old loose weave linen t-shirt would do the job? Anyone have experience using linen or cotton cloth in place of glass cloth? I have enough strength from the existing fiberglass - this coat will just be used for a bit more waterproofing / smoothing over some spots.

Google has been little help - apart from one story about some bloke who made a longboard with an old bed sheet - didn't last well.

I know I could head to bunnings and grab some more cloth but I don't want to spend the $10 and I'm also curious so see if it will work.

udo's picture
udo's picture
udo Monday, 23 Nov 2015 at 8:26pm

If its only cosmetic it should work, should of spent $10 on some 2 part epoxy [metalmend or jb weld ] mix equal parts knead well ,you can drill file it sand it shape and smooth it with a wet finger.....very strong
your local glasser throws away heaps of glass offcuts a week ?

carpetman's picture
carpetman's picture
carpetman Monday, 23 Nov 2015 at 10:01pm

Why do you need cloth at all? If its strong enough as it is just use resin to seal it. Paint on a coat or two, just like a hot coat. Cloth is just used for strength, any cloth will do something, but each will have different properties. Of course glass cloth will set clear, most others will set with a visible weave.

Athol's picture
Athol's picture
Athol Monday, 23 Nov 2015 at 11:19pm

Thanks udo. I went with the linen/resin yesterday morning. Seems to have worked. jb weld is incredible stuff though - It held a friends radiator together coming home from a surf trip. Great tip re offcuts.

Carpetman - I can confirm I have a nice patten of my old tee shirt under the resin.