Ghost Riders 'the future of big wave surfing'

Here it is:
Interesting project, as are all of Roy's.

Didn't he sell a board recently for a couple of Hundred grand, if so pretty cheeky to have a kick start campaign.
Bondy would have loved kickstart :-))

The erBB is on it:

There is some pretty brutal comments on that thread! Quick to hound down on the bloke for something that doesn't affect them either way.
Good luck to him I say, would be interesting to see, might even chuck in a $10 to give him some hope.

So Roy has just made 1.3 mill from selling a board? Is that right?
Well why can't he just make twiggy, camel etc a couple of boards each and get footage of them surfing them in massive waves? I don't get it??
Can't be that hard?
Asking people for money if you've just sold a board for over a million dollars is a fucking scam!

Goofy, would have have thought it was easy to see ,now roy has a fat bank account he no longer gets paid a disability pension, money for nothing is addictive, so now he's had to go private to feed this yearning. Old hàbits die hard.

Amazing reception these days round where u are ATM Shaun .
Or did you borrow Camels Satellite phone ? Crowd funded of course !!! Lol

Hey boneroni , or even udo ( I saw an aust poster ) ?,!
Can you guys post back in that surfer mag thread that it is the real deal and perhaps send a link to the original convo . That happened in these walls with camel , ' brute and Roy !?
I have a good solution for this ,
Mick Free flys back via NZ during his next around the world surf trip ( shouldn't be too long to wait !!! )
He picks a board up for Camel gets it to Oz , Craig takes it west on his Next winter desert getaway ....
Mick free for his trouble gets chauffeur druiben around here in my fine chariot next time he wants to wander down ( sans camera , and an oath to stay shtum ) .
Someone makes a real tight edit video on the best wave camel rides in the biggest swell this winter ?!? Video gets returned at Roy at end of winter season so no-one knows whe it's filmed let alone where !!!
I think it's time us Southern Hemisphere. Lads teach the septics a few more design lessons similar to the yachts in 80's /90's . ?,
Either way even if it's a complete tragic affair no harm in trying .

Dont bother with me charging on roys guns .ding a ling ! Have a look at the other guys on list ! P.s. Roy my fone works & im travelling to WA for swell of the year ! Next week . Cactus locals booted me out cos i had stickers on my wetsuits . I didnt sign up to get money btw .never even dreamed of it . I believe the current board shapes of guns maybe improved a lot . You can see my model the " desert storm " is somewhat different & i want it to be more developed its just trying to convince the shapers & glassers & sanders to go off the beaten track . So many sceptics & sheep . Roy i would comment in the surfer thread but i dunno how to join up . Cheers .camel

This is mainly directed at the surfer forum . But im not signed up on that forum . So heres wat i says Btw im going to ride roys guns when im ready & in good time . Not when you guys say so, not on the next swell crap . Im not public property u kooks, now go back & read your wall st journals fuckwits. U wouldnt know anything about board design esp big wave riding crafts . Each to there own kooks now put your floaties on and dont swim in the pool without a lifeguard on duty

The camel strikes back . Take that Bush voters . Ouch . Haha

Happy to see that caml is on board. Much respect!
Though you guys are much more positive over here, I see that there are some who are feeling pretty conflicted about Roy's pleas for cash.
FTR, I respect Roy as a board builder and would love to see his creations is some serious surf.
Also, he dishes the vitriol right back at the surfer forum.
Southey, where is that original convo that you speak of? If you link it I'd be happy to link it on the surfer forum.

southey wrote:Amazing reception these days round where u are ATM Shaun .
Or did you borrow Camels Satellite phone ? Crowd funded of course !!! Lol
Got one of those thingy aerials sweet as. :-)Mr Southy
Camel, it wasn't just the stickers, it the film crew filming those stickers on your wetsuit that annoyed the locals. :-))

Bring it on Roy and camel, there is no better TV than watching some poor bastard sliding sideways down a huge wave into oblivion that is thicker then it is high. I look forward to seeing it on the play of the day.

