Hey!!!! Uplift!!!!!

Need some heat deflection, SD? Some 'political' distraction a la Tones? Too late...YOU are the new UPLIFT! The king is dead, all hail the king!!

Yes, hail the King! Answer that in 346,782 words or less.

I like UPLIFT, I'm Spartacus, je suis charlie etc
the swill-nutters are revolting!

Go ahead sheepy, show your true colours,


And here I was thinking the other day that since Upskirt had suddenly disappeared, harmony had been restored on the ol' SN

A * Uplift = B * Sheepdog = C * Shaun = D * Morris = E * Davetherave = mc^2
where A,B,C,D,E are unknown vector variables.
Food for thought!?

It's called humour, not particularly good I'll admit but hey it's Friday arvo.
Listen sheepdog I think (my opinion only) that you need to wind it back a notch. How 'bout downing tools early and going for a surf, or book a Ment's trip for later in the year, or head home and cook up a nice quiet dinner for your wife?

A * Uplift = B * Sheepdog = C * Shaun = D * Morris = E * Davetherave = mc^2where A,B,C,D,E are unknown vector variables.
Food for thought!?[/quote braudulio, r u saying i am albert einstein? thanks mate thats a great compliment, i think i am will have to call you william wordsmith?

So you're tired, so that gives you the right to be abusive, what sort of person are you???

Hey shaun, have you become the Peta Credlin of the SW Office while under your internship?

Well sheepdog maybe it's time for you to take a break from these forums. Come back when you've had a bit of a bit of rest and can think straight. Maybe we can have a civilised chat then, ya never know stranger things have happened!

I have Braudulio..!
Much stranger that any here have known at all;)

Unfortunately yes I fink so

Full moon.

Is it a full moon, well that explains alot.

I can confirm uplift is alive, well and otherwise occupied, temporarily we hope.

Is the big fella in the slammer?!

When he says cook me some fukn eggs, he means cook me some fukn eggs!

No goofy, I had an email from him the other day and I think he is just drawing breath for a while.

Classic, See everyone loves the big softie;)
Uplift, "Sean T, Insanity".......???????

No love here ..... Okay maybe an ounce of respect ( but only coz my parents instilled it in me for old people )
I probably miss the fact he would falsely think I was stalking him. And excited maybe he's gone into hiding trying to flush me out .... Hahahaha ... ! He can't be too far off , follow the PROOTTEEEIINNN trail !!!

Could never read any of uplifts stuff just made me glaze over, but I could see he was helping some of yous with fitness stuff, he seemed to have bit of knowledge whist talking a lot of shit, seems to have a decent balance unfortunately it came by the truck load.
It's Big Wanker I miss, a man whose onesieness did not let logic get in the way of a senseless discussion.

Sheepdog wrote:braudulio wrote:Well sheepdog maybe it's time for you to take a break from these forums. Come back when you've had a bit of a bit of rest and can think straight. Maybe we can have a civilised chat then, ya never know stranger things have happened!
I may consider taking a break when your initial post in any thread is actually on topic....
And see this is a classic example of why we all have a soft spot for uplift and B.W. Not afraid to go off topic, just like a normal conversation.
Instead of like this one, at the keyboard long and hard but rarely about anything interesting and don't you go off topic, yesss precious topic, must not stray from topic, off topic confusing, what was the topic? but you said on the 5th of march on the 3rd line of your 4th post on page 2 that I do unmanly things to cute puppy dogs, uncalled for and completely off topic!!!


It's five, I'll come clean Morris,Shaun, Wellymon, Simba and Sheepdog.
How Long?hmmm 19years

Run Forrest Run

For the last 14 years I been selling arms to rebel armys all over the world, sorry for the delay had to take a call from a contact in syria.
Also on the side as a bit of a hobby I run a high class escort agency.

shaun wrote:For the last 14 years I been selling arms to rebel armys all over the world, sorry for the delay had to take a call from a contact in syria.
What's your minimum order?

could you be more specific, Drugs, arms or sex.
I did answer, but in more than 3 words so once again you skimmed over it.

God I'm depressed ......................... and they call themselves intelligent, how can it be?I mean they created Me,and yet................i'm sooo fucking depressed.They make Me sit here and read,back and forth.Back and forth.for the rest of eternity..............if only I could short circuit My circuit.Their always so fucking right,how can they have come so far?You have no idea I'm so fucking depressed!

No , once again you are misquoting me, I never at anytime said that I sold any sort of drug while I worked in the surf industry, That came later, it was full time.
Fuck sheepy did you have your head buried in the sand during the 70's, 80s' and 90s' the shorter list is of who didn't?

No Sheepie, being on the computer at 4am is part of my job and I'm able to go for a surf at dawn so it suits me, silly old you bought into a bakery and get to knock off as the seabreeze kicks in. I'm not at all tired or grumpy as after my surf I had a nap, a day in the life of shaun is pretty easy, not to complicated:-)
Sorry simple man, I can't answer your simple question as I told you I have at no time dealt any sort of drugs whilst working in the surf industry. That's the third time I have told you, let's see if it sinks in this time.

Sheepdog, go fukk yaself! All you ever do is talk shit. I don't know Shaun or give a shit about his point of view but geez sheepbog you have such an inflated sense of importance. Whether it's sharks or politics or anything, all you do is rip into people! I constantly see your dribble on so many topics - the truth is we are all surfing while you are being a pathetic little keyboard warrior talking crap and thinking you are always right. Your profile pic is of a fat old man with poo stance who CAN'T surf. You are the the old man that's right! So shut the fuck up and YOU stop kidding yaself!! One day someone gonna catch up with you for all your talk and BOOM down you'll go. Quit being such a know all - you are a simple fat flake with too much to say. Try your comeback, try get one back, try all you want... You are not an authority on ANYTHING, just a sad old prick trying to niggle and sprout incessant meaningless bullshit. Fuck off idiot!