Get on the drink with who ?

I reckon Louis C.K. would be a great craic.

Shaun and Morris...

Reckon Big Bob would have the odd story and bawdy joke. Fuck talking politics with him though.

During the Sydney Olympics I met an unnamed US pro in the city and he hung out with our group as we partied. He was loud and obnoxious but we were too. Around 4am, after visiting bars all across town I went to shout him. "I'm not drinking." It only hit me that he hadn't had a drink all night, and he wasn't slipping off to the dunny either. Good effort I thought.

Bob was on conversations yesterday stu, he was pretty funny.
Reckons he was off the piss for 13 years, including his whole time as PM I think he said.

With Richard Fydler?? I'll have to check it out.

Yeah, was recorded live at a folk festival, can't remember the name, but I think it was on the sunshine coast mid December last year. He had the audience on side and cracking up.
Wouldn't mind a session with brad domke.., he has to have a screw loose, and that would have to come out after a few.

Or maybe Martin daly.., nothing like the piss to loosen lips about a few secret spots.

wellymon wrote:Shaun and Morris...
Asif ya awredy havnt ..........

Personally i think if anyone here ever finds themself drinking with a bloke that starts calling himself Southey half way through the night or second day , then perhaps they should already start seeing the warning signs ....

mothart wrote:Bob was on conversations yesterday stu, he was pretty funny.
Reckons he was off the piss for 13 years, including his whole time as PM I think he said.
Mothy , i thought Stu was referencing Udo's Big Bob Katter ?

Welly, I reckon havin' a few with Miley Cyrus would be fun.... Twerkalicious ;p

Stunet, Ben, Udo, Blowin, Floyd. Southey, Shaun, flag Morris, Mikehunt207, MagnetMickoFree, Dawgie boy and Zen can drink water....RCJ, TC, Brutus, Silicun, MVG, Good old Dave the Rave he don't mind a beer:)
Some great blokes I know as well would crank the gossip and drinking, Whitey from Streaky and Riby from Freshwater, hahaha that would be a fucking funny viewing and all ears on.

OOOooops sorry Craig you should be there as well;)

Bill Cosby. Hey Hey Heeeey...

Sorry stu, got the bobs mixed up, I just thought after spending the day dealing with the loonies on here you might want to wind down and drink with a sane person...

udo wrote:You better add Sarge , Westerly and Fred Nile to the list.
True Udo, was trying to think of others at that point but ran out of brain memory.

Was at kongs 21st, that was interesting, not as wild as one would imagine.
Vaguely remember who was there, it was in a basement so it was not much different to under the bridge.

Basements, Under bridges. In the bush, under logs, on top of buildings, off the sides of cliffs hanging on a rope, same shit for me as well.
Love it;)

Mila Kunis

Tim Rodgers , xavier Rudd , the big blonde guy from Elliston.

"Lethal" Leigh Matthews would have some good tales from an era of play hard & drink hard I would of thought.......

Lethal as far as i'm aware was pretty professional as far as fitness goes in his playing days . His on field persona suggest he's the type of guy you want at your side if you go to war .....
But perhaps after his playing days when he was coaching Collingwood , rumour has it he was giving " it " to Michael Christians ( player ) young gorgeous missus at the time .... so perhaps he was as big a Player off the field as on it .... Imagine the AFL and media attention that would happen today if Darren Milane ( RIP ) happened today .....

southey wrote:Lethal as far as i'm aware was pretty professional as far as fitness goes in his playing days . His on field persona suggest he's the type of guy you want at your side if you go to war .....
But perhaps after his playing days when he was coaching Collingwood , rumour has it he was giving " it " to Michael Christians ( player ) young gorgeous missus at the time .... so perhaps he was as big a Player off the field as on it .... Imagine the AFL and media attention that would happen today if Darren Milane ( RIP ) happened today .....
Yeah he was fit alright & highly skilled. He was also a wild bastard on the field. Those were the days of heros & villans, some disguised some not so. Can't comment about the skeletons in or out of the closet. Just be intersting to hear his tales I reckon over a few beers. Let's face it, we've all got skeletons to some degree.......