They won't slide sideways.
Re. 'conflicted about pleas for cash' I've been a member of that forum for 10 years and there are always a dozen or so dickhead trolls who take over... they are not conflicted they are just looking for any possible subject and excuse for hating anonymously.
Anyway it's an offer, not a plea. If people want to see it then they can choose to go for it.

shaun wrote:Goofy, would have have thought it was easy to see ,now roy has a fat bank account he no longer gets paid a disability pension, money for nothing is addictive, so now he's had to go private to feed this yearning. Old hàbits die hard.
Hey man watch you mouth or you'll wind up like a surfermag troll.
So far I have more respect for the posters here on Swellnet but saying that I've been on a disability pension is defamatory ( i.e. both illegal and false).
It's not money for nothing either... it's money for a lot of hard work at my end and something to see at your end.
You don't have to participate.

Boner ,
You'll have to wait till udo clocks on ( being a Qld er. ) they are
A little behind the eastern states ?!?! ;-)
I'm no good with search optimization in here. . Udo is your man .
Don't worry , there was plenty of skepticism in here at first ( I for one was a little
Guilty ) , no where near as brutal though Which is unusual for this
Site as it's usually a blood sport . Oz is generally trying to buk the PC trend led by USA.
Welly ,
Now us your chance for that swell nuts camping trip with already 3 legends in the one place .
Although the usually conservative Morris may have hit the port goonbag a little hard last nite
To combat the extra typical desert frigidity .
Come on Morris , I expect this kind if poor behavior from Shaun .
Did you guys do a " phase / role shift last night .
You need to stop this , I put you up there on this pedestal where only
True heroes belong , and then you shatter a young fellas dreams and aspirations .! ;-)

Oh Roy. You cuddly old thing, I'm just helping you out by rubbing you up the wrong way and thickening your skin your going to need it. :-)

Don't know what morris is up to mate hes in Gippsland

I'm not cuddly!
Paws off....

caml wrote:This is mainly directed at the surfer forum . But im not signed up on that forum . So heres wat i says Btw im going to ride roys guns when im ready & in good time . Not when you guys say so, not on the next swell crap . Im not public property u kooks, now go back & read your wall st journals fuckwits. U wouldnt know anything about board design esp big wave riding crafts . Each to there own kooks now put your floaties on and dont swim in the pool without a lifeguard on duty
I was the one who made the perfectly reasonable suggestion to Roy that since there's a big swell forecast for WA/Indo forecast that he could try to get a board over for you to ride since I figured the logistics would maybe not be so hard. That way peeps could see if the board used works well and therefore help his funding drive.
I also thought it would be good to have an Aussie be first.
Twists and turns ensued which is normal.
I'm in Qld btw.

Okay that makes more sense , I never thought udo was from Qld . But the evidence was stacking up .
Hey cuttlefish , did u link to this thread forum or was that boney . .?
Udo since your reading both can u link the yanks to the original discussion in here ? ie : camel , brute & Roy discussing shop ?!?
Stu ?

'Okay that makes more sense , I never thought udo was from Qld . But the evidence was stacking up . '
(Even though it wasn't, and no it doesn't)
'You'll have to wait till udo clocks on ( being a Qld er. ) they are
A little behind the eastern states ?!?! ;-)'
Qld... but not Qld? Kid on the rocks maaaaaayyyytte... except not the kid on the rocks mmaaaaayyytte? Charged blax... but charged the wrong turn off, and didn't get wet? Brokeback of steel... in a highchair?
Welcome to the swillnut club. Welcome the family guys. Surfees.
There'd better be a fucking God... thank God for blax...
See, I told you camsless, Its not easy being a legend! The swillnuts seemed like a great idea eh... stay in the desert. Cover your tracks... change your number... remember what happened to the kid... (not the rocks one)!!!

Thats funny a dancing camel,where do you get this stuff uplift, hahahah

Hang in till the 25 sec mark... camsless... less.

southey wrote:Okay that makes more sense , I never thought udo was from Qld . But the evidence was stacking up .
Hey cuttlefish , did u link to this thread forum or was that boney . .?
Nah, wasn't me. Boneroni I seem to recall.
I'm just a fly on the wall in that train wreck.

Great Turdlifts involved . Shaun take him out ,
to dinner or something on the way home will ya !
There was one Aussie posting once or twice in the surfer mag forum thread turdy !
He was a Qld'er , which in" presumed " to be udo . As I've never known a guy to be more on the surfing pulse than him .
Turns out it, was old mate cuttlefish .
End story . Although I did enjoy the family guy vid .
But anyway no weight to it .
How does it feel turdy , knowing that blow in surfs better than you , even when he rides switch foot .
Back to the hall of mirrors bloke .

Uplift , Remember that time when you said you " jumped the shark " the fonz style !?
You been at it again ?
" "

Packet no 1 please sir!
Packet No 1, for 100 points and the game, why didn't brokeback chicken souf'le surf blacks? Even though he, hmmmppphh, errr, hmmmphhh, errr, hehehehe... 'did' 'surf' (sic) blacks?
A: He took the wrong turn off?
B: He knew he would charge too hard?
C: He calculated his risk/rewards and shit himself?
D: He was looking for 'the kid' on the rocks, that wasn't on the rocks?
E: He never thought udo was from Qld as he told everyone to wait till udo clocks on ( being a Qld er. )
and a little behind the eastern states ?!?! ;-) (with no evidence)?
F: He simply shit himself?
G. He couldn't get out of his highchair that he uses for his fucked back, that a special, specialist specially'fixed', even though its not fixed?
H: all of the above?
Yes, for 100 points and the game, correct its H!!!

Anyone else got any trick shot footage ?

You actually want another shot of 'explaining' (sic) why you shit yourself at blacks? Go for your life, entertain us!!!

Just for u Michael .
Now you know . I don't need an audience when I've got you .
If you entered the water alone two weeks after Jevan ( then good on you ) .
If you spent ten years dedicated to one wave , and still didn't improve your surfing , then good on you . ! I don't need to impress yanks on here I have at numerous places around the world , but good on you for pulling my head in ?!?!?
This is all about you ..........,
interrupting another thread .


'This is all about you ..........,'
Despite you again telling the globe all about your shredding... everywhere but blacks. Secret, west coast, desert chargin', groovy, surfee, desert claiming shredding too. I surfed there, when you were there after Jevan Wright. I didn't surf and live there for decades to get shots of myself. Over half my surfs were alone. But, hey, you da man! 'The new kid on the rocks!
'Just for u Michael'
Nah, you bin telling the world again. After claimin' to the world, how ya worried all your 'secret' spots there will be exposed too!
The yanks won't buy it, try harder!!!

I think we can all agree that this fella is the real winner.

Mick , I still worry about media exposure . Especially social .
But I am content that I ( with a few others help ) I have stopped certain people posting in this site
Unscrupulous photos of waves . So people like camel , Heath and hundreds others still enjoy to score in seclusion .
I sleep well every night knowing this , it's not all just about our generation . If u don't understand that then that's not my PROBLEM !
( response to below ) :-
Mick , one wave /town is not the entire coast .
Obviously if you lived on that coast the caravan park town would be the logical place to locate yourself . But having the luxury of coming and going a few weeks /months at a time then you can get a decent feel for the power , remoteness etc .
As for politics , I wasn't involved in that discussion to lecture any locals . I've never been one anywhere . So I do well at reading how different places play . I just pleaded with Jeff S , i didn't write the man off ( I hope we are still friendly ) I just tried to influence his approach , which would eventually influence the place he lives , loves and breathes .
The difference with Jeff is he had the money , time and passion to regularly explore beyond where you and most regular visitors would normally go . Unfortunately he wanted to take everyone via video with him . So like you talking down to me , I thought that the social media world audience needed to earn that right ,not handed it on a plate . I know I have earnt it .
As for Vicco you literally don't understand the near tribal layout . You say West coast guys etcetera , but you sound like you don't understand that there are a few different west coasts here . The one I frequent here , matches and often outdoes yours for raw power , inaccessibility , radical entry / exits , cold dark water , scale of distance from one break to the next , cliffs etc .
You guys have more rideable slabs , similar slabs here are near unridable due to the extra power , exposed nature . And you have more sharks seen .
Anyway I digress , I know you , I do know your coast , I have been privy to info from older guys over the years ( funnily enough most guys have been Island or East coast lads that have spent the most time up there , but mainly there inside info was on the known waves , towns , people , politics ) the rest I discovered myself . You on the other hand don't know me , where I've been , what I've done and who I know . But that info doesn't matter only the message counts , which I beleived was valuable at the time .
You don't travel alone unless your self suffiicient /confident , same with surfing .