I wasn't judging him , quite the opposite .
He's a fair bit older than me , but I spent a fair bit of time around him in my early years .
Nice bloke off the field , brute of a bloke though . The full " ball of muscle " well into his fifties .

If you were going to have a drink and a yarn , Dipper and Dermie would be better night, Lethals ego could be too big and I wouldn't want to accidentally say the wrong thing to him , I imagine it would only happen once.

I went out one night early in the week to Shooters on the Goldie, with a whole bunch of friends that worked in the hospitality industry, there was about five chicks and us two guys, Shooters was pretty much empty but all the girls were on the dance floor i danced a little and there was this guy we didn't know also getting in on the action, it was Occy and the girls knew it, so kind of encouraged him, i danced for a while the sat at a table just off the dance floor.
Then i noticed at a table not far way but further from the dance floor was Luke egan and two other guys, i sat there by myself watching, then Occy came off the dance floor grabbed a drink and sat at my table and started a conversation, it was his 30th birthday, hence why he was out on the piss and he told me his misses at the time was getting a boob job for his birthday, we chatted a bit more all the time watching the girls.
It was Occys come back year, and i remember drunkingly telling him, the tittle was his to take :P and that year i think was the year he did.
BTW. Mick fanning also use to go to the Edge on the goldie back before he was on tour, one night he bumped me knocking my beer onto the ground, bloody legend went straight to bar and bought me another :D

Ben Cousins and Bruce Irons at the same time would be pretty entertaining

Might have to have the next week off work though to recover

shaun wrote:If you were going to have a drink and a yarn , Dipper and Dermie would be better night, Lethals ego could be too big and I wouldn't want to accidentally say the wrong thing to him , I imagine it would only happen once.
Ha!! Yeah Dermie & Dipper are without ego.....not :-)

Anyone right's 40 degrees on the south coast of WA. I'd drink a litre of cold beer through a sheeps intestine given half a chance .
Celebrity's ? I'm not sure about celebrity's , but before I left the East coast a couple of weeks ago I'd fallen into a coterie of wits end drinkers that had a membership of two - myself and a former bright light of Aussie surfing that spent a couple of decades touring the world most notably with a 3 time world champ and a South African ripper making movies surfing class waves in exotic locations . Charismatic, interesting fella but after 10 hours of drinking was a serial pest. Then again he'd say the same about me I guess. Time well spent I reckon.

goofyfoot wrote:Might have to have the next week off work though to recover
Oh yeeeaaaahhh;)

Blowin wrote:Anyone right's 40 degrees on the south coast of WA. I'd drink a litre of cold beer through a sheeps intestine given half a chance .
Celebrity's ? I'm not sure about celebrity's , but before I left the East coast a couple of weeks ago I'd fallen into a coterie of wits end drinkers that had a membership of two - myself and a former bright light of Aussie surfing that spent a couple of decades touring the world most notably with a 3 time world champ and a South African ripper making movies surfing class waves in exotic locations . Charismatic, interesting fella but after 10 hours of drinking was a serial pest. Then again he'd say the same about me I guess. Time well spent I reckon.
Come on Blowin give us a clue and its not yeeeww...!

wellymon wrote:Blowin wrote:Anyone right's 40 degrees on the south coast of WA. I'd drink a litre of cold beer through a sheeps intestine given half a chance .
Celebrity's ? I'm not sure about celebrity's , but before I left the East coast a couple of weeks ago I'd fallen into a coterie of wits end drinkers that had a membership of two - myself and a former bright light of Aussie surfing that spent a couple of decades touring the world most notably with a 3 time world champ and a South African ripper making movies surfing class waves in exotic locations . Charismatic, interesting fella but after 10 hours of drinking was a serial pest. Then again he'd say the same about me I guess. Time well spent I reckon.
Come on Blowin give us a clue and its not yeeeww...!

Andre the his drinking sessions. Whoa!

I missed this conversation earlier! Jump on now...
I once got the chance to have beers with Dougie Walters, Greg Chappel and DK Lillee. Was an amazing night. My last memories was taxing to a 24 hour Maccas with Dougie in the city. Those lads had some great stories.
Who do you reckon would be champion to on the turps with ?
Who has a story of getting on it with some one - sports star -celebrity..........Koby Abbberton said Singo was a classic for a session .