Come on southy, don't you realise its funny that you are talking about a place that you barely know, let alone have surfed? I lived there, surfed my brains out there, pre/post any photos, and watched that whole saga unfold. You know nothing about living there, all the circus of fueds and crap and politics that go/went on. Best friends end up hating each other, enemies end up in each others pockets, a forever revolving home and away episode. The guy you are on about so much was born there. Spent his life surfing there, ripping there.
Plenty from all over the place, plus other well known people born there continually tried/try for sponsorship, exposure, took tons of shots before, during and after the period you seem to have to know so much about, and want to be so concerned about. Other guys there have taken reams and reams of photos, entered them in all sorts of things, and have put absolutely everything into getting sponsored, photos published, for all sorst of reasons. Never surfing without photographers in tow. Many are just happy that one guy, that has never been reknowned for hiding, or ever had to, cops all all the dribble and flack. A lot of well known people decided it was better to have their kids get a good life, a surfing lifestyle, in an area hard to find work that allows that lifestyle, rather than east coasters just using the area for their profit. When towing hit, every man and his dog had, and wanted more shots, guys that wouldn't go over the edge of a 3 footer had shots, and a whole new group of photogs previously never even heard of were chaperoned around everywhere like celebrities. People here have taken care of their business here for a long time. Its the same now. Its an extreme, an extremely harsh area, in and out of the water. Holidays are totally different to living here. Nothing like it. It costs a lot, not just moneywise, to surf daily, all over the shop here. Its heaps cheaper, easier and more manageable, reliable and comfortable to go to eslewhere, and Indo etc. The shark thing is very real. The desert and full isolation is very real. I met an Indo legend Tim Watts years and years ago, absolute charger, total legend in Indo, and his take way, way, way back then, way pre internet, was, too sharky, too cold, too hard, too spooky... too much driving, and he was talking about grannies of all places.
I surfed here with tons of guys, extremely famous guys in surfing, big reps from everywhere, from all over the planet, and that was years and years ago too. Believe it or not, some much, much, much better than you. So, I have heard yours and others stories a zillion times. Trillion times. It used to be a lot more crowded. Guys like the west coast vic guys came every year. Pre Indo fame, back when cheap fuel, easy dole. Its very different to what most think. Many, very many of them got/get the shock of their lives. Flogged, drilled, smashed. Intimidated. Fact. Some absolutely rip. I never once wondered if any of them, or you, or anyone on here, that knows so much about the place, without ever having surfed it, was on my right. Ever. Didn't even have to look. Some simply because they were just respectful surfers, who quickly were invited in to have a go if they wanted. Some because I wouldn't let them anywhere near it, as they had no manners or clue. Some, many, that despite all the banter and barrels, and all the numerous spots... on the cliff, shit absolute bricks in the water. Its so much different than it looks. You didn't surf there. By choice. You had your chances. Lots opt out. Big deal. But, lecturing me, Jeff or anyone about it... about that area, that wave, my home for so long, really? Benny this, goofy that... nope. Nice try. Ya have to get down the cliff first. Then, you have to get down much more first. Without them. They can't help you there.
Camsless, and Roy are having a go at something. In that area too. Good luck to them. I really do hope that camsless comes up with a long term successful way to live surfing. Its been a long trip. Plenty of wrong turns. But he's still going. Plenty of time. Live... and learn. Its good he's got another chance of something, with Roy. Josiah's pretty awesome hey! Deluxe guy. So at home. There's other ones too.

Really interesting to see what Roy is trying to achieve with these boards. I know bugger all about him & the big wave scene, technology etc. Was Roy a past big wave surfer (excuse my ignorance!!) ?? I must say though that I am bit confused about the method to get this project up & finished. As stated previously why not just make the boards and get those blokes to ride them accordingly. Isn't that the business/lifestyle Roy is involved in? Why put unnecessary barriers in the way that will potentially delay the project. Each to their own but life is pretty short............

It's called promotion in pursuit of the dollar Rabbits.
And why not I say ?
Although Roy won't see a cent of my hard earned.
Hey Roy, I'm thinking of knocking out a couple of shooters and taking them for a test run in Indo.
You keen to throw a few dollars into the project ?

Rabbits68 wrote:Really interesting to see what Roy is trying to achieve with these boards. I know bugger all about him & the big wave scene, technology etc. Was Roy a past big wave surfer (excuse my ignorance!!) ?? I must say though that I am bit confused about the method to get this project up & finished. As stated previously why not just make the boards and get those blokes to ride them accordingly. Isn't that the business/lifestyle Roy is involved in? Why put unnecessary barriers in the way that will potentially delay the project. Each to their own but life is pretty short............
Well, life's also too short to expect results without publicity and an audience... underground is exactly that... under ground and not seen.

Blowin wrote:I
It's called promotion in pursuit of the dollar Rabbits.
And why not I say ?
Nah that's not what it's about.
Money's just necessary to get things done, if it was just about money I'd have been a barrister or a builder these past 20 years.

udo wrote:Theres a test for your fins Roy.....send a batch to Indo for testing.
Copyright might be a problem....any 3d printers in Kuta yet ?
Most 3D printers can't do it... it takes a high end printer, and the process is way more technical than most people suppose and takes a lot of testing and tweaking to get right.
I'm going to cnc cut them in glass soon hopefully.

uplift wrote:Come on southy, don't you realise its funny that you are talking about a place that you barely know, let alone have surfed? I lived there, surfed my brains out there, pre/post any photos, and watched that whole saga unfold. You know nothing about living there, all the circus of fueds and crap and politics that go/went on. Best friends end up hating each other, enemies end up in each others pockets, a forever revolving home and away episode. The guy you are on about so much was born there. Spent his life surfing there, ripping there.
Plenty from all over the place, plus other well known people born there continually tried/try for sponsorship, exposure, took tons of shots before, during and after the period you seem to have to know so much about, and want to be so concerned about. Other guys there have taken reams and reams of photos, entered them in all sorts of things, and have put absolutely everything into getting sponsored, photos published, for all sorst of reasons. Never surfing without photographers in tow. Many are just happy that one guy, that has never been reknowned for hiding, or ever had to, cops all all the dribble and flack. A lot of well known people decided it was better to have their kids get a good life, a surfing lifestyle, in an area hard to find work that allows that lifestyle, rather than east coasters just using the area for their profit. When towing hit, every man and his dog had, and wanted more shots, guys that wouldn't go over the edge of a 3 footer had shots, and a whole new group of photogs previously never even heard of were chaperoned around everywhere like celebrities. People here have taken care of their business here for a long time. Its the same now. Its an extreme, an extremely harsh area, in and out of the water. Holidays are totally different to living here. Nothing like it. It costs a lot, not just moneywise, to surf daily, all over the shop here. Its heaps cheaper, easier and more manageable, reliable and comfortable to go to eslewhere, and Indo etc. The shark thing is very real. The desert and full isolation is very real. I met an Indo legend Tim Watts years and years ago, absolute charger, total legend in Indo, and his take way, way, way back then, way pre internet, was, too sharky, too cold, too hard, too spooky... too much driving, and he was talking about grannies of all places.
I surfed here with tons of guys, extremely famous guys in surfing, big reps from everywhere, from all over the planet, and that was years and years ago too. Believe it or not, some much, much, much better than you. So, I have heard yours and others stories a zillion times. Trillion times. It used to be a lot more crowded. Guys like the west coast vic guys came every year. Pre Indo fame, back when cheap fuel, easy dole. Its very different to what most think. Many, very many of them got/get the shock of their lives. Flogged, drilled, smashed. Intimidated. Fact. Some absolutely rip. I never once wondered if any of them, or you, or anyone on here, that knows so much about the place, without ever having surfed it, was on my right. Ever. Didn't even have to look. Some simply because they were just respectful surfers, who quickly were invited in to have a go if they wanted. Some because I wouldn't let them anywhere near it, as they had no manners or clue. Some, many, that despite all the banter and barrels, and all the numerous spots... on the cliff, shit absolute bricks in the water. Its so much different than it looks. You didn't surf there. By choice. You had your chances. Lots opt out. Big deal. But, lecturing me, Jeff or anyone about it... about that area, that wave, my home for so long, really? Benny this, goofy that... nope. Nice try. Ya have to get down the cliff first. Then, you have to get down much more first. Without them. They can't help you there.
Camsless, and Roy are having a go at something. In that area too. Good luck to them. I really do hope that camsless comes up with a long term successful way to live surfing. Its been a long trip. Plenty of wrong turns. But he's still going. Plenty of time. Live... and learn. Its good he's got another chance of something, with Roy. Josiah's pretty awesome hey! Deluxe guy. So at home. There's other ones too.
I'm lost with all this, it's insider stuff obviously.